Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Hey retard, Mueller would had put any evidence of wrongdoing by the President in his report. He didn’t. Saying that he wouldn’t press charges is totally irrelevant, everyone knows he cannot charge the President with anything, only Congress can. Mueller led the investigation, he is the only one that can say if his investigation was hindered or obstructed in any way. Even if he were to claim it was, he would still need to prove it. As it turns out, he didn’t even make that claim in his report.

What he infers or suggests to the media after the fact is irrelevant. He’s just playing politics and catering to the left wing wackos.

It did not conclude that Trump&Co. conspired with Russia to impact our election. It stated it could not, in the opinion of the Special Counsel, meet the legal standard necessary and sufficient proving such a conspiracy existed Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

That does not mean Trump, his family and his inner circle are innocent!!

Keep in mind that neither an investigator nor a prosecutor is the truer of fact able to exonerate Trump&Co.of wrong doing.

As to obstruction of justice, there is in the public domain necessary and sufficient evidence to support beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump's behaviors met that standard, with countless numbers of his Trump's tweets, words and behaviors, IMO, and that of millions of others.
In America, there is a presumption of innocence until such time as the prosecution can prove otherwise, beyond a reasonable doubt.

So yes, Trump is innocent. And apparently, as POTUS, above the law.
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
Damn you are clueless. Let’s straighten you out. Waters and Schumer weren’t in the equation. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump and he hired mueller. Wray was appointed by Trump to lead the FBI. He backed up Muellers investigation as well.

You sure lie a lot.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation
Thank you, your link proves exactly what I said in the second paragraph.

The decision by the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came after a cascade of damaging developments for Mr. Trump in recent days, including his abrupt dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, and the subsequent disclosure that Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.
Damn you are clueless. Let’s straighten you out. Waters and Schumer weren’t in the equation. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump and he hired mueller. Wray was appointed by Trump to lead the FBI. He backed up Muellers investigation as well.

You sure lie a lot.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation
Thank you, your link proves exactly what I said in the second paragraph.

The decision by the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came after a cascade of damaging developments for Mr. Trump in recent days, including his abrupt dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, and the subsequent disclosure that Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.

You seem to have missed the CONFIRMATION by congress part... :eusa_whistle:
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
Damn you are clueless. Let’s straighten you out. Waters and Schumer weren’t in the equation. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump and he hired mueller. Wray was appointed by Trump to lead the FBI. He backed up Muellers investigation as well.

You sure lie a lot.

Robert Mueller, Former F.B.I. Director, Is Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation
Thank you, your link proves exactly what I said in the second paragraph.

The decision by the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, came after a cascade of damaging developments for Mr. Trump in recent days, including his abrupt dismissal of the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, and the subsequent disclosure that Mr. Trump asked Mr. Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.

You seem to have missed the CONFIRMATION by congress part... :eusa_whistle:
What does a rebublicsn controlled senate confirmation have to do with you point at all? If anything it hurts it
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

You voting for BoJo??? Write him in!!


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know

There is no "if"

The conspirators of the coup perjured themselves on the FISA application in order to spy on the opposition candidate for the initial purpose of influencing and alter the election. Then it morphed into a plot to overthrow the executive branch of the government.

We know the facts, the evidence is irrefutable. The question is whether democrats remain above the law and immune from consequence for actions that include treason. Barr is willing to at least allow the crimes to be read - a HUGE step forward from where we have been. Will he go as far as to actually hold democrats to the law? I hope so, as that might keep this civil war we are in from turning into a shooting war. Restoring equal justice under the law will go a long way toward starting the healing process.
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know

There is no "if"

The conspirators of the coup perjured themselves on the FISA application in order to spy on the opposition candidate for the initial purpose of influencing and alter the election. Then it morphed into a plot to overthrow the executive branch of the government.

