Facebook Warning today

Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

Are you going to show us where Corporations lowered their prices because they got tax breaks bitch?

Another leftist who doesn't understand capitalism and competition.

They really need to teach basic economics in high school. You're just sad

You said prices go up when there are tax increases.
Prices should go down when there are tax breaks.

Its called reasoning..

Or you can just admit that the supposed price increases attributed to higher corporate taxes is just something you made up and admit that the prices were going to go up anyway. But you can't admit the obvious...that you were wrong.

Right. Prices do go down when there are tax breaks. You asked me to explain basic economics to you. You can read about price and competition all over the internet. There is no reason I need to explain it to you. Or you could literally take an econ 101 class. It's the most basic concept in economics.

You don't understand the basic concepts of capitalism which made you fabulously rich in all of time and history. No wonder you spit on it and worship handouts

And prices don't necessarily go up when there are tax increases--over and beyond what they would increase anyway. Your argument was weak. And you know it.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

Are you going to show us where Corporations lowered their prices because they got tax breaks bitch?

Another leftist who doesn't understand capitalism and competition.

They really need to teach basic economics in high school. You're just sad

You said prices go up when there are tax increases.
Prices should go down when there are tax breaks.

Its called reasoning..

Or you can just admit that the supposed price increases attributed to higher corporate taxes is just something you made up and admit that the prices were going to go up anyway. But you can't admit the obvious...that you were wrong.

Right. Prices do go down when there are tax breaks. You asked me to explain basic economics to you. You can read about price and competition all over the internet. There is no reason I need to explain it to you. Or you could literally take an econ 101 class. It's the most basic concept in economics.

You don't understand the basic concepts of capitalism which made you fabulously rich in all of time and history. No wonder you spit on it and worship handouts

And prices don't necessarily go up when there are tax increases--over and beyond what they would increase anyway. Your argument was weak. And you know it.

Once again you prove you don't know shit about economics. So sad, government educated one.

So seriously. Don't you want better for your children than the shitty government education that you got that you don't even understand price or competition, the most basic concepts in economics?

What keeps companies from charging whatever they want? You really don't know, do you?
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.


Libtards can't stand free speech because it smashes their Communist censorship.

Nobody is stepping on free speech. They're just not letting hatred use their bullhorn.

Censorship is like porn, you know it when you see it.

Is "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon" hate speech"?
YES ! ! !
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.

How stupid are you? I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump. I said that isn't relevant.

So just to be clear, everyone who supports Biden is his personal fault. That's what you're saying?

How can you possibly not read though well enough to grasp that I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump? You got really screwed over by your government education. You can't read at all. Maybe you should go slower and sound out the words more clearly
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.

How stupid are you? I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump. I said that isn't relevant.
Not to the topic of the thread. Which is why FB bans conservatives. Because they hare hate filled people. Your argument was that they are not. Yet somehow they march with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans.

Whether Trump loves these guys (which he does) or hates them (which he doesn't) has zero to do with FB.

Can you wrap your two active brain cells around that concept?
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.

kaz has proven everything I said. Thanks though.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.

How stupid are you? I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump. I said that isn't relevant.
Not to the topic of the thread. Which is why FB bans conservatives. Because they hare hate filled people. Your argument was that they are not. Yet somehow they march with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans.

Whether Trump loves these guys (which he does) or hates them (which he doesn't) has zero to do with FB.

Can you wrap your two active brain cells around that concept?

No one is as hate filled as the Democrats and the leftist media, including face book. They only do censorship on one side. You nicely proved the hate on the left, thanks!
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.

kaz has proven everything I said. Thanks though.

Actually you proved you're wrong that the hate comes from the right. It comes primarily from the left
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.

kaz has proven everything I said. Thanks though.

You are comic relief here -
Nothing more, I promise you.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

Or misinformation. Let's face it, the right wing right now is in full panic mode pulling out all the stops to try and avoid a bloodbath at the polls in November.
Here's a small teaser.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.

How stupid are you? I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump. I said that isn't relevant.
Not to the topic of the thread. Which is why FB bans conservatives. Because they hare hate filled people. Your argument was that they are not. Yet somehow they march with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans.

Whether Trump loves these guys (which he does) or hates them (which he doesn't) has zero to do with FB.

Can you wrap your two active brain cells around that concept?

