Fact Checking

Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
because democrats mayors in that city didn't want it to affect obama
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron "riot" was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron riot was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.
Bullshit! You just can't handle the truth, pussy!
Why were 120 arrested at the BART thing, dumbass?! Yeah, that's what I thought.
Now STFU and deal with reality, boy.
rick james.gif
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron riot was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.
Bullshit! You just can't handle the truth, pussy!
You got caught lying so you attack.

It's your standard MO.
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron riot was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.
Bullshit! You just can't handle the truth, pussy!
You got caught lying so you attack.

It's your standard MO.
You're batting zero, dipshit:

They beat a paraplegic man.

Care to try/fail again?

I'm here to help! :)
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron riot was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.
Bullshit! You just can't handle the truth, pussy!
You got caught lying so you attack.

It's your standard MO.
You're batting zero, dipshit:

They beat a paraplegic man.

Care to try/fail again?

I'm here to help! :)
That's a RWNJ blog.

Go look at the news articles on it.
#5: "God bless America" had better be subject to a fact check, since it involves the science of non-existing entities.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

That's so stupid, it's clearly the Democrats stoking the unrest. Your head is an empty vassal for DNC talking points now. Nothing left at all to independently think

Really, by the cops continually killing the blacks. It's tramps USA and he stoked the unrest from the day one, when he was going after Obama.

You're brainwashed

No I don't think so, he loves the unrest so he can stoke fear in your whites and I'm a white.

Muslims, blacks and caravans, you had best watch out, they want your home and belongings. LOL.

They told you that at your last Klan meeting? Everyone in the room was a Democrat, huh?

do you see my LOL at the end, I was making fun at the right wingers, as they deserve it.

If you want to make fun of conservatives, you need to learn what they think. What you posted was what the DNC brainwashed you to think that conservatives think. No one would even get what you are talking about other than a Democrat under the same programming you received

In my not so humble opinion real conservatives think; sadly the 21st Century faux conservatives do not think, that emote hate and fear and have tossed real Republicans - moderate and conservative - under the bus calling them RINO's.

Faux conservatives echo each other making broad generalizations using ad hominems, Red Herrings and slippery slope claims with zero substance and no supportive evidence.

I can't do anything but laugh at you when a leftist think you're the one who says what "real conservatives" think. You're a useless gas bag and you don't know what you're talking about.

And Democrats own hate all the way from hateful dialog to leftist mobs burning and looting

The readers will notice Kaz's comments are almost always ad hominems. The facts I presented and s/he ignored are true, and can be verified by the reader reading posts by the self proclaimed and faux conservatives. Just count how many times an argument has been put forth on Trump, pointing out his ineptness and incompetence are met with nothing more than TDS.
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!

Creep: I still have nothing, kaz. I'm just going to parroting back to you what you say to me.

And tRumpkin? Someone is trying too hard. How old are you, eight? You and Faun classmates?
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

That's so stupid, it's clearly the Democrats stoking the unrest. Your head is an empty vassal for DNC talking points now. Nothing left at all to independently think

Really, by the cops continually killing the blacks. It's tramps USA and he stoked the unrest from the day one, when he was going after Obama.

You're brainwashed

No I don't think so, he loves the unrest so he can stoke fear in your whites and I'm a white.

Muslims, blacks and caravans, you had best watch out, they want your home and belongings. LOL.

They told you that at your last Klan meeting? Everyone in the room was a Democrat, huh?

do you see my LOL at the end, I was making fun at the right wingers, as they deserve it.

If you want to make fun of conservatives, you need to learn what they think. What you posted was what the DNC brainwashed you to think that conservatives think. No one would even get what you are talking about other than a Democrat under the same programming you received

In my not so humble opinion real conservatives think; sadly the 21st Century faux conservatives do not think, that emote hate and fear and have tossed real Republicans - moderate and conservative - under the bus calling them RINO's.

Faux conservatives echo each other making broad generalizations using ad hominems, Red Herrings and slippery slope claims with zero substance and no supportive evidence.

I can't do anything but laugh at you when a leftist think you're the one who says what "real conservatives" think. You're a useless gas bag and you don't know what you're talking about.

