face it republicans Trump ran

Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Agreeing to play a rigged game is the act of a fool.
rigged? it was a debate against others trying for the same job,,,,will he run when putin applies the heat?

With a moderator who has shown herself to be biased against him.


Putin? Cold War is over. Trump seems to know that. There is no PUtin applying heat to Trump. Trump might send Putin a fruit basket for bombing ISIS back into the Stone Age. Or the pre-Stone Age.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
Sassy, I DO think of what he could do on the world stage, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'll bet you think Obungles did well though, right? if you say yes the entire right on this board is going to laugh at you
No, ms sassy, he did not do well. I believe he tried though, with a lot more class than your proposed hero has shown so far. Obama's problem IMHO is that he seemed to think if he treated our friends AND enemies with respect for them and their customs, they would fall into line with his policies. Unfortunately, the rest of the world cared more for their own futures (and foibles) than they cared for our good will. I think Trump feels the same only with bluster and bravado. However, I also feel his massive, MASSIVE, ego that respects little other than riches and might and his own accomplishments is detrimental to American principles. Getting everyone's dander up, using the big stick but not walking softly, is not a policy I favor. And just for meanness, I believe you only THINK you have seen XOs until he gets his hands on the Bully Pen. Such a man has no patience with a recalcitrant Congress.

Just who is my proposed hero? Don't project it makes you look foolish. I'm not sold on anyone yet. Obama was in over his head from the get go....the results are a disaster
Ms sassy, your defense of Trump by sliming Obama, your comparisons and paeans to Trump's abilities, vs, say JEB's or Cruz' abilities, leads me to believe Trump is your main man. As for looking foolish, I don't mind if it is in the eyes of those who think this man is presidential material.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
Sassy, I DO think of what he could do on the world stage, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'll bet you think Obungles did well though, right? if you say yes the entire right on this board is going to laugh at you
No, ms sassy, he did not do well. I believe he tried though, with a lot more class than your proposed hero has shown so far. Obama's problem IMHO is that he seemed to think if he treated our friends AND enemies with respect for them and their customs, they would fall into line with his policies. Unfortunately, the rest of the world cared more for their own futures (and foibles) than they cared for our good will. I think Trump feels the same only with bluster and bravado. However, I also feel his massive, MASSIVE, ego that respects little other than riches and might and his own accomplishments is detrimental to American principles. Getting everyone's dander up, using the big stick but not walking softly, is not a policy I favor. And just for meanness, I believe you only THINK you have seen XOs until he gets his hands on the Bully Pen. Such a man has no patience with a recalcitrant Congress.

Just who is my proposed hero? Don't project it makes you look foolish. I'm not sold on anyone yet. Obama was in over his head from the get go....the results are a disaster
Ms sassy, your defense of Trump by sliming Obama, your comparisons and paeans to Trump's abilities, vs, say JEB's or Cruz' abilities, leads me to believe Trump is your main man. As for looking foolish, I don't mind if it is in the eyes of those who think this man is presidential material.

Idiot, I said stop projecting, unlike a dimwitted Democrat I take my time picking my candidate. Now run along, Mr Think You Know Everything And Don't
Bottom line? The very worst republican candidate is better than the lying corrupt old bitch or the senile old Socialist
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs
Ok...he ran... happy? Then STFU... you can sit down now. (I see no reason to reason with a moron)
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
Sassy, I DO think of what he could do on the world stage, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'll bet you think Obungles did well though, right? if you say yes the entire right on this board is going to laugh at you
No, ms sassy, he did not do well. I believe he tried though, with a lot more class than your proposed hero has shown so far. Obama's problem IMHO is that he seemed to think if he treated our friends AND enemies with respect for them and their customs, they would fall into line with his policies. Unfortunately, the rest of the world cared more for their own futures (and foibles) than they cared for our good will. I think Trump feels the same only with bluster and bravado. However, I also feel his massive, MASSIVE, ego that respects little other than riches and might and his own accomplishments is detrimental to American principles. Getting everyone's dander up, using the big stick but not walking softly, is not a policy I favor. And just for meanness, I believe you only THINK you have seen XOs until he gets his hands on the Bully Pen. Such a man has no patience with a recalcitrant Congress.

Just who is my proposed hero? Don't project it makes you look foolish. I'm not sold on anyone yet. Obama was in over his head from the get go....the results are a disaster
Ms sassy, your defense of Trump by sliming Obama, your comparisons and paeans to Trump's abilities, vs, say JEB's or Cruz' abilities, leads me to believe Trump is your main man. As for looking foolish, I don't mind if it is in the eyes of those who think this man is presidential material.
Careful Irish...bull winked used the word "paeans". That puts her up there with G0000 or Ogy....lmbbffao!
Eddie equates running with confrontation. What a dick.

