Fair taxation.

You can post all the graphs you want, and blame Republicans all you want...you are missing a very-very big piece of the problem.
Poverty is not a lack of money, that is a symptom. The problem is a lack of opportunity to make a higher income. A sufficient level of non-poverty jobs to employ the population. Underemployment is a MUCH bigger issue than unemployment.
The piece you are missing is corporatism. And corporatism knows no party lines.
Obama in his SOTU wet on about how great the economy is, "the shadow of the crises is over" - "markets have doubled" etc. etc etc. All bullshit.
The economy has grown, the markets have doubled. But that has in NO way helped the average American. The only people benefiting from the post 2008 growth is the highest wager earners in the land.
The top 7% wage earners have lavished in an unbelievable 33% earnings increase - the rest of us - the other 93% who have jobs, on average are making 5% less. Hmm..Obama didn't mention that did he? That the gap between the rich and the poor is growing faster, not slower. And that is under a DEMOCRAT President, with two years having a super majority Democrat house .
The sooner you drop the ridiculous "Republicans Republicans!!" - the closer you will get to the real problem.
And that is under a DEMOCRAT President, with two years having a super majority Democrat house .
The sooner you drop the ridiculous "Republicans Republicans!!" - the closer you will get to the real problem.

The policy of the parties varies over the decades. The reality is that politicians have to bargain with the donnors that contributed to their campaign. I think it is better to discuss which policies must be pursued independently of the party.
If I recall correctly Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I'd vote republican for any president of his stature.
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The sooner you drop the ridiculous "Republicans Republicans!!" - the closer you will get to the real problem.

Yes exactly since Republicans would instantly create 40 million new jobs and huge upward pressure on wages:

1) eliminate corporate taxes
2) make unions illegal again
3) make deficits illegal
4) ship 20 million illegals home
conservative economic theory has NEVER worked as promised!

100000% stupid and liberal of course. China just switched to capitalism and eliminated 40% of world poverty. Anti science liberals would have them switch back to liberalism and have another 60 million human beings slowly starve to death.

Liberals are brain dead just like Nazis and Romans were. You cant argue with idiots who are anti-science.
I have the Casino theorey : That the ultra rich would rather keep their proffits in instruments and jumping around the globe in stocks or investing in developing countries.
The bottom line is that the three of us would like to achieve the same: an increase in the investments which creates more jobs and create economic growth . We do seem to have quite different points of view on how to achieve this goal.

I think the government should spend more on infrastructure and public colleges, and less in the military sector ( If anything I would double DARPA's budget, because it has an impressive collection of advances).
Boss thinks a zero corporate rate would speed up investment ( the Estonian model seems to confirm this in the short term ) .
What's your take in this?

You're giving this idiot WAY too much credit. Dad2three is not interested in anything other than destroying free market capitalism so Marxist Socialism can be ushered in. This is why he spends hours every day posting left-wing propaganda to flood the threads where conservative thought is being expressed. He does not care about creating jobs or economic prosperity, only creating more propaganda to use against free market capitalists. He is not interested in cooperative solutions, he is on a mission to destroy conservatives as evidenced by every single post he makes. Anyone looking for healthy intelligent debate should put this moron on ignore... unless we're debating whether Stalin was better than Lenin or Mao was better than Pol Pot. Even with that, I will bet his insight is limited because he is not a very bright person.

As for yourself, I don't know what to say... You seem to simply not want to believe what is obvious, what you have gone out and found evidence to support on your own. You still want to have polls and studies and pontificate over whether or not something will work that we know will work. In your most recent posts you are essentially admitting that it will work but now you're concerned with how long it will work. I can't argue that 0% corporate tax will result in eternal and endless economic growth and job creation because nothing can do that. At some point a saturation point is reached and you don't have exponential growth happening any more. This doesn't mean the idea failed.
You can post all the graphs you want, and blame Republicans all you want...you are missing a very-very big piece of the problem.
Poverty is not a lack of money, that is a symptom. The problem is a lack of opportunity to make a higher income. A sufficient level of non-poverty jobs to employ the population. Underemployment is a MUCH bigger issue than unemployment.
The piece you are missing is corporatism. And corporatism knows no party lines.
Obama in his SOTU wet on about how great the economy is, "the shadow of the crises is over" - "markets have doubled" etc. etc etc. All bullshit.
The economy has grown, the markets have doubled. But that has in NO way helped the average American. The only people benefiting from the post 2008 growth is the highest wager earners in the land.
The top 7% wage earners have lavished in an unbelievable 33% earnings increase - the rest of us - the other 93% who have jobs, on average are making 5% less. Hmm..Obama didn't mention that did he? That the gap between the rich and the poor is growing faster, not slower. And that is under a DEMOCRAT President, with two years having a super majority Democrat house .
The sooner you drop the ridiculous "Republicans Republicans!!" - the closer you will get to the real problem.

