FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech

It is as guaranteed as death, that Obamalama will lie and distort to make it look like his agenda has worked and needs to be followed... He is a despicable excuse for a human being

Fact-checking Obama's State of the Union

5 hr ago
By Eugene Kiely, Brooks Jackson, Lori Robertson and Robert Farley

The president spins his accomplishments on jobs, health care and deficit reduction in annual address.

President Obama put a rosy spin on several accomplishments of his administration in his 2013 State of the Union address.

The president claimed that "both parties have worked together to reduce the deficit by more than $2.5 trillion." But that's only an estimate of deficit reduction through fiscal year 2022, and it would be lower if the White House used a different starting point.

Obama touted the growth of 500,000 manufacturing jobs over the past three years, but there has been a net loss of 600,000 manufacturing jobs since he took office. The recent growth also has stalled since July 2012.

He claimed that "we have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas." Actual mileage is improving, but Obama's "doubled" claim refers to a desired miles-per-gallon average for model year 2025.

Obama said the Affordable Care Act "is helping to slow the growth of health care costs." It may be helping, but the slower growth for health care spending began in 2009, before the law was enacted, and is due at least partly to the down economy.

The president also made an exaggerated claim of bipartisanship. He said that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney agreed with him that the minimum wage should be tied to the cost of living. But Romney backed off that view during the campaign.


President Barack Obama gave his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday, laying out his legislative agenda for the coming year and achievements of his time in office. But Obama puffed up his record.


Fact-checking Obama's State of the Union

Overreaching..OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

THE FACTS: That's in the ballpark, as far as it goes. But Obama starts his count not when he took office, but from the point in his first term when job losses were the highest. In doing so, he ignores the 5 million or so jobs that were lost on his watch, up to that point.
Private sector jobs have grown by 6.1 million since February 2010. But since he became president, the gain is a more modest 1.9 million.

And when losses in public sector employment are added to the mix, his overall jobs record is a gain of 1.2 million.

FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech - Yahoo! News

Just like Obama has LIED about 50 million uninsured while counting 10 million non-citizens, 14 million ALREADY Covered by Medicaid and the worst LIE
18 million who are under 34, make over $50k.. and financial have NO REASON to pay health insurance when they spend on average less then $1,000 a year out of their own POCKET!! That leaves 8 million truly uninsured that needed coverage!
BUT because of the "OVERREACHING"... LIE a lot of people that would have been MORE supportive are asking MORE and MORE about Obamacare
finding out there are MORE LIES!!!
Shocking! And he's the ONLY president/politician to have done so. Again....SHOCKING!!!!

No Bod... not the only president to lie and stretch the truth.. But he can certainly be considered a grandmaster at it
Grandmaster....based on what measurable data? Sounds like an interesting read.

Just go with the latest fact check of his speech.. on EVERY subject he cherrypicked and lied.. EVERY LAST SUBJECT.. he twists t such a level that you cannot expect any fully truthful statement or statistic from him AT ALL>. that, sir, is grandmaster status
OBAMA: "We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."
THE FACTS: Not so fast.
That's expected to happen in 12 more years.
Here's another "OVERREACHING!!!
Obama said: " And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year --
one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Today's health care expenditure: $2,555,000,000,000. That's $2.5 trillion.

1/10th of 1 percent of $2.5 trillion is $2.5 billion Obama said would be used to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term..
Divide the $4 trillion deficit by $2.5 billion a year supposedly in savings .... and Obama's"long term? 1,600 years!

See this is where most of us critics are saying Obama is so out of touch with reality!
Simple math seems to confuse him as well as reality!
It is as guaranteed as death, that Obamalama will lie and distort to make it look like his agenda has worked and needs to be followed... He is a despicable excuse for a human being
- as guaranteed as death

- will lie and distort

- make it look like his agenda has worked

- a despicable excuse for a human being

If this were all true, then what does it say about the American public's assessment of the Republicans/Tea Party in whom, apparently, the voters have even less confidence?

