Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

Oh and if anyone wants to continue to blame Bain even though it was GS Industries who shut down this plant, guess who was head of Bain at the time of the plant closure?

One of Obama's top campaign donation bundlers. Jonathan Lavine. He was head of Bain at the time.

Democrats are screwed every which way but loose on this deceptive advertisement.

It was Bain who saddled them with debt, in the form of preferred stock, got their money back with a huge profit, with loanshark type rates, that caused the company to fail. And yes, Romney was there and active when they pulled their mafia style bustout.

No, you know who was in charge of Bain at that point in history?


You guys are screwed every which way but loose. Jonathan Lavine sp? former head of Bain and now one of Obama's top bundlers.


ETA: here ya go sparky just so you can learn about what happened between Bain and GS Industries.

Bain Capital's investment did not shut down GST Steel

'Mitt Romney and Bain Capital made millions for themselves and then closed this steel plant,' a dramatic headline in the ad reads.

The real story is much more complex.

Bain Capital was one of several investors that paid $80million to buy the plant from Armco in 1993.

At the time it was struggling. Armco lost $640million that year. The American steel industry was in the midst of massive shutdowns and struggles as they lost ground to cheaper foreign imports, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Bain folded the Kansas City plant, GST Steel, into a company called GS Industries, which made $1billion in revenues by 1996.

And here's the kicker:

GST Steel in Kansas City closed, laying off 750 workers including Mr Soptic. It was the only plant in GS Industries that was forced to shut down as a result of the bankruptcy reorganization, the Journal reports.

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Right wingers with insurance will read the above statement and say, "Oh, of course, I knew that". Republicans without insurance will say, "Oh no. More babbling".

When you understand how it works, the obvious question becomes, "How many think they are covered and aren't?"

There's more than just one lie involved in the lying ad. And now Team Obama has been caught out lying about the lying ad.

Except you have no proof, just your silly speculation, making you the liar. It's illegal to coordinate a federal campaign with outside groups. Romney, otoh, has been to several gatherings with the Koch brothers, who also fund several outside PACs.

Until you know or are privy to those conversations, you are pissing in the wind.

I am here now, no need for you to whine to others.

Let me have it.. :lmao:
Right wingers with insurance will read the above statement and say, "Oh, of course, I knew that". Republicans without insurance will say, "Oh no. More babbling".

When you understand how it works, the obvious question becomes, "How many think they are covered and aren't?"

There's more than just one lie involved in the lying ad. And now Team Obama has been caught out lying about the lying ad.

Except you have no proof, just your silly speculation, making you the liar. It's illegal to coordinate a federal campaign with outside groups. Romney, otoh, has been to several gatherings with the Koch brothers, who also fund several outside PACs.

Cutter is toast and she has been caught out. On the other hand you are only speculating Dick Head.

Here's my proof. Where's yours?

Cutter said she didn't know when Soptic's wife fell ill, or about his health insurance.

Yet in May of this year, Cutter herself hosted a conference call in which Soptic detailed his case to reporters. During the call, as he did in the ad, Soptic explained how his wife fell ill after he lost his job, and how he lost his health insurance. The call took place as Soptic began appearing in Obama campaign ads, and was featured in a profile on the Obama campaign website.

The campaign profile listed Soptic as one of the "faces of Romney economics."

Cutter wasn't the only Obama campaign official caught up in the controversy.

"This is an ad by an entity that's not controlled by campaign. I certainly don't know the specifics of this man's case," campaign adviser Robert Gibbs said on MSNBC. Another Obama campaign spokeswoman separately told reporters that the campaign had no knowledge of the family involved.

Read more: Obama Campaign Aide Caught Lying Over Anti-Romney Ad - Obama Campaign - Fox Nation

And don't even start in with me that it's fox news. It's all over the net including the actual you tube.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfOoZl0tHvQ]May 14, 2012: Joe Soptic Tells Story About Wife On OFA Call - YouTube[/ame]
What lie have I told or backed?

This one:

Joe Soptic stated:

I see two blatant lies in the very first two sentences. His family did not lose their health care when Bain closed the plant, and his wife continued working for either a year of two at a job where the family had health insurance and that is not exactly a "short time later." And the timeline Soptic uses implies that his wife died 22 days after he lost his job.

But in an interview with CNN, Soptic said that when he lost his job at GS Industries in 2001, his wife still had health insurance through her job as an employee at Savers, a local thrift store. He told CNN that she left her job in 2002 or 2003 because of an injury, and that she then became uninsured because she didn’t have a fall-back insurance option through his employer.

According to the Kansas City Star, Ranae Soptic, 55, died in 2006, five years after the GS Industries plant was closed.