No one is as hate filled as the Democrats and the leftist media, including face book. They only do censorship on one side. You nicely proved the hate on the left, thanks!

Meanwhile back in reality, blob supporters are mailing bombs to people, marching around with tiki torches, mowing people down in their cars, shooting up Wal Marts, etc...
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

Or misinformation. Let's face it, the right wing right now is in full panic mode pulling out all the stops to try and avoid a bloodbath at the polls in November.
Here's a small teaser.
A link from CNN :laugh:
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.

kaz has proven everything I said. Thanks though.

Actually you proved you're wrong that the hate comes from the right. It comes primarily from the left

No such thing happened and you know it. I taught you a lesson and your pissed off.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown

Yes, I brought it up. The point of the thread was that FB is going to ban conservatives. This is one of the reasons why...conservatives identify with hate groups like Nazis, Proud Boys, Qanon, etc...

Biden doesn't think racists are "very fine people" like your blob does.

Nazis are leftists and Democrats are racists. It it has nothing to do with conservatives. Just more of your hate filled rhetoric

The Nazis in Charlottesville were Blob supporters. He called them "very fine people". It's his base. It's not rhetoric despite your fantasies.

You're just flat out lying again. It's pathetic. Trump did not say that about the Nazis. He was talking about the statue debate. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person to say that shit

The side of the statue debate were the guys with the tiki torches. Or did that just materialize out of thin air...hundreds of marchers with identical torches singing the same Nazi slogans?

You've already made a fool of yourself....please continue and say that it was spontaneous:

View attachment 383127
View attachment 383128

You think these are biden supporters? Really?

candycorn: the tiki people support Trump

kaz: lots of bad people support both sides, it's about who the sides support and no one supports the tiki people

candycorn: Oh yeah! Here's pictures the tiki people support Trump! Duh, dar, drool

Poor girl, government educated, huh?

Was that supposed to make a point? If so, you failed.

The tiki people do support Trump. If you don't think so...well...it's already been confirmed....you're stupid.

How stupid are you? I haven't denied the tiki people support Trump. I said that isn't relevant.
Not to the topic of the thread. Which is why FB bans conservatives. Because they hare hate filled people. Your argument was that they are not. Yet somehow they march with lit torches chanting Nazi slogans.

Whether Trump loves these guys (which he does) or hates them (which he doesn't) has zero to do with FB.

Can you wrap your two active brain cells around that concept?

No one is as hate filled as the Democrats and the leftist media, including face book. They only do censorship on one side. You nicely proved the hate on the left, thanks!

Meanwhile back in reality, blob supporters are mailing bombs to people, marching around with tiki torches, mowing people down in their cars, shooting up Wal Marts, etc...

Yes, they are violent leftists. Of course they support violence. It's what the left is all about. It's every night now in American cities, rioting and looting leftists. And every day kicking people out of restaurants, dumping water on them. Then there's the leftist cancel culture.

You're an all around fascist party. And of course your leader is a raging racist
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

The tiki torchers are Trump supporters.
The mail bombers was a Trump supporter.

There are two parties in this country. All sorts of bad people support both of them. That you blame Trump for anyone bad who supports him while you ignore everyone bad who supports Biden is EXACTLY what I'm referring to with your hate filled rhetoric.

Trump and conservatives are responsible for who they support, not who supports them.

Just like Democrats are responsible for the racist you are running as your nominee. You support him

Wow...that was dumb even for you.

He calls the tiki torch patrol "very fine people". Sounds like support for me.

This guy Kyle Rittenhouse mows down 2 people in a different state and Trump supports his efforts.

It goes on and on.

You're just devolving into hateful lies now. You're full of shit, Trump never said that. You're again a fundamentally dishonest person.

You know you're losing now since you're just going into lies

CC starts out with lies - it simply gets worse from there.

kaz has proven everything I said. Thanks though.

Actually you proved you're wrong that the hate comes from the right. It comes primarily from the left

No such thing happened and you know it. I taught you a lesson and your pissed off.

Wow, and candycorn loses it. She starts shrieking and throwing things. Try breathing into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps get your breath back. In, out, in, out. Feel better? Maybe you should pay outside for a while and try to calm down
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

Or misinformation. Let's face it, the right wing right now is in full panic mode pulling out all the stops to try and avoid a bloodbath at the polls in November.
Here's a small teaser.
Here a real link for you.


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