Face it, Republicans are done funding Mexico’s effort to take America...that’s all.

Why does that piss you off? Why would you hate to keep America American?
Shit, we’ve already handed them over Mexifornia.
How many other nations have refused to enforce immigration laws? How would citizens of other nations respond if suddenly they became foreigners within their own country?
How many other nations have allowed their politicians to displace the natives for political gain and future constituency?
I wish Mexico would just take crazy Cali...
They are just too self-serving to do the rest of the country in a good.

California is 13.3% of the US economy. They could be entirely self sufficient and you'd suffer bigly over there in Prairieland. :)
Not really, all of the firearm manufacturers have moved out of crazy Cali.
Anyway why don’t they? They have petitions to separate from the rest of the country. It be a blessing for the rest of the country because they are self-serving to do the rest of the country any good.
Yeah, yeah… Let’s replace that old productive white guy whom built this nation with ThirdWorld savage wetbacks. That’ll work, we’ll all be way “safer”… Only in the LibTardia...haha

Much of this nation was built on the backs of African slaves and migrant workers. Your kind often sat under a cottonwood sipping a mint julep. :wink:

Bill Gates and his brilliant mind built Microsoft…He could have had anybody sweeping the floors and working the assembly line. See how this works? What else can I teach you?
Not really, all of the firearm manufacturers have moved out of crazy Cali.
Anyway why don’t they? They have petitions to separate from the rest of the country. It be a blessing for the rest of the country because they are self-serving to do the rest of the country any good.

Since I'll be moving back to either Oregon or California within next couple of years, I'd advocate for a new country consisting of CA, OR & WA. We'll hold onto our computers, smart phones, produce, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches.

And since we only get back around 80 cents on the dollar paid in federal taxes, we'll all become richer and the red state clowns who get back $1.50 to $1.90 for every dollar they put in will suffer. :D
Not really, all of the firearm manufacturers have moved out of crazy Cali.
Anyway why don’t they? They have petitions to separate from the rest of the country. It be a blessing for the rest of the country because they are self-serving to do the rest of the country any good.

Since I'll be moving back to either Oregon or California within next couple of years, I'd advocate for a new country consisting of CA, OR & WA. We'll hold onto our computers, smart phones, produce, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches.

And since we only get back around 80 cents on the dollar paid in federal taxes, we'll all become richer and the red state clowns who get back $1.50 to $1.90 for every dollar they put in will suffer. :D
You'll become a lot poorer when California opens the flood gates to Mexican immigrants and you have 3 people collecting welfare for every person who works.
There aren't enough 'truly' conservatives in the country without Trump. You have to move to the center right to at least pay lip service to moderates. Same on the left by the way even though the country despite some bumps in the road on occasion continues to move leftward.

You’re right that there aren’t enough Conservative politicians. That’s why we’re looking at Conservative SOLDIERS. The Revolution will not be one of ballots, but one of BULLETS.

We will drag Progressives from the Halls of Government and put them to the sword.

No, there aren't enough conservatives period. And if you're interested in an armed revolution than you're nuttier than a typical Trump supporter.

Your most conservative generation has 1 foot in the grave, the generations replacing it are way more liberal than we've seen in quite sometime. That leaves you with a bunch of middle aged baby-boomers and gen-Xrs and I bet they are more concerned with having enough money for retirement and sending the kids to college like normal people than whatever suicidal ant-democratic fantasy you have.

Thankfully, the angry old white guys like Anathema are dying off and the world will be a safer place. :)


Yeah, yeah… Let’s replace that old productive white guy whom built this nation with ThirdWorld savage wetbacks. That’ll work, we’ll all be way “safer”… Only in the LibTardia...haha

You didn't build this nation.

You sure about that? You might want to read a history book before you make a bigger ass of yourself. There’s a reason our founders authored the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Think once bud.
Not really, all of the firearm manufacturers have moved out of crazy Cali.
Anyway why don’t they? They have petitions to separate from the rest of the country. It be a blessing for the rest of the country because they are self-serving to do the rest of the country any good.

Since I'll be moving back to either Oregon or California within next couple of years, I'd advocate for a new country consisting of CA, OR & WA. We'll hold onto our computers, smart phones, produce, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches.

And since we only get back around 80 cents on the dollar paid in federal taxes, we'll all become richer and the red state clowns who get back $1.50 to $1.90 for every dollar they put in will suffer. :D
Look at the map by county... That’s where most of the cost of their gross domestic product comes from...

Mexico can have the coast
Not really, all of the firearm manufacturers have moved out of crazy Cali.
Anyway why don’t they? They have petitions to separate from the rest of the country. It be a blessing for the rest of the country because they are self-serving to do the rest of the country any good.

Since I'll be moving back to either Oregon or California within next couple of years, I'd advocate for a new country consisting of CA, OR & WA. We'll hold onto our computers, smart phones, produce, delicious seafood and beautiful beaches.

And since we only get back around 80 cents on the dollar paid in federal taxes, we'll all become richer and the red state clowns who get back $1.50 to $1.90 for every dollar they put in will suffer. :D
You'll become a lot poorer when California opens the flood gates to Mexican immigrants and you have 3 people collecting welfare for every person who works.
...and no water
Yep, now we just need to get those younger people to vote, I thinking/hoping this is their year to make a difference. We need them more than ever before.

The Parkland kids are spending their summer vacation registering them to vote. Good on 'em!

I always knew you filthy Mexicrats saw those killings as a blessing in disguise

Just like Obama throwing those fake tears at Sandyhook… Them being white kids
Yep, now we just need to get those younger people to vote, I thinking/hoping this is their year to make a difference. We need them more than ever before.

The Parkland kids are spending their summer vacation registering them to vote. Good on 'em!

I always knew you filthy Mexicrats saw those killings as a blessing in disguise

It's more of a case of when life gives you lemons...
Yep, now we just need to get those younger people to vote, I thinking/hoping this is their year to make a difference. We need them more than ever before.

The Parkland kids are spending their summer vacation registering them to vote. Good on 'em!

I always knew you filthy Mexicrats saw those killings as a blessing in disguise

Just like Obama throwing those fake tears at Sandyhook… Them being white kids

I think it's pretty clear he was sincere but we're never going to agree on that. Why does their race matter? And why post this here?
Hilarious. In many Red States, it's only Mexican labor that keeps them economically solvent. They'll find out.
Hilarious. In many Red States, it's only Mexican labor that keeps them economically solvent. They'll find out.

Haha...Hilarious. The underground wetback economy is a self serving economy within an economy.
Rid the U.S. taxpayer of 12-40 million cockroaches and all their anchor babies and NO wetback workers are required. TA-DA!
What else can I teach you?
You'll become a lot poorer when California opens the flood gates to Mexican immigrants and you have 3 people collecting welfare for every person who works.

LoL - exaggerate much?
Callie polices it's borders with help from the feds same as any other border state.
Border crossings are at a net negative.
And NO to Dotard's big, beautiful, stupid wall.
Look at the map by county... That’s where most of the cost of their gross domestic product comes from...

Mexico can have the coast

Pure hog piss - the blue areas are where people actually LIVE - Where the PEOPLE are is where the GDP comes from.

Mexico has no coast in the United States.
Yep, they'll be whining like rugrats in tantrum mode when they can't find enough American citizens to pick crops for a buck a bushel.

Not a all. That’s what we have welfare rolls and prison populations for - at no cost to the farmers at all.

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