Facebook Problems, Not Just Russian Meddling Issues


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
On my feed today I saw this meme posted:


It was posted by a guy local in a Facebook trade group. Here is what I posted:

"Your post is why we have so much partisanship. This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE. No country legally allows illegal non-citizens to vote, especially in a Presidential election. Before just reposting a meme you see, do some research."

He responded by posting this next:


So Once again I responded:

"That's not what your meme says, and what you just posted has to do with the Census not HR Bill 1. I'm not even going to get into the whole census thing because it is a whole lot more complicated than a paragraph."

And followed with:

"We just need people that take their energy and try to be as educated on the topics as possible so that it is directed in a constructive way. I'm not trying to be negative towards you, just trying to help bring people together rather than farther apart."

Of course someone else chimed in (I won't list his name):

"maybe you need to do some dummy it is true"

Sadly I hate to explain to him:

"No Democrats did not vote to allow illegal immigrants to vote. That would take an Amendment to the Constitution. Just like it did to allow women to vote and former slaves to vote. I didn't throw insults in my post, so I'm not sure why you feel the need to."

This a huge problem and it plays a TREMENDOUS role in this partisan tribalism we have right now, that is based in the fundamental issue of uneducated voters when it comes to civics and how politics work. Honestly civics should be just as mandatory of a course as those like Math, English, and Sciences.

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