Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

You got NOTHING.

RAGE from TDS is all you have.

Pleading with everyone here to throw their vote away and help POS BIN BIDEN WIN

Cold Day in Hell that happens Toots.

Still, not gonna do it. I'm not voting for your fascist hero. Sorry. Not sorry.
Still, not gonna do it. I'm not voting for your fascist hero. Sorry. Not sorry.

Dems the one using govt as a weapon. Your Rage makes you blind.....OR you are one of them.

DNC and you can kiss my ass.
Still, not gonna do it. I'm not voting for your fascist hero. Sorry. Not sorry.

It is remarkable how angry the folks on both sides get when you refuse to vote for their chosen candidate.
It is remarkable how angry the folks on both sides get when you refuse to vote for their chosen candidate.
The weirdest thing is how they actually hate third party votes as much, or more, than their supposed opposition. I've had dimwit Trump supporters like BL actually say they'd rather I vote Democrat than third party.

I have a theory on why. If people vote for a partisan's two-party opponent, worst case scenario is that they lose an election to the opposition. But if people start thinking for themselves, if they stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering, and vote their conscience, the whole two-party shitshow falls apart.
I have a theory on why. If people vote for a partisan's two-party opponent, worst case scenario is that they lose an election to the opposition. But if people start thinking for themselves, if they stop falling for the lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering, and vote their conscious, the whole two-party shitshow falls apart.

Which is why the two parties have done everything they can to divide the nation down any line they can find.
Can you imagine claiming you are a Libertarian…yet having no comment on this EARTHQUAKE in the LP?


LP nominated Trump in effect.

Tell me how I am wrong.
I just keeps bothering me.

Some of those who professed to be LIBERTARIAN are silent on this matter.

Why is that?
It's undeniable at this point that society suffers from an extreme case of soy-monella poisoning.
I'm fine with open borders, in the context of no more welfare state....But not a moment before that precondition is satisfied.

Were Libertarians Wrong About Immigration? with Jeffrey Tucker​

"Derrick Broze talks with Jeffrey Tucker, founder of Brownstone Institute, about his recent revelations on immigration and his revisiting of a 1990's essay by Murray Rothbard. Jeffrey and Derrick discuss the limitations of libertarian principles and whether or not the current moment of ongoing immigration crises requires a revisiting of said principles."


Were Libertarians Wrong About Immigration? with Jeffrey Tucker​

January 4, 2024

Were Libertarians Wrong About Immigration? with Jeffrey Tucker​

"Derrick Broze talks with Jeffrey Tucker, founder of Brownstone Institute, about his recent revelations on immigration and his revisiting of a 1990's essay by Murray Rothbard. Jeffrey and Derrick discuss the limitations of libertarian principles and whether or not the current moment of ongoing immigration crises requires a revisiting of said principles."
View attachment 957502

View attachment 957499

Were Libertarians Wrong About Immigration? with Jeffrey Tucker​

January 4, 2024

The brown people are coming! OMG!!!
lt becomes clearer when you recognize the gubmints ARE corporations too.
But the real clarity comes with the realization that, while governments are corporations, incorporated businesses aren't governments. I think that's what a lot of Trumpsters get confused about. Leftists are confused by this as well. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a leftist and a Trumpster.
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