Facebook discussion boards are gone.

"Ignore it" is not the simple answer to "I am easily distracted by personal attacks." I am the same, so I gave him the actual simple answer, which is "Here is how to use the ignore function on this board."
Two questions...... Who are we to you (or him) and why does it matter? :dunno:

:dunno: Why does it matter to you?

I can't speak for him. I have PTSD. If I see too much ugliness, anger and verbal abuse, I get triggered, especially if it's aimed at me.

You should probably tell everyone what those specific triggers are, such that we can all take extra special care not to squeeze them.
Mani.......what is it with you??
You went from a man with a peter hanging out avi to a woman's ass hanging out avi.
When I first saw your posts, you had a woman, I think it was anyway...wearing a 2 piece bikini..tan in color......as your avi. I honestly thought you were a woman.

Well hell.......I'm still not sure what you are ~LoL~
Welcome! Never say anything bad about a conservative or a Republican, and you'll get along just fine here.
Facebook discussion boards are gone eh, as well as others also that you had mentioned ? Hmmm I am here also because of my long time blog being out of service these days... I'm starting to think grand conspiricy thoughts big time ya know..

Could there be a huge push by someone in government or a group in government, where as it is somehow found within their minds now, that they need to get this whole Idea of free speech in which has now since run amuck in their opinions, back in check now(?) and this they needed to do by somehow shutting down things or disrupting peoples communication lines for a while maybe(?) and all in light of the movement with the occupy situation, otherwise could government be trying to break up any gatherings in the virtual world, at least for a little while, in order to control the situation with the occupy movemment, before it gets any bigger and more out of control than it already has in their opinions or minds ?

These site shut downs are weired ya know, especially when happening like they are in which has people like us visiting other sites in search of now..

FB just unceremoniously deleted it's discussion board app. Foxnews board was deleted last week, CNN discussion board about an hour ago.

So having been thrown out into the cold I went in search of a new place to dump my views on an unsuspecting public.

Here I stand at the door, am I welcome?

Wow. That's a strange coincidence. Any conspiracy theories?

This is a great place. Welcome.
FB just unceremoniously deleted it's discussion board app. Foxnews board was deleted last week, CNN discussion board about an hour ago.

So having been thrown out into the cold I went in search of a new place to dump my views on an unsuspecting public.

Here I stand at the door, am I welcome?
Hmm, I will need to come back here for occupied

FB just unceremoniously deleted it's discussion board app. Foxnews board was deleted last week, CNN discussion board about an hour ago.

So having been thrown out into the cold I went in search of a new place to dump my views on an unsuspecting public.

Here I stand at the door, am I welcome?

Door? There is a door? I thought there might be a screen or something, to help with flies, but an actual door that could keep people out?


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