And Democrats own hate all the way from hateful dialog to leftist mobs burning and looting

The readers will notice Kaz's comments are almost always ad hominems. The facts I presented and s/he ignored are true, and can be verified by the reader reading posts by the self proclaimed and faux conservatives. Just count how many times an argument has been put forth on Trump, pointing out his ineptness and incompetence are met with nothing more than TDS.

It's stupid as shit that you think a leftist ideologue like you would be defining "real conservative." Dumbest shit ever.

And it's not even your own material. Leftists do that all the time. You're just parroting them. It's funny how one leftist says you know, a "real conservative" wouldn't support Trump, then you all start parroting the same thing.

Democrats: Don't vote Democrat, you're not a real black

Democrats: Vote for Trump you're not a real conservative

What a bunch of self serving, condescending asses you all are.

Maybe you should read and come up with some of your own material. You think?
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?

Poor guy. It's tough being an eight year old with raging butt hurt, isn't it?


So now the riots are over Trump's election? You'll go to any length to justify the rioting and looting, won't you?
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.

Yes, Obama was one sick guy who stoked race hatred to milk votes. He didn't care how many people he hurt to solidify his power
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron "riot" was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.

The guy who claimed the current riots are to protest Trump's election is whining about someone being dishonest? That's classic
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

That's so stupid, it's clearly the Democrats stoking the unrest. Your head is an empty vassal for DNC talking points now. Nothing left at all to independently think

Really, by the cops continually killing the blacks. It's tramps USA and he stoked the unrest from the day one, when he was going after Obama.

You're brainwashed

No I don't think so, he loves the unrest so he can stoke fear in your whites and I'm a white.

Muslims, blacks and caravans, you had best watch out, they want your home and belongings. LOL.

They told you that at your last Klan meeting? Everyone in the room was a Democrat, huh?

do you see my LOL at the end, I was making fun at the right wingers, as they deserve it.

If you want to make fun of conservatives, you need to learn what they think. What you posted was what the DNC brainwashed you to think that conservatives think. No one would even get what you are talking about other than a Democrat under the same programming you received

In my not so humble opinion real conservatives think; sadly the 21st Century faux conservatives do not think, that emote hate and fear and have tossed real Republicans - moderate and conservative - under the bus calling them RINO's.

Faux conservatives echo each other making broad generalizations using ad hominems, Red Herrings and slippery slope claims with zero substance and no supportive evidence.

I can't do anything but laugh at you when a leftist think you're the one who says what "real conservatives" think. You're a useless gas bag and you don't know what you're talking about.

And Democrats own hate all the way from hateful dialog to leftist mobs burning and looting

The readers will notice Kaz's comments are almost always ad hominems. The facts I presented and s/he ignored are true, and can be verified by the reader reading posts by the self proclaimed and faux conservatives. Just count how many times an argument has been put forth on Trump, pointing out his ineptness and incompetence are met with nothing more than TDS.

Um, I have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Now you're parroting the Democrats who all claim that's what you have when you support Trump.

Remember how you were just parroting all the leftists who claim you get to define a "real conservative?" Do you EVER come up with your own material?
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron "riot" was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.

The guy who claimed the current riots are to protest Trump's election is whining about someone being dishonest? That's classic

In a way that guy is correct.

Every other half assed attempt to negate the 2016 election has failed
The current violence is the last resort by the Democrats to that.
It has moved from a soft coup to something harsher.
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!
own your riots take your punishment 4 more years of President Trump lol
Where were the riots before tRump cheated his way into the Whitehouse?
All over the US during Obama's 2nd term, which had more riots than the previous 40 years combined.
Obama's legacy is riots.
Yeah? Ferguson? How long did that last? How did it end?
Was waiting for your dumbass to try me:
1980 – Miami riot 1980, May 17–19, Miami, Florida
1986 – Marquette Park KKK rally, June 28, Chicago, Illinois
1988 – Tompkins Square Park riot, August 6–7, New York City
1988 – Cedar Grove, Shreveport, Louisiana, In September 1988 there was a full-blown riot in which the police were forced to block off the entire neighborhood because it was out of control. Cars and businesses were burned.
1989 – Miami riot, Miami, Florida, Jan. 16, Three days of rioting breaks out in the Overtown and Liberty City sections of Miami after a police officer shoots and kills a black motorcyclist. 11 people wounded. Over 1 million dollars in damage.
1991 – 1991 Washington, DC riot, Mount Pleasant riot, May 5–9, Washington, D.C.
1991 – Crown Heights riot, August 1991, Brooklyn, New York
1992 – L.A. Rodney King riots, April–May 1992, Los Angeles, California
1992 – 1992 Washington Heights riots, July 4–7, Manhattan, New York, Dominican community
1994 – Eastside Lexington riots, October 26, 1994, Lexington, Kentucky
1996 – St. Petersburg, Florida Riot 1996, October 1996, St. Petersburg, Florida
1997 – North Hollywood shootout, February 1997, Los Angeles, California
2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 10–12, Cincinnati, Ohio
2002 – Great Brook Valley Project Riots, August 18, Worcester, MA, Puerto Rican
2002 – North Minneapolis Riots, August 22, Minneapolis, Minnesota
2003 – Benton Harbor riot, June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan
2003 – Miami FTAA Protests, November 2003, Miami, Florida
2005 – 2005 Toledo riot, October 15, Toledo, Ohio



