Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Why are they bad, cherry picker?

Collusion in a presidential campaign using a foreign source, who by the way, were not our friends, who we had sanctions against, where the Trump campaign knowingly and willfully tried to use them to get dirt on Clinton, was immoral, and unethical. And the fact that we have new evidence of a conspiracy to collude between Flynn and Turkey to get dirt on Clinton, for who flynn was paid, proves there was in fact a conspiracy to collude.

Nobody cares about Flynn and Turkey. The only person in the country talking about it is.....you!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
I don't think so. The judge in the case is red hot about it right now. And by the way, what is your defense? The information put out is accurate, because it was written down, it's on an email, and we have it on audio.

Maybe the judge cares about it but nobody else does.

s0n....its all in the political realm now. You might not get it right now....but you will!!:113::113:

Wait'll Bill Barr gets rolling....Oy.......things gonna get fucked up for the Dums:2up:
Barr is going to be held in contempt. That's the only thing he'll be rolling with.
If that happens, the same thing will occur as when Holder was found in contempt. The contempt charge is sent to the DOJ which Holder ran and blew it off. Barr will do the same thing. It's just a bunch of Congress critters throwing a tantrum because he won't play and give them sound bite fodder for the cameras. Holding him in contempt is laughable. But if it feeds your angst and anger, then clutch that pearl to your chest so you can sleep at night.
Why are they bad, cherry picker?

Collusion in a presidential campaign using a foreign source, who by the way, were not our friends, who we had sanctions against, where the Trump campaign knowingly and willfully tried to use them to get dirt on Clinton, was immoral, and unethical. And the fact that we have new evidence of a conspiracy to collude between Flynn and Turkey to get dirt on Clinton, for who flynn was paid, proves there was in fact a conspiracy to collude.

Nobody cares about Flynn and Turkey. The only person in the country talking about it is.....you!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
I don't think so. The judge in the case is red hot about it right now. And by the way, what is your defense? The information put out is accurate, because it was written down, it's on an email, and we have it on audio.

Maybe the judge cares about it but nobody else does.

s0n....its all in the political realm now. You might not get it right now....but you will!!:113::113:

Wait'll Bill Barr gets rolling....Oy.......things gonna get fucked up for the Dums:2up:
Barr is going to be held in contempt. That's the only thing he'll be rolling with.

Only one AG in the history of the United States was held in contempt, that was Eric Holder and good thing he is in prison now, right?

Yes, thank you, same shit different party
With the exception of the important distinction that Trump went through a long protracted investigation, nearly three years, by the government and the special prosecutor could find nothing with which to charge him but refuses to exonerate him either. That's what makes this politicized witch hunt such an impossible pill to swallow.

On the other hand Hillary had a joke "investigation" by James Comey's FBI with all sorts of procedural irregularities, like interviewing Clinton aides together instead of separately which is unheard of in bureau annals. Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email case
She was exonerated by Comey claiming no prosecutor could divine her intent....really.

Same shit? Not really.
That’s a nice way of painting it but there is a flip side that a left wing partisan could use to make the opposite case. But here’s a little tip. The truth often lies in the middle of what you partisan hacks like to spew.

Hillaries investigation was over an email server and whether she handled classified intel in a secure way. She was never accused or ever found to have given intel to anybody who shouldn’t have it. Regardless the investigation happened, was grossly politicized and Comeys unprecedented public comments likely costed her the election, so there was great consequence from what Comey did.

Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that
Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Sure. Day is night. Up is down. Hot is cold. The Steele dossier wasn't a Hillary Clinton/Fusion GPS project designed to smear and destroy Donald Trump (ala the Russian hookers golden showers rumor).

Discredited former British M-6 Intelligence Russian expert, agent Christopher Steele, has disavowed his own handiwork and now says he can't vouch for any of the information gathered mostly from Russian sources in his dossier designed
to torpedo candidate Donald Trump.

What could be more appropriate and on point than getting to the bottom of this document and tracking down the British-Russian-American intelligence links when trying to unravel the issue of Russian interference in our election?

But Robert Mueller, who was supposed to investigate wherever the tracks led, for some reason just couldn't be bothered to investigate the central issue of the whole collusion issue, the dossier used to justify spying on the Trump campaign even though James Comey knew this document was an utter work of fiction.

