Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Can you image declaring you are a Libertarian and having no comment on this earthquake in the LP?

Kinda makes one think you lied about being a Libertarian
Can you image declaring you are a Libertarian and having no comment on this earthquake in the LP?

Kinda makes one think you lied about being a Libertarian
Kinda makes me think you just don't like liberty much. I can't care.
IMO, they can't survive the influx of disaffected Bertards that infested the party, after Hildabeest stole the nomination from him in'16, then Xiden again in '20.

Oliver isn't milquetoast, he's a SJW cafeteria libertarian....As the great Bumper Hornberger pointed out in his appeal the party, they've been accepting bits and pieces of socialistic establishment State aggression as needing "reform", not outright abolition....That doesn't bode well at all.

The party is dying for the next Harry Browne...Someone highly principled with a mainstream approach and a persuasive message that doesn't quit.
I was hoping for Hornberger or Rectenwald for sure, I honestly don't know much about the Oliver guy other than what we discussed before. I'm just not really interested on that basis. Haven't voted since the 2012 Republican primary for Ron Paul so why break that streak now?
Can you image declaring you are a Libertarian and having no comment on this earthquake in the LP?

Kinda makes one think you lied about being a Libertarian
Earthquake? Stop the presses, the Libertarian Party nominates a dud for president for the 5th time in a row. Is that an earthquake or a Monday? And who are you even referring to here? I mean I'm hardly an active participant at this board anymore and even I commented, so what libertarian on this board are you too afraid to name as not commenting on this non-story? There are plenty of libertarians who don't vote for the Libertarian Party, so the only real story here is that you think there's a story here. It's almost like you just want to mock libertarians without actually knowing anything about Libertarian politics.
Earthquake? Stop the presses, the Libertarian Party nominates a dud for president for the 5th time in a row. Is that an earthquake or a Monday? And who are you even referring to here? I mean I'm hardly an active participant at this board anymore and even I commented, so what libertarian on this board are you too afraid to name as not commenting on this non-story? There are plenty of libertarians who don't vote for the Libertarian Party, so the only real story here is that you think there's a story here. It's almost like you just want to mock libertarians without actually knowing anything about Libertarian politics.
LOL - that's "almost" what it's like, yeah.
Earthquake? Stop the presses, the Libertarian Party nominates a dud for president for the 5th time in a row. Is that an earthquake or a Monday? And who are you even referring to here? I mean I'm hardly an active participant at this board anymore and even I commented, so what libertarian on this board are you too afraid to name as not commenting on this non-story? There are plenty of libertarians who don't vote for the Libertarian Party, so the only real story here is that you think there's a story here. It's almost like you just want to mock libertarians without actually knowing anything about Libertarian politics.

A gay commie and a lying cop. That is LP.

Do I have to invoke Rothbard again?

A gay commie and a lying cop. That is LP.

Do I have to invoke Rothbard again?

Right. Rothbard probably wouldn't like Chase Oliver. Several libertarians have pointed out in this thread that they don't like Chase Oliver. Rothbardian libertarians, called the Mises Caucus, recently took over the party leadership a couple years back to bring it back to its Rothbardian roots, but unfortunately their candidate did not win the nomination. It was explained that while the Mises Caucus was the largest individual caucus represented overall, once other non-Mises candidates began to get eliminated during the voting rounds the other non-Mises delegates rallied around Oliver handing the Mises Caucus a defeat for the nomination. So you have a split in the Libertarian Party itself with Rothbardian libertarians running the party itself, but a non-Rothbardian presidential nominee unfortunately. Before this presidential election it was non-Rothbardian party leadership and non-Rothbardian candidates.

Again, what's the earthquake, explicitly? Explain it to me like I'm five.
Right. Rothbard probably wouldn't like Chase Oliver. Several libertarians have pointed out in this thread that they don't like Chase Oliver. Rothbardian libertarians, called the Mises Caucus, recently took over the party leadership a couple years back to bring it back to its Rothbardian roots, but unfortunately their candidate did not win the nomination. It was explained that while the Mises Caucus was the largest individual caucus represented overall, once other non-Mises candidates began to get eliminated during the voting rounds the other non-Mises delegates rallied around Oliver handing the Mises Caucus a defeat for the nomination. So you have a split in the Libertarian Party itself with Rothbardian libertarians running the party itself, but a non-Rothbardian presidential nominee unfortunately. Before this presidential election it was non-Rothbardian party leadership and non-Rothbardian candidates.

Again, what's the earthquake, explicitly? Explain it to me like I'm five.

Who the fuck are you?

LP is dead.

Oliver will not pass 2%.

Great in theory. It is dead.
Who the fuck are you?

LP is dead.

Oliver will not pass 2%.

Great in theory. It is dead.
He won't exceed 2% because that even armchair libertarians can see that he's only but marginally a small "l" libertarian.

If people want a lite/faux version of a political philosophy, they can already vote remocrat or depublican.
Kinda makes me think you just don't like liberty much. I can't care.

These people hate liberty and freedom.

Liberty and freedom allows people that do not look like them and act like them to be in the same country.
You seem to really, really want that to be true. Heh.
Well, he's probably not wrong about the roughly 2%, but why that's an "earthquake" or why it signals their death when that's what they've averaged for the past decade or so remains a mystery. Bob Barr got, what, less than 1% of the vote in 2008, a year where a Libertarian nominee should have had a decent showing after Ron Paul's campaign, and the LP didn't die. I expect Oliver will do better than Barr so I don't see why we should expect the LP to die afterwards.
Well, he's probably not wrong about the roughly 2%, but why that's an "earthquake" or why it signals their death when that's what they've averaged for the past decade or so remains a mystery. Bob Barr got, what, less than 1% of the vote in 2008, a year where a Libertarian nominee should have had a decent showing after Ron Paul's campaign, and the LP didn't die. I expect Oliver will do better than Barr so I don't see why we should expect the LP to die afterwards.
I just think it's funny when the duopoly goons go out of their way to point out that third parties won't win. I guess it gives them that tingly feeling inside.

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