FactCheck.org : Is Romney to Blame for Cancer Death?

HOW long do you suppose she had cancer? Pre screening could have save here and Saver's coverage? What did it cover? How could they pay for 'fall back' insurance option cost. Remember her husband lost his job.

I don't know how long it takes for cancer to go from stage 1 to stage 4 and neither do you. She had health insurance up until 2 or 3 years before she died and she worked after he lost his job. With his job and his retirement pay they must have been making at least $45,000 a year. He worked for 30 years at a high paying union job, she worked at a job, and it seems to me that they should have had a pretty good nest egg saved.

I submit that he is a lying bastard and was too cheap to buy a health insurance policy.
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Liberals still defending their own bullshit days later proves they are nothing but scum.

Anyone that votes for Democraps is a scumbag, even if these ads appall them.
No one is turned away from the emergency room. Its the law.

Yeah and it why healthcare is so expensive

Is that an admission that people don't die from lack of healthcare?

The cost of healthcare is nothing compared to what it will be when we taxpayers start buying health insurance policies for 50 million more people.

Worse yet will be when the U.S. Government can start raising taxes every year to cover the costs and there won't be a doggone thing we can do about it.

Luckily starting in 2014 you won't be able to be turned down for pre-existing conditions.

If you can't wait, why not move to MA? I understand Mitt Romney set in place a very good healthcare system called Romneycare.

If Obamacare is so terrific, why did they kick the can down the road into 2014 before the benefits start up? Why didn't they want to help people as quickly as they could? What are they trying to hide until it's too late? :dunno:
It's typical with new legislation to give a grace period to the companies that must abide by it.

I thought you were an American and knew this stuff. :lol:

i think they are hoping most of the people with existing conditions will die off before then......:eusa_whistle:
Wow. The woman (the wife) in question had her own insurance even after this man was laid off at Bain.

It's a complete and utter lie.

So speaks someone without insurance.

When Right Wingers talk about insurance, you can spot the ones that don't have any. This may come as a "shock", but insurance doesn't cover everything. In fact, there are times when the husband's company and the wife's company will cover everything because even though both are covered, there is a 50/50 split between insurance companies.

For instance, a family who has a premature baby might cost a half million. The guy has co-pays that leave him with 20% of the cost. That's a hundred thousand dollars or more depending on how much medicine and therapy is covered.

For a family living on $40,000.00 a year, what's the difference between a hundred thousand, two hundred thousand or the whole half million. They'll have to go bankrupt anyway (this is where Republicans cheer).

So when people say "covered", it's only a matter of perspective. They may have insurance but are not really covered at all.

and so when Obamacare kicks in....EVERYTHING will now be covered?......OR will we still hear....."sorry thats not covered"......just askin Dean.....because i wanna know....and your the guy the lefties here told me to ask....
All through Ed Schultz's radio show today he seemed unaware that this lady had health Insurance.

Is Ed lazy,incompetent or better yet knew all along but wants to please the Obama campaign so much
that he will knowingly lie.
All through Ed Schultz's radio show today he seemed unaware that this lady had health Insurance.

Is Ed lazy,incompetent or better yet knew all along but wants to please the Obama campaign so much
that he will knowingly lie.

yes, yes, and... oh hell yes.
Whoopsie. Here's the link.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance

from the article:

CNN's Brianna Keilar and Wolf Blitzer did some fact checking and found that the woman in the ad had insurance after her husband, Joe Soptic, lost his job at GST Steel when it closed in 2001 - two years after Romney left Bain. That fact was left out of the pro-Obama ad.

Keilar said Tuesday that Soptic's wife had insurance until 2002 or 2003 when an injury forced her to leave her job.

In other words, the Obama PAC not only lied in the ad, making it appear that Romney himself was responsible for the woman's death, but it failed to provide all of the facts.

Man what scumbuckets. I have no doubt they knew the truth but wanted to smear Romney anyway.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Here's the problem with that. She had an injury that forced her off the job. So she didn't have insurance, and neither did her husband.

So, yeah, Romney totally killed this woman. Learn to deal.

But hey, she was only a "Gentile", so I don't think Mittens is losing any sleep over it.
Whoopsie. Here's the link.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance

from the article:

CNN's Brianna Keilar and Wolf Blitzer did some fact checking and found that the woman in the ad had insurance after her husband, Joe Soptic, lost his job at GST Steel when it closed in 2001 - two years after Romney left Bain. That fact was left out of the pro-Obama ad.

Keilar said Tuesday that Soptic's wife had insurance until 2002 or 2003 when an injury forced her to leave her job.

