Fact check: Reporter on CNN busts open new ad lie. Wife had iinsurance.

She dies 7 years after Romney leaves Bain, and it's still Romney's fault? :eusa_hand:

It's sad that anyone dies from cancer, but let's keep it real in what the dems are trying to do here.

Exactly. They're pretty much accusing Romney for 'murder'. Why not? They've already accused him of being a felon.

If Romney is responsible for her death, then Obama is responsible for all the following deaths:

  1. Every person who dies because the FDA delays approval of life saving drug.
  2. Every person who dies because Medicare denies a claim
  3. Every person who dies because the VA denies a claim
  4. Every person who dies in a traffic accident because government red tape delays the completion of road constrution.
  5. Every soldier who dies in Afghanistan.
  6. Every person who dies as a result of guns given to criminals through Fast and Furios.
She dies 7 years after Romney leaves Bain, and it's still Romney's fault? :eusa_hand:

It's sad that anyone dies from cancer, but let's keep it real in what the dems are trying to do here.

Exactly. They're pretty much accusing Romney for 'murder'. Why not? They've already accused him of being a felon.

If Romney is responsible for her death, then Obama is responsible for all the following deaths:

  1. Every person who dies because the FDA delays approval of life saving drug.
  2. Every person who dies because Medicare denies a claim
  3. Every person who dies because the VA denies a claim
  4. Every person who dies in a traffic accident because government red tape delays the completion of road constrution.
  5. Every soldier who dies in Afghanistan.
  6. Every person who dies as a result of guns given to criminals through Fast and Furios.


Precisely...and we can add to that list. They forget this is a two-way street.
How many times have I said the Democrats shout "Roll out the cancer lady!" to get something they want through an appeal to emotion? Christ, I can't even remember how many times.

But here are a few examples:


"Roll out the cancer lady!"


Shell #3: “Roll out the cancer lady!”


"Roll out the cancer lady!"

So rolling out the obligatory cancer lady for an Obama Superpac ad is to be expected.
People die when they cant get healthcare.

its a fact of life

People die when they drop out of high school and then can't get a good job and buy their own health insurance.

It's a fact of life. So spread the word.
this is what you cons do.

You work really hard to NOT understand the lives of regualr people.

Its why your party is dying

Yeah, dying to the point of kicking the living shit our of your party in the '10 elections and others, including the lefty circle jerk in Wisconsin recently. And Barry boy himself will be the next victim of our party, independents, serious Democrats fed up with this clown and his Chicago-style bullshit, and others come November.

You are the poster person for stupidity.

Correction: for beyond stupidity.
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That man is a scumbag making that commercial so he deserves to have his wife die on him.

He knows his wife had insurance and died several years after a company backed by Bain closed, but still today makes a bullshit ad.
She postponed going to the Dr because of the finacial impact of the main bread winner losing their job.

it happens every fucking day all over the world.

go ahead and lie some more about it.

It surprises me none in the least

Every day? All over the world... so then you finally admit that other countries are not providing perfect health care?

Congratulations for seeing the facts.
Your problem is real voters understand what this family went through.

you dont need real voters to win elections, you need fewer voters to win elections
The company was bankrupted. The government had to bail out its pension fund (thanks for that, Mitten!) and there was no health care retirement package as promised to employees.

So yeah, if the company hadn't been bankrupted there is a chance the woman would have had the insurance when she was sick and would have gotten treatment.
the republican party wins elections more often when FEWER Americans vote.

That is a fact.

Its a pretty telling thing
in that link the man loses his job at the steel mill.

his family loses HIS insurance.

His wife worked at Savers which is a thrift store.

she retains her insurance through them but now the family lives on unemployment and her income.

She then loses her job through injury.

The loss of the MAIN income caused them to pinch pennies.

THAT is what this story is about.

Their income was drastically reduced and their GOOD insurance provided by his income was gone.

Have you ever heard of Co pays?

Depending on your income and how good your insurance is a copay and or a deductable may be too much to pay for you to go to the DR.

I know you will all spit on these people and laugh at his wifes death but this story is not much changed by this news.

Ahhhhh. Truth matters only when it makes your views look correct.
The company was bankrupted. The government had to bail out its pension fund (thanks for that, Mitten!) and there was no health care retirement package as promised to employees.

So yeah, if the company hadn't been bankrupted there is a chance the woman would have had the insurance when she was sick and would have gotten treatment.


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