Has anyone asked Captain America Mueller why his time and effort was used to catch small inconsequential fish like Paul Manafort or General Michael Flynn while he utterly ignored the Russian influenced Steele dossier?
Your gutless laughable denial tells us all much about Mueller and his partisan inquisition.
The dossier wasn’t used for shit. It was oppo research that Clinton’s team did nothing with. Intelligence found it and informed Trump. It was leaked and then reported as an unsubstantiated document by buzzfeed AFTER Trump was elected. If it was planned to be used in coordination with Russia to spread disinformation to hurt Trump in the election then it was the worst executed plan ever.
You have a little bullshit in the corner of your mouth. Your fantasy is totally devoid of any truth or fact.
Name one thing that I said that isn’t true
That the dossier wasn't used for shit for starters. That just pure unadulterated bullshit and you know it. It was the primary source used to obtain FISA warrants multiple times. Comey has stated under oath that it wasn't reliable, yet they used it anyway in an effort to affect his campaign and the election and when that failed, to disrupt and possibly remove him from office. THAT is a conspiracy and attempted coup.
My point was that it wasn’t used by Clinton to impact the election whatsoever. If you think it was then explain how so. It came out after the election.

It may have been part of evidence used to get a FISA but I’d bet the farm that behind those little black line of detections are verifying evidence that substantiate the case for the warrant using classified mean of intel. If not then I’ll agree with you that the FISAs were inappropriately obtained. There’s a reason why Trump will not unredact the FISAs like he said he would. It would blow up the conspiracy theories that y’all are thriving off of.
You are half right... there was no conspiracy, but collusion is not the same thing. Trump lying when he said he had no contacts with Russians, Flynn lying about meeting with Russians. Don Jr, and Kush lying about meeting at trump tower, the prez helping with a cover story, manafort giving polling data to Russians... all this is collusion. It’s all outlined plus more in Muellers report.

Here is the definition of collusion Incase you forgot...

Collusion is a secret cooperation or deceitful agreement in order to deceive others, although not necessarily illegal, as a conspiracy.
So, nothing illegal. Now, get Hillary to explain the whole hiring of a foreign national to talk to Russian agents for dirt on Trump and getting her buddy Obama's intelligence apparatus to do a bogus investigation in hopes of ruining his campaign and having him removed after elected. That isn't collusion, that is conspiracy and it is illegal.

Hillary Clinton's Russia collusion IOU: The answers she owes America
Damn, you got your head so far up Hannities ass you can’t think straight. Wish you could hear how stupid that narrative you just laid out sounds.

Steele didn’t conspire with Russia on anything illegal. He gathered dirt, they gave the dirt to the FBI, the FBI told Trump, it was leaked to the public after the election was over. Clinton didn’t use the dossier or spread lies about Trump during the campaign. Get your facts straight. I laugh every time I hear you all try and turn the table in Clinton over this dossier thing. Such a weak argument
I hope you have a nice warm, soft blanket to snuggle into when you attempt to calm yourself with your delusions. Reality says you're full of shit, but don't let that stop you. Put your stupidity on display so everyone can enjoy a good laugh. Moron.
Wow, you really are an empty box aren’t ya?! That’s two posts in a row that you have only responded with insults and having failed to make a counter argument or prove me wrong with substance. That’s the characteristic of somebody who doesn’t have the facts or the intellect behind them to engage in a debate. Do better.
No Brainiac, that's the characteristic of someone dealing with a clueless, obtuse, close minded idiot. You aren't worth responding to in any other way because you ignore fact and evidence in favor of your misguided and debunked beliefs. Pound sand.
I present facts and counter arguments. Responding with empty insults is completely meaningless. But go ahead and call me a moron again if that makes you feel better. It just shows me that you have nothing of substance to come back with
Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.

Yeah, that. But, your interlocutor likes to assert that Mueller's not detailing with what he'd charge Trump proves Mueller to be a political hack engaged in a witch hunt. Think about that for a while. For in a witch hunt the target is being charged with whatever can be found and then some, every behavior given the most incriminating interpretation, and the crimes detailed to the most minuscule aspect along with high crimes and misdemeanors described in graphic detail so as to provide a road map for impeachment. Also, to inflict as much damage as possible, every associate would, in a witch hunt, be charged as a co-conspirator, and the target would have been forced to sit down for days of interrogation. That's what a witch hunt would have looked like.

