Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

None of this explains the crime rate among minorities. It's simply more likely that a cop will encounter a minority in some areas and that the encounter will turn violent.

Is anyone brave enough to discuss why the crime rate among minorities? Until we understand it and work toward a solution, we will continue to see clashes on the street.

I don't like the way people jumped to conclusions after the Ferguson shooting. Even the UN is calling the U.S. racist because of unfounded claims by the race baiters. This is the sort of thing that makes the problem worse and stops people from taking an honest look at the root of the problem.

Hey I will explain why minorities have such a high crime rate IF you will explain why white people become white trash, commit crimes and abuse their kids? Deal?
Then there is the little problem of there just being more white trash than minorities thereby committing more crimes in number alone.

In other words, why is my white nephew a junkie, a felon and the father of three kids from three women that are not provided for? And this man had EVERY opportunity to do good. Why didn't he?

You figure that out and you will have your answer about blacks and other minorities. Cause a white kid with opportunities can become a fuck up then you got to know that black kids can easily become a fuck up.
You ever look at the young black males unemployment rate? When you are young, need money, have no job and all you are doing in hanging on the streets, crime pays. Hanging out doing nothing does not.
Being white trash is usually an extended family thing, and like everything else when you invite comparison - a matter of degree.
Painting cops as racists is not really accurate when you consider what their job actually is, to keep the poor people in line and away from the better neighborhoods.It's also important to note that in recent years the police have become a lot less understanding and more brutal towards the poverty stricken populations they have been charged with keeping in check. It seems racist because urban black communities tend to be poor but the trend towards using all available force to accomplish their actual mission has effected every town in America no matter it's racial makeup. The poor can no longer even dream of getting fair treatment in our justice system or an ounce or compassion from the boys in blue.
Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

And the problem with conservatives is that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there are indeed racist members of law enforcement.

Who said that?

Partisan bullshitter.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

So ending the social programs that help the poor will reduce crime? How would that work, exactly?

Not ending them. We need to go back to having work requirement and not allow tax money to pay for things other than necessities. There are those who find it preferable to receive a welfare check than to work.

The whole point is to start talking to young people and highly discouraging a life on welfare. There are too many unwed mothers who keep having children and they simply are not handling the role of parenthood very well. We have so many gangs and other negative influences and a single mom isn't prepared to keep children on the right path, especially given that many inner city schools are just plain crap.

We need to make changes where they really count. Welfare shouldn't be seen as a viable option for future and rather a temporary means of getting out of a slump. I personally know some women who had children just to stay on welfare and believe that welfare dependency is encouraged in some ways. That is wrong. Children need good role models and they just aren't getting that when they are 5th generation welfare dependents.

We need to break the cycle and encourage independence. Sad that a life of government dependency is all some know.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

So ending the social programs that help the poor will reduce crime? How would that work, exactly?

Not ending them. We need to go back to having work requirement and not allow tax money to pay for things other than necessities. There are those who find it preferable to receive a welfare check than to work.

The whole point is to start talking to young people and highly discouraging a life on welfare. There are too many unwed mothers who keep having children and they simply are not handling the role of parenthood very well. We have so many gangs and other negative influences and a single mom isn't prepared to keep children on the right path, especially given that many inner city schools are just plain crap.

We need to make changes where they really count. Welfare shouldn't be seen as a viable option for future and rather a temporary means of getting out of a slump. I personally know some women who had children just to stay on welfare and believe that welfare dependency is encouraged in some ways. That is wrong. Children need good role models and they just aren't getting that when they are 5th generation welfare dependents.

We need to break the cycle and encourage independence. Sad that a life of government dependency is all some know.
Well written and to the point.

Of course it flies in the face of liberal dogma.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities.

Bullshit, prove it.

Yes. Prove it that the OP's racist assertions are true.
Certain things are a given. I don't give a rat's ass if you're too lazy or just trolling.

So you accept the OP's racist claims that minorities have "a higher rate of crime" without having done or wanting to do any research of your own to verify these claims?

Truly saddening, but not shocking, coming from a conservatard.
Yes, there are racists cops of all races and backgrounds.

Lefties and righties have to come together on this and stop pointing fingers at each other.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities.

Bullshit, prove it.

Yes. Prove it that the OP's racist assertions are true.
Certain things are a given. I don't give a rat's ass if you're too lazy or just trolling.

If we go by that philosophy, then we can ignore you Meathead. It's a given that you are not worth listening to.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities.

Bullshit, prove it.

Yes. Prove it that the OP's racist assertions are true.
Certain things are a given. I don't give a rat's ass if you're too lazy or just trolling.

If we go by that philosophy, then we can ignore you Meathead. It's a given that you are not worth listening to.
You really have no idea what philosophy is, do you?

We are at the levels of painful stupidity of JoeB.
Facts don't support the left's narrative that there is a problem with racist cops

And the problem with conservatives is that they fail to acknowledge the fact that there are indeed racist members of law enforcement.
Not true. I am a retired LE and can tell you there is racism. Problem is it is not widespread like the left claims it is. Take Ferguson, NOBODY knows what happened for sure but the cop and Brown but a lot of people jumped to conclusions.

100% agree with you.

I remember back when I lived in Houston, I was pulled over and ticketed in the suburb of Bellaire. Google the city of Bellaire and check it out. Wiki has it as being 90+% white and Asian.

