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Faith is Born from Fear

And I know plenty of Atheists and Liberals who believe Astrology is Scientific

Did you make this up yourself?

Or did you find it on one of your extreme rightwing Christian websites?

Either way you dare not provide the link because it will expose that you are not an atheist.
First off, I criticize you not because I'm a Christian, I'm an Athiest, but because of your religious belief in Liberalism.

Secondly, you make poor arguments and I can't be silent even if it means I lend support to religious people.

I'm not a Christian, I'm an Atheist, not a Religious Liberal masquerading as an Atheist and perhaps that's what is confusing you. I'm not on the same side as you because I'm not a Liberal engaged in a religious war with Christians.
An "atheist" who nothing whatsoever about atheism but is a devout believer in your BS "Religion of Liberalism".

Lastly, you could improve your game by actually studying what different religions are all about. You look like a putz when you argue against positions you know nothing about.
Ironic given that you know absolutely nothing at all about atheism.

Read about Jews and then you can develop arguments against Jewish faith.,

You alleged that you had studied other religions and yet you know nothing about Judaism either.

I criticize everyone. In terms of a religions being obnoxious, putting aside liberalism, Islam is 2nd in line. Why aren't Atheists criticizing Muslims? As an Atheist any religion should be fair game, but as a Liberal there will be a sensitivity extended to Islam and to Muslims that isn't extended to Christianity and Christians. That should signal to you whether you're really an Atheist or a Liberal.
Once again you display your appalling ignorance about atheism.

Muslims aren't trying to impose their religious beliefs on a secular society whereas Christians, like you, are doing exactly that.

Also note that there is a difference between a group having different beliefs and a group attacking another group on the basis of the different beliefs. An Atheist who lives his life without believing in God isn't much of an issue, while an Atheist who lives and breaths Jihad against Christians is an obnoxious bug. No one really finds Buddhists that offensive but they really hate Hare Krishnas who pester them everywhere they go.

There is no "atheist jihad against Christians". If you were a genuine atheist you would know that.
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.
Another idiot that loves to argue with the voices in their head.

Ad hom attacks are tools uneducated, embittered individuals use to debate with, and it is similar to monkeys throwing their poop in frustrated protest. By all means, continue to insult people instead of debating. It shows your defeat like a white flag.. I accept your surrender.

Since I never said anything that could be remotely interpreted as you saying that all animals are identical, I see no logical reason to treat you with any degree of respect.

Yes, you did. I even quoted it. You may have mis-typed.. but you did write exactly that.

Faith is Born from Fear

Thus, I am free to mock the fact you went from claiming that chemicals in the brain are all identical,


^ I can keep providing sources, and you will continue to ignore them and stomp your feet in angry protest.

which is like saying that Hydrogen atoms have two protons, to citing stupid studies that try to anthropomorphize animals.

People's sad attempt at glorifying humanity- making it isolated from the rest of nature- is why the world is in its current pathetic state. People are so desperate to feel special and unique that they find comfort in exclusivity. Ironically, this mentality is what makes us most like the primates we evolved from. Go figure.

Do you have any intention of ever addressing my challenge to you to prove that every animal on Earth is afraid of the unknown? Or are you just going to continue to blather about things that totally do not prove your point?

I have thus far provided three sources addressing this issue- sources I know full well you have no intention of considering or even examining. So how about this..? YOU provide a source proving that humans are unique from the rest of the animal kingdom. Show that we have neurotransmitters other animals do not. Prove that humans are so unique that we are disconnected from nature. You can’t. And you won’t.
Oh fuck you. I hate conservatives no matter if they are religious or not, black or not, rich or not, gay or not.

This is what I hate about conservatives. Even if we agree, you guys can and will still argue. This is a perfect example. We agree there is no god, but you can't help but argue because you are such a right wing idiot.

Anyways, I'm now going to side with the religious conservatives now and agree with them that you are going to go to hell and burn for eternity.

Now I agree with them. Eat a dick.

If I have to live under some form of Faith-Based Society, I would cast my lot with the Christian society that was created here in America rather than live under the Faith-Based Liberal Totalitarianism that you seek to implement as a replacement.

