Facebook Warning today

This still was broadcast on the PBS 90 minute exposé on the Rise of Fascism in Europe. What Frank leaves out is the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany is very similar to Trumpism. Food for thought
What’s that got to do with Frank’s post? He compared it to demofks today! You don’t seem to have a point other than looking for attention. Hahaha hahaha

I see you're on a diet.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

You're the one who thinks corporations and the rich pay Democrats a quarter of a million per speech just because they are on the speaking tour. Talk about ignorant of the facts.

It's payment for services rendered and a reminder to Democrats in congress what is waiting for them

Did I ever say they didn't? They pay whomever they think can help them.

Do you actually want to address Trump's tax cuts for corporations and the rich--which is what I said? Areyou going to argue otherwise?

So you denied your stupid shit it was the Republicans who love corporations and the rich and said it was facts and look up what rhetoric is. Now you admit that Democrats are corporate stooges.

All going to demonstrate my original point of your hateful rhetoric while you blame Republicans for hateful rhetoric.

BTW, corporations don't pay taxes, they collect them. Corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. Figures you'd support that since you constantly say the opposite of what you mean.

And the rich got the smallest tax cuts. Again, you just don't know what you are talking about. You've whiffed on this entire discussion
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.


This is you and Facebook


This still was broadcast on the PBS 90 minute exposé on the Rise of Fascism in Europe. What Frank leaves out is the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany is very similar to Trumpism. Food for thought.

Democrats are rioting to bring down society, destroy inner cities, silence opposition on the streets and on campuses across the country and cancel everyone who doesn't do as instructed by the left.

And it's ... Trump ... who's the fascist.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue ...
all the people saying "facebook can do what it wants" are the same bitches who cried the baker must make the cake.

fuck their openly not giving a shit about it hypocritical asses.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

I suggest you look up the definitions of rhetoric vs the definition of facts

So again, Republicans love corporations and the rich while the corporations and the rich pay Democrats including Hillary and Obama a quarter of a million per speech for services rendered?

Yeah, you're speaking rhetoric. Look it up


Wow...you don't think the same corporations pay any number of people from all political persuasions to give speeches?

Just one of dozens.

Of all of the lame comebacks, I think you picked the most lame. Good job.

What a stupid response.

First of all, I didn't just say they have them speak, I pointed out they pay them a quarter of a million a pop. You seriously don't understand the difference?

And wow, you'll believe anything. Sure, corporations and the rich make people rich who hate them. Sure they do.

Do Democrats ever tell you to hop on one leg and rub your stomach with one hand and your head with the other and say the alphabet backwards just to screw with you? You'll believe ANYTHING.

Sure, they pay a quarter of a million PER SPEECH to people who hate them. Sure they do

Did you see how much Rudy gets paid?

Of course you didn't. It doesn't fit the pre-conceived notion.

You think Rudy is a counter example to my point that wall street is paying off leftists? You go further and further off the rails.

I can't believe you don't grasp the Democrats are corporate lackeys. Feel behind your ears. It's still actually wet, isn't it?


I don't know why you brought up speaking fees to start with.

The blob passed tax breaks for corporations and the ultra wealthy. That is what I said and you countered with "They pay clinton to speak". No shit. They pay whomever they think can help them. It was incredibly lame and your doubling down on it is pretty stupid.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

You're the one who thinks corporations and the rich pay Democrats a quarter of a million per speech just because they are on the speaking tour. Talk about ignorant of the facts.

It's payment for services rendered and a reminder to Democrats in congress what is waiting for them

Did I ever say they didn't? They pay whomever they think can help them.

Do you actually want to address Trump's tax cuts for corporations and the rich--which is what I said? Areyou going to argue otherwise?

So you denied your stupid shit it was the Republicans who love corporations and the rich and said it was facts and look up what rhetoric is. Now you admit that Democrats are corporate stooges.

All going to demonstrate my original point of your hateful rhetoric while you blame Republicans for hateful rhetoric.

BTW, corporations don't pay taxes, they collect them. Corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. Figures you'd support that since you constantly say the opposite of what you mean.

And the rich got the smallest tax cuts. Again, you just don't know what you are talking about. You've whiffed on this entire discussion

Thanks for the comedy...

The rich got the smallest tax cuts? Wow...
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.


This is you and Facebook


This still was broadcast on the PBS 90 minute exposé on the Rise of Fascism in Europe. What Frank leaves out is the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany is very similar to Trumpism. Food for thought.

