Fact Sheet: Mitt’s Five Falsehoods (and counting) from CNN Debate


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Fact Sheet: Mitt’s Five Falsehoods (and counting) from CNN Debate
Newt 2012 Releases New Ad: "What Kind of Man?" | Newt Gingrich 2012

Ad Transcript:
Governor Huckabee: "If a man's dishonest to get a job, he'll be dishonest on the job." (SOURCE)

Narrator: What kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election?

This man would. Mitt Romney. Romney said he has always voted Republican when he had the opportunity.

But in the 1992 Massachusetts Primary, Romney had the chance to vote for George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan, but he voted for a liberal Democrat instead. (SOURCE)

Romney said his investments in Fannie and Freddie were in a blind trust.

But as reported in the National Journal, Romney earned tens of thousands of dollars from investments NOT in a blind trust. (SOURCE)

Romney denied seeing a false ad his campaign used to attack Newt Gingrich. But Romney's own campaign paid for the ad...and Romney's own voice is on the ad approving the content. (SOURCE)

If we can't trust what Mitt Romney says about his own record, how can we trust him on anything?

Closing Slide: ...and that's why he'll lose to Obama.

Falsehood #1: Voting Democrat.
Governor Romney said, “I’ve never voted for a Democrat when there was a Republican on the ballot…. I have always voted for a Republican any time there was a Republican on the ballot.”

This is false. In March 1992, during the Massachusetts primary, he had the opportunity to vote for George HW Bush or Pat Buchanan in the Republican primary, but chose instead to vote for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the Democratic primary.

Furthermore, as the Boston Globe reports, this is yet another in a series of shifting explanations for Governor Romney about why he made the vote for Tsongas.

“When first asked as a 1994 US Senate candidate about records showing him voting in the 1992 Democratic primary, Romney said he couldn’t recall for whom he voted.

Then Romney told the Globe he voted for Tsongas because he preferred his ideas to his then-opponent for the nomination, Bill Clinton. Later, he added that it was proof he was not a partisan politician.

Yet in 2007, while making his first run for president, Romney offered a new explanation: He said he voted for Tsongas as a tactical maneuver, aiming to present the “weakest opponent” possible for Bush.”

Falsehood #2: Blind Trust.
Governor Romney said, in response to the revelation that he profited off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, “my investments for the last 10 years have been in a blind trust, managed by a trustee.”

This is false. As National Journal reports, at least one fund in which Governor Romney made between 15K and 50K in interest from investments, was not a blind trust and included investments in Fannie and Freddie.

Governor Romney also flip flopped on whether blind trusts are an appropriate excuse for not being able to exercise influence over them. In 1994, he criticized Senator Kennedy for using the exact same defense he tried to use last night.

Falsehood #4: Hiding Romneycare’s Cost To Taxpayer.
Governor Romney said of those who got healthcare coverage after Romneycare was passed who did not have coverage before, “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.”

This is false. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.

Falsehood #5: Hiding Romneycare’s Impact on Every Citizen of Mass.
Speaking about the impact of Romneycare, Governor Romney said “92 percent of the people in my state had insurance before our plan went in place. And nothing changes for them.”

This is false. Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states. So every Massachusetts resident has been affected by this destructive law. In addition, the plan gives incentives to employers to drop their healthcare coverage, so many of those with healthcare coverage from their employers are now at greater risk of losing it.

This race is now between Newt and Romney...I side with Newt! Romney is a pant load.:lol:
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First, always a reliable source is an attack ad! That is like learning how to run a business from a community organizer!

Second here is a response:
#1: Who gives a fuck! If you have never voted for the other side your an asshole! Voting recorders are sealed, so how could anyone know this.
#2: So he made money when he invested in FM & FM? CONGRATS he made money where every lost their house on. This a PLUS in my book.
#3: You conveniently skipped this one. Are we supposed to take an attack ads word for this, especially when they don't even point to the other ad they are commenting on? What crap it could be any ad they are discussing and using deceptive inferences to lead it back to nothing.
#4 & #5 were not even in the link you had creampuff!
First, always a reliable source is an attack ad! That is like learning how to run a business from a community organizer!

