Facts about an Obamacare repeal - Things the average citizen doesn't know

The ACA caused the surgery to be rescheduled 4 times?

That's horrible!

And during finals week at school! Who knew those devils sneaked that provision into the law!

In other news, I also heard it's also responsible for this shitty weather.

Funny how the response to every little issue in the ACA is "tough shit".

A specialty of bureaucrats defending bureaucracy.


Funny how the response to every little issue in the ACA is "tough shit".

A specialty of bureaucrats defending bureaucracy.


The ACA didn't schedule your daughter's procedure during finals week. It didn't forget to validate your parking. It didn't even leave your stove on.

Get a fucking grip.

Funny how the response to every little issue in the ACA is "tough shit".

A specialty of bureaucrats defending bureaucracy.


The ACA didn't schedule your daughter's procedure during finals week. It didn't forget to validate your parking. It didn't even leave your stove on.

Get a fucking grip.

So you know more than the surgeon.

Of course. Thanks for illustrating my point. Again.


Funny how the response to every little issue in the ACA is "tough shit".

A specialty of bureaucrats defending bureaucracy.


The ACA didn't schedule your daughter's procedure during finals week. It didn't forget to validate your parking. It didn't even leave your stove on.

Get a fucking grip.

So you know more than the surgeon.

Of course. Thanks for illustrating my point. Again.


You asked " ACA? " and he just nodded? No follow up questions? I'd love to know just what the ACA did to reschedule your kid's knee surgery. I'm amazed that you didn't ask for details.
It will not, because of how spli they are on what the law should or should not do. It's a matter of principle. Congressman wont negotiate on principle matters of this magnitude. Bottom line - Expect Obamacare to get much worse and affect way more people and business negatively. It's in the GOP's favor to let it happen for 2016 and make this the single most important issue along with jobs. You can link the two. Perfect situation for the GOP heading into 2016.

Not really.

The GOP has the same problems it had in 2012. Minorities, women, and working folks don't trust them.

The fact that Kasich is now admitting we are stuck with ObamaCare no matter who wins is a tacit admission no one is going to pull health coverage from 20 million people who are now getting it.

Funny how the response to every little issue in the ACA is "tough shit".

A specialty of bureaucrats defending bureaucracy.


The ACA didn't schedule your daughter's procedure during finals week. It didn't forget to validate your parking. It didn't even leave your stove on.

Get a fucking grip.

Well you gotta admit, if you were faced with a pissed off Dad because you the surgeon had re scheduled a surgery for what ever reason and the Dad comes in and gives you an automatic cop out (did ACA made you re schedule my daughters surgery) wouldn't you as the Doctor take that cop out? Sure you would. It was a gimme.

And Mac ate it up. Had to be that ACA. Just had to be.
My daughter just had knee surgery, which was re-scheduled four (4) times. She ended up having it during finals week at school, which caused all kinds of shit. The surgeon apologized profusely and sheepishly said he hoped the "system" would be fixed soon. I asked him, "ACA?", and he nodded yes. Oh well. Who knows, if the ACA stays, maybe they'll iron out these "bugs".

Aside from "you can keep your plan / your doctor", your point about deductibles may be the biggest killer of the plan. Obviously, first, it's really hurting people. But also, I have a friend who is an administrator at a hospital here, and he says non-payment of deductibles is killing them. They're now starting to require payment of 75% of the deductible before services will be performed, which I learned personally.

This is a mess, as we knew it would be. The predictable result of an important issue becoming politicized.

You mean as opposed to what a finely tuned machine it was before then?

I'm little dubious about your story, as you don't explain HOW the 'system' caused 'delays'.
I wonder why Mac doesn't have a horror story about how much the knee surgery cost him? Could it be because...like me and most Americans,,,the ACA has had no impact on our insurance policies other than to make preventive care procedures free?

Also..is Mac happy or sad about the fact that his daughter's knee will be covered for the rest of her life now that preexisting condition clauses are no longer legal?

Fucking ACA!!!
My daughter just had knee surgery, which was re-scheduled four (4) times. She ended up having it during finals week at school, which caused all kinds of shit. The surgeon apologized profusely and sheepishly said he hoped the "system" would be fixed soon. I asked him, "ACA?", and he nodded yes. Oh well. Who knows, if the ACA stays, maybe they'll iron out these "bugs".