And the moron makes a case that, because none of that happened, it was a witch hunt. Again, think about the decaying brain that would resort to such gobbledygook. Not playing with a full deck, that one.
Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.

Yeah, that. But, your interlocutor likes to assert that Mueller's not detailing with what he'd charge Trump proves Mueller to be a political hack engaged in a witch hunt. Think about that for a while. For in a witch hunt the target is being charged with whatever can be found and then some, every behavior given the most incriminating interpretation, and the crimes detailed to the most minuscule aspect along with high crimes and misdemeanors described in graphic detail so as to provide a road map for impeachment. Also, to inflict as much damage as possible, every associate would, in a witch hunt, be charged as a co-conspirator, and the target would have been forced to sit down for days of interrogation. That's what a witch hunt would have looked like.

And the moron makes a case that, because none of that happened, it was a witch hunt. Again, think about the decaying brain that would resort to such gobbledygook. Not playing with a full deck, that one.
Regardless if the crime happened or not there still exists the possibility of obstruction of justice. That’s just straight law.

I personally wouldn’t push the obstruction of Justice case because of the fact that Mueller cleared Trump of conspiracy. But mueller obviously thinks a case can be made for obstruction. Now the ball is in congresses hands about how they want to try use that info. I think impeachment is a big mistake but we shall see.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.
so you think a person is guilty and should prove his innocence? hmmmm which Jurisprudence are you referring to then?
That’s a nice way of painting it but there is a flip side that a left wing partisan could use to make the opposite case. But here’s a little tip. The truth often lies in the middle of what you partisan hacks like to spew.

Hillaries investigation was over an email server and whether she handled classified intel in a secure way. She was never accused or ever found to have given intel to anybody who shouldn’t have it. Regardless the investigation happened, was grossly politicized and Comeys unprecedented public comments likely costed her the election, so there was great consequence from what Comey did.
You know what else could really hurt someone's election chances?
Being indicted for massive violations of federal security violations...like handling sensitive top secret documents through your illegal home email set up.
That could really put a kink in someone's presidential ambitions. Good thing James Comey made that problem go away.
Why blame him for Hillary's loss? It's easier than facing the truth that Hillary was to political campaigning what Adolph Hitler was to military strategy.

Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.
Gee....if only some "special prosecutor" sort of person could have carte blanche authority to investigate such lies and indict law breakers. If only.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.
Once more, Robert Mueller saw no red lights flashing because Donald Trump's security advisor meet with real actual Russians (gasp!). One could almost say it was part of his job.
Flynn was not indicted for communicating with Russians. It's amazing we have this thing called the Mueller report that you think you can just overlay your
own suspicions, biases and rationales over.

You can claim Comey was fired for not dropping an investigation into Flynn and the Russians (ignoring everything else) but that's really just you once more juxtaposing your own opinions with the official record.
Torquemada had HOW MANY Republicans in the Inquisition? (that would be zero, for the democrats and other imbeciles in the crowd)

Torquemada had HOW MANY Clinton campaign members in the Witch Hunt? (that would be two, for the democrats and other imbeciles in the crowd)

Robert Mueller murdered HOW MANY of his old mobster informants in the last 6 month? Ask Whitey Bulger - oh wait, Mueller murdered him, you can't... :eusa_whistle:
Hold up a second Tonto... you just called me a hack for calling Mueller a Republican and a special prosecutor. That statement is completely true is it not?

Not even partially true. Mueller worked PURELY on behalf of the DNC. As you fully know.
Absolutely not. He is literally registered as a Republican so yes my statement is totally true. In regards to working for the DNC you’re wrong again. He worked for Trump appointed directors, Rosenstein, Barr, and Wray.

Damn you have some serious issues getting the facts straight. What’s wrong with you?

So if I registered as a Stalinist democrat would make me a Bolshevik?

Mueller is a deep state hack who was hired by the democrats to do a hit for the democrats.

Are you REALLY trying to distort this fact?
Now he was hired by the democrats?! Haha. You mean the guy that Trump appointed as deputy AG?!

Trump did NOT appoint Mueller. Mueller was the choice of Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer. Rosenstein, a Never Trumper never challenged it, nor did Sessions. But Torquemada was the bitch of the Stalinist dims from day one.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

Where to begin... In order to obstruct justice, Barr would have to influence, with corrupt intent, an official proceeding.

