Factory discards CV-19 test swabs after maskless Trump visit

What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

This is the worst propaganda attempt I've seen since MSM and Leftist Politicians including Biden "actually" killed people with their rant on the fake Hydroxychlorochine study.
By using a foreign propaganda piece you exposed yourself as "colluding with foreign gov'ts to manipulate an election" :no_text11:

Everyone knows, that they would never throw away the swabs, they'd package the one from his nose and send that to Pelosi.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:

Agree, I like Zog and sincerely expressed my concern when he told us about it. One should take that as a compliment that they care enough to ask. Rolling one's eyes and walking away wouldn't engender positive feelings.

You're right about clean rooms also. I understand that these facilities would consider it a compliment that the POTUS would visit, but they are violating protocol.

I was in the commercial industrial water treatment biz for 15 years. One of the things we did was ultra pure water treatment systems for medical, drug and chip manufacturers. I had to put on the booties, gloves and mask every time I walked into a clean room.

Donald is just a vain, selfish prick.
I am a vain and selfish prick, do you dislike me? :)
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

This is the worst propaganda attempt I've seen since MSM and Leftist Politicians including Biden "actually" killed people with their rant on the fake Hydroxychlorochine study.
By using a foreign propaganda piece you exposed yourself as "colluding with foreign gov'ts to manipulate an election" :no_text11:

Choose your own source Gomer :)

trump maskless visit to maine covid manufactuer forces them discard swabs
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:

Agree, I like Zog and sincerely expressed my concern when he told us about it. One should take that as a compliment that they care enough to ask. Rolling one's eyes and walking away wouldn't engender positive feelings.

You're right about clean rooms also. I understand that these facilities would consider it a compliment that the POTUS would visit, but they are violating protocol.

I was in the commercial industrial water treatment biz for 15 years. One of the things we did was ultra pure water treatment systems for medical, drug and chip manufacturers. I had to put on the booties, gloves and mask every time I walked into a clean room.

Donald is just a vain, selfish prick.
I am a vain and selfish prick, do you dislike me? :)

No, you have redeeming qualities ;)
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

Total bullshot like everything you post.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:

Agree, I like Zog and sincerely expressed my concern when he told us about it. One should take that as a compliment that they care enough to ask. Rolling one's eyes and walking away wouldn't engender positive feelings.

You're right about clean rooms also. I understand that these facilities would consider it a compliment that the POTUS would visit, but they are violating protocol.

I was in the commercial industrial water treatment biz for 15 years. One of the things we did was ultra pure water treatment systems for medical, drug and chip manufacturers. I had to put on the booties, gloves and mask every time I walked into a clean room.

Donald is just a vain, selfish prick.
I am a vain and selfish prick, do you dislike me? :)

No, you have redeeming qualities ;)
Opinions vary. I am sure playtime, Assfaceias and candycorn would disagree. Dragon lady wants to burn me at the stake.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:

Agree, I like Zog and sincerely expressed my concern when he told us about it. One should take that as a compliment that they care enough to ask. Rolling one's eyes and walking away wouldn't engender positive feelings.

You're right about clean rooms also. I understand that these facilities would consider it a compliment that the POTUS would visit, but they are violating protocol.

I was in the commercial industrial water treatment biz for 15 years. One of the things we did was ultra pure water treatment systems for medical, drug and chip manufacturers. I had to put on the booties, gloves and mask every time I walked into a clean room.

Donald is just a vain, selfish prick.
I am a vain and selfish prick, do you dislike me? :)

No, you have redeeming qualities ;)
He's not a democrat.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

This is the worst propaganda attempt I've seen since MSM and Leftist Politicians including Biden "actually" killed people with their rant on the fake Hydroxychlorochine study.
By using a foreign propaganda piece you exposed yourself as "colluding with foreign gov'ts to manipulate an election" :no_text11:

Choose your own source Gomer :)

trump maskless visit to maine covid manufactuer forces them discard swabs
I would be silent if I were you, scaring and preventing Hydroxychlorochine actually killed people. Biden is a murderer according to some of these posts. Their talking points, not mine.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

This is the worst propaganda attempt I've seen since MSM and Leftist Politicians including Biden "actually" killed people with their rant on the fake Hydroxychlorochine study.
By using a foreign propaganda piece you exposed yourself as "colluding with foreign gov'ts to manipulate an election" :no_text11:

Choose your own source Gomer :)

trump maskless visit to maine covid manufactuer forces them discard swabs
I would be silent if I were you, scaring and preventing Hydroxychlorochine actually killed people. Biden is a murderer according to some of these posts. Their talking points, not mine.

Oh GOD - THIS AGAIN? Yes, we know that Hydroxy kills people and has been declared unsafe by the vast majority of health experts.