You and I can agree that religion is fiction but you don't want to stop it there, you want to eradicate Christian influence and replace it with your new religion. Screw that noise. Your religion is far, far worse than what you fight against.

I don't care what religion you are. I have friends who are of all faiths. You and I agree they are all swallowing a lie. That much we agree on.

As far as this new society that will emerge, that all depends. instead of scaring and lying to our kids on why they need to be good, we might lead by example. Not only do we teach our kids to help the less fortunate, our government too takes care of the less fortunate. What does that mean? That means the rich pay a little more in taxes to take care of the poor on things like foodstamps, welfare, unemployment benefits, free healtcare for the poor. Yes I said free. You righties think the poor like being poor because they get this shit? You are delusional and ignorant then.

This new society would not make women who don't want to have kids feel guilty about getting an abortion if they are not ready to have a baby. Nor would it stop women from getting late term abortions when their baby is going to be severely fucked up.

This new society won't prevent stem cell because of god(s).

This new society won't go to war for religion. It will get it that church and state need to be separate.

If Liberalism is a religion, conservatism is too. It combines the ignorance of religion with the greed of the rich and powerful. You being one of the ignorant ones, even if you don't believe in god. Either that or you are rich and greedy. Are you? How much do you make? Do you own a business or work for someone else? Just like to get your background.

Me? 43, house and car paid off, $400K in savings, but I'm just a worker bee. I remember the 90's when the middle class got their fair share. To be a middle class con means you feel comfortable where you are and don't care about society. Hell, I have even argued with broke ass cons from the red states. They're just fools. Who are you?

We will let gays have the same rights as straights.

What other things are you afraid of? If the society goes in those directions, isn't that kind of how it should be? For example, if we don't want 20 round clips sold, they should be outlawed and banned. Majority rules, right? Or do you think the rich should have a bigger say?
It's not the Atheism that is the source of the hate, it's their Religious Belief in Liberalism. This is a religious battle, just like when Muslims attack Jews. Recognize it for what it is. The majority of obnoxious Atheists have replaced the Christianity they were born into with a different religion, Liberalism. If they quash Christianity then the clear the field for Liberalism to reign dominant. Look at the world they want to create - one filled with their religious values, Liberalism from top to bottom.

Still on your BS "Religion of Liberalism" Crusade?

Takes a true BELIEVER like YOU to wage a crusade like this one.

A genuine atheist wouldn't bother because a genuine atheist knows that there is no such thing as your BS "Religion of Liberalism"in the first place.

For years I noticed the Democrats sat quiet while the GOP SCREAMED and then I saw Gore get beat by this tactic. I said no more am I too going to sit by and let Republicans spew their nonsense without speaking up. It got me fired. My boss was a Republican. Can't say for sure, but I'm sure that didn't help. He even INSISTED FOX news stay on in the break room. That kind of guy. Making $700K a month, greedy fuck. Wants us to remain ignorant.

Anyways, don't put "true atheists" in a box. I may just be more vocal than the typical atheist. Perhaps because it is new to me. They probably think I'm wasting my time, but it's fun to me and I hope I can help other people wake up. A lie is a lie no matter what.

Want to see almost every argument against god? Why there is no god
Another idiot that loves to argue with the voices in their head.

Ad hom attacks are tools uneducated, embittered individuals use to debate with, and it is similar to monkeys throwing their poop in frustrated protest. By all means, continue to insult people instead of debating. It shows your defeat like a white flag.. I accept your surrender.

Since I never said anything that could be remotely interpreted as you saying that all animals are identical, I see no logical reason to treat you with any degree of respect.

Yes, you did. I even quoted it. You may have mis-typed.. but you did write exactly that.

Faith is Born from Fear

Thus, I am free to mock the fact you went from claiming that chemicals in the brain are all identical,


^ I can keep providing sources, and you will continue to ignore them and stomp your feet in angry protest.

which is like saying that Hydrogen atoms have two protons, to citing stupid studies that try to anthropomorphize animals.