Democrats are rioting to bring down society, destroy inner cities, silence opposition on the streets and on campuses across the country and cancel everyone who doesn't do as instructed by the left.

And it's ... Trump ... who's the fascist.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue ...

I don't want to take your life savings...but thanks.

Its pretty stupid that you think these animals doing the rioting are politically active on either side of the spectrum. But you're not very smart.

I will say that the silence of democrats to condemn the violence (for the most part) was shameful. Its a good thing I'm not a democrat....otherwise you may have a point.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

You're the one who thinks corporations and the rich pay Democrats a quarter of a million per speech just because they are on the speaking tour. Talk about ignorant of the facts.

It's payment for services rendered and a reminder to Democrats in congress what is waiting for them

Did I ever say they didn't? They pay whomever they think can help them.

Do you actually want to address Trump's tax cuts for corporations and the rich--which is what I said? Areyou going to argue otherwise?

So you denied your stupid shit it was the Republicans who love corporations and the rich and said it was facts and look up what rhetoric is. Now you admit that Democrats are corporate stooges.

All going to demonstrate my original point of your hateful rhetoric while you blame Republicans for hateful rhetoric.

BTW, corporations don't pay taxes, they collect them. Corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. Figures you'd support that since you constantly say the opposite of what you mean.

And the rich got the smallest tax cuts. Again, you just don't know what you are talking about. You've whiffed on this entire discussion

Thanks for the comedy...

The rich got the smallest tax cuts? Wow...

Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.

- If taxes go up, the price of dishwashers goes up

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today
This still was broadcast on the PBS 90 minute exposé on the Rise of Fascism in Europe. What Frank leaves out is the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany is very similar to Trumpism. Food for thought
What’s that got to do with Frank’s post? He compared it to demofks today! You don’t seem to have a point other than looking for attention. Hahaha hahaha

I see you're on a diet.
naw, I'm still finishing up demofks.
Its pretty stupid that you think these animals doing the rioting are politically active on either side of the spectrum. But you're not very smart.
until you can explain why only demofk mayors and governors are allowing them, I say you're incorrect.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.


This is you and Facebook


This still was broadcast on the PBS 90 minute exposé on the Rise of Fascism in Europe. What Frank leaves out is the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany is very similar to Trumpism. Food for thought.

Democrats are rioting to bring down society, destroy inner cities, silence opposition on the streets and on campuses across the country and cancel everyone who doesn't do as instructed by the left.

And it's ... Trump ... who's the fascist.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue ...

I don't want to take your life savings...but thanks.

Its pretty stupid that you think these animals doing the rioting are politically active on either side of the spectrum. But you're not very smart.

I will say that the silence of democrats to condemn the violence (for the most part) was shameful. Its a good thing I'm not a democrat....otherwise you may have a point.

LOL, that always cracks me up. Democrats are the dumbest people.

candycorn: You're poor, lazy and don't want to work, kaz. That's why you don't want government money. You're poor, kaz, so you don't want handouts. Bam! I rule!

No, you're a dope. What a stupid insult
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

I suggest you look up the definitions of rhetoric vs the definition of facts

So again, Republicans love corporations and the rich while the corporations and the rich pay Democrats including Hillary and Obama a quarter of a million per speech for services rendered?

Yeah, you're speaking rhetoric. Look it up


Wow...you don't think the same corporations pay any number of people from all political persuasions to give speeches?

Just one of dozens.

Of all of the lame comebacks, I think you picked the most lame. Good job.

What a stupid response.

First of all, I didn't just say they have them speak, I pointed out they pay them a quarter of a million a pop. You seriously don't understand the difference?

And wow, you'll believe anything. Sure, corporations and the rich make people rich who hate them. Sure they do.

Do Democrats ever tell you to hop on one leg and rub your stomach with one hand and your head with the other and say the alphabet backwards just to screw with you? You'll believe ANYTHING.

Sure, they pay a quarter of a million PER SPEECH to people who hate them. Sure they do

Did you see how much Rudy gets paid?

Of course you didn't. It doesn't fit the pre-conceived notion.

You think Rudy is a counter example to my point that wall street is paying off leftists? You go further and further off the rails.

I can't believe you don't grasp the Democrats are corporate lackeys. Feel behind your ears. It's still actually wet, isn't it?


I don't know why you brought up speaking fees to start with.

The blob passed tax breaks for corporations and the ultra wealthy. That is what I said and you countered with "They pay clinton to speak". No shit. They pay whomever they think can help them. It was incredibly lame and your doubling down on it is pretty stupid.