And in case you were unaware, your Orange Overlord didn't take it as a "regimen" for 12 days. He lied about that too.

There is NO evidence that it works as a prophylactic and NO - Thousands of first responders are taking it as such.

What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
So like 35 years ago?;)
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
So like 35 years ago?;)

Nah, 12 but that was funny. I gave blood here in Oregon a couple months ago and they did offer that opportunity after testing my blood.

It was time consuming, although that process may be quicker now - IDK
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
So like 35 years ago?;)

Nah, 12 but that was funny. I gave blood here in Oregon a couple months ago and they did offer that opportunity after testing my blood.

It was time consuming, although that process may be quicker now - IDK
Nope. Still time consuming.
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
So like 35 years ago?;)

Nah, 12 but that was funny. I gave blood here in Oregon a couple months ago and they did offer that opportunity after testing my blood.

It was time consuming, although that process may be quicker now - IDK
Nope. Still time consuming.

Thanks, it wasn't THAT bad. A couple of hours, but they had a real comfy recliner in what was more like a man cave than a medical facility with great movies to pick from. :)
What a selfish bastard. I'd suggest that they send him the bill - But his check would likely bounce :mad:

A medical swab manufacturer was forced to discard coronavirus testing swabs following Donald Trumpā€˜s visit to its Maine facility, according to USA Today.​
While workers in lab coats and personal protective equipment worked on the factory floor during the presidentā€™s visit to Puritan Medical Products on Friday, Mr Trump ā€” who did not wear a mask ā€” walked through the facility and visited with workers.​
Puritanā€™s marketing manager for the company told USA Today that the factory was in ā€œlimitedā€ operation during the presidentā€™s tour and ā€œswabs produced during that time will be discardedā€.​

He is such an unthinking jerk. Great picture. Ought to be a campaign ad.
He is tested daily and is negative. Leftist narrative and you fell for it. Tsk tsk tsk, White.
Sorry Zog. Didn't see your post. What does tested daily have to do with it? If a doctor was tested and not found to have some kind of infection, would you let him in a clean room/ operating room to cut on you mother or kid or even observe without mask and gloves, picking up stuff, picking his nose with swabs laying around. Did you take health?
Its different. He is not cutting anyone open. He doesn't have the disease so he cannot spread it. If this was pre COVID no one would care and now we have gone over the top. I recovered in early April and people still ask me how I feel? WTF? This isn't AIDS. It is a cold but the media brainwashed us. When people ask me now, I tell them this isn't leprosy and they get all offended and then I roll my eyes and walk away. I no longer tolerate ignorance and believing what the lying media tells you as facts.
Not different. Basic health, although trump doesn't understand that kind of thing. Glad you have recovered. You are a statistic. I am not. Hope the aids thing is working out. Glad you know the difference between Covid-19 and leprosy. Don't be offended if people ask you how you are feeling, after they find out or you tell them you have recovered from it. They just care that you are OK, though they probably haven't read your message board stuff. I read all your stuff and I am still glad you are over it. I do some eye rolling, myself. :cool:
They ask because they are ignorant. Do you ask those who recovered from the flu 7 weeks ago, how they feel? Ignorance is not bliss.
I don't ask and they don't tell. Having had COVID-19 is kind of like a "war story", "I was there", "this ain't not shit" kind of thing. Many if not most of us have been in areas of low infection, done distancing and avoidance, used good sanitation, and taken precautions (don't even want to get into that aids thing you mentioned), so the vast majority have not had it, only the unwary few, which didn't turn out well for a hundred thousand or so in this country. It is people like you in your late 30s that give other thirty-somethings confidence, they won't die of some disease that others (mostly older) have died from. Why, if I met you, I would shake your hand, er, uh, if we were both wearing gloves. :auiqs.jpg:

Media has scared the country? Don't need gloves, I am immune. If you're A+ you can have some plasma. I just don't get it but I see your POV.

We don't know if you are "immune" or not at present.

We don't but gun to your head, yes, since I have donated plasma to help those who are sick.

I did plasma as well, many times up until the time I was around 50.
So like 35 years ago?;)

Nah, 12 but that was funny. I gave blood here in Oregon a couple months ago and they did offer that opportunity after testing my blood.

It was time consuming, although that process may be quicker now - IDK
Nope. Still time consuming.

Thanks, it wasn't THAT bad. A couple of hours, but they had a real comfy recliner in what was more like a man cave than a medical facility with great movies to pick from. :)
It was less than 2 hrs but slower than just giving blood.
President Trump believes its each individual's Freedom of Choice on whether or not to wear a mask.

Personally, he chooses not to.

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