Fair taxation.

Says the Klown, who I'm sure, blames Gov't, NOT the 'free market' for a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Moron!

too stupid by 100000% how can you have a world wide credit bubble without the govt printing the money for it. Did the complete and perfect idiot liberal think the Girl Scouts printed the money???r

Yeah, it was printing money that caused ANOTHER conservative 'free market' fail, like the US in 1880, 1920's, Ronnie's S&L crisis and Banksters world wide credit bubble and bust -Dubya's meltdown, lol

Could give a fuk about size, I want EFFECTIVE

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality
Consequently, the difference from the traditional expression of the system is only technical (the timing of tax liability); however, the Estonian CIT system is easier to comply with both for taxpayers and for the tax administration.

I am far from being a tax expert. Yet, if I understand correctly there are several advantages.
1) Since the personal income tax is a flat 21% , the shareholders would get at most this tax rate.
2) Most important , if the company wants to save the money for a future investment it can save it without being taxed, which would improve its cash flow.

I am wondering what would happen if the proffits are turned overseas...
Last edited:

Could give a fuk about size, I want EFFECTIVE

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Right.....and your recipe to make this disaster of a govt we have effective........
Consequently, the difference from the traditional expression of the system is only technical (the timing of tax liability); however, the Estonian CIT system is easier to comply with both for taxpayers and for the tax administration.

I am far from being a tax expert. Yet, if I understand correctly there are several advantages.
1) Since the personal income tax is a flat 21% , the shareholders would get at most this tax rate.
2) Most important , if the company wants to save the money for a future investment it can save it without being taxed, which would improve its cash flow.

I am wondering what would happen if the proffits are turned overseas...

EASTERN bloc nation!

The US Corp model is NOT hurting for capital. Not only do they have $2+ trillion off shore, trying to evade US Corp taxes, they can borrow against it at record low rates!

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

Dubya gave Corps a 'tax holiday' at 5% in 2004, guess what happened? lol


Would Another Repatriation Tax Holiday Create Jobs?

The evidence clearly shows that these repatriated earnings did not increase domestic investment, job creation, or research and development (R&D)
.] As the authors of the leading paper on the subject concluded in 2010, “repatriations did not lead to an increase in domestic investment, domestic employment, or R&D.”The authors continued:

Instead, estimates indicate that a $1 increase in repatriations was associated with a $0.60–$0.92 increase in payouts to shareholders—despite regulations stating that such expenditures were not a permitted use of repatriations qualifying for the tax holiday. The results indicate the U.S. multinationals were not financially constrained and were reasonably well-governed. The fungibility of money appears to have undermined the effectiveness of the regulations.

Would Another Repatriation Tax Holiday Create Jobs

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes

Could give a fuk about size, I want EFFECTIVE

Libertarianism is one of those things that sounds good when you read about it in high school, or maybe your first year of college. But once you are out in the real world for say, five, or even six entire minutes, you quickly realize it's a narcissistic, child-like ideology that doesn't actually work and has no basis in reality

Right.....and your recipe to make this disaster of a govt we have effective........

Simple, stop electing guys who 'don't believe in' Gov't that are in charge. You know, GOPers? Weird how the US has had two major banking disasters since the first GOP great depression, Ronnie's S&L and Dubya's subprime. AFTER both were warned by regulators, whose advise and consent they ignored/ Strange right?

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
P. J. O'Rourke

You have that alrdy....soooooooo guess that would be by magic then more of the same will produce different results
I have commented on this in another thread. Apparently there are enough open job positions right now.
The problem is that there is a gap between the skills required by the companies ( mathematicians, computer scientists, health care workers, accountants , operation managers , biomedical engineers) vs
Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

"Two reasons: weak demand and absolutely zero clarity when it comes to U.S. fiscal policy."

This would seem to support Boss's point to a certain degree.
You have that alrdy....soooooooo guess that would be by magic then more of the same will produce different results


"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

I have commented on this in another thread. Apparently there are enough open job positions right now.
The problem is that there is a gap between the skills required by the companies ( mathematicians, computer scientists, health care workers, accountants , operation managers , biomedical engineers) vs
Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

"Two reasons: weak demand and absolutely zero clarity when it comes to U.S. fiscal policy."

This would seem to support Boss's point to a certain degree.

Sure, IF the GOP wasn't the one causing the uncertainty

Know why demand has slowed as the bottom 90% of US got left out of production gains since Reaganomics? lol


The evidence clearly shows that these repatriated earnings did not increase domestic investment, job creation, or research and development (R&D)
The evidence clearly shows that these repatriated earnings did not increase domestic investment, job creation, or research and development (R&D)

Would Another Repatriation Tax Holiday Create Jobs
I have commented on this in another thread. Apparently there are enough open job positions right now.
The problem is that there is a gap between the skills required by the companies ( mathematicians, computer scientists, health care workers, accountants , operation managers , biomedical engineers) vs
Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

"Two reasons: weak demand and absolutely zero clarity when it comes to U.S. fiscal policy."

This would seem to support Boss's point to a certain degree.