Aside from "you can keep your plan / your doctor", your point about deductibles may be the biggest killer of the plan. Obviously, first, it's really hurting people. But also, I have a friend who is an administrator at a hospital here, and he says non-payment of deductibles is killing them. They're now starting to require payment of 75% of the deductible before services will be performed, which I learned personally.

This is a mess, as we knew it would be. The predictable result of an important issue becoming politicized.

You mean as opposed to what a finely tuned machine it was before then?

I'm little dubious about your story, as you don't explain HOW the 'system' caused 'delays'.

Yup...the ACA has become the scapegoat of the insurance companies. Insurance companies have always been douche bags, people. The ACA didn't change that, it just gave them more customers to be douchey about and it gave them something to hide their douchiness behind.

We need a Public Option NOW!
Wait. You think a Republican Congress will pass a bill to prop up Obamacare after the SC pulls the rug out from under it?


I don't think the Supreme Court is going to pull the rug out.

You see, this is what you don't get about the Roberts Court. It's a business Court. Business does not want the rug pulled out from under ObamaCare.

A bunch of small businesses and large businesses are benefiting from the fact that their employees are getting health care through ObamaCare. The Insurance companies are making money off the deal. They aren't going to muck that up.

You stupid bubbas think that business is going to lose money for your principles? how quaint.
Example - Defunding Obama care - Ok, let's say they do that. That means everybody on it will lose their coverage and insurance rates will spike even higher, and what will the GOP replace it with? They haven't even been vocal about a plan they just say repeal it. t.

Obama Hellcare is UNCONSTITUTIONAL regardless of what scumbag Roberts says. It was not intended to be a Tax, an even if it is a tax is unconstitutional because, among other reasons, it originated in the Senate.

But the pretext for the adoption of Obama hellcare is that healthcare is expensive. What made healthcare expensive was medicare/medicaid. So , in order for the free market to take over, those programs must be abolished including the state programs which have been in effect since the 1840's.

bripat cannot support is nonsense above.

The ACA is well man walking.

It's opponents are anti-ACA dead man walking.

It's easy to support. Just ask anyone who has to purchase this piece of crap.
I talk to about 50 people a week who purchased that piece of crap.

And I hear from the people who are complaining about it. I work in a department where we get the maddest of the mad. People who've asked to speak with a supervisor's supervisor. There are 5 others in my dept. At that rate...of the 100,000 policy holders we have we get about 16,800/ year (2014 stats so far) that hate thier plans enough to wind up with me.

The state I work is very very red. One thing I get quite often are people who hate Obama, and liberals, but need Obamacare plans because they're self employed, not old enough for Medicare, or couldn't get past underwriting before the ACA. When they shift to politics, I'm as tight as a clam. As a representative of my company, it's wrong to offer any opinion.

At any rate...my experience shows about 17% of our policy holders hate their ACA plans, and Obamacare.
Partly because they are losers in life and some probably because they can vent their hatred of having a president who is black.

And the fact is the system we had before was the GOP system, a do nothing system.
Democrats are running like hell from ACA, which cost them majorities. Watch for Dems and the GOP to team up for 2/3 votes to over ride veto.
Obamacare will either be repealed or seriously amended in the next 2 years.
You really need to put down the crack pipe and get clean and sober.

ObamaCare will only be repealed when it is replaced by single payer healthcare.

And since the GOP would not even pass a simple bill to extend the employer deadline or pass a correction to the ACA to provide subsidies to the people who live in states that do not have state exchanges, I don't see the GOP being in any hurry to enact any other fixes, either. The GOP has signaled they are clearly more interested in putting on theater shows for rubes like you.

They would rather force a constitutional crisis than make some obvious fixes. They would rather make political hay than do what is good for the country.

ObamaCare will one day be repealed. But not in the next two years, and only when single payer is the replacement.
The GOP has never offered up a comprehensive health care reform plan.

Not once.

Even now, at this late date, they have not.

That should tell you all you need to know about the noise they make about ObamaCare. It's all a big show. They abdicated on health care decades ago. They made a conscious decision to hand over the entire issue to the Democrats and to just put up token resistance.

We're heading to single payer health care. The GOP surrendered a long time ago.

Wake up.

The GOP has had its chance for decades, and decided that this wasn't an important enough issue to act on.

Okay, so the Democrats acted.

Here we are, enjoy.

Why didn't the GOP House pass an extension to the employer mandate deadline? It would have taken five minutes.

Yeah. What they are up to is right there in front of your face. Theater for the rubes.

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