Face The Facts: The President Inherited a Recession

The GDP has to fall 2 years in a row for it to be an actually recession

so by this definition, neither Bush nor Obama inherited a recession

So what is your point? That both sides lie. We get that already.
HANNITY: "First of all, this president -- you know and I know and everybody knows -- inherited a recession...it was by every definition a recession" (11/6/02)

HANNITY: "Now here's where we are. The inherited Clinton/Gore recession. That's a fact." (5/6/03)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (7/10/03)

HANNITY: "He got us out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (10/23/03)

HANNITY: "They did inherit the recession. They did inherit the recession. We got out of the recession." (12/12/03)

HANNITY: "And this is the whole point behind this ad, because the president did inherit a recession." (1/6/04)

HANNITY: "Historically in every recovery, because the president rightly did inherit a recession. But historically, the lagging indicator always deals with employment." (1/15/04)

HANNITY: "Congressman Deutsch, maybe you forgot but I'll be glad to remind you, the president did inherit that recession." (1/20/04)

HANNITY: "He did inherit a recession, and we're out of the recession." (2/2/04)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (2/23/04)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (3/3/04)

HANNITY: "Well, you know, we're going to show ads, as a matter of fact, in the next segment, Congressman. Thanks for promoting our next segment. What I like about them is everything I've been saying the president ought to do: is focusing in on his positions, on keeping the nation secure in very difficult times, what he's been able to do to the economy after inheriting a very difficult recession, and of course, the economic impact of 9/11." (3/3/04)

HANNITY: "All right. So this is where I view the economic scenario as we head into this election. The president inherited a recession." (3/16/04)

HANNITY: "First of all, we've got to put it into perspective, is that the president inherited a recession." (3/26/04)

HANNITY: "Clearly, we're out of the recession that President Bush inherited." (4/2/04)

HANNITY: "Stop me where I'm wrong. The president inherited a recession, the economic impact of 9/11 was tremendous on the economy, correct?" (4/6/04)

HANNITY: "[President George W. Bush] did inherit a recession." (5/3/04)

HANNITY: "[W]e got [the weak U.S. economy] out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (5/18/04)

HANNITY: "We got out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (5/27/04)

HANNITY: "We got out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (6/4/04)

FACT: "The recession officially began in March of 2001 -- two months after Bush was sworn in -- according to the universally acknowledged arbiter of such things, the National Bureau of Economic Research. And the president, at other times, has said so himself." (Washington Post, 7/1/03)

As Everybody Knows, The President Inherited A Recession



What is it about the right in America that makes them lie so blatantly, yet when it comes to truth -- Obama inherited an economic meltdown -- they spin and lie and deny?
Oh good. Then this IS the Obama Recession through and through. If it was Bush's fault in 03 as you seem to be saying by mocking Hannity's statements, It's P-BOs now. :rolleyes:

Gonna go cwy now and neg rep everyone on USMB?
HANNITY: "First of all, this president -- you know and I know and everybody knows -- inherited a recession...it was by every definition a recession" (11/6/02)

HANNITY: "Now here's where we are. The inherited Clinton/Gore recession. That's a fact." (5/6/03)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (7/10/03)

HANNITY: "He got us out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (10/23/03)

HANNITY: "They did inherit the recession. They did inherit the recession. We got out of the recession." (12/12/03)

HANNITY: "And this is the whole point behind this ad, because the president did inherit a recession." (1/6/04)

HANNITY: "Historically in every recovery, because the president rightly did inherit a recession. But historically, the lagging indicator always deals with employment." (1/15/04)

HANNITY: "Congressman Deutsch, maybe you forgot but I'll be glad to remind you, the president did inherit that recession." (1/20/04)

HANNITY: "He did inherit a recession, and we're out of the recession." (2/2/04)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (2/23/04)

HANNITY: "The president inherited a recession." (3/3/04)

HANNITY: "Well, you know, we're going to show ads, as a matter of fact, in the next segment, Congressman. Thanks for promoting our next segment. What I like about them is everything I've been saying the president ought to do: is focusing in on his positions, on keeping the nation secure in very difficult times, what he's been able to do to the economy after inheriting a very difficult recession, and of course, the economic impact of 9/11." (3/3/04)

HANNITY: "All right. So this is where I view the economic scenario as we head into this election. The president inherited a recession." (3/16/04)

HANNITY: "First of all, we've got to put it into perspective, is that the president inherited a recession." (3/26/04)

HANNITY: "Clearly, we're out of the recession that President Bush inherited." (4/2/04)

HANNITY: "Stop me where I'm wrong. The president inherited a recession, the economic impact of 9/11 was tremendous on the economy, correct?" (4/6/04)

HANNITY: "[President George W. Bush] did inherit a recession." (5/3/04)

HANNITY: "[W]e got [the weak U.S. economy] out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (5/18/04)

HANNITY: "We got out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (5/27/04)

HANNITY: "We got out of the Clinton-Gore recession." (6/4/04)

FACT: "The recession officially began in March of 2001 -- two months after Bush was sworn in -- according to the universally acknowledged arbiter of such things, the National Bureau of Economic Research. And the president, at other times, has said so himself." (Washington Post, 7/1/03)

As Everybody Knows, The President Inherited A Recession



What is it about the right in America that makes them lie so blatantly, yet when it comes to truth -- Obama inherited an economic meltdown -- they spin and lie and deny?