We know the facts, the evidence is irrefutable. The question is whether democrats remain above the law and immune from consequence for actions that include treason. Barr is willing to at least allow the crimes to be read - a HUGE step forward from where we have been. Will he go as far as to actually hold democrats to the law? I hope so, as that might keep this civil war we are in from turning into a shooting war. Restoring equal justice under the law will go a long way toward starting the healing process.
You are so balls deep into the taking points that you no long know up from down. Once Barr is finished and nobody is in prison I’ll check back in with you

So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know
You know of course that the corroborating evidence was circular and not independent which is supposed to be a no no. The News reports used to corroborate the dossier were articles written by organizations that Steele leaked the dossier to. There was no independent corroboration and that little piece of info was withheld when seeking a FISA warrant. That is an established fact.
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know
You know of course that the corroborating evidence was circular and not independent which is supposed to be a no no. The News reports used to corroborate the dossier were articles written by organizations that Steele leaked the dossier to. There was no independent corroboration and that little piece of info was withheld when seeking a FISA warrant. That is an established fact.
Actually, it was established that the news article in the FISA application was NOT USED to establish the veracity of the Steele dossier... it was used to establish that Carter Page was lying about his Russian contacts with 2 Russian operatives that were under sanctions by the US....

Page claimed to the article interviewer, that he never met the 2 Russians in Russia, while the FBI had solid evidence presented in the FISA, that he did....

It established Page's lie about it.


Well, thanks to a FOIA request, we can now see the entire FISA application submitted by the FBI. Much of it is redacted, but that turns out not to matter very much. We can fairly easily match up the criticisms in the Nunes memo with the various sections of the application, and make some pretty good guesses about the rest of it. So let’s do that.

The first excerpt is unrelated to the Nunes memo. It’s merely the starting point of the FISA application, stating that the FBI believes Russia is trying to recruit Page in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election:


Next, Nunes complains that the FISA application mentions George Papadopoulos:


Papadopoulos is yet another sketchy member of Trump’s original foreign policy team, and it was his drunken conversation with the Australian ambassador to Britain in May 2016 that kicked off the FBI investigation in the first place. It’s true that there was apparently no cooperation between Page and Papadopoulos, but so what? He was mentioned solely as another member of the Trump foreign policy team—perhaps to draw the court’s attention to the fact that cooperating with Russia wasn’t unusual for Trump team members—and that was that. There’s no reason there should have been more since the FISA application was for surveillance of Page, not anyone else.

Generally speaking, Nunes is obsessed with the idea that the entire surveillance operation against Page was justified solely by information in the “Steele dossier,” a collection of tittle tattle that he claims was partisan, untrustworthy, and unreliable. What’s more, he claims the court was never advised that the FISA application was largely based on evidence from the Steele dossier:


This is flatly not true. Generally speaking, FISA applications use identifiers (“Source #1,” “Candidate #1,” etc.), and in this application there’s an entire page-long footnote spelling out the details of the information provided by Christopher Steele. A law firm hired Simpson, who hired Steele specifically to perform oppo research on Trump. The FISA court was very much aware of this, and was aware that it was most likely oppo research paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Steele had been a reliable source in the past, and here the FBI is explicitly saying that even though this is a partisan investigation, they believe Steele’s reporting to be credible.


This is a reference to an article by Michael Isikoff about Page’s meetings with Russian officials.


Nunes is outraged that the FBI doesn’t mention that Isikoff’s article isn’t independent verification of Page’s activities, but merely the same information recycled by Steele through a different outlet. However, that’s not why the FBI included this information. They included it because it was the Isikoff article that prompted Page to deny that he had met with any Russian officials.


This is key information. Page denied the meetings with Sechin and Divyekin that were part of the Steele dossier. Quite possibly there’s other confirmation in the redacted portions of the FISA application. The fact that Page apparently lied about this is central to the FBI’s desire to surveil him further.


This appears to be a lie. The Steele dossier was important, but McCabe makes it clear that it was less than half the evidence contained in the FISA application. Given the number of redactions in the released FISA application, this is pretty plausible. After all, since the Steele dossier has already been made fully public, there’s little reason to redact anything related to it. The fact that there are so many other redactions suggests that the FISA application contains quite a bit of non-Steele information.


This is true, though the FBI continued to believe Steele’s reporting was basically reliable.


This is also true, though it’s not clear why it’s important. Ohr was an FBI official, and I suppose the implication here is that Fusion GPS, the firm at the center of the Steele dossier, was somehow worming its way into the FBI via Ohr’s wife. Nunes has nothing more to say about this, though. It’s just a petty smear tossed out for no reason.

Generally speaking, Nunes’ contention is that (a) the entire FISA application is based on the Steele dossier, (b) the Steele dossier is a partisan pile of lies, and (c) this goes to show that the FBI had it in for the Trump campaign.

