Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

Anyone--black, white, or Hispanic--should be prosecuted if they commit a crime. All I'm saying is that the cops should look at everyone equally. The graphic above shows they do not.


And the problem is that there are a significant number of racist LEOs who practice a policy of presuming that African-American and Hispanic persons are guilty solely on account of their race.
The reason that the author of this thread doesn't think there's a problem with racist cops is that she doesn't think that being a racist cop is a problem.

...that's for anyone who missed her point...

You couldn't be more ignorant if you tried. When a racist cop, of any color, is discovered, harsh punishment should follow. I did not say it's okay for anyone to be a racist. I am saying that it's not the big problem that the left claims it to be.

That's for anyone who is able to read and understand what was written instead of putting their own spin on other peoples' words.

Crime in the inner cities is out of control and looks like some find it more palatable to just accept it instead of trying to turn things around.
Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

And the problem with conservatives is that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there are indeed racist members of law enforcement.
The facts dont really support that.
In fact facts are dangerous to liberals, unless they are first cherry picked and distorted. Recall the press wrote a narrative about George Zimmerman that was untrue from beginning to end. Yet most liberals still believe it. Same with Ferguson. Six months from now USMB libs will be posting the officer shot down a black boy in cold blood for jaywalking.
Anyone--black, white, or Hispanic--should be prosecuted if they commit a crime. All I'm saying is that the cops should look at everyone equally. The graphic above shows they do not.


And the problem is that there are a significant number of racist LEOs who practice a policy of presuming that African-American and Hispanic persons are guilty solely on account of their race.
Proof for that statement? You dont have any.
Anyone--black, white, or Hispanic--should be prosecuted if they commit a crime. All I'm saying is that the cops should look at everyone equally. The graphic above shows they do not.


And the problem is that there are a significant number of racist LEOs who practice a policy of presuming that African-American and Hispanic persons are guilty solely on account of their race.

Well, I'm not ready to say they "presume" guilt...

However, there seems to be a presumption of innocence for whites. Blacks and Latinos do not share that privilege. If anything, the above graphic confirms that the police often don't bother to stop and frisk Whites. .
Yes, all those racist cops are bringing all those innocent blacks and Hispanics before all those racist judges, and prosecutors so that by percentage of population, blacks and Hispanics are just truly criminals at heart! But, let's blame the cops for the pond scums actions! To put it more clearly for the pond scums sympathizers.....

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females).[41] According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population.[42][43][44]
Hispanics (of all races) were 20.6% of the total jail and prison population in 2009.[41] Hispanics comprised 16.3% of the US population according to the 2010 US census.[42][45] The Northeast has the highest incarceration rates of Hispanics in the nation.[46] Connecticut has the highest Hispanic-to-White incarceration ratio with 6.6 Hispanic males for every white male. The National Average Hispanic-to-White incarceration ratio is 1.8. Other states with high Hispanic-to-White incarcerations include Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Police will check out anyone acting suspiciously. If they stop anyone for speeding and detect the odor of alcohol or pot, they will likely search the vehicle. If a person has no ID, is uncooperative or otherwise hostile, they should expect that police won't just drop it. I know plenty of whites hauled off to jail for drunk driving or other stupid shit.

They have reasons for stopping people and they will frisk people or search if there is any reason to do so. Race is not a reason. Police have to follow rules. Granted, there will always be people in any occupation that are just corrupt and no profession is free of them. You can't just assume that the majority of police across the country are all racists. It seems that some prefer that explanation because it enables them to avoid taking a critical look at the statistics and what is behind them.

I've heard some claim that the show, "Bait Car" is racist because most of the people on video stealing cars are minorities. The police put those cars in areas where there are the most car thefts and don't go by the predominant race in the neighborhood. The left would prefer that the show go out of it's way to balance out the color of the suspects rather than just show what actually happened. You can't change facts or ignore them just because you are uncomfortable with what is really happening. And police are not approaching those suspects until after they steal the car so you can't accuse them of profiling.

Again, shouldn't we be taking a harder look at these statistics and asking why they are so high instead of just making assumptions? You can't just automatically say it's the police and you can't make broad statements about people of color. The crime is real. It would behoove all of society to learn why it is so high and address the issue instead of trading insults and innuendos.

The statistics are what they are. Pretending that it's the cops fault for catching criminals doesn't undo the fact that the crimes were committed. People wonder why society is going to hell and maybe it's because they are so busy placing blame on cops for arresting people instead of worrying about why so many people turn to crime.

So, there are a lot of minorities in jail. While it's reasonable to ask if some police officers might take notice because of race, any law being broken is 100% on the person being arrested.

Police and most people aren't stupid and they know when something is amiss. We all notice behavior of other people and we know when they are acting strangely or suspiciously.

Bottom line is that if you are stopped by police for any reason, you need to cooperate. If you are breaking the law and get caught because you gave them more reason to look at you, it is not anyone else's fault. It's on you.

It's amazing that some people can ignore the crimes and just question whether police were right to catch the criminals. If you're not committing a crime and you cooperate if police tell you something or ask you something, chances are nothing will happen.

If people treated officers with respect, they'd likely get the same in return. It would be a lot easier to find out who the corrupt cops were if there weren't so many corrupt idiots having run ins with them.
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The reason that the author of this thread doesn't think there's a problem with racist cops is that she doesn't think that being a racist cop is a problem.

...that's for anyone who missed her point...