Second here is a response:
#1: Who gives a fuck! If you have never voted for the other side your an asshole! Voting recorders are sealed, so how could anyone know this.
#2: So he made money when he invested in FM & FM? CONGRATS he made money where every lost their house on. This a PLUS in my book.
#3: You conveniently skipped this one. Are we supposed to take an attack ads word for this, especially when they don't even point to the other ad they are commenting on? What crap it could be any ad they are discussing and using deceptive inferences to lead it back to nothing.
#4 & #5 were not even in the link you had creampuff!
Yes it was, GHook93. Look on the line that shows the word "Mitt" in link blue color. It's all there.
Fact Sheet: Mitt’s Five Falsehoods (and counting) from CNN Debate
Newt 2012 Releases New Ad: "What Kind of Man?" | Newt Gingrich 2012

What Kind of Man - YouTube

Ad Transcript:
Governor Huckabee: "If a man's dishonest to get a job, he'll be dishonest on the job." (SOURCE)

Narrator: What kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election?

This man would. Mitt Romney. Romney said he has always voted Republican when he had the opportunity.

But in the 1992 Massachusetts Primary, Romney had the chance to vote for George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan, but he voted for a liberal Democrat instead. (SOURCE)

Romney said his investments in Fannie and Freddie were in a blind trust.

But as reported in the National Journal, Romney earned tens of thousands of dollars from investments NOT in a blind trust. (SOURCE)

Romney denied seeing a false ad his campaign used to attack Newt Gingrich. But Romney's own campaign paid for the ad...and Romney's own voice is on the ad approving the content. (SOURCE)

If we can't trust what Mitt Romney says about his own record, how can we trust him on anything?

Closing Slide: ...and that's why he'll lose to Obama.

Falsehood #1: Voting Democrat.
Governor Romney said, “I’ve never voted for a Democrat when there was a Republican on the ballot…. I have always voted for a Republican any time there was a Republican on the ballot.”

This is false. In March 1992, during the Massachusetts primary, he had the opportunity to vote for George HW Bush or Pat Buchanan in the Republican primary, but chose instead to vote for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the Democratic primary.

Furthermore, as the Boston Globe reports, this is yet another in a series of shifting explanations for Governor Romney about why he made the vote for Tsongas.

“When first asked as a 1994 US Senate candidate about records showing him voting in the 1992 Democratic primary, Romney said he couldn’t recall for whom he voted.

Then Romney told the Globe he voted for Tsongas because he preferred his ideas to his then-opponent for the nomination, Bill Clinton. Later, he added that it was proof he was not a partisan politician.

Yet in 2007, while making his first run for president, Romney offered a new explanation: He said he voted for Tsongas as a tactical maneuver, aiming to present the “weakest opponent” possible for Bush.”

Falsehood #2: Blind Trust.
Governor Romney said, in response to the revelation that he profited off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, “my investments for the last 10 years have been in a blind trust, managed by a trustee.”

This is false. As National Journal reports, at least one fund in which Governor Romney made between 15K and 50K in interest from investments, was not a blind trust and included investments in Fannie and Freddie.

Governor Romney also flip flopped on whether blind trusts are an appropriate excuse for not being able to exercise influence over them. In 1994, he criticized Senator Kennedy for using the exact same defense he tried to use last night.

Falsehood #4: Hiding Romneycare’s Cost To Taxpayer.
Governor Romney said of those who got healthcare coverage after Romneycare was passed who did not have coverage before, “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.”

This is false. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.

Falsehood #5: Hiding Romneycare’s Impact on Every Citizen of Mass.
Speaking about the impact of Romneycare, Governor Romney said “92 percent of the people in my state had insurance before our plan went in place. And nothing changes for them.”

This is false. Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states. So every Massachusetts resident has been affected by this destructive law. In addition, the plan gives incentives to employers to drop their healthcare coverage, so many of those with healthcare coverage from their employers are now at greater risk of losing it.

This race is now between Newt and Romney...I side with Newt! Romney is a pant load.:lol:
I became interested in Newt's campaign when I first read at his website and looked at his platform. I liked it so well, I put it in my signature.

