Fact: Food industry uses beaver anal secretions to flavor your food

Yep thanks for proving your stupidity and being totally retarded look at the site asshoel.. YOu can't see the FACT and INFORMATION ON IT MORON


View attachment 163551
View attachment 163553

This better ya nut?

Oh yeah I forgot you are a dainty little snowflake who needs to hide from real information. Because weak minds really can't handle the real world.

So continue to hide in your fantasy world let us know how that works out for you when there is possibly a world with no Government order cause everything goes belly up LOL....
You'r too easy lol.

I'm going to remove the leash now so behave.

LOL am not, you just make me mad when you use that tin foil hat bs when it's not that way. Esp. when the information can be proven on that MED. GOV site...
View attachment 163542

Safety assessment of castoreum extract as a food ingredient. - PubMed - NCBI

FACT: Food industry uses beaver anal secretions to “flavor” your food!

Have you ever tried eating “beaver butt?” If you think you haven’t, then think again.

Millions of people around the world are now consuming or, at least, have consumed “beaver butt” without knowing what it is or that they’ve eaten it.

Beaver butt, also called “castoreum,” is emitted from the castor sacs within the beaver’s anus. The animals use this slimy brown substance to mark its territory; us humans, however, now use it as an additive usually labeled “natural flavoring” — vanilla, strawberry and raspberry are the most common flavors.

View attachment 163543


If society wasn't so fkn pathetic stupid and trusting of their parental gov.'s like FDA, EPA they'd actually figure out how severely they are deceived by corporate powers that care more about your money and that is it.


Fast food is serving all kinds of crazy shit these days.
Condiment, isn't that what you use to prevent pregnancies?
View attachment 163542

Safety assessment of castoreum extract as a food ingredient. - PubMed - NCBI

FACT: Food industry uses beaver anal secretions to “flavor” your food!

Have you ever tried eating “beaver butt?” If you think you haven’t, then think again.

Millions of people around the world are now consuming or, at least, have consumed “beaver butt” without knowing what it is or that they’ve eaten it.

Beaver butt, also called “castoreum,” is emitted from the castor sacs within the beaver’s anus. The animals use this slimy brown substance to mark its territory; us humans, however, now use it as an additive usually labeled “natural flavoring” — vanilla, strawberry and raspberry are the most common flavors.

View attachment 163543


If society wasn't so fkn pathetic stupid and trusting of their parental gov.'s like FDA, EPA they'd actually figure out how severely they are deceived by corporate powers that care more about your money and that is it.


Fast food is serving all kinds of crazy shit these days.
Condiment, isn't that what you use to prevent pregnancies?

Yes, and remember, name one of your many future children after me

Thanks in advance

Yep thanks for proving your stupidity and being totally retarded look at the site asshoel.. YOu can't see the FACT and INFORMATION ON IT MORON


View attachment 163551
View attachment 163553

This better ya nut?

Oh yeah I forgot you are a dainty little snowflake who needs to hide from real information. Because weak minds really can't handle the real world.

So continue to hide in your fantasy world let us know how that works out for you when there is possibly a world with no Government order cause everything goes belly up LOL....
You'r too easy lol.

I'm going to remove the leash now so behave.

LOL am not, you just make me mad when you use that tin foil hat bs when it's not that way. Esp. when the information can be proven on that MED. GOV site...
Psst!! Just wanted you to know that it's not necessarily the articles you post but your reaction to them and categorization of them that makes you a laughing stock...... :thup:

Yep thanks for proving your stupidity and being totally retarded look at the site asshoel.. YOu can't see the FACT and INFORMATION ON IT MORON


View attachment 163551
View attachment 163553

This better ya nut?

Oh yeah I forgot you are a dainty little snowflake who needs to hide from real information. Because weak minds really can't handle the real world.

So continue to hide in your fantasy world let us know how that works out for you when there is possibly a world with no Government order cause everything goes belly up LOL....
You'r too easy lol.

I'm going to remove the leash now so behave.

LOL am not, you just make me mad when you use that tin foil hat bs when it's not that way. Esp. when the information can be proven on that MED. GOV site...
Psst!! Just wanted you to know that it's not necessarily the articles you post but your reaction to them and categorization of them that makes you a laughing stock...... :thup:


If I cared what you peckerwoods thought I would have left the board by now because of you low blow ignorance, and smart ass pricks many of you are. Those of you who constantly say the bs you do to people proves what self centered non Liberal assholes you all really are.

In spite of how hard you pricks have tried to chase me off this board I'm still here fighting no matter how ignorant you jack offs are.
For the record, I use to eat fresh beaver but the only beaver I've eaten lately is roadkill.

Oh yeah I forgot you are a dainty little snowflake who needs to hide from real information. Because weak minds really can't handle the real world.

So continue to hide in your fantasy world let us know how that works out for you when there is possibly a world with no Government order cause everything goes belly up LOL....
You'r too easy lol.

I'm going to remove the leash now so behave.

LOL am not, you just make me mad when you use that tin foil hat bs when it's not that way. Esp. when the information can be proven on that MED. GOV site...
Psst!! Just wanted you to know that it's not necessarily the articles you post but your reaction to them and categorization of them that makes you a laughing stock...... :thup:


If I cared what you peckerwoods thought I would have left the board by now because of you low blow ignorance, and smart ass pricks many of you are. Those of you who constantly say the bs you do to people proves what self centered non Liberal assholes you all really are.

In spite of how hard you pricks have tried to chase me off this board I'm still here fighting no matter how ignorant you jack offs are.
Why would we want to chase a constant source of Chicken Little amusement off the the board? That's just crazy........ :dunno:

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