The 2012 Election against a fiscally "wounded" president was the Republican/Tea Party's contest to lose, BUT given the conservatives' willingness to promote a "gun culture," they inherit the occupational hazard of continually "shooting themselves in the foot!"

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

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How did he embellish the truth? Let us count the ways. . . .

Some things others have already pointed out:

He said we created over 6 million private sector new jobs. True unless you count the almost 5 million jobs he lost leaving a net of just over 1 milllion. A lot more folks than that became of age and needed jobs.

He said we doubled fuel efficiency on automobiles. That's true if you look ahead at what he ordered to happen 12 years from now.

He said we reduced healthcare costs with Obamacare. There isn't a reputable economist in the world who would agree that there has been any reduction in healthcare costs--they have been slowed a bit due to the crappy economy--and Obamacare won't even take full effect for some time yet.

He expounded on what immigration reform would look like, but didn't even try to fix that problem when he had large Democrat majorities in the House and Senate and isn't cooperating at all with Congress to fix immigration now.

He expounded on Head Start and preschool education; however, comprehensive studies on that show mostly short term benefits. A higher graduation rate for Head Start kids is most likely because they have parents who cared enough about their education to get them to Head Start in the first place rather than the program itself.

He expounded on massive efforts to combat climate change--at least they ditched the Global Warming myth--but didn't mention that this wasn't even addressed when he had those large majorities in the House and Senate and he has given little more than lip service to it since.

Re Marco Rubio's Rebuttal

The only thing they could find to criticize is that the huge deficits have been as much due to reduced tax revenues as they are from increased spending. Of course, most of us if we have less money, spend less. The Obama Administration hasn't seen any virtue in that concept. Or a balanced budget.

NOTE: The above is paraphrased from an article printed in Huffington Post, hardly anybody's idea of a rightwing propaganda publication.
State Of The Union Fact Check: Obama's Big Speech Scrutinized

Rubio's rebuttal focused on private sector solutions for all our problems. And every single thing the President talked about focused on big government solutions for our problems. The President sees every problem as an excuse for bigger, more intrusive, more authoritarian, and more expensive government.

Overreaching..OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

THE FACTS: That's in the ballpark, as far as it goes. But Obama starts his count not when he took office, but from the point in his first term when job losses were the highest. In doing so, he ignores the 5 million or so jobs that were lost on his watch, up to that point.
Private sector jobs have grown by 6.1 million since February 2010. But since he became president, the gain is a more modest 1.9 million.

And when losses in public sector employment are added to the mix, his overall jobs record is a gain of 1.2 million.

FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech - Yahoo! News

Just like Obama has LIED about 50 million uninsured while counting 10 million non-citizens, 14 million ALREADY Covered by Medicaid and the worst LIE
18 million who are under 34, make over $50k.. and financial have NO REASON to pay health insurance when they spend on average less then $1,000 a year out of their own POCKET!! That leaves 8 million truly uninsured that needed coverage!
BUT because of the "OVERREACHING"... LIE a lot of people that would have been MORE supportive are asking MORE and MORE about Obamacare
finding out there are MORE LIES!!!

FACTS about total employment FROM the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

jobs end number of
of year new workers % increase

2000...... 131,785 2,792 2.16%
2001...... 131,826 41 0.03% Dot.com bust, 9/11 occurred $5 trillion in real losses, 18,000 businesses
2002...... 130,341 -1,485 -1.13% 9/11 residual losses
2003...... 129,999 -342 -0.26% tax cuts began
2004...... 131,435 1,436 1.10%
2005...... 133,703 2,268 1.73%
2006...... 136,086 2,383 1.78%
2007...... 137,598 1,512 1.11%
2008...... 136,790 -808 -0.59%
2009...... 130,807 -5,983 -4.37% absolute worst losses in in 28 years!
2010...... 129,818 -989 -0.76%
2011...... 131,159 1,341 +1.03%
2012...... 134,825 3,666 +2.7%