I agree... He did inherit some sort of a recession... From the Democratically controlled Congress and George Bush of course... But conveniently the Dems point only to Bush instead of Pelosi and Reid. :lol: and unfortunately for the country Obama and all of his lawyer anti-America friends don't have any business sense.

From a Democratically controlled Congress? Really? Considering the elections were in 2006, and the Dems didn't officially have a majority until 2007, which means they were only there for 2 years, compared to 6 for the Republicans.

Dems controlled it for 1/3 of Bush's term, the Republicans controlled the other 2/3's.

And yeah......it was primarily Bush Jr's fault for the economy melting down. Why? The Iraq war which wasn't paid for, they just left it off the budget.

And that, is why Obama inherited a recession that was started by Bush Jr.

And Bush Jr. didn't inherit a deficit, Clinton left a surplus.
Meh...I'm calling bullshit on your ass, Dante! Gonna hit you with some NegRep too. :evil:

You really are some kind of sweetheart ain't ya Jeny?

Quick question, who's your pimp, Breitbart perhaps? Because you sound like a sperm belching GOP whore.

Fuck off bitch, you are one of the dumber chicks around. Go ahead......hit me with neg rep and I PROMISE that you won't like what I write back on your neg rep that I will return.
BO also helped to cause that meltdown. Sen. McCain co-sponsored S.109 a bill that would have created a new regulator to replace ineffective and powerless OFHEO. We could have reined in the GSEs in 2006 had this bill not been met with a threatened Democrat filibuster. Maybe if BO were not in bed with JP Morgan and Goldman-Sachs he might have been more willing to support regulation of Clinton's unregulated CDOs.

Barack Obama: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2006 | OpenSecrets

Barack Obama: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2008 | OpenSecrets

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Do you really believe the Democrats "forgot" to limit executive bonuses when they passed the bailout?


S.109 was proposed by Chuck Hagel. It was not filibustered by Democrats. It DIED in committee. The Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs was chaired by a Republican and Republicans held a clear majority of the seats on the committee.

The Republican chairman alone, without any vote could have launched an investigation into the financial trouble of the day that the bill was supposed to address. There was no investigation.

According to the rules the Democrats were powerless to block anything coming out of the committee to be voted on by the Senate but the was no such vote. All it took for the bill to get out of committee was a majority, which was held by Republicans.

the poor monkey has no clue

I don't know which of you is the bigger retard. I say "co-sponsor" and you say no, it was Hagel's bill. I say "threaten to filibuster" and you say it was never filibustered. You put words in my mouth over and over then debate what you said I said. You're completely incapable of staying in the conversation. I can only hope you are sterile.

S.109 was proposed by Chuck Hagel. It was not filibustered by Democrats. It DIED in committee. The Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs was chaired by a Republican and Republicans held a clear majority of the seats on the committee.

The Republican chairman alone, without any vote could have launched an investigation into the financial trouble of the day that the bill was supposed to address. There was no investigation.

According to the rules the Democrats were powerless to block anything coming out of the committee to be voted on by the Senate but the was no such vote. All it took for the bill to get out of committee was a majority, which was held by Republicans.

the poor monkey has no clue

I don't know which of you is the bigger retard. I say "co-sponsor" and you say no, it was Hagel's bill. I say "threaten to filibuster" and you say it was never filibustered. You put words in my mouth over and over then debate what you said I said. You're completely incapable of staying in the conversation. I can only hope you are sterile.

I listed info about the bill including who sponsored it and more...

good bye

class dismissed
I have no doubt that Obama thought the job consisted of "flying around the world", bowing to everyone in sight and "Hail to the Chief" playing. The real aspects of the Job don't seem to interest him. The Job is a continuation since 1776. I hope we can all join hands, vote and relieve him of this burden ASAP.

What a weird talking point, bullshit post. Can't you even make up one phrase yourself? Everyone of those phrases is straight off a cable show or a talk radio rant.


This from the genius who started a thread with 20 quotes from a talk radio rant......that's beautiful.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Stupid is as stupid does sir...

That recession we had when Bush was king is looking real damn good right about now......
I have no doubt that Obama thought the job consisted of "flying around the world", bowing to everyone in sight and "Hail to the Chief" playing. The real aspects of the Job don't seem to interest him. The Job is a continuation since 1776. I hope we can all join hands, vote and relieve him of this burden ASAP.