2009 – Riots against BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant, January 7, 120 arrested, Oakland, California
2009 – Akron riots, March 14, 2009, 7 arrested; and July 2009, unknown number arrested, Akron, Ohio
2009 – 2009 G-20 Pittsburgh summit protests, Sept. 24-25, 193 arrested


2010 – Springfest riot, April 10, 200 police disperse crowd of 8,000 using tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds, near the campus of James Madison University; dozens injured. 30–35 arrested; Harrisonburg, Virginia
2010 – Santa Cruz May Day riot, May 1, 250 rampage through downtown Santa Cruz attacking 18 businesses, causing an estimated $100,000 in damages. 1 arrested. Santa Cruz, California
2010 – Oakland protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009; see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant. Oakland, California
2011 – Pennsylvania State University, Joe Paterno riot. Students riot in protest of the decision of the Board of Trustees to fire head football coach Joe Paterno. State College, Pennsylvania
2011 – Occupy Wall Street (Brooklyn Bridge protests). Demonstrators blocked the bridge and more than 700 people were arrested. New York, New York
2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland protests riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit, May. Conflict between riot police and protesters. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
2013 – Flatbush Riots, March 11, Riots in Brooklyn, New York after the death of Kimani Gray who was shot and killed by NYPD
2014 – Ferguson unrest, Ferguson, Missouri, August 10. Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer, protests erupt in the streets. Police respond with riot gear, tear gas and rubber bullets.
2014 – New York, New York, and Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, protests erupted in New York City and other cities.
2015 – 2015 Baltimore protests, April 25–28. Days of protests break out following the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody. 34 people are arrested and 15 Officers injured after rioting and looting break out. Gray's funeral was held on April 27 and followed by further protests and looting. Governor Hogan had pre-emptively activated the Maryland National Guard, while the Maryland State Police had activated at least 500 officers.
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–February 2016. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC Pavilion.
2016 – Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washington D.C. and sit-ins lead to arrests.
2016 – 2016 Sacramento riot, June 26, A confrontation between white nationalists and left-wing counter protesters at the California State Capitol. Ten people were hospitalized for stabbing and laceration wounds.
2016 – Widespread protests erupt in response to two deaths at the hands of police, the Shooting of Alton Sterling and shooting of Philando Castile. At least 261 people were arrested in protests in New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and other cities.
2016 – 2016 Milwaukee riots, Sherman Park, August 13–15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2016 – 2016 Charlotte riot, September 20–21, Protests and riots break out in response to the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a Charlotte police officer.
2016 – Dakota Access Pipeline protests, 411 protesters arrested. Multiple skirmishes with police, with vehicles, hay bales, and tires set on fire.
2016 – Anti-Trump protests, Nov. 9-27. As a result of Donald Trump elected as 45th President of the U.S., thousands protested across twenty-five American cities, and unrest broke out in downtown Oakland, California, and Portland, Oregon. In Oakland, over 40 fires started and police officers were injured.
2017 – Anti-Trump protests at the inauguration in Washington, D.C., January 20. Objects were thrown at police, businesses damaged, and a limousine was set on fire. More than 230 were arrested.
I looked up the first two. The BART shooting lad to a one day demonstration of about 200 people.

Not a riot.