STILL 2,773,000 fewer people working in 2012 then in 2007 when 137,598,000 people were working!
So Obama is again shading or OVERREACHING OK lying! There were 5,007,000 people back at work BUT not 6 million NEW JOBS!!!
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Overreaching..OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

THE FACTS: That's in the ballpark, as far as it goes. But Obama starts his count not when he took office, but from the point in his first term when job losses were the highest. In doing so, he ignores the 5 million or so jobs that were lost on his watch, up to that point.
Private sector jobs have grown by 6.1 million since February 2010. But since he became president, the gain is a more modest 1.9 million.

And when losses in public sector employment are added to the mix, his overall jobs record is a gain of 1.2 million.

FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech - Yahoo! News

Just like Obama has LIED about 50 million uninsured while counting 10 million non-citizens, 14 million ALREADY Covered by Medicaid and the worst LIE
18 million who are under 34, make over $50k.. and financial have NO REASON to pay health insurance when they spend on average less then $1,000 a year out of their own POCKET!! That leaves 8 million truly uninsured that needed coverage!
BUT because of the "OVERREACHING"... LIE a lot of people that would have been MORE supportive are asking MORE and MORE about Obamacare
finding out there are MORE LIES!!!

FACTS about total employment FROM the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

jobs end number of
of year new workers % increase

2000...... 131,785 2,792 2.16%
2001...... 131,826 41 0.03% Dot.com bust, 9/11 occurred $5 trillion in real losses, 18,000 businesses
2002...... 130,341 -1,485 -1.13% 9/11 residual losses
2003...... 129,999 -342 -0.26% tax cuts began
2004...... 131,435 1,436 1.10%
2005...... 133,703 2,268 1.73%
2006...... 136,086 2,383 1.78%
2007...... 137,598 1,512 1.11%
2008...... 136,790 -808 -0.59%
2009...... 130,807 -5,983 -4.37% absolute worst losses in in 28 years!
2010...... 129,818 -989 -0.76%
2011...... 131,159 1,341 +1.03%
2012...... 134,825 3,666 +2.7%

STILL 2,773,000 fewer people working in 2012 then in 2007 when 137,598,000 people were working!
So Obama is again shading or OVERREACHING OK lying! There were 5,007,000 people back at work BUT not 6 million NEW JOBS!!!

Look at 2009. "Absolute worst losses in 28 years." Even though a president is sworn in at the end of Jan. the country is run on the budget of the previous president until October. Only a complete idiot would think you could present a budget the day you are sworn in. It's simply too stupid for words.
Overreaching..OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

THE FACTS: That's in the ballpark, as far as it goes. But Obama starts his count not when he took office, but from the point in his first term when job losses were the highest. In doing so, he ignores the 5 million or so jobs that were lost on his watch, up to that point.
Private sector jobs have grown by 6.1 million since February 2010. But since he became president, the gain is a more modest 1.9 million.

And when losses in public sector employment are added to the mix, his overall jobs record is a gain of 1.2 million.

FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech - Yahoo! News

Just like Obama has LIED about 50 million uninsured while counting 10 million non-citizens, 14 million ALREADY Covered by Medicaid and the worst LIE
18 million who are under 34, make over $50k.. and financial have NO REASON to pay health insurance when they spend on average less then $1,000 a year out of their own POCKET!! That leaves 8 million truly uninsured that needed coverage!
BUT because of the "OVERREACHING"... LIE a lot of people that would have been MORE supportive are asking MORE and MORE about Obamacare
finding out there are MORE LIES!!!

