Facts dont work in modern politics

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yeah, because education is SOOO not full of propaganda itself.

One reason for the post fact society is that education has become Marxist indoctrination.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yeah, because education is SOOO not full of propaganda itself.

One reason for the post fact society is that education has become Marxist indoctrination.
Well it hasnt.
Education in the UK,at leat, has become about passing exams rather than creating a rounded individual.
It's more than education, it's also tribalism. Once a person is infected with it, they go blind in one eye.
I think that the two are linked. It is esy to control an idiot than an intelligent person.
The problem is that tribalism can infect anyone, including perfectly intelligent people.

And actually, they're probably worse when infected, because their intelligence enables them to manipulate.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

I was having a discussion with a gun nut yesterday. Gave him 3 links that said the Santa Fe HS campus had armed guards on campus. One was from USA Today. One was from the Washington Post. One was from Time magazine that said they not only had one armed guard but had two. He refused to believe any of them...

It doesn't "pay" to source your supporting statements to your opinions.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

I was having a discussion with a gun nut yesterday. Gave him 3 links that said the Santa Fe HS campus had armed guards on campus. One was from USA Today. One was from the Washington Post. One was from Time magazine that said they not only had one armed guard but had two. He refused to believe any of them...

It doesn't "pay" to source your supporting statements to your opinions.
It would appear you missed the point of the thread. Being a partisan as you are, I would guess your response is to be expected.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

I was having a discussion with a gun nut yesterday. Gave him 3 links that said the Santa Fe HS campus had armed guards on campus. One was from USA Today. One was from the Washington Post. One was from Time magazine that said they not only had one armed guard but had two. He refused to believe any of them...

It doesn't "pay" to source your supporting statements to your opinions.

Oh, I've seen evidence being treated like nothing.

Take the 2nd Amendment meaning of "bear arms". I have a few documents that prove that it means militia duty and not carry guns around as you like.

I have the Supreme Court say it's not. I have logic say it's not either.

And what do they do? "I don't believe you, I have no facts but I'll continue to believe my no facts in favor of your evidence".

Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
It is indeed a partisan issue.

Why do you think the republicans have spent decades gutting public education?
Yep, the Left Wing media hate machine cranks out the falsehoods every minute of the day
There is a difference between you not liking what you read and a lie.

The "facts dont matter" statement is in my opinion very on the money. A well crafted soundbite demolishes a wordy policy document every time. I will give you an example.


Here is the infamous Brexit Bus. The message on the side is very persuasive and appealing. But it was a pack of lies. Even the figure was wrong. In fact there are so many things wrog with this it takes a while to list them. By which time people have lost interest.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .

Yes, it's very sad.

The more information people have, the less they want to think about it. They simply want to be told something.

They're get angry because they've been duped, but they'll then latch onto someone else duping them even worse.

When you speak to a Chinese person, how can you tell them Democracy works when you look at the US?

Imagine, in ChinaDaily, CCP mouthpiece, they had an article about democracy in Hong Kong.

"They have three people to choose from, they got their democracy" this Beijing person said. Yes, three people to choose from, all picked by Beijing. Democracy? no.

The US, two people to choose from, picked by the two main parties who are controlled by money men who have never been elected. Just as much democracy as Hong Kong's got. None.

Firs let me say that you are spot on. But I find this to be pricelessly ironic. The same things happen all over the World, ALL of the info you need to understand the sham is out there but you won't go find it. Our "Democracy" is no different than China's, or Russia's.

I remember when the Iranians held their election a few years back, Ahmadinejad ran for his second term, he won with some 90% of the vote. They claimed to have counted 41 million votes by hand. The Ayatollah picks who can run.

The money people pick the candidates and no matter who yo vote for they've already decided who would win.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
It is indeed a partisan issue.

Why do you think the republicans have spent decades gutting public education?

They have? When?

Public education is mostly locally funded by city or town, by county or by state. And no matter what you say about our education system, the one thing you can't debate is that we spend the most per capita than any other industrialized country in the world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.
Private Eye | Brexit: Leave in the Lurch

Take the money lavished on the pricey consultants at Goddard Gunster. They and Leave.EU have admitted Goddard did a little more than give Banks the referendum-winning advice that “facts don’t work” in modern politics.

I noticed this statement in an article about the corrupt Brexit campaign. It seems to me to be a perfectly accurate summary of the current political landscape.

People vote on emotion rather than facts and a poorly educated populace is easily manipulated by its political masters.

Its not a partisan issue either. There are too may stupid people out there for democracy to function as it should. We need to invest in education or the world will come to a nasty end.. .
This is one of the many inherent failures of a democracy; an issue as important and complex as Brexit should not be determined by a referendum.

An advantage of a republican form of government is that elected representatives would decide such matters, acting as a safeguard against the fear, ignorance, and bigotry of many in the general population.

And if the political process fails where elected representatives err in their judgement, the people can seek relief through the judicial process.

Yes, ignorance and a contempt for the facts contributed to the Brexit debacle, but the UK’s unwise reliance on a democracy – referenda in particular – also bears much of the blame.

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