FACT CHECK: IRS DID Target Conservatives

Oh no NOW cons you believe the government profiles !

But black lives matter are a bunch of liars .
Yet no one has been held accountable. Obama and the Clintons are above the law. Both are very well-protected by their fellow NWO Global Elite powers-that-be. The game is rigged folks.
its bad for any potus to weaponize the irs.

Obama had nothing to do with it . You act like filling out extra paperwork for tax free status was the biggest injustice ever .

And remember when you cons said Trumps ban wasn't a "Muslim ban" because it effected non Muslims ? Well this IRS nonsense also hit non conservative groups . So I guess it wasn't targeting conservatives , right?
Thread summary:

The facts smacked down conservatives again, so conservatives are again declaring how the facts are a liberal conspiracy.

So, conservatives, can you tell us what this IRS abuse was?

What? An IRS underling had some groups, groups known to have a high proportion of blatant scammers, fill out additional paperwork?

Oh, the horror! That's just like Hitler!
Thread summary:

The facts smacked down conservatives again, so conservatives are again declaring how the facts are a liberal conspiracy.

So, conservatives, can you tell us what this IRS abuse was?

What? An IRS underling had some groups, groups known to have a high proportion of blatant scammers, fill out additional paperwork?

Oh, the horror! That's just like Hitler!
Hitler again huh? You guys are like a broken record. As long as you keep that nonsense up you will never have any credibility. It's it's always Nazi, Hitler, Fascist, Racist, etc, etc.
"Liberal bloggers are welcome to inhabit a fantasy world in which every controversy featuring Democratic misconduct and dishonesty is illegitimate and fabricated, but they cannot erase the official record in order to gaslight the country into believing that a genuine scandal never occurred. It did. The data proves it."

Fact Check: No, Liberals, a New Study Doesn't Prove the IRS Targeting Scandal Was a Right-Wing 'Myth'
From your "Fact Check" Article, I saw the "Benghazi Massacre", but I missed the new Trump African Massacre. Odd that.
They also target particular types in audits.

My question is, if a group calling itself some sort of rendition of 'Tea Party', back when the Tea Party was in its 'glory' as a POLITICAL movement,

and that same group applied for tax exemption on the grounds they were NOT political,

why WOULDN'T the IRS be justified in giving them extra scrutiny?
its bad for any potus to weaponize the irs.

Obama had nothing to do with it . You act like filling out extra paperwork for tax free status was the biggest injustice ever .

And remember when you cons said Trumps ban wasn't a "Muslim ban" because it effected non Muslims ? Well this IRS nonsense also hit non conservative groups . So I guess it wasn't targeting conservatives , right?

"you cons"? i am a con because the irs shouldnt be used as a political weapon? thats too bad. id like to see manaforte go to prison for tax evasion if he committed tax fraud. i must be a lib.
its bad for any potus to weaponize the irs.

Yeah it was President "Deep State" Obama who whispered into Lois Lerner's ears on how to pull her list of applicants to verify. "Use political sounding names to catch groups who engage more in politic that in pubic service"!

Who hired Lois anyway?

Somethings getting deep!
its bad for any potus to weaponize the irs.

Yeah it was President "Deep State" Obama who whispered into Lois Lerner's ears on how to pull her list of applicants to verify. "Use political sounding names to catch groups who engage more in politic that in pubic service"!

Who hired Lois anyway?

Somethings getting deep!

obama was not responsible for his irs, so trump isn't responsible for manaforte? you sound like a trumpanzee.
It's funny how you snowflake DNC butt-sniffers totally ignored the links already provided about how Lerner herself apologized to reporters for her department purposefully targeting Conservatives.

Even when Liberals admit their crimes snowflakes continue to deny it, calling their own democrats doing the admitting 'liars'. :p
its bad for any potus to weaponize the irs.

Obama had nothing to do with it . You act like filling out extra paperwork for tax free status was the biggest injustice ever .

And remember when you cons said Trumps ban wasn't a "Muslim ban" because it effected non Muslims ? Well this IRS nonsense also hit non conservative groups . So I guess it wasn't targeting conservatives , right?

"you cons"? i am a con because the irs shouldnt be used as a political weapon? thats too bad. id like to see manaforte go to prison for tax evasion if he committed tax fraud. i must be a lib.

Your a con because you believe obama has somthing to do with it .

Which makes no sense, by the way . 501c groups couldn't target obama .
Yeah it was President "Deep State" Obama who whispered into Lois Lerner's ears on how to pull her list of applicants to verify.
It was proved in the investigation that Cummings - who tried to kill the investigation before it was revealed HE was involved - provided the IRS - Lerner and her department - with extremely specific and un-necessary prying questions he wanted to be used in the IRS' scrutiny of Conservative groups. It was revealed the IRS used Cummings' questions almost completely word-for-word ... and these questions were not asked of non-Conservatives.

The DNC - to include Lerner, Koskinen, Cummings, and Obama - was busted using the IRS as a political weapon - ONLY THE SECOND US PRESIDENT TO DO SO, THE OTHER ONE BEING CLINTON. The IRS even admitted it.

Snowflakes keep their heads up their asses while lying, denying, & justifying.
Yeah it was President "Deep State" Obama who whispered into Lois Lerner's ears on how to pull her list of applicants to verify.
It was proved in the investigation that Cummings - who tried to kill the investigation before it was revealed HE was involved - provided the IRS - Lerner and her department - with extremely specific and un-necessary prying questions he wanted to be used in the IRS' scrutiny of Conservative groups. It was revealed the IRS used Cummings' questions almost completely word-for-word ... and these questions were not asked of non-Conservatives.

The DNC - to include Lerner, Koskinen, Cummings, and Obama - was busted using the IRS as a political weapon - ONLY THE SECOND US PRESIDENT TO DO SO, THE OTHER ONE BEING CLINTON. The IRS even admitted it.

Snowflakes keep their heads up their asses while lying, denying, & justifying.

Members of Congress from both sides of the isle call on the IRS to look into things from the other side all the time. That had nothing to do with the selection criteria Lerner used to select which Applications to verify. Try again.
"The top Democrat in congress investigating the IRS scandal now finds himself at the center of the targeting allegations. In February, Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings denied any involvement with the actual targeting of the political group True the Vote. But now, they have just released documents, the IRS has, that appear to prove otherwise.

...beginning in the fall of 2012, about six months later, Elijah Cummings announced that he had undertaken an investigation of True the Vote. Now mind you, he has no authority to do that. That is beyond the jurisdiction of that committee.

To start investigating a private citizen's group in Houston, Texas. And he announces on national television and submitted three different -- three or four different letters to True the Vote demanding all kinds of information."

Again, Cummings started an investigation of a private citizen's group that he did not have authorization to conduct, asking questions he had no authority to ask...

New questions over Rep. Cummings' connection to IRS probe

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