But as we can now see, virtually everything Nunes said is untrue. The FBI investigation originally started in summer 2016, when the Australian ambassador to Britain reported a conversation he had with George Papadopoulos in which Papadopoulos implied that he had Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton. They were further alarmed by the very public attitude of the Trump campaign toward Russia. They had been keeping an eye on Carter Page for years at that point, and the Steele dossier’s claim that Page had spoken with Russian officials alarmed them yet further. Finally, after Page lied about those meetings, the FBI asked the FISA court for a warrant to surveil him.

The warrant was approved by a Republican judge. Not then, and at no time since, has she suggested she was duped. Ditto for the judges who signed the subsequent extensions, all of them Republicans. Finally, the sheer volume of redacted material—which grew larger in each application for extension—strongly suggests that the FBI had quite a bit of material well beyond just the Steele dossier.

Finally, it’s worth keeping in mind that the standard for a FISA warrant is “probable cause” that the target is an “agent of a foreign power.” This is not a negligible standard, but neither does it require bulletproof evidence. In this case we have Page’s known travels; his meetings with Russian officials; his own admission that he was an “informal adviser” to the Kremlin; his lie about his meetings with Sechin and Divyekin; and the contents of the Steele dossier. Plus, of course, whatever else is hiding under all those redactions. In the real world, that’s way more than enough to get approval for a surveillance warrant.

Bottom line: Devin Nunes, unsurprisingly, has lied about virtually everything he said. The Carter Page warrant was perfectly ordinary and the FBI showed no particular bias in applying for it. Nor did the judge show any bias in approving it. It was all pretty routine, and the only unusual thing about it is that presidential candidates usually don’t hire multiple advisers with unexplained connections to Russian officialdom. But Donald Trump did.

Now we know for sure: Devin Nunes lied about everything
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No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.


So, you just fucking lie. :thup:

The warrants were signed by Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates. They approved spying on the Trump campaign. It is unheard of.

The document on page 53 says the FBI “verified the application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures…”. That is a lie. It was never verified.

According to the documents, the FBI relied on the dossier. Hillary’s campaign and the DNC commissioned the dossier as opposition research. It was put together by Steele subcontractors. They got it from Russian spies who took it from the Russian rumor mill.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” the FBI said in its statement at the time.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said his first read of the documents released by the DOJ on Saturday seemed to “confirm the FBI and DoJ misled the courts in withholding information about Clinton-DNC being behind the information used to get the FISA warrant.”

“Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material,” he continued in a statement.}

Astonishing! DoJ FISA Docs Strongly Suggest a Corrupt and Dishonest FBI

That seems to be the strategy of you Communists. You got caught with your pants down, so just flat out lie and claim that you are fully clothed while your dick dangles.

A very Hitlerian tactic - so it fits you traitors well. But I think it just makes you appear insane. I mean, clearly you're pathological, but...
You don’t know what was verified or not because you’re not privy to the details of the investigation. For you to proclaim that you know or that they broke protocol is just you being dishonest again.

{Subsequently, however, former FBI director James Comey told a Senate committee that the dossier remained “salacious and unverified.” Obviously, if the FBI had not verified the dossier by the time Comey testified in June 2017, then the Bureau cannot possibly have verified the dossier when DOJ sought the FISA warrant nine months earlier, in September 2016.}

Did Comey Really Testify That the Entire Steele Dossier Was Unverified?

You seem to think blatant lying is the path out of the mess you Stalinists are in.
If the dossier was used to obtain a warrant in any way then it was used in conjunction with corroborating evidence. Nobody ever claimed the entire dossier was verified but that doesn’t mean it has verified elements in it that were used in the warrant application. So back to my original point... You don’t know what the refracted intel is. So stop pretending like you know
You know of course that the corroborating evidence was circular and not independent which is supposed to be a no no. The News reports used to corroborate the dossier were articles written by organizations that Steele leaked the dossier to. There was no independent corroboration and that little piece of info was withheld when seeking a FISA warrant. That is an established fact.
Uhh no, I don’t know that and you don’t know that... and it’s silly to claim as true like you are doing. There is no reason to accuse such things except if your falling for Trumps deep state distraction like you are. Don’t be a sucker
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