Facts sans Spin Surrounding the Manhattan Court Gag Order on Mr. Trump

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Mr. Trump has become a convicted felon, awaiting sentencing. What is at issue: Trump's legal team filed a motion. The prosecution team responded claiming the Trump legal team is not being forthright. And it's about the Manhattan DA's office urging the judge to keep a limited gag order blocking Trump from criticizing jurors who convicted him. That does not come across as unreasonable, except if one ignores the true context and conflates the original order with the limited part(s) being sought.

"The People oppose defendant's motion to immediately and entirely terminate this Court's orders restricting his extrajudicial statements. This Court entered those orders to protect three narrowly defined categories of participants in this criminal proceeding from defendant's inflammatory public attacks. The Appellate Division agreed that these narrow restrictions were appropriate to protect the "fair administration of justice in criminal cases" and to ensure that participants to the criminal proceeding remained "free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 02680, at *2 (1st Dep't 2024). And just two days ago, the Court of Appeals dismissed defendant's attempt to appeal from the Appellate Division order "upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 69661 (N.Y. Ct. App. June 18, 2024). Defendant's demand that this Court precipitously end these protections, even before the sentencing hearing on July 11, is overstated and largely unfounded."

"As a preliminary matter, many of defendant's complaints simply ignore the narrowness of
this Court's order

Days after the verdict, they sent a letter to Merchan asking him to lift the gag order. They followed up last week with a formal motion requesting that the restrictions be rescinded. Prosecutors have until Thursday to respond. Merchan is expected to rule soon after that, possibly before Trump’s June 27 debate with President Joe Biden.

It’s a little bit of the theater of the absurd at this point, right? Michael Cohen is no longer a witness in this trial,” an attorney for Trump, Todd Blanche, told the AP earlier this month. “The trial is over.”

The Manhattan DA is not looking to protect Michael Cohen and other witnesses with a gag order.


New York’s high court won’t hear Trump’s gag order challenge​

The appellate court shot down Trump's First Amendment gripes and kept the order active.
June 18, 2024

Not sure this post of yours makes any sense at all. If you post here again, could you try adding something of substance, and in a coherent manner?
You're not sure? Well I'm sure. That's what matters. Merchan is a disgrace and so is Bragg and Engoron and James. All four of the Stalinists should be disbarred and removed from their position.s
You're not sure? Well I'm sure. That's what matters. Merchan is a disgrace and so is Bragg and Engoron and James. All four of the Stalinists should be disbarred and removed from their position.s

So it's all about protecting Mr. Trump.


Cult alert!
Mr. Trump has become a convicted felon, awaiting sentencing. What is at issue: Trump's legal team filed a motion. The prosecution team responded claiming the Trump legal team is not being forthright. And it's about the Manhattan DA's office urging the judge to keep a limited gag order blocking Trump from criticizing jurors who convicted him. That does not come across as unreasonable, except if one ignores the true context and conflates the original order with the limited part(s) being sought.

"The People oppose defendant's motion to immediately and entirely terminate this Court's orders restricting his extrajudicial statements. This Court entered those orders to protect three narrowly defined categories of participants in this criminal proceeding from defendant's inflammatory public attacks. The Appellate Division agreed that these narrow restrictions were appropriate to protect the "fair administration of justice in criminal cases" and to ensure that participants to the criminal proceeding remained "free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 02680, at *2 (1st Dep't 2024). And just two days ago, the Court of Appeals dismissed defendant's attempt to appeal from the Appellate Division order "upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 69661 (N.Y. Ct. App. June 18, 2024). Defendant's demand that this Court precipitously end these protections, even before the sentencing hearing on July 11, is overstated and largely unfounded."

"As a preliminary matter, many of defendant's complaints simply ignore the narrowness of
this Court's order

Days after the verdict, they sent a letter to Merchan asking him to lift the gag order. They followed up last week with a formal motion requesting that the restrictions be rescinded. Prosecutors have until Thursday to respond. Merchan is expected to rule soon after that, possibly before Trump’s June 27 debate with President Joe Biden.

It’s a little bit of the theater of the absurd at this point, right? Michael Cohen is no longer a witness in this trial,” an attorney for Trump, Todd Blanche, told the AP earlier this month. “The trial is over.”

The Manhattan DA is not looking to protect Michael Cohen and other witnesses with a gag order.

No surprise here. Mr. Trump was never gagged in the way he claims going into the debate. He's such a propagandist, bullshit artist

all the hype and hysteria coming out of MAGA and the GOP aside. This is the system working. This is how the system works.

Trump Can Now Criticize Witnesses Who Testified Against Him, Judge Rules​

The judge who oversaw Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial loosened the rules governing what Mr. Trump can say about it, and said his gag order would be lifted after his July 11 sentencing.

Mr. Trump referenced the ruling in a fund-raising appeal Tuesday afternoon, and echoed his baseless claims that the outcome of the trial had been predetermined. “I’m finally FREE to talk about the RIGGED trial that convicted me in New York,” he wrote, adding that the judge’s decision had come “JUST IN TIME FOR MY DEBATE WITH CROOKED JOE!”

In a statement on Tuesday, Mr. Cohen played down the importance of the lifting of the order, noting that Mr. Trump had spent years “making constant negative statements about me.” He added that the former president’s “failed strategy of discrediting me so that he can avoid accountability didn’t work then and won’t work now.”

After the verdict, Mr. Trump’s lawyers asked Justice Merchan to lift the gag order entirely. Prosecutors with the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which brought the case, agreed in a court filing on Friday that the judge could let Mr. Trump criticize witnesses, but argued that the other major restrictions should remain.

The prosecutors cited a wave of threats against the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, and his prosecutors.

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