Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

The brown people are coming! OMG!!!
Fallacies and slander are always great substitutes for reasoned argumentation, aren't they? :113:



12/09/2017 • Journal of Libertarian Studies Murray N. Rothbard

Fallacies and slander are always great substitutes for reasoned argumentation, aren't they? :113:
On USMB? What is this "reasoned argument" you speak of?

"Open borders" is one of those utterly vague terms that populists use to get people all lathered up. It's mostly equivocation and mostly a xenophobic dog whistle. Sane immigration policy requires intelligent consideration. And we both know that's not gonna happen on USMB.
Fallacies and slander are always great substitutes for reasoned argumentation, aren't they? :113:


View attachment 957546
12/09/2017 • Journal of Libertarian Studies Murray N. Rothbard

View attachment 957544
I like how your non slanderous, rational argument, references open borders as the Camp of the Saints problem..... :laugh:
But the real clarity comes with the realization that, while governments are corporations, incorporated businesses aren't governments. I think that's what a lot of Trumpsters get confused about. Leftists are confused by this as well. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a leftist and a Trumpster.
BS. Huge difference. Worst since Civil War. Your leftist roots blind you.
On USMB? What is this "reasoned argument" you speak of?

"Open borders" is one of those utterly vague terms that populists use to get people all lathered up. It's mostly equivocation and mostly a xenophobic dog whistle. Sane immigration policy requires intelligent consideration. And we both know that's not gonna happen on USMB.
Its not a hard issue unless one side wants open borders. Whole world does it better than us.

You WANT OPEN BORDERS so you ignore our laws.
But the real clarity comes with the realization that, while governments are corporations, incorporated businesses aren't governments. I think that's what a lot of Trumpsters get confused about. Leftists are confused by this as well. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a leftist and a Trumpster.
A distinction without a real difference, as demonstrated in high relief with the Pfizer and Moderna vax scam.

For years, the leftbats howled about "corporate capture"...They were close, but no cigar....It has been corporate merger.
Its not a hard issue unless one side wants open borders. Whole world does it better than us.

You WANT OPEN BORDERS so you ignore our laws.
Not necessarily true.

Real libertarians are in fact for open borders as it relates to freedom of travel, and even immigration...But that's in the context of NO welfare state, up to and including gubmint-run schools....I don't know of many who want open borders and a vigorous socialistic gibsmedat state.
On USMB? What is this "reasoned argument" you speak of?

"Open borders" is one of those utterly vague terms that populists use to get people all lathered up. It's mostly equivocation and mostly a xenophobic dog whistle. Sane immigration policy requires intelligent consideration. And we both know that's not gonna happen on USMB.
If 11 million (that we're being told about) indigents and outright criminals crashing the border, and more-or-less secretly spread throughout the nation, isn't an open border, what would be?
A distinction without a real difference, as demonstrated in high relief with the Pfizer and Moderna vax scam.

For years, the leftbats howled about "corporate capture"...They were close, but no cigar....It has been corporate merger.


This is what happens when technocrats and governments attempt to do, what the free market naturally does better. All of this was PLANNED, when Blackrock and other institutional investors KNEW, that there was going to be a massive, world wide depression in 2019, so they worked with central banks, doing something called, GOING DIRECT. The "plandemic," was just a cover.


BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan

In the US? We are seeing it in the form of the government's so called infrastructure and "green new deal plan," but it is sort of bogus, and we can already see it falling apart. They refused the rail unions request for more man power to make sure that our cargo and shipments get to where it is supposed to go, in favor of new tech, which didn't do the job as well as people on site. Train derailments are occurring nationwide, and factory mishaps are up all over.

A planned economy never does as well as the free market, we have over a century of experience on this, yet? Now technocrats & those eugenicists, think smart devices, smart cities, and algorithms can give us their utopia, instead of a dystopia, so they are going to give this new black gay communism another go, with their ESG & DEI investing metrics to try and cut costs. :rolleyes:


I find very little information and analysis on that law TBH. If you use the words, "audit," and "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act," you get almost nothing in all the search engines.

[117th Congress Public Law 58]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

[[Page 135 STAT. 429]]

Public Law 117-58
117th Congress

Bill HR 3684 Mandates Cameras IN your car, STOCK from Manufacturer, Breathalyzer, Kill Switch, more​

IMO? Folks that are saying Trump and Biden are the same, and both parties are just doing the bidding of WallStreet, the swamp, and the corportacracy are the only ones who are living in reality. . . everyone else has some serious cognitive dissonance. Yes, Trump folks are exhibiting cult like behavior. And so too, the Biden folks are also in denial too.

This election won't mean shit, vote, don't, it doesn't matter.

. . . except you endorse the political legitimacy of the system of your slave masters if you do IMO. At this point? I really don't think the corporate media or the establishment really give a shit if Trump or Biden win, they can bend either clown to their will if we are really honest. They don't give a shit about social issues or the border that much at this point.

And any one that thinks Trump is going to deport 10 millions aliens? How much do you think he'd have to borrow and spend to do that? Who is he going to hire to do that? You going to take a job doing that?

Especially considering both parties were in on that draconian piece of infrastructure and jobs act garbage. And there isn't any candidate that will say they are going to do anything about it at this point. They will all just do more of the same if we are all honest.

Likewise, I hold out very little hope that Trump will do anything about it. He did nothing about the ACA, nor did he end the EO concerning 911, release the JFK files or end the Patriot Act.

. . . . so this whole thing seems to be a scam in my epistemology. Just more excuses to borrow and spend us more into debt.

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