Proving you're fundamentally dishonest again and misquoting me.

What I said was they paid Hillary and Obama for services rendered. You know that and you lied. Obviously you know something is wrong with your argument since you have to intentionally misrepresent what I said
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.
Yes, the rich got the smallest tax cuts. That's not in dispute. The higher your income, the lower your tax rate was cut.
Thanks for confirming the Rich got a tax cut. Billiejeens is probably shouting at his library based gateway computer for you to shut up. BTW...their tax cut was permanent. Yours and mine...not so much. Also not so noticeable.

You're yet again consumed by leftist propaganda.
The "Propaganda" you just confirmed?

Next you'll be telling me the White Nationalists (aka Very fine people as the blob called them) were not shouting Nazi slogans but singing Kumbayah! Right?

And note you ignored the part that corporations collect taxes, they don't pay them. This is how vacuous Democrats are.

- If the cost of steel goes up, the cost of washers goes up.

You vaguely understand that. It's the best you can do since Democrats fundamentally don't understand business. But you do get that the cost of a dishwasher would go up if the price of steel goes up.
I understand market forces. You...sadly...do not.

You don't understand that at all. What!?!?! Corporations pay taxes!?!?! Of course they don't. Business is about the risk adjusted rate of return of your investment. If any cost goes up, that's baked into the price of the products you buy.

The poorer you are, the more of your income is spent. So corporate taxes are a regressive tax on the poor. And you support it.

Sorry for blowing your mind today

Oh, you're blowing someone. Donald thanks you.

Prices are going to go up regardless of taxes. Feeding the beast of wall street and market performance is the chief reason why.

There is a reason your blob has run up trillions in red ink before Corona....the tax cuts to the corporations and wealthy.

But since you brought it up...can you honestly say with a straight face that the price of dishwashers has gone down measurably over the last 3 years?

If you say the price goes up because of tax increases...surely the price will go down because of tax breaks. Care to prove that the price of dishwashers went down....

Of course you won't.

Here is the part where you change the subject and run like a little bitch from the assertion you just made.

The only one talking about Nazis is you. I can't take you seriously when you keep doing that considering this whole thing started with me calling you out on the hateful rhetoric you claim to be against.

But you go ahead and vote for the raging racist Joe Biden and keep talking about Nazis while you say you're against hateful rhetoric. You're the class clown
If it pisses off conservatives...they must be doing something right.

It’s easy to come and laugh when you are unfairly the favorites of social networks, media .

Gee, you act civil and you're treated with civility. You call for violence and call for mass homicide and you get banned. Shocking!
What are you talking about ?

This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric.

Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters.

Buy a mirror, it'll change your life

Buy a mirror; your face will break it.

I called people that?

Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people.
The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich.

All of that is in the public record and not in dispute...

As for hating the poor....the rhetoric here about the homeless confirms that.

There are knuckleheads on all sides.

Candycorn: " This is why conservatives get banned from Facebook in general.... Hate fueled rhetoric. "

Your response being this hate fueled rhetoric -

Candycorn: "Gee, lets see, there was a tiki-torch parade where Blob supporters chanted Nazi slogans.
There was a blob supporter who mailed bombs to people. The Blob passed a tax cut that benefited almost nobody (permanently) except corporations an the rich."

This is after:

kaz: " Always cracks me up how leftists call anyone you disagree with racists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor, then you call us haters."

You're in hate fueled rhetoric mode, you can't help yourself

And - to top it off - none of it is actually factual

All of it is factual. You're just ignorant of the facts.

No actually I am familiar with the facts in each of those incidents -
You have not portrayed them accurately.

Actually, no, you're quite ignorant. You've confirmed that.

Yes, Billiejeens isn't sophisticated like you parroting the DNC

It seems both of you are ignorant. You missed the tiki torch parade, the guy mailing bombs to people and the Trump tax cuts.

I think we summarized it fine by pointing out that you're the one spewing hateful rhetoric while you bemoan hateful rhetoric.

The tiki torch parade and the bombs have nothing to do with Trump, you're just consumed with hate

Except to the point of the thread...conservatives are hate filled little people and this is why they get banned. This board welcomes the haters so that is why there are so many here. Those are just two of the hundreds of examples I could bring up.

Right, you bring up tiki torch parade and bombings which have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans while you keep going on about that you're somehow against the hateful rhetoric you keep spewing and blaming other people for that too.

If you shit in your pants, that wouldn't be on you either, would it?

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