FACTS about total employment FROM the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

jobs end number of
of year new workers % increase

2000...... 131,785 2,792 2.16%
2001...... 131,826 41 0.03% Dot.com bust, 9/11 occurred $5 trillion in real losses, 18,000 businesses
2002...... 130,341 -1,485 -1.13% 9/11 residual losses
2003...... 129,999 -342 -0.26% tax cuts began
2004...... 131,435 1,436 1.10%
2005...... 133,703 2,268 1.73%
2006...... 136,086 2,383 1.78%
2007...... 137,598 1,512 1.11%
2008...... 136,790 -808 -0.59%
2009...... 130,807 -5,983 -4.37% absolute worst losses in in 28 years!
2010...... 129,818 -989 -0.76%
2011...... 131,159 1,341 +1.03%
2012...... 134,825 3,666 +2.7%

STILL 2,773,000 fewer people working in 2012 then in 2007 when 137,598,000 people were working!
So Obama is again shading or OVERREACHING OK lying! There were 5,007,000 people back at work BUT not 6 million NEW JOBS!!!

Look at 2009. "Absolute worst losses in 28 years." Even though a president is sworn in at the end of Jan. the country is run on the budget of the previous president until October. Only a complete idiot would think you could present a budget the day you are sworn in. It's simply too stupid for words.

Yes, a budget that was ignored with a humongous pork laden appropriations bill passed early in 2009--God forbid that the mounting deficit and empty treasury should inform our government on what should be spent--and that was when Obama had 100% control of the process unhampered by any GOP objections.

A budget that was ignored when the second half of TARP was appropriated--TARP was in addition to budget authorizations--as was the almost trillion dollar stimulus package that we now know went mostly to pay off Obama's donors and prop up key constituencies in his base and didn't stimulate much of anything but government growth.

And I can't quite ignore the fact that Harry Reid has not bothered with budgets since then as he considers the spending limit to be the only budget they need, and they can raise that at will. And our Fearless Leader seems to have absolutely no problem with that.
It is as guaranteed as death, that Obamalama will lie and distort to make it look like his agenda has worked and needs to be followed... He is a despicable excuse for a human being
- as guaranteed as death

- will lie and distort

- make it look like his agenda has worked

- a despicable excuse for a human being

If this were all true, then what does it say about the American public's assessment of the Republicans/Tea Party in whom, apparently, the voters have even less confidence?

The 2012 Election against a fiscally "wounded" president was the Republican/Tea Party's contest to lose, BUT given the conservatives' willingness to promote a "gun culture," they inherit the occupational hazard of continually "shooting themselves in the foot!"

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

NOT one mention in your diatribe about how the MSM is in love and drool over Obama!
I mean how can any reasonable person NOT read the Editor of NewsWeek calling Obama a god.. and not come away with total distrust of the MSM that when provided opportunities to portray BOTH Obama and Romney in a fair and objective manner.. what did they do?

FACTS show MSM bias favoring Obama and negatively influencing the above Obama voting under informed class!

In Obama/Romney campaign..
According to Pew, “42% of the character narrative” about Obama was positive on mainstream networks such as ABC, NBC, and CBS while 58% was negative.
BUT when it came to ROMNEY???
On the other hand, only 29 percent of the narrative on Governor Romney was positive while 71 percent was negative.

So what do you think the under-informed idiots would do with out the MSM telling them "Obama good..Romney BAD"!!!
It is as guaranteed as death, that Obamalama will lie and distort to make it look like his agenda has worked and needs to be followed... He is a despicable excuse for a human being
- as guaranteed as death

- will lie and distort

- make it look like his agenda has worked

- a despicable excuse for a human being

If this were all true, then what does it say about the American public's assessment of the Republicans/Tea Party in whom, apparently, the voters have even less confidence?

The 2012 Election against a fiscally "wounded" president was the Republican/Tea Party's contest to lose, BUT given the conservatives' willingness to promote a "gun culture," they inherit the occupational hazard of continually "shooting themselves in the foot!"

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
- John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

What does it say when the latest action flick wins out over the well written, deep movie?? What does it say when reality shows win over the hard hitting research show??

Popularity and a good marketing snowjob does not make something right or better...

But nice try

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