The Akron "riot" was a small crowd who got angry with the police but we're dispersed in minutes when backup arrived.

Not a riot.

Your list is obviously dishonest.

The guy who claimed the current riots are to protest Trump's election is whining about someone being dishonest? That's classic

In a way that guy is correct.

Every other half assed attempt to negate the 2016 election has failed
The current violence is the last resort by the Democrats to that.
It has moved from a soft coup to something harsher.

Well, yeah. I agree that's why people like Creep support the riots. But that's clearly not why the rioters themselves are rioting.

That's not disagreeing with you, as you said "in a way" it's true
Yes, o

Why does the GOP continue to lie, to misrepresent facts and for the first time not presented a Platform?

Another night of Republicans failing fact checking against DNC talking points. Just f'd up, isn't it Rye?

I checked your first quote saying Pence lied, and it was Democrats who lied. Here's what Biden said:

Biden’s "absolutely" comment came after Barkan mentioned recent killings of Black Americans by police. Noting that protesters say redirecting some police funding to social services could reduce fatal police encounters, Barkan asked: "Are you open to that kind of reform?"​
"Yes. I proposed that kind of reform," Biden said.​

That is defunding the police, liar. Note the leftist site says he didn't say yes to defunding the police, then gave the accurate quote where Biden said yes to defunding the police, LOL

Listen, I'm retired law enforcement, I do not support defunding police dept's; I do believe police dept's are not all the same, thus, I believe the AG and the Federal Dept of Justice ought to bring Police Chiefs and Sheriffs together regionally to establish a national Use of Force Policy and the use of less than lethal practices.

Sadly the current AG has already sided with the White Supremacists, you know them when the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it.

That has nothing to do with my post. The fact check post first lie was saying it's a lie that Biden said he supported defunding the police.

But the quote where he said yes was in fact a question if he supported defunding the police.

It's what you do, you lie. It's fundamental to being a Democrat. That Democrats are going to do the "fact checking" is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats are the ones who fail by far the fact checks. In fact most of Trump's lies aren't things he actually said, they are Democrats lying about what he said then fact checking their own lie and calling Trump a liar.

You're pretty lame at this

The quote was taken out of context, you know it and I know it.

And this quote, "You're pretty lame at this" is another ad hominem. Keep it up and I will begin to see how close you come to PoliticalChic's record.

Biden said absolutely to the question if he supported taking money out of the police budget and moving it to a different department for a different use. Then he said he proposed that.

Explain how that's "out of context" for defunding the police. That is exactly defunding the police.

Democrats are such liars, it's just what you do

Read the link, and then admit Pence is the liar, trump is a serial liar and almost everyone to appear on this circus - the RNC convention - is either a relative of the President or an employee of the President or a token minority.

I gave you the context of what Biden said and he clearly supported defunding the cops. So what Pence said was true and the leftist fact check link you provided is lying

You did not, my post did. Given that you watch Fox and read Internet Propaganda I must withdraw my comment that you are dishonest, it appears you are brainwashed.

No, you're just a liar.

From your link

"When asked whether he'd support cutting funding to law enforcement, and he replied, 'Yes, absolutely,'" Pence said.​

I gave you the context and what Pence said was true. Biden said he would move money out of the police budget.

Rye: No, kaz, moving money out of the police budget isn't cutting the police budget

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

Tramp is also defunding the police, did you see the new funding, taking money away from the states is taking money from the police.

Biden said he would redirect some of it.
When are lefties going to stop whining? "God bless America" is not subject to a fact check.
It's also meaningless when republican'ts say it.


Dana Perino was classic this week talking about Democrats on The Five.

Dana Perino: Emotions cannot be fact checked


I think Tramp loves the riots and probably wishes there were more of them.
He's doing everything he can to stoke the unrest.

Yes he loves the unrest and the rioting.
Yes, standard tRumpling MO. Accuse others of what you are doing.

There is nothing you won't parrot back is there?
Hilarious when some bloody tRumpkin says stuff like that!!!

Creep: I still have nothing, kaz. I'm just going to parroting back to you what you say to me.

And tRumpkin? Someone is trying too hard. How old are you, eight? You and Faun classmates?
Lol, you can't see the irony there, can you?

Damn you guys are so damn stupid sometimes it even amazes me.

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