Well, I wanted to fight the ticket so I went to the court which was in the evening. The court room was packed full of people there to fight their tickets as well. The racial make up should be about 90+% white and Asian if, on average, those ticketed reflect the racial make-up of the city...right?

Aside from the Judge, an attorney some Mexican lady brought with her, and another defendant, nearly every defendant in the room was black or Hispanic (very few Hispanics by the way). We're talking about 150 defendants and one of them was white, in Bellaire, where 74% of the town is white.
Easy, out of towners.
None of this explains the crime rate among minorities. It's simply more likely that a cop will encounter a minority in some areas and that the encounter will turn violent.

Is anyone brave enough to discuss why the crime rate among minorities? Until we understand it and work toward a solution, we will continue to see clashes on the street.

I don't like the way people jumped to conclusions after the Ferguson shooting. Even the UN is calling the U.S. racist because of unfounded claims by the race baiters. This is the sort of thing that makes the problem worse and stops people from taking an honest look at the root of the problem.

You ever been stopped by the police and let off with a warning?

I have.

But why did they stop you? Were you breaking the law?

I was.

It's happened less than 5 times to me.

Now lets assume that all stops are righteous stops...that cops stop those who are breaking the law. They don't stop everyone--that would be impossible but EVERYONE THEY STOP IS BREAKING THE LAW. Lets assume that race plays no role in the decision to stop a car...


What you see above is the stop and frisk statistics. Not the convictions from S&F, but the stops.
The data shows young men broken down by race. It's not as convincing as I would like for it to be but it's convincing enough.

If you were to frisk as many white as you did blacks and Latinos, you'd have a higher percentage of whites being arrested.

Just like with the traffic stops, once the police engage you; that is when they find the bag of weed in your car, check your SSN for warrants, find out you've been drinking a bit too much at the pub... The key is that there seems to be a more suspicious posture where minorities are concerned versus that of whites; and this is born out by the chart above.
Wouldn't it be logical to stop&frisk in certain high-crime neighborhoods? Would it benefit these neighborhoods to allot police forces away so they can frisk pedestrians in safer areas? Please don't tell me crime and racial demographics are uniform in all areas of NYC.

I wasn't stating that and the above chart shows no geographic predetermination. While it is "logical", it doesn't mean that logic was the driving force...maybe it was and maybe it wasn't.

What I was saying was that once you start poking and investigating a person, you're more likely to find something illegal than you would be had you never investigated at all. Agreed?

So when you have 1/4 of all black young men being searched, you're going to end up with a greater number of them being arrested. Agreed?
If blacks commit crimes in startling disproportion to their share of demographics, and they do pretty much everywhere, why would anybody object to their arrest and incarceration rates being what they are? Isn't it futile to demand quotas for arrests so as to reflect any area's demographics?

I think you missed the point.

If there are 100 demographically equal blacks, Hispanics, and whites in a room and you choose to look in the pockets of 40 blacks, 20 Hispanics and 10 whites, or do warrant searches on 40 blacks, 20 Hispanics, and 10 whites, or stop 2X as many blacks on the street for searches than you do whites, you're definitely going to find more "stuff" on blacks.

Anyone--black, white, or Hispanic--should be prosecuted if they commit a crime. All I'm saying is that the cops should look at everyone equally. The graphic above shows they do not.
Okay, we do have a problem. There is a higher rate of crime among minorities. Do we keep ignoring it and calling those who speak the truth racists or do we try to figure out why this is and do something to change things? First step in battling problems is facing the ugly truth head on. We have to be willing to look at this and figure out what it is in some peoples' lives that caused them to turn to crime. Is the left afraid that liberal policies and decades of welfare dependence may be at the root of this problem? Lack of education, single parent households, drug problems, gang problems, shoddy schools, professional race baiters and an entitlement mentality haven't added up to productive citizens. How do we make this world a safer place without admitting where we have gone wrong?

One video that attempts to put racial violence in perspective is from Bill Whittle and Truth Revolt (video follows below), Whittle states right up front that if Michael Brown was innocent and unjustly shot, that the police officer should be punished and jailed for life. The statistics and the discussion that follow have nothing to do with the particular as-yet-unknown facts of the case.

Whittle believes that the narrative of a violent "war" on blacks being carried out by whites and police officers is not borne out by statistics. A spreadsheet from the FBI backs this up:

As far as homicide data from the FBI, in 2011 there were 3,172 whites killed, 83% by other whites and 14% by blacks. On the other hand, there were 2,695 blacks killed and 91% of these were killed at the hands of other black Americans.

Per the U.S. Census Bureau, whites make up 77.7% of the population, whereas African-Americans make up 13.2%. According to official statistics, there are six times as many white people in America as black people.
So as a matter of objective fact and not opinion, black Americans disproportionately murder more often than white Americans, based on their respective percentages of the U.S. population.

While there are a lot of racist cops, the real problem is not so much racism as it is that cops just have a hard on for their authority and believe they are above the law. It doesn't matter if you are Black, White, Hispanic, or Asian, if a cop has a bug up his ass, he may just shoot you and say he had no choice.

I hate generalizing about cops but the truth is that there are a lot of bad cops out there and everyday citizens should be concerned.

Good points. So, let me ask The Left, if the only people remain standing with guns are felons and cops with authority and a fast trigger, why go after lawful firearm owners?
The reason that the author of this thread doesn't think there's a problem with racist cops is that she doesn't think that being a racist cop is a problem.

...that's for anyone who missed her point...

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