There is, as far as I am aware, no evidence whatsoever that Barr influenced the Mueller inquiry.

Lying about the Mueller report, lying in particular about the reasons for the absence of corruption charges, on behalf of his Dear Leader, managing public perception, and telling Trumpletons what they need to hear, is Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
From my understanding, the Congressional Hearing, any of them, is considered an Official Investigation.

Have you ever heard of the United States Constitution? I get that you've never read it and sure the fuck never will, but have you even heard of the document and are you aware it exists?

The Constitution, that which you fight to destroy, in fact places the executive powers, that is the power to ENFORCE LAW and conduct investigations, in the hands of a president elected by the states.

I get it, the constitution on a democrat is like salt on a slug (no offense to slugs). Still, where do you get the absurd idea that congress is an executive body?
Several points are laid out very clearly in the report. You can soon all you want but if you want to be taken seriously then you should acknowledge facts.
Just demonstrate some way in which Robert Mueller was stopped from conducting his investigation. Some way in which he was impeded or hindered.
That is if you want to be taken seriously.

My personal opinion is to move on. Yes Trump tried to obstruct the investigation because he wanted it over. But the core of what they Im estimated never amounted to anything so let’s get on with life. You should be making the same point instead of denying reality and trying to point the finger back at Mueller. Trump ain’t no saint, we all know it.
Objecting to an investigation, because of it's politicized nature, is not nearly the same thing as taking steps to halt it. Mueller got his money, his authority, his people and he stopped when he decided it was time to stop. No one told him to. No one told him where his investigation must go
and who it should question. It was an entirely independent operation.

It's the difference between telling your child that eating cookies for dinner is a bad thing and literally slapping a cookie out of his or her hand. You seem relatively smart. You can't see the difference?
It was very limited and narrow.... as example, he was not allowed to follow the money, which one would do in most any investigation of alleged wrong doings, and also, the counter intelligence aspect.... the Mueller report was limited and did not go in to that.... it may have been done or it may be on going, but we have no idea one way or the other.

Also, Mueller did not pursue President Trump's testimony, under oath, before a grand jury, which could have solidify Trump's innocence, or guilt.

A two year witch hunt that excoriated 500 victims was "limited and narrow?" :eek: :lmao:

The lies you communist piles of shit tell....
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
the AG LIED under oath to congress when he claimed he had not heard from Mueller on his own actions with his 4 page summary of Mueller's report....

That of course is a fucking lie, but you are Communist, and lying is what you scum do.

Pouring more fuel on the fire, the always pithy Axios adds that "this revelation about Mueller's dissatisfaction with the characterization of his report will likely escalate the growing rift over Barr's handling of the special counsel's investigation. House Democrats, who have expressed distrust in the attorney general, are set to vote on Wednesday to allow House Judiciary Committee lawyers to question Barr at Thursday's hearing."

Or maybe not, and perhaps the WaPo/NYT report is not "so bad" if one actually reads it, because once the breathless WaPo finally does come up for air, we get to paragraph 13 - a point by which most readers have turned out - to read the following real punchline in the WaPo report:

When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not...

So, Mueller felt there was confusion... but he did not think the memo was inaccurate. Wait, what's going on here and how is this even a story? Well, if we read the rest of the above sentence, we find the true object of Mueller's "complaint":

[Mueller] felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.

Which means that, as the WaPo itself reports, what Mueller was really angry with was the coverage of his report by media such as... the WaPo and the NYT?? The irony, it burns.

But wait, because if one reads even further - and yes, we know most Russiagaters have troubles getting beyond sentence one so they are excused - we find that throughout a subsequent 15 minutes telephone conversation between the special counsel and the attorney general, Mueller’s main worry was "that the public was not getting an accurate understanding of the obstruction investigation."

This goes back to what Mueller's letter requested: "that Barr release the 448-page report’s introductions and executive summaries, and made some initial suggested redactions for doing so, according to Justice Department officials," the WaPo writes.}

About That Letter That Mueller Wrote To Barr...

Hey, that's okay, you HAVE to lie, you're a fucking Communist, you have literally zero integrity and hold party above country. :thup:

only to find out through excellent reporting, that Mueller IMMEDIATELY afterwards sent a letter to AG Barr telling him, his report was being misrepresented.

He did NOT tell congress about the two letters and phone call between him and Mueller.