People's sad attempt at glorifying humanity- making it isolated from the rest of nature- is why the world is in its current pathetic state. People are so desperate to feel special and unique that they find comfort in exclusivity. Ironically, this mentality is what makes us most like the primates we evolved from. Go figure.

Do you have any intention of ever addressing my challenge to you to prove that every animal on Earth is afraid of the unknown? Or are you just going to continue to blather about things that totally do not prove your point?

I have thus far provided three sources addressing this issue- sources I know full well you have no intention of considering or even examining. So how about this..? YOU provide a source proving that humans are unique from the rest of the animal kingdom. Show that we have neurotransmitters other animals do not. Prove that humans are so unique that we are disconnected from nature. You can’t. And you won’t.

I bet he points to our much more evolved brains. That's he big difference. Doesn't mean a creator exists let alone created us. Especially if they are going to claim this creator came and talked to our ancestors back in the most primitive and remote parts of the world and then vanished and is a jealous god who loves us but will send us to hell.

Or they believe in generic god. Generic god is much harder to pin down because they can't even define him. At least Christians and Muslims and Mormons and Jews have made up stories they claim are true. Stories of miracles and god(s) talking to them. Generic theists. They don't even have churches to go to. LOL
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

Oh yes I did sit down and rationally consider, for days, every change I got. In my car on the way to work. I'd watch religious shows and listen to religion radio. I still do.

Sorry if Christianity is the main religion in my country. If you want to defend any other religion, bring it on. I'd be glad to make fun of you if you are a jew, muslim or mormon or any other cult.

You must not know me, because I make fun of them all. Are you one of the fools who thinks I am pro Russia, Mao, Hitler, Muslim just because I pick on Jesus the most? Poor little Jesus.

PS. If you look at this site, you'll see it has all the arguments against Jesus and generic god(s) too. Jesus may be mentioned more than Mohammad but this site shoots down every religion.

Why there is no god

There is also an atheist documentary that explains how there were 996 other religions before and after Jew, Christ, Muslim and Mormon. Those gods are all dead and gone. How long does your god have left before he too is put in the science fiction history section of the library?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts
Oh fuck you. I hate conservatives no matter if they are religious or not, black or not, rich or not, gay or not.

This is what I hate about conservatives. Even if we agree, you guys can and will still argue. This is a perfect example. We agree there is no god, but you can't help but argue because you are such a right wing idiot.

Anyways, I'm now going to side with the religious conservatives now and agree with them that you are going to go to hell and burn for eternity.

Now I agree with them. Eat a dick.

If I have to live under some form of Faith-Based Society, I would cast my lot with the Christian society that was created here in America rather than live under the Faith-Based Liberal Totalitarianism that you seek to implement as a replacement.

You and I can agree that religion is fiction but you don't want to stop it there, you want to eradicate Christian influence and replace it with your new religion. Screw that noise. Your religion is far, far worse than what you fight against.

If you have to? Talk about a sheep. Talk about settling for the status quo rather than to change and improve.

This is a great example of a conservative. He's gonna go along just to get along. Coward.

You are an Ayn Rand Conservative. Maybe you like this lie because you know the cons use it to win over dumb poor and middle class voters with wedge issues like god, gays and guns and racism. I'm sure you do.

This is like back when the 99%ers were protesting Wallstreet. You righties knew they were right but Fox and Rush told you those were hippies. Did you see recently the Bank of America settlement? How much was it? I bet you have to look it up. Why? Because the "liberal" media buried the story on page 10 and only told it one day. You're a god damn fool.

You are just like your parents back in Viet Nam. The government/rich that rule/run this country played you then and are playing you now. Told you the protesters were liberal hippies trying to change America. They were, FOR THE BETTER you dumb fuck.
It has been said by many Christians that one of the primary reasons for someone being an atheist and saying that they don't believe is because they don't want to believe. They don't want to ask the hard question "What if I'm wrong?" because they can't accept the implications of that questioning. They claim that we as atheists take the easy way out but I argue that it is just the opposite. Christians downright refuse to humor any kind of questioning when it comes to their belief. They refuse to look inside themselves and ask "What if there is no God?" because they are terrified of the implications of that question. They claim we are afraid of hell but in fact it is they who are afraid of oblivion. Of nonexistence. Understandably so. The idea of ceasing to exist is unpleasant to say the least. That is why being an atheist is far from the easy way out.

