Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

So we’re lots of other people. Trespassing, which the police were going to warn him about, would not have landed him in jail. Stop lying.
Bullshit. He was still on probation for theft from the time he tried to steal a TV from Walmart. He wouldn't have just got a warning. The police would have had to notify his probation officer. He was going back to jail. Why do you think he took off running like a bat out of hell when he was spotted in the house in the first place?
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Figuratively, he was trapped in that part of the subdivision unless he was going to swim across a river. The police were on the way and there was only one way out. He was trapped like a rat. He wasn't getting away this time. He was going back to jail.
He was trapped illegally by Greg/Travis McMichael and Roddy Bryan and that is why their asses are on trial as we speak.
Bullshit. He was on probation for theft when he tried to steal a TV from Walmart. He wouldn't have just got a warning. The police would have had to notify his probation officer. He was going back to jail. Why do you think he took off running like a bat out of hell when he was spotted in the house in the first place?
The police already said they were planning on talking to him and warning him off. Try to keep up.
Of course he knew.

First of all, Matthew Albenze, who lives across the street from Mr. English's home saw Arbery go into the house and called 911. Arbery made eye contact with Albenze while he was on the phone with 911 and took off running like a bat out of hell. It's safe to say that Arbery didn't think Albenze was ordering a pizza for him.

Furthermore, Travis told Arbery that the police were on the way.
Albenze didn't testify to that and Ahmaud was murdered so we can't ask him. Therefore, you have no way of knowing that Ahmaud knew the police were coming. He wasn't going to jail the police testified that they were only going to tell him to stay off the property. I don't know why folks like you and Political hag are just making up bullshit.
The police already said they were planning on talking to him and warning him off. Try to keep up.
They said that before they knew his identity. Once he was caught the police would have had to ID him and run his name. They would have had to contact his probation officer and tell them that Arbery was caught entering Larry English's home without permission and was on video prowling around inside his home and on his dock at night on multiple occasions. And that Mr. English had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen from one of his boats.

Hmmmm.... what would his probation officer think when they found out that a convict who was on probation for stealing expensive electronics was busted repeatedly entering the home of someone who had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen?

He was going back to jail.
They said that before they knew his identity. Once he was caught the police would have had to ID him and run his name. They would have had to contact his probation officer and tell them that Arbery was caught entering Larry English's home without permission and was on video prowling around inside his home and on his dock at night on multiple occasions. And that Mr. English had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen from one of his boats.

Hmmmm.... what would his probation officer think when they found out that a convict who was on probation for stealing expensive electronics was busted repeatedly entering the home of someone who had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen?

He was going back to jail.
You're just making it up as you go.
They said that before they knew his identity. Once he was caught the police would have had to ID him and run his name. They would have had to contact his probation officer and tell them that Arbery was caught entering Larry English's home without permission and was on video prowling around inside his home and on his dock at night on multiple occasions. And that Mr. English had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen from one of his boats.

Hmmmm.... what would his probation officer think when they found out that a convict who was on probation for stealing expensive electronics was busted repeatedly entering the home of someone who had recently had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen?

He was going back to jail.
They knew exactly who he was prior to his murder. Good grief you’re inventive.
In a fair trial, this would be just a clear cut case of self-defense. The video evidence proves conclusively that Arbery charged straight towards the McMichaels from more than 50 yards away and ran straight at Travis. Travis then retreated away from Arbery and took cover on the other side of the truck so that the truck was between himself and Arbery. Then Arbery blitzed around the truck and attacked Travis.

That's all right on video. The video doesn't lie. It was self-defense, period. That's why they were not arrested at the scene. The saw the video and it clearly shows that Abery was the aggressor. They should have never even been charged.

However, they've got an uphill battle.

1) They clearly have a judge who is biased against them. He is not allowing them to be tried separately when they obviously should be. At the very least, Bryan should be tried separately from the McMichaels.

2) They have an all female jury. The anti-white racists are trying to win this case via juror intimidation. And women are more easily intimidated than men. They are also more likely than men to oppose 2nd amendment civil rights.

3) Unlike the Rittenhouse trial where the prosecutor is an idiot, prosecutor Jackie Johnson is smarter than their attorneys. From what I've seen in this trial so far, she is consistently out-smarting their attorneys.
Damn boi you’re a special brand of southern stupid.

So, the white guys with the guns and trucks were scared for their lives….
Again Russian dude,

When in testimony of red headed racist mcmichael did he state what felony he direct observed the victim commit?
Damn boi you’re a special brand of southern stupid.

So, the white guys with the guns and trucks were scared for their lives….
Obviously you're the stupid one if you think that when someone attacks you and tries to steal a gun out of your hands, they do not constitute an immediate mortal threat.

You're just as fucking stupid as Arbery, who tried to steal Travis' shotgun, and those convicts who tried to steal Kyle's AR-15, thus earning their Darwin Awards.

Why do LWNJ moonbat gun-grabbers think they can just run up to somebody and try to steal their gun out of their hands without getting shot? :dunno:
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What is the difficulty for me?

The difficulty is for these 3 racist who are on trial.

There was multiple folks in the video.

Time has already told.

I don't expect you to admit the lying hag you are.

What if they aren't "racists"?

What if they simply oppose criminals?
Sorry dude, but there is. And it is in the testimony.
There you go lying to the USMB forum again. Nowhere in the testimony does anyone say that Travis hit Arbery with his truck. Why do you constantly lie to the USMB forum? Do actually believe the lies you spew here? Are you that fucking delusional? Or are you simply a troll?

Dial, a crooked cop who wasn't even there, testified that Bryan hit Arbery with his truck, not Travis.

And Dial's ridiculous claim is contradicted to the evidence and eyewitness testimony. Trucks don't drive sideways. The eyewitnesses said that Arbery was attacking the side of Bryan's truck.
Albenze didn't testify to that and Ahmaud was murdered so we can't ask him. Therefore, you have no way of knowing that Ahmaud knew the police were coming.
I was wrong on one small detail. He called the non-emergency police line rather than 911. But the fact still remains that he was on the phone with the police. When Arbery saw him right across the street looking at him while talking on the phone Arbery took off running. That's on video.

Why do you suppose he took off running like a bat out of hell? Common sense dictates that he didn't want to go back to jail, so he ran.

Also, why do you suppose that Arbery repeatedly intruded into that home in the middle of the night? What business did he have being there?

We already know he's a fucking thief. He was on probation for stealing a TV. So Arbery had a history of stealing electronics.

We also know that English had thousands of dollars worth of electronics stolen off his boat. I think it's reasonable to conclude he kept going back into that house and dock because he had previously had a big score there and was hoping for another one and/or just returning to the scene of the crime to relive his big score.

Do you have a better explanation for why he would keep going back into that house in the middle of the night? What other rational, reasonable explanation is there?
Figuratively, he was trapped in that part of the subdivision unless he was going to swim across a river. The police were on the way and there was only one way out. He was trapped like a rat. He wasn't getting away this time. He was going back to jail.

How did Arbury know the police were on the way. Greg said he would blow your fucking head off.

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