In other words, the Obama PAC not only lied in the ad, making it appear that Romney himself was responsible for the woman's death, but it failed to provide all of the facts.

Man what scumbuckets. I have no doubt they knew the truth but wanted to smear Romney anyway.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Here's the problem with that. She had an injury that forced her off the job. So she didn't have insurance, and neither did her husband.

So, yeah, Romney totally killed this woman. Learn to deal.

But hey, she was only a "Gentile", so I don't think Mittens is losing any sleep over it.

If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?

Whoopsie. Here's the link.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance

from the article:

CNN's Brianna Keilar and Wolf Blitzer did some fact checking and found that the woman in the ad had insurance after her husband, Joe Soptic, lost his job at GST Steel when it closed in 2001 - two years after Romney left Bain. That fact was left out of the pro-Obama ad.

Keilar said Tuesday that Soptic's wife had insurance until 2002 or 2003 when an injury forced her to leave her job.

In other words, the Obama PAC not only lied in the ad, making it appear that Romney himself was responsible for the woman's death, but it failed to provide all of the facts.

Man what scumbuckets. I have no doubt they knew the truth but wanted to smear Romney anyway.

Fact check: Woman in pro-Obama death ad had health insurance - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Here's the problem with that. She had an injury that forced her off the job. So she didn't have insurance, and neither did her husband.

So, yeah, Romney totally killed this woman. Learn to deal.

But hey, she was only a "Gentile", so I don't think Mittens is losing any sleep over it.

If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?


1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.
Here's the problem with that. She had an injury that forced her off the job. So she didn't have insurance, and neither did her husband.

So, yeah, Romney totally killed this woman. Learn to deal.

But hey, she was only a "Gentile", so I don't think Mittens is losing any sleep over it.

If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?


1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.

Forgive me, but I maybe wrong, but I thought when one was on disability they received medicare or was it medicaid?

Anyway, if she was disabled and on disability, I think, again may be wrong, that she would have been covered.

Regardless, it is possible that she had been forced from her job due to the injury, but not be considered disabled by the government.

Wow. The woman (the wife) in question had her own insurance even after this man was laid off at Bain.

It's a complete and utter lie.

Yup its 100% dishonest and false.

Too bad, I'm sure Romney's wife thinks Romney is sensitive to people with cancer, after all he stood by her side as she battled breast cancer.

We shouldn't go after this guy or his dead wife though, the anger and vitriol should be directed at the source of the dishonesty....the obama admin (someone in the whitehouse is on tape talking to this man about it before the ad came out) and the super pac that ran the ad.
I'd agree with you, EXCEPT that this individual, was (by his own admission) UNTRUTHFUL in his initial description of how the events unfolded, and willfully misrepresented the timeline (and perhaps other things). He is thus a LIAR, who, with malice aforethought, sought out Obama's political operatives to peddle his lie to. No one made him do that, and it is NOT unreasonable to hold him accountable for his own malice and mendacity! Let Sopic take his own portion of the heat, along with the political operatives who took his initial lie and elaborated on it. Sopic is a pawn, but a most willing pawn, it seems to me.
Here's the problem with that. She had an injury that forced her off the job. So she didn't have insurance, and neither did her husband.

So, yeah, Romney totally killed this woman. Learn to deal.

But hey, she was only a "Gentile", so I don't think Mittens is losing any sleep over it.

If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?


1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.

Red herring, Joe. If she was truly unable to work, she would have qualified for SSI disability, AND MEDICARE. Remember, this was several years before her lung cancer was discovered. If she applied and was denied, then Sopic's beef is with the Social Security Administration, NOT his former employer (assuming she really was disabled in the first place). You union stooges think you are entitled to absolutely everything from your employer, for life; well, YOU'RE NOT! Getting laid off is an occupational hazard, and if/when it happens, you had best have some marketable skills. The fact that Sopic could only find work as a janitor, in five years, says he didn't have any. More likely Sopic decided to go without insurance (he should have had enough money to buy a policy of some sort, which he did not); the fact that he lost that gamble is NOT the fault of his former employer, nor any of its executives.
If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?


1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.

Red herring, Joe. If she was truly unable to work, she would have qualified for SSI disability, AND MEDICARE. Remember, this was several years before her lung cancer was discovered. If she applied and was denied, then Sopic's beef is with the Social Security Administration, NOT his former employer (assuming she really was disabled in the first place). You union stooges think you are entitled to absolutely everything from your employer, for life; well, YOU'RE NOT! Getting laid off is an occupational hazard, and if/when it happens, you had best have some marketable skills. The fact that Sopic could only find work as a janitor, in five years, says he didn't have any. More likely Sopic decided to go without insurance (he should have had enough money to buy a policy of some sort, which he did not); the fact that he lost that gamble is NOT the fault of his former employer, nor any of its executives.