You couldn't be more ignorant if you tried. When a racist cop, of any color, is discovered, harsh punishment should follow. I did not say it's okay for anyone to be a racist. I am saying that it's not the big problem that the left claims it to be.

That's for anyone who is able to read and understand what was written instead of putting their own spin on other peoples' words.

Crime in the inner cities is out of control and looks like some find it more palatable to just accept it instead of trying to turn things around.

You said it's not a problem. It's not MY problem you're too illiterate to express yourself in coherent English.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

Reading through only a few pages of the thread, you will find that the majority appears to want to answer, "Yes," keep ignoring the problem, and "Yes," accuse anyone who notices the "higher rate of crime among minorities" a racist.


Because once you injected the problem with the words "among minorities" you are, in fact, a racist.

The REAL problem is not that there is a higher rate of crime among minorities, rather, there is a higher rate of crime among the poor.

This problem has been around for quite some time.

What is less historical is who "the poor" are: For centuries, many of The Poor were the same race as The Not Poor, and a caste system developed to identify them. The egalitarian USA pretended to eliminate its caste system only about 60 years ago. The experiment is ongoing, and it is not perfect. As a result, substitutes have been made to identify The Poor. One substitute is to identify The Poor by race.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

Reading through only a few pages of the thread, you will find that the majority appears to want to answer, "Yes," keep ignoring the problem, and "Yes," accuse anyone who notices the "higher rate of crime among minorities" a racist.


Because once you injected the problem with the words "among minorities" you are, in fact, a racist.

The REAL problem is not that there is a higher rate of crime among minorities, rather, there is a higher rate of crime among the poor.

This problem has been around for quite some time.

What is less historical is who "the poor" are: For centuries, many of The Poor were the same race as The Not Poor, and a caste system developed to identify them. The egalitarian USA pretended to eliminate its caste system only about 60 years ago. The experiment is ongoing, and it is not perfect. As a result, substitutes have been made to identify The Poor. One substitute is to identify The Poor by race.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor.
Thats nonsense, sorry. There are many more poor whites than poor blacks. And blacks still account for a disproportionate number of crimes. Further, merely being poor does not make a person a criminal. It stems from culture not economics.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

Reading through only a few pages of the thread, you will find that the majority appears to want to answer, "Yes," keep ignoring the problem, and "Yes," accuse anyone who notices the "higher rate of crime among minorities" a racist.


Because once you injected the problem with the words "among minorities" you are, in fact, a racist.

The REAL problem is not that there is a higher rate of crime among minorities, rather, there is a higher rate of crime among the poor.

This problem has been around for quite some time.

What is less historical is who "the poor" are: For centuries, many of The Poor were the same race as The Not Poor, and a caste system developed to identify them. The egalitarian USA pretended to eliminate its caste system only about 60 years ago. The experiment is ongoing, and it is not perfect. As a result, substitutes have been made to identify The Poor. One substitute is to identify The Poor by race.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor.
Thats nonsense, sorry. There are many more poor whites than poor blacks. And blacks still account for a disproportionate number of crimes. Further, merely being poor does not make a person a criminal. It stems from culture not economics.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor
Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

And the problem with conservatives is that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there are indeed racist members of law enforcement.
you mean like that racist black cop who executed that young white boy ????
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

Reading through only a few pages of the thread, you will find that the majority appears to want to answer, "Yes," keep ignoring the problem, and "Yes," accuse anyone who notices the "higher rate of crime among minorities" a racist.


Because once you injected the problem with the words "among minorities" you are, in fact, a racist.

The REAL problem is not that there is a higher rate of crime among minorities, rather, there is a higher rate of crime among the poor.

This problem has been around for quite some time.

What is less historical is who "the poor" are: For centuries, many of The Poor were the same race as The Not Poor, and a caste system developed to identify them. The egalitarian USA pretended to eliminate its caste system only about 60 years ago. The experiment is ongoing, and it is not perfect. As a result, substitutes have been made to identify The Poor. One substitute is to identify The Poor by race.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor.
Thats nonsense, sorry. There are many more poor whites than poor blacks. And blacks still account for a disproportionate number of crimes. Further, merely being poor does not make a person a criminal. It stems from culture not economics.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor
Huh? That doesnt even make sense.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

Reading through only a few pages of the thread, you will find that the majority appears to want to answer, "Yes," keep ignoring the problem, and "Yes," accuse anyone who notices the "higher rate of crime among minorities" a racist.


Because once you injected the problem with the words "among minorities" you are, in fact, a racist.

The REAL problem is not that there is a higher rate of crime among minorities, rather, there is a higher rate of crime among the poor.

This problem has been around for quite some time.

What is less historical is who "the poor" are: For centuries, many of The Poor were the same race as The Not Poor, and a caste system developed to identify them. The egalitarian USA pretended to eliminate its caste system only about 60 years ago. The experiment is ongoing, and it is not perfect. As a result, substitutes have been made to identify The Poor. One substitute is to identify The Poor by race.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor.
Thats nonsense, sorry. There are many more poor whites than poor blacks. And blacks still account for a disproportionate number of crimes. Further, merely being poor does not make a person a criminal. It stems from culture not economics.

There are some races that have more members than others that SELF IDENTIFY themselves as The Poor
Huh? That doesnt even make sense.

Well, give it some more thought. I'm sure you'll get it.
No, I dont get stupid. You'll have to either explain yourself or shut the fuck up.

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