FAFO...lead actress in latest Scream movies fired over anti-semitic hate...good for them.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I believe that if you own a company, you should be able to hire or fire anyone you want....it is your personal property. While I hate to see people destroyed by stupid things they do, this company is fully in their rights to fire her hate filled, anti-semitic ass......

She FAFO that supporting the rape, torture, murder and mutilation of innocent men, women and children, including babies, even as an ignorant, dumb young person, has consequences with normal people who don't want you associated with them.....

Maybe she can find a way back from her leftist insanity....

Actresshas been fired from her role in the upcoming Scream VII after she publicly accused Israel of committing genocide.

In a post on her Instagram stories, Barrera not only referred to Gaza as a ā€œconcentration campā€ but also accused Israel of ā€œgenocide and ethnic cleansingā€ in its war against Hamas in retaliation for the horrific October 7 terrorist attack, which claimed 1,400 lives, most of whom were civilians.

ā€œGaza is currently being treated like a concentration camp,ā€ she wrote. ā€œCornering everyone together, with nowhere to go, no electricity no water ā€¦ People have learnt nothing from our histories. And just like our histories, people are still silently watching it all happen. THIS IS GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING.ā€

As noted by The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Barrera helped usher the Scream franchise into a new generation with the 2022 feature that ā€œearned $137.7 million globally and combined generations of cast members from the franchise.ā€

Good take on this actress and susan sarandon...

Actress Susan Sarandon and Scream star Melissa Barrera deserve to be blacklisted.

No decent person would do any kind of business with someone who said Timothy McVeigh had a point when he blew up that daycare center, or that poor, disenfranchised Dylann Roof had a right to massacre a black church, or that we should sympathize with school shooters who feel bullied.

The same goes for anyone who tries to justify the slaughter, rape, desecration, and torture of 1,200 innocent Israeli Jews on October 7.
That is not free speech or holding an unpopular opinion. Itā€™s the justification and encouragement of violence against innocent people (including babies) based solely on the fact they are Jewish.
If you want to hate Jews, Iā€™ll defend your right to hate all day long. If you want to deny the Holocaust, go right ahead. You have a constitutional right to be a bigot in America. But thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening hereā€¦

Fourteen hundred innocent Jews were massacred on October 7. Hundreds of innocents were kidnapped. No oneā€™s demanding anyone condemn this horror. No oneā€™s punishing anyone for their silence. No oneā€™s calling on anyone to sign a loyalty oath. But when you openly side with the butcherers of the innocentā€¦ When you say the innocent had it coming because they were Jewishā€¦ When you say thereā€™s a justification for those horrors and couch your monstrous argument in blatant lies about Israel committing genocide (against a people whose population has exploded), youā€™re worse than a bigot and Holocaust denier ā€” youā€™re justifying and encouraging the massacre of innocent people.

I believe that if you own a company, you should be able to hire or fire anyone you want....it is your personal property. While I hate to see people destroyed by stupid things they do, this company is fully in their rights to fire her hate filled, anti-semitic ass......

She FAFO that supporting the rape, torture, murder and mutilation of innocent men, women and children, including babies, even as an ignorant, dumb young person, has consequences with normal people who don't want you associated with them.....

Maybe she can find a way back from her leftist insanity....

Actresshas been fired from her role in the upcoming Scream VII after she publicly accused Israel of committing genocide.

In a post on her Instagram stories, Barrera not only referred to Gaza as a ā€œconcentration campā€ but also accused Israel of ā€œgenocide and ethnic cleansingā€ in its war against Hamas in retaliation for the horrific October 7 terrorist attack, which claimed 1,400 lives, most of whom were civilians.

ā€œGaza is currently being treated like a concentration camp,ā€ she wrote. ā€œCornering everyone together, with nowhere to go, no electricity no water ā€¦ People have learnt nothing from our histories. And just like our histories, people are still silently watching it all happen. THIS IS GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING.ā€

As noted by The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Barrera helped usher the Scream franchise into a new generation with the 2022 feature that ā€œearned $137.7 million globally and combined generations of cast members from the franchise.ā€


People can hire whomever they want, but Palestinians never committed any rape, torture, murder, or mutilation.
Israel is the ONLY guilty party, and has been for over 80 years now.
The beheaded babies and rape claims have been totally discredited by all the international news media.

It is not murder when you are forced to retaliate against 80 years of murder, eviction, and starvation blockade.