I don't pay much attention to the carping unless the candidate does serious damage to the American people or our military.

I like the former speaker's website, his command of political facts, and I truly liked his Contract with America back when. When he entered the race this time, I had already committed to someone who has now left the race. I didn't jump on Newt's bandwagon just because my candidate threw his support to him when he did leave the race. After a few days, I decided to go read what he is pledging. His pledges seemed reasonable, and his border control decision is the only one I've seen that feels right.

Thanks for an interesting thread.

It's too bad Romney is disinterested in the border. Santa Ana was a cruel leader, and I'm glad Sam Houston won at San Jacinto in 1836 and formed the republic of Texas after defeating and capturing the bloodthirsty lout.

Romney has misstated a few things, but my feeling is he really doesn't remember. A lot of people over 60 often just can't remember stuff, so I'm giving him a pass on that. However, because I truly prefer Newt Gingrich's policies and proposals, Newt will get my vote when primaries come this way.
Fact Sheet: Mitt’s Five Falsehoods (and counting) from CNN Debate
Newt 2012 Releases New Ad: "What Kind of Man?" | Newt Gingrich 2012

What Kind of Man - YouTube

Ad Transcript:
Governor Huckabee: "If a man's dishonest to get a job, he'll be dishonest on the job." (SOURCE)

Narrator: What kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election?

This man would. Mitt Romney. Romney said he has always voted Republican when he had the opportunity.

But in the 1992 Massachusetts Primary, Romney had the chance to vote for George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan, but he voted for a liberal Democrat instead. (SOURCE)

Romney said his investments in Fannie and Freddie were in a blind trust.

But as reported in the National Journal, Romney earned tens of thousands of dollars from investments NOT in a blind trust. (SOURCE)

Romney denied seeing a false ad his campaign used to attack Newt Gingrich. But Romney's own campaign paid for the ad...and Romney's own voice is on the ad approving the content. (SOURCE)

If we can't trust what Mitt Romney says about his own record, how can we trust him on anything?

Closing Slide: ...and that's why he'll lose to Obama.

Falsehood #1: Voting Democrat.
Governor Romney said, “I’ve never voted for a Democrat when there was a Republican on the ballot…. I have always voted for a Republican any time there was a Republican on the ballot.”

This is false. In March 1992, during the Massachusetts primary, he had the opportunity to vote for George HW Bush or Pat Buchanan in the Republican primary, but chose instead to vote for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the Democratic primary.

Furthermore, as the Boston Globe reports, this is yet another in a series of shifting explanations for Governor Romney about why he made the vote for Tsongas.

“When first asked as a 1994 US Senate candidate about records showing him voting in the 1992 Democratic primary, Romney said he couldn’t recall for whom he voted.

Then Romney told the Globe he voted for Tsongas because he preferred his ideas to his then-opponent for the nomination, Bill Clinton. Later, he added that it was proof he was not a partisan politician.

Yet in 2007, while making his first run for president, Romney offered a new explanation: He said he voted for Tsongas as a tactical maneuver, aiming to present the “weakest opponent” possible for Bush.”

Falsehood #2: Blind Trust.
Governor Romney said, in response to the revelation that he profited off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, “my investments for the last 10 years have been in a blind trust, managed by a trustee.”

This is false. As National Journal reports, at least one fund in which Governor Romney made between 15K and 50K in interest from investments, was not a blind trust and included investments in Fannie and Freddie.

Governor Romney also flip flopped on whether blind trusts are an appropriate excuse for not being able to exercise influence over them. In 1994, he criticized Senator Kennedy for using the exact same defense he tried to use last night.

Falsehood #4: Hiding Romneycare’s Cost To Taxpayer.
Governor Romney said of those who got healthcare coverage after Romneycare was passed who did not have coverage before, “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.”

This is false. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.

Falsehood #5: Hiding Romneycare’s Impact on Every Citizen of Mass.
Speaking about the impact of Romneycare, Governor Romney said “92 percent of the people in my state had insurance before our plan went in place. And nothing changes for them.”