HE LIED.... at minimum, lacked candor in his under oath testimony.... and McCabe was fired for lack of candor.....

The one lying is you, as always,
Oh, and what did he lie about, Ahmed?
Mueller based his report on the OLC decision in 2000.


Look, you're just an ignorant Hamas terrorist - you're as dumb as the camels Arab men lust after.

But IF you dumb piles of shit want to accuse the AG of lying, you need to post EXACTLY what the AG said, and how it was an intent to deceive and is false.

Seriously, you may be dumber than Wry Catcher

Look it up, you have google.

Mueller MENTIONED a 1997 guideline by the OAC - you ignorant terrorist.

NOW. IF you dumb piles of shit want to accuse the AG of lying, you need to post EXACTLY what the AG said, and how it was an intent to deceive and is false.

Ignorance is not a virtue.

Wow, you sure are dumb..

{In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions. We have been asked to summarize and review the analysis provided in support of that conclusion, and to consider whether any subsequent developments in the law lead us today to reconsider and modify or disavow that determination.1 We believe that the conclusion reached by the Department in 1973 still represents the best interpretation of the Constitution.}

Next time, READ what your masters have you post.
That’s a nice way of painting it but there is a flip side that a left wing partisan could use to make the opposite case. But here’s a little tip. The truth often lies in the middle of what you partisan hacks like to spew.

Hillaries investigation was over an email server and whether she handled classified intel in a secure way. She was never accused or ever found to have given intel to anybody who shouldn’t have it. Regardless the investigation happened, was grossly politicized and Comeys unprecedented public comments likely costed her the election, so there was great consequence from what Comey did.
You know what else could really hurt someone's election chances?
Being indicted for massive violations of federal security violations...like handling sensitive top secret documents through your illegal home email set up.
That could really put a kink in someone's presidential ambitions. Good thing James Comey made that problem go away.
Why blame him for Hillary's loss? It's easier than facing the truth that Hillary was to political campaigning what Adolph Hitler was to military strategy.

Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.
Gee....if only some "special prosecutor" sort of person could have carte blanche authority to investigate such lies and indict law breakers. If only.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.
Once more, Robert Mueller saw no red lights flashing because Donald Trump's security advisor meet with real actual Russians (gasp!). One could almost say it was part of his job.
Flynn was not indicted for communicating with Russians. It's amazing we have this thing called the Mueller report that you think you can just overlay your
own suspicions, biases and rationales over.

You can claim Comey was fired for not dropping an investigation into Flynn and the Russians (ignoring everything else) but that's really just you once more juxtaposing your own opinions with the official record.
If Comey fucked up so bad then why didn’t Sessions indict hillary when he took over? why doesn’t Barr go after her? Why doesn’t Wray or the IG do something? Easy answer. There is no there there! Wake up!
That’s a nice way of painting it but there is a flip side that a left wing partisan could use to make the opposite case. But here’s a little tip. The truth often lies in the middle of what you partisan hacks like to spew.

Hillaries investigation was over an email server and whether she handled classified intel in a secure way. She was never accused or ever found to have given intel to anybody who shouldn’t have it. Regardless the investigation happened, was grossly politicized and Comeys unprecedented public comments likely costed her the election, so there was great consequence from what Comey did.
You know what else could really hurt someone's election chances?
Being indicted for massive violations of federal security violations...like handling sensitive top secret documents through your illegal home email set up.
That could really put a kink in someone's presidential ambitions. Good thing James Comey made that problem go away.
Why blame him for Hillary's loss? It's easier than facing the truth that Hillary was to political campaigning what Adolph Hitler was to military strategy.

Trump did have an extensive investigation as you said, but that’s because it was a much greater crime. Having a foreign enemy meddle in our election, hack emails servers, spreading false information, that’s mess up stuff. I’m glad Trump didn’t participate in any conspiracy although he and his team did get out into some very thin ice. He and his team also lied their asses off which absolutely poured fuel on the fire and propelled the investigation to grow as large as it did.
Gee....if only some "special prosecutor" sort of person could have carte blanche authority to investigate such lies and indict law breakers. If only.