There are always an abundance of job openings in the highly-skilled areas you mentioned, that is why people earn so much in those roles. These jobs are not adequate to address high unemployment across the nation because most people simply don't qualify. Where we are severely hurting is in manufacturing jobs. Those are never coming back unless there is an incentive to bring them back. As long as it remains cheaper to manufacture elsewhere, that's what most capitalists will do.

Now the left seems to believe the solution is to punish the capitalist for manufacturing abroad by making it more expensive to ship their products back to the US, through tariffs and fees or whatever means the government can manipulate to achieve this objective. The problem is, the capitalist is too smart to be manipulated. They simply find another customer for the intended US production and life (profits) continue on. Eventually, shortage of supply drives prices up and it becomes profitable once again, in spite of the tariffs and fees. This plan will never work to bring back lost manufacturing jobs, it simply drives prices higher for the consumer.

Fixing the problem is really not that hard if we simply apply common sense principles and standards we have already demonstrated will work. For instance, we need to standardize labor costs in the US. Rather than have organized labor constantly pushing for more and more unrealistic wages, we need to have a set base standard which everyone uses with an adjustable parameter for individual production. With computer technology we should be able to obtain information on production output for each individual laborer. So we establish a base rate, then a scaled increase/decrease based on actual individual production. I could write for hours about this, but the bottom line is, we have to change how we're approaching this problem to solve it.

As for capital available, yes... corporations are swimming in cheap money... that's not the problem. There is no demand because we are economically stagnant at the moment and nothing is going to change that until we take some action to affect a change. We can borrow another trillion from China and pump that into the economy to keep it churning along for another year... we haven't fixed the problem. Zero corporate tax combined with a tax moratorium on wealth held abroad would be the sort of thing that would change the dynamics. It's not that capitalists need the money, it's that they have the money available tax free if they want the money... and under that circumstance, many of them would.

It is an opportunity. Some would take it, others would pass, but it would certainly create new jobs and boost economic prosperity. As I said before, it represents a potential $20 trillion private-sector economic stimulus plan that wouldn't cost us a dime.

Our problem is the brainwashed Marxist masses who simply can't see the forest for the trees. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this month's interview in Rolling Stone with Bob Dylan. He talked about politics as bit... Bob said, the people are sitting around with no jobs and nothing to do, hopeless and in despair, and we keep hearing this anger and rage directed at the billionaires, but the billionaires create the jobs and prosperity. How can anyone reject Dylan's philosophy? ;)
I have commented on this in another thread. Apparently there are enough open job positions right now.
The problem is that there is a gap between the skills required by the companies ( mathematicians, computer scientists, health care workers, accountants , operation managers , biomedical engineers) vs
Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

"Two reasons: weak demand and absolutely zero clarity when it comes to U.S. fiscal policy."

This would seem to support Boss's point to a certain degree.

There are always an abundance of job openings in the highly-skilled areas you mentioned, that is why people earn so much in those roles. These jobs are not adequate to address high unemployment across the nation because most people simply don't qualify. Where we are severely hurting is in manufacturing jobs. Those are never coming back unless there is an incentive to bring them back. As long as it remains cheaper to manufacture elsewhere, that's what most capitalists will do.

Now the left seems to believe the solution is to punish the capitalist for manufacturing abroad by making it more expensive to ship their products back to the US, through tariffs and fees or whatever means the government can manipulate to achieve this objective. The problem is, the capitalist is too smart to be manipulated. They simply find another customer for the intended US production and life (profits) continue on. Eventually, shortage of supply drives prices up and it becomes profitable once again, in spite of the tariffs and fees. This plan will never work to bring back lost manufacturing jobs, it simply drives prices higher for the consumer.

Fixing the problem is really not that hard if we simply apply common sense principles and standards we have already demonstrated will work. For instance, we need to standardize labor costs in the US. Rather than have organized labor constantly pushing for more and more unrealistic wages, we need to have a set base standard which everyone uses with an adjustable parameter for individual production. With computer technology we should be able to obtain information on production output for each individual laborer. So we establish a base rate, then a scaled increase/decrease based on actual individual production. I could write for hours about this, but the bottom line is, we have to change how we're approaching this problem to solve it.

As for capital available, yes... corporations are swimming in cheap money... that's not the problem. There is no demand because we are economically stagnant at the moment and nothing is going to change that until we take some action to affect a change. We can borrow another trillion from China and pump that into the economy to keep it churning along for another year... we haven't fixed the problem. Zero corporate tax combined with a tax moratorium on wealth held abroad would be the sort of thing that would change the dynamics. It's not that capitalists need the money, it's that they have the money available tax free if they want the money... and under that circumstance, many of them would.

It is an opportunity. Some would take it, others would pass, but it would certainly create new jobs and boost economic prosperity. As I said before, it represents a potential $20 trillion private-sector economic stimulus plan that wouldn't cost us a dime.

