Facebook steps up to the plate.

Adios Facebook in this household.....Twitter is next if they ban him.

Time to focus on 2022 midterms
The vote is gone. Fraud will control from now on. We in California have been trying to out vote the fraud for years. As soon as the totals are in and democrats know how many more votes they need ballots start getting filled out.

If it works for president it will work for all.
Adios Facebook in this household.....Twitter is next if they ban him.

Time to focus on 2022 midterms

The 2022 midterms is going to go heavily Democrat. I'm calling that now.

The battle between the Parties is over now, I'm guessing for a long time, especially as the younger generation gets to voting age, well indoctrinated and entrenched in their ideology. Trump was the counter to unabashed globalism, which has primarily hurt the West and especially our Middle Classes. That's gone, because the GOP never could embrace the needed shift.

For me, now it's a matter of seeing if some Dems can at least try to protect global U.S interests in their efforts to go all-in on "globalism", or, if Big Tech will keep a free hand on censorship/exclusion, and, exporting of industries continue to move to China.

Within 20 years China will be the sole super power on this planet barring a miracle from the heavens.
China will implode eventually. They have a lack of women and due to this lack of women a good percentage of the men are now gay. Not good for keeping a healthy population. Repair our relationships with our allies to isolate them. Use same strategy we used against the Soviet Union. Communism has inherent weaknesses that can be taken advantage of just like we did to the Soviet Union. They still have to import food make that tougher for them. They have plenty of land to produce what they need but their system does not allow for it. Make their people hungry and you will see how long that system works out for them. Retake rare earth materials and limit their access. What is crazy we all ready have a play book for crushing communism why it has not been used I do not know. Why we dismantled cold war spy craft I do not know reinstall it.
Follow the rules and you wouldn't be so butthurt.
Is that message to me, or you, your fellow self-proclaimed Conservatives, and your God-king Trump?

Adios Facebook in this household.....Twitter is next if they ban him.

Time to focus on 2022 midterms

The 2022 midterms is going to go heavily Democrat. I'm calling that now.

The battle between the Parties is over now, I'm guessing for a long time, especially as the younger generation gets to voting age, well indoctrinated and entrenched in their ideology. Trump was the counter to unabashed globalism (which has just become "global socialism"), which has primarily hurt the West and especially our Middle Classes. That's gone, because the GOP never could embrace the needed shift.

For me, now it's a matter of seeing if some Dems can at least try to protect global U.S interests in their efforts to go all-in on "globalism", or, if Big Tech will keep a free hand on censorship/exclusion, and, exporting of industries continue to move to China.

Within 20 years China will be the sole super power on this planet barring a miracle from the heavens.
There is no way to win without violence. It is clear now. Do people mirror the Progs and what they have done?
Follow the rules and you wouldn't be so butthurt.
Is that message to me, or you, your fellow self-proclaimed Conservatives, and your God-king Trump?

If you didn't notice, it was in response to your post, you figure it out...if you can.
Trump was never my "God-King", I have only one God.

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