To figure this out, you have to go back to the beginning.
Those who claim genocidal hatred of Moslems towards obviously have to be lying.
If Moslems disliked Jews, they would not have invited them io immigrate in 1920.
If there had ever been any hostility even remotely suspected, then the Jews would not have started such massive immigration.

So then how did the violence start?
The Zionists lied, and they violated the immigration quotas by over a factor of 10, while smuggling in weapons.

The terrorist gang Irgun was run be Menachim Begin, and they blew up the King David hotel to make the British peacekeepers leave.
Then Begin gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.
This was so no one then was left to prevent them from wiping out hundreds of native Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

The ongoing crimes are well documented.
The 13 million Palestinians are now illegally blockaded on only 15% of Palestine, and clearly are deliberately being starved to death.
The US armed illegal 7 million Zionist immigrants now occupy 85% of Palestine without actually ever paying for almost any property.
Glad to hear that Hollywood is pushing back against actors who spread antisemitic propaganda.

The word Semitic means "of Arab origins" and does not mean Jewish.
It comes from Shem, a fabled son of Noah who fathered all the Arabs.
So your statement not only is wrong, but cultural appropriation.
The word Semitic means "of Arab origins" and does not mean Jewish.
It comes from Shem, a fabled son of Noah who fathered all the Arabs.
So your statement not only is wrong, but cultural appropriation.
Don't be pedantic. In common usage, "anti-semitic" means cultural bigotry toward Jes.
The cancel culture and blacklist bullshit is out of control.

When someone gets cancelled because they offend some trannies or fags is no different than someone that says they don't like Jews. Whether it's good or bad just depends on what side you're on and it's just fake outrage that's based on wanting to be in on whatever the current thing to love or hate it is. It's always people talking about shit they should keep their mouths shut about and then a knee jerk reaction from the public.

The cheers and jeers for it all come based on what the current trendy thing to be for or against is. In a couple years anti semtic won't be a thing anymore because the public will have moved onto other social trends 2 maybe 3 more times because they got bored of the previous ones.

It isn't about if she is right or wrong, it's about how people want this person cancelled but cry foul when someone else is cancelled.

Actors need to just shut up and the public needs to just mind their own business.
Because they are not committing genocide. The Muslim terrorists are the ones calling for genocide of Jews. Itā€™s the double standard.
Yeah. They might be wrong in their criticism, but it's not anti-semitic. People dumb shit down so much these days.
Glad to hear that Hollywood is pushing back against actors who spread antisemitic propaganda.
Nothing wrong with antsemitism if it is made accurately and therefore truthfully .

Nobody would take offence, for example , at an outsider calling - out Americans for not being over bright and lacking a mature and developed sense of humour .
That would not be anti Americanism -- just obvious facts .

The same applies to this actress . She is absolutely correct , but the not very bright American public cannot yet see how to handle information that has been programmed into them as being impossible .
Unable to think for themselves , and in the greatest planet hot bed for Gullibles, they start babbling incoherently .
I believe that if you own a company, you should be able to hire or fire anyone you want....it is your personal property. While I hate to see people destroyed by stupid things they do, this company is fully in their rights to fire her hate filled, anti-semitic ass......

She FAFO that supporting the rape, torture, murder and mutilation of innocent men, women and children, including babies, even as an ignorant, dumb young person, has consequences with normal people who don't want you associated with them.....

Maybe she can find a way back from her leftist insanity....

Actresshas been fired from her role in the upcoming Scream VII after she publicly accused Israel of committing genocide.

In a post on her Instagram stories, Barrera not only referred to Gaza as a ā€œconcentration campā€ but also accused Israel of ā€œgenocide and ethnic cleansingā€ in its war against Hamas in retaliation for the horrific October 7 terrorist attack, which claimed 1,400 lives, most of whom were civilians.

ā€œGaza is currently being treated like a concentration camp,ā€ she wrote. ā€œCornering everyone together, with nowhere to go, no electricity no water ā€¦ People have learnt nothing from our histories. And just like our histories, people are still silently watching it all happen. THIS IS GENOCIDE & ETHNIC CLEANSING.ā€

As noted by The Hollywood Reporter (THR), Barrera helped usher the Scream franchise into a new generation with the 2022 feature that ā€œearned $137.7 million globally and combined generations of cast members from the franchise.ā€

Sheā€™d just an airhead

A stupid little Hollywood parrot repeating what she heard at the last orgy she attended

Who cares what she thinks about Israel?

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