Few who work and are laid off can afford to continue their health insurance. COBRA costs are outrageous. When you get laid off, you do not know how long it will be until you work again. You have to plan and save every dime you get. Health insurance is a luxury and unless you are sick when you get laid off, it is not a luxury most people can afford.

That is not the fault of the employer. It is not the employer's responsibility to make the worker save for a rainy day. But the fact is that few of us would be able to afford health insurance if our employers did not supply it as a benefit... which is something a lot of people forget. They think "my employer only pays me $15.75/hour, what a rip off". What they forget is that a families health insurance costs well over $1200 a month and whatever the employer offers to pay for that is also part of their earnings.

To someone with a "you owe me" mentality, nothing the employer provides is going to be enough.

If she had an injury that kept her from working, then why wasn't she on disability?


1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.

Forgive me, but I maybe wrong, but I thought when one was on disability they received medicare or was it medicaid?

Anyway, if she was disabled and on disability, I think, again may be wrong, that she would have been covered.

Regardless, it is possible that she had been forced from her job due to the injury, but not be considered disabled by the government.


If she is on disability, she would receive Medicare or Medicaid. The it would be up to the state or federal government to cover her insurance.

I also believe when she died, he needs to find a blame or a scapegoat, it is very common, so that could be another issue.
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Red herring, Joe. If she was truly unable to work, she would have qualified for SSI disability, AND MEDICARE. Remember, this was several years before her lung cancer was discovered. If she applied and was denied, then Sopic's beef is with the Social Security Administration, NOT his former employer (assuming she really was disabled in the first place). You union stooges think you are entitled to absolutely everything from your employer, for life; well, YOU'RE NOT! Getting laid off is an occupational hazard, and if/when it happens, you had best have some marketable skills. The fact that Sopic could only find work as a janitor, in five years, says he didn't have any. More likely Sopic decided to go without insurance (he should have had enough money to buy a policy of some sort, which he did not); the fact that he lost that gamble is NOT the fault of his former employer, nor any of its executives.

First, it's not that easy to get on disability. I know, my sister just did, because she lost the sight in her eye and can't be a registered nurse anymore. This was after she had previous issues with her back from lifting fat-ass patients all these years.

Sopic did have a skill. He could work in a steel plant, which is a very specialized skill. Or it was until the corporate assholes decided that their greed was more important than America's well being.

And so now, there are plenty of steel mill jobs- in China. Hope we never have to go to war with them, we might have to ask them for some steel before it starts.

As far as insurance. Simple enough solution. We have universal coverage like every other civilized country has and get the employers out of it altogether. You guys are the ones who've insisted on keeping the employers in, even though a lot of them don't want to be in this mess.
1) I don't know if she was or not.

2) Even if she was, that doesn't give you insurance. Her husband might have made just enough to not qualify for Medicaid, a situation ObamaCare corrected.

3) POint was, she had good insurance though her husbands job, until Romney decided Relfalca needed a new barn.

Red herring, Joe. If she was truly unable to work, she would have qualified for SSI disability, AND MEDICARE. Remember, this was several years before her lung cancer was discovered. If she applied and was denied, then Sopic's beef is with the Social Security Administration, NOT his former employer (assuming she really was disabled in the first place). You union stooges think you are entitled to absolutely everything from your employer, for life; well, YOU'RE NOT! Getting laid off is an occupational hazard, and if/when it happens, you had best have some marketable skills. The fact that Sopic could only find work as a janitor, in five years, says he didn't have any. More likely Sopic decided to go without insurance (he should have had enough money to buy a policy of some sort, which he did not); the fact that he lost that gamble is NOT the fault of his former employer, nor any of its executives.

Few who work and are laid off can afford to continue their health insurance. COBRA costs are outrageous. When you get laid off, you do not know how long it will be until you work again. You have to plan and save every dime you get. Health insurance is a luxury and unless you are sick when you get laid off, it is not a luxury most people can afford.

That is not the fault of the employer. It is not the employer's responsibility to make the worker save for a rainy day. But the fact is that few of us would be able to afford health insurance if our employers did not supply it as a benefit... which is something a lot of people forget. They think "my employer only pays me $15.75/hour, what a rip off". What they forget is that a families health insurance costs well over $1200 a month and whatever the employer offers to pay for that is also part of their earnings.

To someone with a "you owe me" mentality, nothing the employer provides is going to be enough.


If this is the case, why not just pay the employees a decent wage and make them buy their own insurance? At least then they get what they want.

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