At least you have the up to date right wing talking points about Obama and the income growth going to the top. Weird, I thought supply side was going to trickle down? No, it's Obama's fault if he kept US out of ANOTHER GOP great depression, and those 'job creators' CHOOSE to pout a squeeze on the bottom like they have for 30+ years since Reaganomics,m, lol

Sorry, IF you guys could show SOME bills that were passed in Congress and signed by the Prez to show even a CORRELATION to this, not even causation, just correlation, you might have SOME credibility, lol

POLICY matters. But sorry, although both parties are bought off by the 'money is free speech' crowd (hmm which party said that again), to equate the Dems with the the GOPis about as dumb as claiming Obama as a Marxist, socialist or commie, IMHO
If I recall correctly Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I'd vote republican for any president of his stature.

what stature??? he got 560,000 people killed ( Vietnam 60,000) just to establish the power of the federal govt over the states.

Gawd you are a moron. You mean that red state army firing on the federal fort at Ft Sumpter? Or the red staters breaking away from a UNION?
The sooner you drop the ridiculous "Republicans Republicans!!" - the closer you will get to the real problem.

Yes exactly since Republicans would instantly create 40 million new jobs and huge upward pressure on wages:

1) eliminate corporate taxes
2) make unions illegal again
3) make deficits illegal
4) ship 20 million illegals home

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US?

How about 3 policies the GOP has gotten right the past 40 years? You know, as promised?
I have the Casino theorey : That the ultra rich would rather keep their proffits in instruments and jumping around the globe in stocks or investing in developing countries.
The bottom line is that the three of us would like to achieve the same: an increase in the investments which creates more jobs and create economic growth . We do seem to have quite different points of view on how to achieve this goal.

I think the government should spend more on infrastructure and public colleges, and less in the military sector ( If anything I would double DARPA's budget, because it has an impressive collection of advances).
Boss thinks a zero corporate rate would speed up investment ( the Estonian model seems to confirm this in the short term ) .
What's your take in this?

You're giving this idiot WAY too much credit. Dad2three is not interested in anything other than destroying free market capitalism so Marxist Socialism can be ushered in. This is why he spends hours every day posting left-wing propaganda to flood the threads where conservative thought is being expressed. He does not care about creating jobs or economic prosperity, only creating more propaganda to use against free market capitalists. He is not interested in cooperative solutions, he is on a mission to destroy conservatives as evidenced by every single post he makes. Anyone looking for healthy intelligent debate should put this moron on ignore... unless we're debating whether Stalin was better than Lenin or Mao was better than Pol Pot. Even with that, I will bet his insight is limited because he is not a very bright person.

As for yourself, I don't know what to say... You seem to simply not want to believe what is obvious, what you have gone out and found evidence to support on your own. You still want to have polls and studies and pontificate over whether or not something will work that we know will work. In your most recent posts you are essentially admitting that it will work but now you're concerned with how long it will work. I can't argue that 0% corporate tax will result in eternal and endless economic growth and job creation because nothing can do that. At some point a saturation point is reached and you don't have exponential growth happening any more. This doesn't mean the idea failed.

Says the Klown, who I'm sure, blames Gov't, NOT the 'free market' for a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Moron!
How about 3 policies the GOP has gotten right the past 40 years? You know, as promised?

1) their policy was not to spy for Stalin
2) their policy was to support capitalism to save another 60 million from slowly starving to death in China
3) their policy was to support the family, not divorce abortion feminism and welfare
4) their policy was to cut taxes like Ireland did to attract most of the worlds major corporations
5) their policy was not to conduct a near genocide against American blacks.
6) their policy was to reduce govt after seeing govt fail in USSR Cuba East Germany and 132 other countries
7) their policy was not to support Obama, a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Bernie Sanders
8) their policy was not to pull completely out of Iraq and create ISIS
You seem to simply not want to believe what is obvious, what you have gone out and found evidence to support on your own. You still want to have polls and studies and pontificate over whether or not something will work that we know will work. In your most recent posts you are essentially admitting that it will work but now you're concerned with how long it will work

As per Dad2three previous posts. Yes, the Estonian example worked all right. The Chile experiment... not that much. As the saying goes the devil is in the details. Sure , by the Estonian example tax 0% seems like a good idea, but were ther other factors involved in their astonishing growth? What was the difference? Are those factors applicable to the US?