This is false. Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states. So every Massachusetts resident has been affected by this destructive law. In addition, the plan gives incentives to employers to drop their healthcare coverage, so many of those with healthcare coverage from their employers are now at greater risk of losing it.

This race is now between Newt and Romney...I side with Newt! Romney is a pant load.:lol:

Yeah--In my 59 years I really can't think of a politician that has stretched the line so much on truth as Mitt Romney.

Here he is on video stating that he is a moderate with progressive (liberal) ideas.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMcjJEXt9To]Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube[/ame]
Fact Sheet: Mitt’s Five Falsehoods (and counting) from CNN Debate
Newt 2012 Releases New Ad: "What Kind of Man?" | Newt Gingrich 2012

What Kind of Man - YouTube

Ad Transcript:
Governor Huckabee: "If a man's dishonest to get a job, he'll be dishonest on the job." (SOURCE)

Narrator: What kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election?

This man would. Mitt Romney. Romney said he has always voted Republican when he had the opportunity.

But in the 1992 Massachusetts Primary, Romney had the chance to vote for George H.W. Bush or Pat Buchanan, but he voted for a liberal Democrat instead. (SOURCE)

Romney said his investments in Fannie and Freddie were in a blind trust.

But as reported in the National Journal, Romney earned tens of thousands of dollars from investments NOT in a blind trust. (SOURCE)

Romney denied seeing a false ad his campaign used to attack Newt Gingrich. But Romney's own campaign paid for the ad...and Romney's own voice is on the ad approving the content. (SOURCE)

If we can't trust what Mitt Romney says about his own record, how can we trust him on anything?

Closing Slide: ...and that's why he'll lose to Obama.

Falsehood #1: Voting Democrat.
Governor Romney said, “I’ve never voted for a Democrat when there was a Republican on the ballot…. I have always voted for a Republican any time there was a Republican on the ballot.”

This is false. In March 1992, during the Massachusetts primary, he had the opportunity to vote for George HW Bush or Pat Buchanan in the Republican primary, but chose instead to vote for Democrat Paul Tsongas in the Democratic primary.

Furthermore, as the Boston Globe reports, this is yet another in a series of shifting explanations for Governor Romney about why he made the vote for Tsongas.

“When first asked as a 1994 US Senate candidate about records showing him voting in the 1992 Democratic primary, Romney said he couldn’t recall for whom he voted.

Then Romney told the Globe he voted for Tsongas because he preferred his ideas to his then-opponent for the nomination, Bill Clinton. Later, he added that it was proof he was not a partisan politician.

Yet in 2007, while making his first run for president, Romney offered a new explanation: He said he voted for Tsongas as a tactical maneuver, aiming to present the “weakest opponent” possible for Bush.”

Falsehood #2: Blind Trust.
Governor Romney said, in response to the revelation that he profited off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, “my investments for the last 10 years have been in a blind trust, managed by a trustee.”

This is false. As National Journal reports, at least one fund in which Governor Romney made between 15K and 50K in interest from investments, was not a blind trust and included investments in Fannie and Freddie.

Governor Romney also flip flopped on whether blind trusts are an appropriate excuse for not being able to exercise influence over them. In 1994, he criticized Senator Kennedy for using the exact same defense he tried to use last night.

Falsehood #4: Hiding Romneycare’s Cost To Taxpayer.
Governor Romney said of those who got healthcare coverage after Romneycare was passed who did not have coverage before, “Half of those people got insurance on their own. Others got help in buying the insurance.”

This is false. In fact, 98% of the additional people insured after Romneycare was passed have it paid for or subsidized by the federal government or Massachusetts government. Of the 412,000 additional people who had health insurance in 2010 who did not have it in June 2006 (pre-reform), only 7K of the 412K (1.7%) had unsubsidized health insurance. The rest were covered through Medicaid, Commonwealth Care, or a program of subsidized care for the unemployed.

Falsehood #5: Hiding Romneycare’s Impact on Every Citizen of Mass.
Speaking about the impact of Romneycare, Governor Romney said “92 percent of the people in my state had insurance before our plan went in place. And nothing changes for them.”

