Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.



It's gotten to the point to where I cannt even begin to take TM serious anymore. :badgrin:
The man loses his job and finds one that doesn't pay as much! How many AMERICANS are losing their jobs now because of the WEAK economy caused by OBAMAECONOMICS??? MILLIONS!!! Millions are losing their health insurance. I find that FAR FAR more worse!

Venture Capital firms do this:
(1) Buy struggling firms.
(2) Restructure them and many times that means short-term cost-cutting
(3) Get them to a growth stage and build them BIGGER THAN THEY WERE PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE!!!
(4) Get them growing, get them stable, hire more people and then sell them at a profit.

Some purchases get over-valued or are lost causes! These business would have closed whether they were purchased or not by Bain!!!!

I know the LIBERAL response is that these venture capital companies come in fire everyone, sell off the resource and post profit returns because of that and then sell it to an unsuspecting MILLIONAIRE investor and leave the company to go out of business. That is so ignorant is lacks logic!
(1) First, how many multi-millionaire venture capitalist investors are out there to dupe? Not as many as the left thinks.
(2) These millionaire invests didn't get to where they are be being naive and or retarded! They got there by being smart and investing well.
(3) There are fly by night people who do as the left proclaims all venture capitalism firms do. However, they are FLY-BY-NIGHT!!! They do a transaction or two and they cease to exist after they conned a buyer. A business that does this would have a reputation and they WOULD NEVER FIND A WILLING AND ABLE BUYER AGAIN. Bain was under Romney's leadership for over a decade with 1000s of transactions. He would have lost buyers in year one if he did as the liberals say he did.
(4) We perfect examples of companies like Pepsi and Staples that Romney's Bain purchased while close to liquidation, restructured them and then grew them to MASSIVE HEALTHY LEVELS 1000 fold bigger than they were before!!!

Romney has CREATED JOBS, as a failed community activist, all Obama has done is KILL JOBS!!!

in that link the man loses his job at the steel mill.

his family loses HIS insurance.

His wife worked at Savers which is a thrift store.

she retains her insurance through them but now the family lives on unemployment and her income.

She then loses her job through injury.

The loss of the MAIN income caused them to pinch pennies.

THAT is what this story is about.

Their income was drastically reduced and their GOOD insurance provided by his income was gone.

Have you ever heard of Co pays?

Depending on your income and how good your insurance is a copay and or a deductable may be too much to pay for you to go to the DR.

I know you will all spit on these people and laugh at his wifes death but this story is not much changed by this news.
in that link the man loses his job at the steel mill.

his family loses HIS insurance.

His wife worked at Savers which is a thrift store.

she retains her insurance through them but now the family lives on unemployment and her income.

She then loses her job through injury.

The loss of the MAIN income caused them to pinch pennies.

THAT is what this story is about.

Their income was drastically reduced and their GOOD insurance provided by his income was gone.

Have you ever heard of Co pays?

Depending on your income and how good your insurance is a copay and or a deductable may be too much to pay for you to go to the DR.

I know you will all spit on these people and laugh at his wifes death but this story is not much changed by this news.

just like I said you would you people are spitting on this guy and laughing at his dead wife.

The man told his story and now you have to find a way to distroy him and his dead wifes memmory.

the balck heart cons
She postponed going to the Dr because of the finacial impact of the main bread winner losing their job.

it happens every fucking day all over the world.

go ahead and lie some more about it.

It surprises me none in the least
in that link the man loses his job at the steel mill.

his family loses HIS insurance.

His wife worked at Savers which is a thrift store.

she retains her insurance through them but now the family lives on unemployment and her income.

She then loses her job through injury.

The loss of the MAIN income caused them to pinch pennies.

THAT is what this story is about.

Their income was drastically reduced and their GOOD insurance provided by his income was gone.

Have you ever heard of Co pays?

Depending on your income and how good your insurance is a copay and or a deductable may be too much to pay for you to go to the DR.

I know you will all spit on these people and laugh at his wifes death but this story is not much changed by this news.

just like I said you would you people are spitting on this guy and laughing at his dead wife.

The man told his story and now you have to find a way to distroy him and his dead wifes memmory.

the balck heart cons

When you intentionally lie about a story to garner sympathy I dont give a fuck what happens to you or that family.
She postponed going to the Dr because of the finacial impact of the main bread winner losing their job.

it happens every fucking day all over the world.

go ahead and lie some more about it.

It surprises me none in the least
What part of she was still working and had insurance don't you understand?
what part of not having their main income and losing their GOOD insurance do you pretend not to understand?
this is what you cons do.

You work really hard to NOT understand the lives of regualr people.

Its why your party is dying
Like it is a shock the Obama campaign lies thru it's teeth??

Or that the Romney campaign doesn't lie as much or even more!


Can you post any of the lies with facts to back them up?

But the Romney campaign's latest line of attack, highlighted by a television ad accusing President Obama of attempting to "gut" President Clinton's 1996 welfare reform law, is a new level of—what's the phrase?—making stuff up. (Or as I put it in my column today, the ad is "grotesquely, pants-on-fire, Pinocchio's nose just punched a hole in the wall misleading.") The facts of the matter are that the Obama administration did signal a willingness last month to extend welfare law waivers (an act allowed in the law) to states if they come up with new, promising ways to improve the law's goal of getting people into jobs. Oh and the governors who specifically asked for these waivers? They were Republican. And they're not rogue Republicans either—the idea of giving states greater flexibility to deal with welfare programs is a very traditional one in the GOP, endorsed by many, many Republican officials over the years (including, by the way, then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in 2005).

Lies, Damned Lies, and Mitt Romney's Ads - Robert Schlesinger (usnews.com)
She postponed going to the Dr because of the finacial impact of the main bread winner losing their job.

it happens every fucking day all over the world.

go ahead and lie some more about it.

It surprises me none in the least

Those are all Romney's fault as well, right?
Wow. The woman (the wife) in question had her own insurance even after this man was laid off at Bain.

It's a complete and utter lie.


I was wondering about Cobra myself.

And I was wondering how in gods name you tie this to Romney when she dies 6.5 years after he was no longer active at Bain anyways.

Or we could talk about how most of the US steel Industry all went down at that same time. Bain Gave that Company 4 years it would not have had on it's own. It was done.
Or that the Romney campaign doesn't lie as much or even more!


Can you post any of the lies with facts to back them up?

But the Romney campaign's latest line of attack, highlighted by a television ad accusing President Obama of attempting to "gut" President Clinton's 1996 welfare reform law, is a new level of—what's the phrase?—making stuff up. (Or as I put it in my column today, the ad is "grotesquely, pants-on-fire, Pinocchio's nose just punched a hole in the wall misleading.") The facts of the matter are that the Obama administration did signal a willingness last month to extend welfare law waivers (an act allowed in the law) to states if they come up with new, promising ways to improve the law's goal of getting people into jobs. Oh and the governors who specifically asked for these waivers? They were Republican. And they're not rogue Republicans either—the idea of giving states greater flexibility to deal with welfare programs is a very traditional one in the GOP, endorsed by many, many Republican officials over the years (including, by the way, then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in 2005).

Lies, Damned Lies, and Mitt Romney's Ads - Robert Schlesinger (usnews.com)

Obama did not attempt to gut clintons welfare reform, he DID gut it. There was no attempt made, he signed an executive order gutting it. And for no reason other than he would rather people depend on government then actually go out and try to be self sufficient. If those of you on the left care about the "Working man" so much why would you support a president who is doing everything he can to make people even more dependent on government?

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