Our problem is the brainwashed Marxist masses who simply can't see the forest for the trees. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this month's interview in Rolling Stone with Bob Dylan. He talked about politics as bit... Bob said, the people are sitting around with no jobs and nothing to do, hopeless and in despair, and we keep hearing this anger and rage directed at the billionaires, but the billionaires create the jobs and prosperity. How can anyone reject Dylan's philosophy? ;)

"Zero corporate tax combined with a tax moratorium on wealth held abroad would be the sort of thing that would change the dynamics"


The 'job creators' send their money to money managers, who promptly offshore it to the cheapest labor to make the largest return!

WHY DIDN'T DUBYA/GOP TAX HOLIDAY THAT BROUGHT BACK $800+ BILLION IN 2004 AT 5% DO THAT THEN? In fact orps that did that actually shed US jobs and cut back on R&D, lol


"The government's not going to create jobs," he said. "It doesn't have to. People have to create jobs, and these big billionaires are the ones who can do it."

But instead of doing that, he said he sees inner cities festering with crime and people "turning to alcohol and drugs." "They could all have work created for them by all these hotshot billionaires," Dylan said. "For sure, that would create lot of happiness. Now, I'm not saying they have to — I'm not talking about communism — but what do they do with their money?"

He later turned his attention back to the underprivileged. "There are good people there, but they've been oppressed by lack of work," Dylan said. "Those people can all be working at something. These multibillionaires can create industries right here in America. But no one can tell them what to do. God's got to lead them."

Bob Dylan The Government s Not Going to Create Jobs. Billionaires Can Rolling Stone


The 'job creators' haven't had this much wealth or income since the first GOP great depression, why didn't they spend it then? Because like now, they don't NEED to. Of course IF we went back to a HIGHER TAX RATE ON THE 'JOB CREATORS', IT GIVES THEM INCENTIVES TO PUT MONEY INTO THE COMPANIES AND NOT GET TAXED, YOU KNOW CREATE MORE WEALTH THROUGH BUILDING UP, VERSUS STRIPPING OUT AND GAMBLING ON WALL STREET EAST?

Without false premises, distortion or lies, right wingers would have nothing

I have commented on this in another thread. Apparently there are enough open job positions right now.
The problem is that there is a gap between the skills required by the companies ( mathematicians, computer scientists, health care workers, accountants , operation managers , biomedical engineers) vs
Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren't They Investing?

Corporations Are Swimming in Cheap Cash. So Why Aren t They Investing - Businessweek

"Two reasons: weak demand and absolutely zero clarity when it comes to U.S. fiscal policy."

This would seem to support Boss's point to a certain degree.

There are always an abundance of job openings in the highly-skilled areas you mentioned, that is why people earn so much in those roles. These jobs are not adequate to address high unemployment across the nation because most people simply don't qualify. Where we are severely hurting is in manufacturing jobs. Those are never coming back unless there is an incentive to bring them back. As long as it remains cheaper to manufacture elsewhere, that's what most capitalists will do.

Now the left seems to believe the solution is to punish the capitalist for manufacturing abroad by making it more expensive to ship their products back to the US, through tariffs and fees or whatever means the government can manipulate to achieve this objective. The problem is, the capitalist is too smart to be manipulated. They simply find another customer for the intended US production and life (profits) continue on. Eventually, shortage of supply drives prices up and it becomes profitable once again, in spite of the tariffs and fees. This plan will never work to bring back lost manufacturing jobs, it simply drives prices higher for the consumer.

Fixing the problem is really not that hard if we simply apply common sense principles and standards we have already demonstrated will work. For instance, we need to standardize labor costs in the US. Rather than have organized labor constantly pushing for more and more unrealistic wages, we need to have a set base standard which everyone uses with an adjustable parameter for individual production. With computer technology we should be able to obtain information on production output for each individual laborer. So we establish a base rate, then a scaled increase/decrease based on actual individual production. I could write for hours about this, but the bottom line is, we have to change how we're approaching this problem to solve it.

As for capital available, yes... corporations are swimming in cheap money... that's not the problem. There is no demand because we are economically stagnant at the moment and nothing is going to change that until we take some action to affect a change. We can borrow another trillion from China and pump that into the economy to keep it churning along for another year... we haven't fixed the problem. Zero corporate tax combined with a tax moratorium on wealth held abroad would be the sort of thing that would change the dynamics. It's not that capitalists need the money, it's that they have the money available tax free if they want the money... and under that circumstance, many of them would.

It is an opportunity. Some would take it, others would pass, but it would certainly create new jobs and boost economic prosperity. As I said before, it represents a potential $20 trillion private-sector economic stimulus plan that wouldn't cost us a dime.

Our problem is the brainwashed Marxist masses who simply can't see the forest for the trees. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this month's interview in Rolling Stone with Bob Dylan. He talked about politics as bit... Bob said, the people are sitting around with no jobs and nothing to do, hopeless and in despair, and we keep hearing this anger and rage directed at the billionaires, but the billionaires create the jobs and prosperity. How can anyone reject Dylan's philosophy? ;)

Honesty dictates you recognize the bottom 90% of US have been stagnated for 30+ years, about the time of Reaganomics when the finitialization,of US, and both public AND private debt has skyrocketed , the ONLY income gains the past 30+ years has been at the top. Period


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