Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

Should we return government benefits on a percentage basis too?

NO, government benefits should be on the basis of need. Which means we shouldn't be giving fat social security checks to millionaires... to start with.

Ahhhhh Joey, I suspect Romney pays more in taxes in one year than you earn the entire year. So yeah, he's paying a LOT of taxes.

Then he's got enough money to pay a LARGER percentage than I do, and not a smaller one...

Glad you agree.
Should we return government benefits on a percentage basis too?

NO, government benefits should be on the basis of need. Which means we shouldn't be giving fat social security checks to millionaires... to start with.

Ahhhhh Joey, I suspect Romney pays more in taxes in one year than you earn the entire year. So yeah, he's paying a LOT of taxes.

Last I checked, millionaires aren't eligible for Social Security checks. Nor have I ever seen a Social Security check I would classify as "fat".
NO, government benefits should be on the basis of need. Which means we shouldn't be giving fat social security checks to millionaires... to start with.

Ahhhhh Joey, I suspect Romney pays more in taxes in one year than you earn the entire year. So yeah, he's paying a LOT of taxes.

Last I checked, millionaires aren't eligible for Social Security checks. Nor have I ever seen a Social Security check I would classify as "fat".

THat would sort of depend... I live in a rather affluent community,and when I did census work in 2010, we had a lot of "Snowbirds", people who were living large on social security in addition to their pensions and savings.

Point is, SOcial Security should be means tested.
THat would sort of depend... I live in a rather affluent community,and when I did census work in 2010, we had a lot of "Snowbirds", people who were living large on social security in addition to their pensions and savings.

Point is, SOcial Security should be means tested.

Joe with yet another example of the exact talking point from his personal life.
THat would sort of depend... I live in a rather affluent community,and when I did census work in 2010, we had a lot of "Snowbirds", people who were living large on social security in addition to their pensions and savings.

Point is, SOcial Security should be means tested.

Joe with yet another example of the exact talking point from his personal life.

Well, you'd have a "personal life" too, if you ever moved out of your parents' basement.

Just sayin'.
THat would sort of depend... I live in a rather affluent community,and when I did census work in 2010, we had a lot of "Snowbirds", people who were living large on social security in addition to their pensions and savings.

Point is, SOcial Security should be means tested.

Joe with yet another example of the exact talking point from his personal life.

Well, you'd have a "personal life" too, if you ever moved out of your parents' basement.

Just sayin'.

You talk more shit than three welfare recipients on EBT credit day.
Joe with yet another example of the exact talking point from his personal life.

Well, you'd have a "personal life" too, if you ever moved out of your parents' basement.

Just sayin'.

You talk more shit than three welfare recipients on EBT credit day.

Everything I've said I can back up.

Guy, I'm 50 years old, I've served in the military, and I've spent the last 20 years in logistics management working for a bunch of companies. I also worked in Censuses in 2000 and 2010. I've done it all, I've seen it all, that's just the way things are.

Now, not knowing how old you are, but I'm suspecting 20ish, you might get to a point where you have done things in life, but I kind of doubt it.

You really need to get out from behind the computer.
I've done it all, I've seen it all, that's just the way things are.

All = talking points of convenience.

People dont buy the guy "who has done and and seen it all."

They smile and laugh when he leaves the room

Must have not noticied that part in your vast experience and perceptive skills.
I've done it all, I've seen it all, that's just the way things are.

All = talking points of convenience.

People dont buy the guy "who has done and and seen it all."

They smile and laugh when he leaves the room

Must have not noticied that part in your vast experience and perceptive skills.

The only people who get upset are the pople who live in their idealogical world where Supply Side/Greed is Good works despite of 30 years of evidence to the contrary...

And that's kind of the key thing, here, guy. I used to buy that shit. Now I know better.
People who are full of shit........ don't get that others know they are full of shit.
People who are full of shit........ don't get that others know they are full of shit.

Everybody is full of shit... metaphorically and physiologically... what is your point?

Just because your life has been kind of a bore, don't get upset with me.

If you can't apply your life to your idealogy, maybe you have the wrong idealogy... just sayin'.
If you can't apply your life to your ideology, maybe you have the wrong idealogy... just sayin'.

If you have to make up your life to promote your ideology, maybe you have the wrong ideology.

My life is my life, sorry, guy.

Like I said, I used to be a pretty right wing guy (and still am on some issues), but the fact is, the GOP became the party of the guys in the corner office a long time ago...
Everything I've said I can back up.

Guy, I'm 50 years old, I've served in the military, and I've spent the last 20 years in logistics management working for a bunch of companies. I also worked in Censuses in 2000 and 2010. I've done it all, I've seen it all, that's just the way things are.

Now, not knowing how old you are, but I'm suspecting 20ish, you might get to a point where you have done things in life, but I kind of doubt it.

You really need to get out from behind the computer.

"Done it all, seen it all, that's just the way things are." Then there's: If you can't apply your life to your idealogy, maybe you have the wrong idealogy... just sayin'.


He voted for Hopey Changey. :lol:
Everything I've said I can back up.

Guy, I'm 50 years old, I've served in the military, and I've spent the last 20 years in logistics management working for a bunch of companies. I also worked in Censuses in 2000 and 2010. I've done it all, I've seen it all, that's just the way things are.

Now, not knowing how old you are, but I'm suspecting 20ish, you might get to a point where you have done things in life, but I kind of doubt it.

You really need to get out from behind the computer.

"Done it all, seen it all, that's just the way things are." Then there's: If you can't apply your life to your idealogy, maybe you have the wrong idealogy... just sayin'.


He voted for Hopey Changey. :lol:

NO, actually I voted for McCain last time.

I'm voting for him this time because you idiots nominated a weird Mormon Robot.
...so you switched ideology...


But at the end of the day, I vote for people, not idealogies.

I see Obama as basically a good guy who is in over his head. As much as the Right Wing screams "Marxist", fact is, Obama has cut taxes, saved big industries and presided over a recovery in the stock market and taking a free-market approach towards Health Care.

I see Romney as a rich, out of touch person who has made his fortune screwing over guys like Joe Soptic, and on top of that, he's a Mormon, and I really despise that entire religion. He used to be a liberal, but then he took a focus group and found out he had to run to the far right to get the nomination, and now he's unable to run back to the center, because the right doesn't really trust him.

So today, he threw them a bone... but it will probably cost him the election.

Oh Team Obama is dead in the water for all their lies about the lying ad. They most definitely were in collusion with the superpac on this ad.
They just want it to be true. It isn't. They're goin' down. :muahaha:

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