I'm not sold on Trump but I have to give credit where it is due, the man is a master at what he does, no matter what they throw at him he comes out standing. Maybe it's destiny
I completely understand where you are coming from. I hadn't made a decision until last night and the way he handled Roger Ailes. That tipped him over the edge to my candidate. We (Obama and Kerry) have made a pact with Iran that did not affect the fact that they will have the nuclear bomb. We negotiated with a country that continued to demean us, chanting "Death to the US!"

What I saw from Trump yesterday, was a Fox CEO being incredibly partial and coming out with that Putin tweet, to turning Ailes around and calling Trump three times yesterday to beg him to return to the debate. In just one day, Trump manipulated Ailes. That's the man I want negotiating with other countries and handling a crisis when it occurs.

He has been honest about his past and buying influence and I am above all, interested in having an honest leader once again. I wish you the best in you decision.
like the coward he is ,,,,,the fire got too hot and he took off....couldn't answer questions on his flip flopping ,,afraid of Kelly's questions,,,,,,,can you see that punk meeting with world leaders like Putin.....?

you liberfucks will never grasp the the meaning of NEGOTIATING, will you?

walking away from a stacked deck is the move of a wise man! :up:
Sassy, I DO think of what he could do on the world stage, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'll bet you think Obungles did well though, right? if you say yes the entire right on this board is going to laugh at you
No, ms sassy, he did not do well. I believe he tried though, with a lot more class than your proposed hero has shown so far. Obama's problem IMHO is that he seemed to think if he treated our friends AND enemies with respect for them and their customs, they would fall into line with his policies. Unfortunately, the rest of the world cared more for their own futures (and foibles) than they cared for our good will. I think Trump feels the same only with bluster and bravado. However, I also feel his massive, MASSIVE, ego that respects little other than riches and might and his own accomplishments is detrimental to American principles. Getting everyone's dander up, using the big stick but not walking softly, is not a policy I favor. And just for meanness, I believe you only THINK you have seen XOs until he gets his hands on the Bully Pen. Such a man has no patience with a recalcitrant Congress.

Just who is my proposed hero? Don't project it makes you look foolish. I'm not sold on anyone yet. Obama was in over his head from the get go....the results are a disaster
Ms sassy, your defense of Trump by sliming Obama, your comparisons and paeans to Trump's abilities, vs, say JEB's or Cruz' abilities, leads me to believe Trump is your main man. As for looking foolish, I don't mind if it is in the eyes of those who think this man is presidential material.
Careful Irish...bull winked used the word "paeans". That puts her up there with G0000 or Ogy....lmbbffao!

Bullwinkle is simply an annoyance
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs
Ok...he ran... happy? Then STFU... you can sit down now. (I see no reason to reason with a moron)
I think Eddie isn't as stupid as he sounds, just naive. He listens to the talking points of one side and jumps on the bandwagon. Someday, he might "evolve" and recognize you have to look at both sides of a situation before making a decision.
It's about time someone posted a Trump thread.


prediction - trump is another that will rent free in the heads of rabid leftists for years to come

Trump has already moved into the Dem's heads. Classic Trump. He'll be living in their heads rent free forever.
Wait and see when CNN begrudgingly shows tens of thousands of hardworking men and women rebuilding the Nation's infrastructure.
Tens of thousands of new business employing millions of people working to supply the support infrastructure. Thousands of jobs returning from India and China.
Fair trade deals where American companies can compete on level playing fields.
The rebuilding of a powerful military.
Welfare rolls cut in half by creating decent long term jobs.
Inner city negro on negro violence dramatically reduced by stopping the Mexican drug cartels from bringing drugs and illegal guns into the country.
The country is desperate for a strong leader.
They found it in President Trump.
It's about time someone posted a Trump thread.


prediction - trump is another that will rent free in the heads of rabid leftists for years to come

Trump has already moved into the Dem's heads. Classic Trump. He'll be living in their heads rent free forever.
Wait and see when CNN begrudgingly shows tens of thousands of hardworking men and women rebuilding the Nation's infrastructure.
Tens of thousands of new business employing millions of people working to supply the support infrastructure. Thousands of jobs returning from India and China.
Fair trade deals where American companies can compete on level playing fields.
The rebuilding of a powerful military.
Welfare rolls cut in half by creating decent long term jobs.
Inner city negro on negro violence dramatically reduced by stopping the Mexican drug cartels from bringing drugs and illegal guns into the country.
The country is desperate for a strong leader.
They found it in President Trump.
it is on its way
like the coward he is ,,,,,the fire got too hot and he took off....couldn't answer questions on his flip flopping ,,afraid of Kelly's questions,,,,,,,can you see that punk meeting with world leaders like Putin.....?

I am voting for Christie (I am moderate right leaning), but I applaud Trump's stand.

First, Kelly was way out of line in the last debate and took the I gotya question to a whole new low. She lacked integrity and neutrality. He was right to demand she step down. No Democratic candidate would allow that.

Second, the planned ambush of Trump showed a tremendous lack of journalist integrity. That in and of itself should have made all the candidates walk off the stage!

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