Without Flynn lying about meeting with the Russians and Comeys subsequent firing for not dropping the investigation into Flynn and Russia there would likely be no Mueller. Don’t see how you can make a case otherwise.
Once more, Robert Mueller saw no red lights flashing because Donald Trump's security advisor meet with real actual Russians (gasp!). One could almost say it was part of his job.
Flynn was not indicted for communicating with Russians. It's amazing we have this thing called the Mueller report that you think you can just overlay your
own suspicions, biases and rationales over.

You can claim Comey was fired for not dropping an investigation into Flynn and the Russians (ignoring everything else) but that's really just you once more juxtaposing your own opinions with the official record.
Flynn lies about meeting with Russians. That’s a fact. Trump fired him for it. It’s why he was investigated by Comey. Trump said on national TV in a Lester Holt interview that he fired Comey because of the Russia thing.

There is no juxtaposition or opinion. Those are the facts. What did I get wrong?
Hold up a second Tonto... you just called me a hack for calling Mueller a Republican and a special prosecutor. That statement is completely true is it not?

Not even partially true. Mueller worked PURELY on behalf of the DNC. As you fully know.
Absolutely not. He is literally registered as a Republican so yes my statement is totally true. In regards to working for the DNC you’re wrong again. He worked for Trump appointed directors, Rosenstein, Barr, and Wray.

Damn you have some serious issues getting the facts straight. What’s wrong with you?

So if I registered as a Stalinist democrat would make me a Bolshevik?

Mueller is a deep state hack who was hired by the democrats to do a hit for the democrats.

Are you REALLY trying to distort this fact?
Now he was hired by the democrats?! Haha. You mean the guy that Trump appointed as deputy AG?!

Trump did NOT appoint Mueller. Mueller was the choice of Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer. Rosenstein, a Never Trumper never challenged it, nor did Sessions. But Torquemada was the bitch of the Stalinist dims from day one.
Damn you are clueless. Let’s straighten you out. Waters and Schumer weren’t in the equation. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump and he hired mueller. Wray was appointed by Trump to lead the FBI. He backed up Muellers investigation as well.
The Mueller report, with all the time and money necessary to fully investigate the issue of Russian collusion, did not address the matter of the Steele dossier whatsoever, as far as I can see.
So odd. So selective. So partisan.
The Steele dossier is a right wing talking point used to try and turn the tables onto the Dems and distract from the heat put in Trump. Ive listened to Hannity on the radio go nuts about It for over a year now. Problem is they have spun up this crazy narrative that just doesn’t line up with reality. He is a pro at doing that


So the document that Brennan committed treason to bring about "is a right wing talking point" :lmao:

Say comrade, didn't Comey, Ohr, Strzok, and McCabe all perjure themselves over this document to get various FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States? (an act of treason.) :eek:

They risked the death penalty for a "right wing talking point?" :5_1_12024:
No, none of that.. which is why it is a fake news right wing talking point.
Yeah, that. But, your interlocutor likes to assert that Mueller's not detailing with what he'd charge Trump proves Mueller to be a political hack engaged in a witch hunt. Think about that for a while. For in a witch hunt the target is being charged with whatever can be found and then some, every behavior given the most incriminating interpretation, and the crimes detailed to the most minuscule aspect along with high crimes and misdemeanors described in graphic detail so as to provide a road map for impeachment. Also, to inflict as much damage as possible, every associate would, in a witch hunt, be charged as a co-conspirator, and the target would have been forced to sit down for days of interrogation. That's what a witch hunt would have looked like.

And the moron makes a case that, because none of that happened, it was a witch hunt. Again, think about the decaying brain that would resort to such gobbledygook. Not playing with a full deck, that one.
Regardless if the crime happened or not there still exists the possibility of obstruction of justice. That’s just straight law.

I personally wouldn’t push the obstruction of Justice case because of the fact that Mueller cleared Trump of conspiracy. But mueller obviously thinks a case can be made for obstruction. Now the ball is in congresses hands about how they want to try use that info. I think impeachment is a big mistake but we shall see.

You've completely missed my argument. At least, you're talking past it. Was that deliberate? If so, care to explain why?

Mueller obviously thinks a case can be made for collusion, and details a lot of it, even while no agreement was found so as to prove conspiracy. That may be relevant in the realm of criminal law, but an impeachment proceeding is another animal entirely.

That's one of the reasons why I disagree on letting obstruction slide. Of course, impeachment is politically risky. Signalling to future presidents that corruption on the level of Trump's will go unpunished is immeasurably more risky.

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