This is false. Romneycare has increased the price of healthcare premiums for every citizen of Massachusetts. Premiums have increased by 55 percent since Mitt Romney became Governor, a rate 13 points higher than the national average and the third highest growth rate among the states. So every Massachusetts resident has been affected by this destructive law. In addition, the plan gives incentives to employers to drop their healthcare coverage, so many of those with healthcare coverage from their employers are now at greater risk of losing it.

This race is now between Newt and Romney...I side with Newt! Romney is a pant load.:lol:

This is vintage MITT ROMNEY--he lies to get what he wants. If he's not on debate stages doing it--he sends out his Romney pac attack ads to do the dirty work. Any opponent that starts to catch up to him in the polls--is viciously attacked by these Romney negative ads--along with the establishment whom continually circle the wagons around their campaign financier--Mr. Moneybags himself.-LOL

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Oh please. Give me a break. Eisenhower was the last honest Republican leader. We all know it.
He posted a youtube link that didn't have #4 or #5. Where are you pointing to?

First, always a reliable source is an attack ad! That is like learning how to run a business from a community organizer!

Second here is a response:
#1: Who gives a fuck! If you have never voted for the other side your an asshole! Voting recorders are sealed, so how could anyone know this.
#2: So he made money when he invested in FM & FM? CONGRATS he made money where every lost their house on. This a PLUS in my book.
#3: You conveniently skipped this one. Are we supposed to take an attack ads word for this, especially when they don't even point to the other ad they are commenting on? What crap it could be any ad they are discussing and using deceptive inferences to lead it back to nothing.
#4 & #5 were not even in the link you had creampuff!
Yes it was, GHook93. Look on the line that shows the word "Mitt" in link blue color. It's all there.
Yea, Matthew, what about that you tube clip of Romney saying he'd cut the DoD to fund ObamaCare? How'd that bullshit work out for ya?


Credibiity is like virginity - once lost, is lost forever.
Yea, Matthew, what about that you tube clip of Romney saying he'd cut the DoD to fund ObamaCare? How'd that bullshit work out for ya?


Credibiity is like virginity - once lost, is lost forever.

I'll admit that was a screw up, but here is the link Mitt to the other two.

To bad you support a leftist creep that's like George Bush. That should say something about your credibitity as you're for more of the same old shit! :eusa_whistle:
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Yea, Matthew, what about that you tube clip of Romney saying he'd cut the DoD to fund ObamaCare? How'd that bullshit work out for ya?


Credibiity is like virginity - once lost, is lost forever.

I'll admit that was a screw up, but here is the link Mitt to the other two.

To bad you support a leftist creep that's like George Bush. That should say something about your credibitity as you're for more of the same old shit! :eusa_whistle:

Say why you really don't like Romney? It's because he is a mormon you bigot! Here is why people like me like him. Romney is a VERY successful businessman. Whether you like (or like to slander) Bain capital or not, they came in took over struggling companies and turned 75% of them around and made them profitable. In every company, when times are bad they downsize. However, downsizing doesn't always (actually rarely) leads to success or an upswing. Rather it's usually the first step. If all a venture capitalist strategy is to come in and fire a bunch of people, then that invest will sink. The goal is to restructure and grow. He did that with Staples and countless other companies. Without Bain Capital there would be no Staples. He is an economic genius and that is why I support him.

Is he socially moderate? Yep, but so am I. Abortion is not a make or break issue. If a guy is prolife, as long as I like his fiscal plan better than the prochoicer he has my vote. I support gay marriage and gays in the military. Gun Control is a sticking point for me. I don't want to see an antigun advocate. I wouldn't vote for that.
Yea, Matthew, what about that you tube clip of Romney saying he'd cut the DoD to fund ObamaCare? How'd that bullshit work out for ya?


Credibiity is like virginity - once lost, is lost forever.

I'll admit that was a screw up, but here is the link Mitt to the other two.

To bad you support a leftist creep that's like George Bush. That should say something about your credibitity as you're for more of the same old shit! :eusa_whistle:

I do wish I didn't have to keep repeating myself for the sake of the learning impaired. I never voted for Bush.

Wipe the drool off your chin and grow up a tad, little man.

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