What a weird talking point, bullshit post. Can't you even make up one phrase yourself? Everyone of those phrases is straight off a cable show or a talk radio rant.


This from the genius who started a thread with 20 quotes from a talk radio rant......that's beautiful.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you can't even get that straight. It wasn't twenty quotes from one rant.

People must have missed Greenspan's admission, or basically all of our nation's on-goings from 1995-present day. Liberals were threatening banks to make risky loans to poor people and minorities. Fannie and Freddie did it. Pelosi, and that piece of human garbage Barney Frank, advocated these risky practices, and threatened the banks who resisted.

Then, liberals took the House and Senate in 2006, thanks in large part to public irritation with a brutal, unpredictable war after 9-11. In 2006, before libs took power, our economy was doing quite well, even as Bush was WARNING about the possible housing collapse thanks to Freddie and Fannie and risky loans forced by liberal threats. Greenspan detailed this.

Then the housing bubble hit, and all hell broke loose. If, back in the 90's these bleeding heart liberals would have simply allowed homes to be bought by only those people who could afford them, and responsible enough to pay for them, a large part of this recession may have been avoided.

But, ya know, koombaya, lets all share the wealth, consequences be damned.
What a weird talking point, bullshit post. Can't you even make up one phrase yourself? Everyone of those phrases is straight off a cable show or a talk radio rant.


This from the genius who started a thread with 20 quotes from a talk radio rant......that's beautiful.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

you can't even get that straight. It wasn't twenty quotes from one rant.


of course it wasn't you jackass....but you get my point. Great attempt to deflect the obvious, hack.

Once again, instead of defending your stupidity, you try to make someone else look stupid. And once again...you failed. Aren't you getting tired of that?

Can I have my neg rep now? LOL...isn't that your next step when you get all whiney and pissed off?
I think you're confused. The Democrats filibustered a bill or were going to (which means they did not)?

How much time did the GOP spend on bills they deemed important? You mention the House. Was Obama in the House? You link to Pelosi. Was Pelosi in charge?

all part of the run of the Red Herring


Didn't you claim President Barack Hussein Obama, "also helped to cause that meltdown." of the economy? Yet you offer no evidence to back that claim up. You do link to campaign contributions and stuff about McCain sponsoring bills when the GOP ran the show.

You may not like Obama, and you may point out he received money from people in teh financial industry, but you ignore who those people are, and how those people are no socialists, and how they are part of the conservative agenda to keep corporate America strong.

None of that would support the claim you make.

No, no...the GSEs have always been in bed with Democrats, and the the reason it's called S. 109 and not HR. 109 is because it was a Senate Banking Committee bill. BO had a chance to support it in 2005 and again in 2007. He and the rest of the Dems would have none of it.

It comes in about 7:45.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCTxZa9kpSI]YouTube - Mortgage Crisis - Who is Responsible[/ame]

you're all over the place with this one.

eat shit, your wasting my time

and here and other places...


S.109 was proposed by Chuck Hagel. It was not filibustered by Democrats. It DIED in committee. The Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs was chaired by a Republican and Republicans held a clear majority of the seats on the committee.

The Republican chairman alone, without any vote could have launched an investigation into the financial trouble of the day that the bill was supposed to address. There was no investigation.

According to the rules the Democrats were powerless to block anything coming out of the committee to be voted on by the Senate but the was no such vote. All it took for the bill to get out of committee was a majority, which was held by Republicans.

I've said multiple times they threatened filibuster. You don't seem capable of paying attention or you are acting ignorant because you realize you have already lost the argument. You pick one.

Now, onto a far more important matter.

"eat shit, your wasting my time"

It's you're, not your. DUH!
FACT: "The recession officially began in March of 2001 -- two months after Bush was sworn in -- according to the universally acknowledged arbiter of such things, the National Bureau of Economic Research. And the president, at other times, has said so himself." (Washington Post, 7/1/03)
Yeah.....almost by design.....

Stupid is as stupid does sir...

That recession we had when Bush was king is looking real damn good right about now......
Yeah.....his tax-cuts reeeeaaaalllly made a difference!!

What I love best about these threads about economics....

1. Each side blames the other - when, in fact, both sides are equally responsible.

2. Most of you don't know as much about economics as you think you do.

Thanks for the laughs. And, if our politicians could read this shit, they'd be laughing too - at all of you. Cuz while you're busy whining about 'Obama' and 'Bush'.... they (both sides) are robbing you blind.
Oh good. Then this IS the Obama Recession through and through.

No, it would Obama's recovery now.
First there has to be a recovery. Tripling the deficit in a recession is not a recovery. We've had a little lift, but then all the bills P-BO has racked up will come due and we'll be taking the dive back down even deeper, soon.

Then we can call it the Bush/Obama recession for the next president, whomever it will be, to clean up in 2012.

Wait, you actually believe P-BO will GET re-elected?

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