If a zero tax rate is to be implemented we wan't to go the way in which Estonia went and avoid the erratic rate of growth experimented by Chile.
Finally, asking questions is crucial in making judgements and taking decisions, it is also the way in which science makes progress, and that includes economy.
Fair enough ?

Finally , I consider myself left winged , but if a right wing idea yields results, I will accept it.
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Says the Klown, who I'm sure, blames Gov't, NOT the 'free market' for a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Moron!

too stupid by 100000% how can you have a world wide credit bubble without the govt printing the money for it. Did the complete and perfect idiot liberal think the Girl Scouts printed the money???r
You mean that red state army firing on the federal fort at Ft Sumpter? Or the red staters breaking away from a UNION?

that was worth 600,000 dead when population was only 30 million?? Nam was 60,000 when population was 270 million.

Catching on now?
You seem to simply not want to believe what is obvious, what you have gone out and found evidence to support on your own. You still want to have polls and studies and pontificate over whether or not something will work that we know will work. In your most recent posts you are essentially admitting that it will work but now you're concerned with how long it will work

As per Dad2three previous posts. Yes, the Estonian example worked all right. The Chile experiment... not that much. As the saying goes the devil is in the details. Sure , by the Estonian example tax 0% seems like a good idea, but were ther other factors involved in their astonishing growth? What was the difference? Are those factors applicable to the US?

If a zero tax rate is to be implemented we wan't to go the way in which Estonia went and avoid the erratic rate of growth experimented by Chile.
Finally, asking questions is crucial in making judgements and taking decisions, it is also the way in which science makes progress, and that includes economy.
Fair enough ?

Finally , I consider myself left winged , but if a right wing idea yields results, I will accept it.

dear, uber liberal Andrew Cumo is cutting business taxes to attract business. What does that teach you as a liberal? That cutting taxes repels business of course !!!
See how well we know the liberal mind. It works no better than than the Nazi or Roman mind did. why should it. it is essentially the same genetic material that created all of human history with the exception of Jefferson's Republican America.
You seem to simply not want to believe what is obvious, what you have gone out and found evidence to support on your own. You still want to have polls and studies and pontificate over whether or not something will work that we know will work. In your most recent posts you are essentially admitting that it will work but now you're concerned with how long it will work

As per Dad2three previous posts. Yes, the Estonian example worked all right. The Chile experiment... not that much. As the saying goes the devil is in the details. Sure , by the Estonian example tax 0% seems like a good idea, but were ther other factors involved in their astonishing growth? What was the difference? Are those factors applicable to the US?

If a zero tax rate is to be implemented we wan't to go the way in which Estonia went and avoid the erratic rate of growth experimented by Chile.
Finally, asking questions is crucial in making judgements and taking decisions, it is also the way in which science makes progress, and that includes economy.
Fair enough ?

Finally , I consider myself left winged , but if a right wing idea yields results, I will accept it.

The main difference of the Estonian CIT system from traditional systems is that profits are not subject to tax at the moment when they are earned. Instead, taxation is deferred until the distribution of profits. Additionally, expenses not related to business and, therefore, not deductible in traditional CIT systems are subject to tax in the Estonian CIT system. Consequently, the difference from the traditional expression of the system is only technical (the timing of tax liability); however, the Estonian CIT system is easier to comply with both for taxpayers and for the tax administration.

The argument that liberals cannot stand to hear.

Yeah, Uncle Miltie throwing out BS is the guy we should listen too, lol


Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis

Libertarians are frauds and parasites but unfortunately have been successful in hiding their dangerous disease under war hating, and freedom loving. Sadly their freedom isn't freedom, it is chaos and opens the door to a real loss of democracy.

They unwittingly use the protections, benefits and accomplishments government has to offer to create their fortunes, while pompously declaring they did it all on their own.

Clueless igets, everyone.
You mean that red state army firing on the federal fort at Ft Sumpter? Or the red staters breaking away from a UNION?

that was worth 600,000 dead when population was only 30 million?? Nam was 60,000 when population was 270 million.

Catching on now?

You saying those red staters (conservatives/confederates//traitors) were wrong to attack US? I agree

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