As an atheist you look that unpleasant reality in the face, swallow your fear and accept it and live your life to its fullest. Being a Christian is a way of ignoring the fact that the world is an unpleasant and often unjust place where some people live their whole lives in despair before their flame of consciousness goes out forever. This world can be cruel and unfair but as atheists we accept that it's the only one we are ever going to get and that motivates us to fight our hardest to make it a better and brighter one. For our sake and for the sake of our children. We don't turn away from reality and turn a wishful eye to an afterlife that isn't going to happen.
I can tell from reading this that you are completely ignorant about what goes on in the heads of Christians.

The fact is, you guys don't all think alike. Some believe non believers will go to hell, some don't. Some take the bible stories literally, some don't.

Here are some lines from a song called Fishin For a New Religion

The reason I'm fishin' 4 a new religion
is my church makes me fall asleep
They're praising a God that watches you weep
and doesn't want you to do a damn thing about it
When they want change the preacher says "shout it"
Does shouting bring about change? I doubt it
All shouting does is make you lose your voice

Sitting in church hearing legitimate woes
Pastor tells the lady it'll be alright
Just pray so you can see the pearly gates so white
The lady prays and prays and prays and prays
And prays and prays and prays and prays... it's everlasting
There's nothing wrong with praying It's what she's asking
She's asking the Lord to let her cope
so one day she can see the golden ropes
What you pray for God will give
To be able to cope in this world we live
The word 'cope' and the word 'change'
Is directly opposite, not the same
She should have been praying to change her woes
but pastor said "Pray to cope with those"
The government is happy with most baptist churches
'Cause they don't do a damn thing to try to nurture
brothers and sisters on a revolution
Baptist preaches dying is the only solution
Passiveness causes others to pass us by ...
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

Oh yes I did sit down and rationally consider, for days, every change I got. In my car on the way to work. I'd watch religious shows and listen to religion radio. I still do.

Sorry if Christianity is the main religion in my country. If you want to defend any other religion, bring it on. I'd be glad to make fun of you if you are a jew, muslim or mormon or any other cult.

You must not know me, because I make fun of them all. Are you one of the fools who thinks I am pro Russia, Mao, Hitler, Muslim just because I pick on Jesus the most? Poor little Jesus.

PS. If you look at this site, you'll see it has all the arguments against Jesus and generic god(s) too. Jesus may be mentioned more than Mohammad but this site shoots down every religion.

Why there is no god

There is also an atheist documentary that explains how there were 996 other religions before and after Jew, Christ, Muslim and Mormon. Those gods are all dead and gone. How long does your god have left before he too is put in the science fiction history section of the library?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

As you please.
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

I'm not angry. Consider me passionate. I'll log off and won't give you a second thought until I come up with another thought I want to share. Or to come see what silly replies you theists send me back. I notice you/they don't answer a lot of my questions. Why is that? Because they haven't even asked themselves those questions. So don't say that it is me who hasn't thought long and hard on this and studied and thought it through for years.

When did you convert to whatever religion it is you believe in? I am 43 years old and just this year converted to not believing in god. I finally woke up. It took some doing but it is possible. Its not because I want to be bad. Its not because I don't want to believe in god. Its simply I do not believe.

Don't get your feelings hurt. Did I come across as being angry at you? Or is this the reaction one gets when they or their ideas is rejected? Remember, I don't reject god. I don't believe god(s) exists. So I can't reject your god. But you believe so strongly that he is real, you think I am rejecting your god. I am rejecting what you are telling me. Get it? If your god wants me to believe tell him to show himself because your stories are not convincing.
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

Oh yes I did sit down and rationally consider, for days, every change I got. In my car on the way to work. I'd watch religious shows and listen to religion radio. I still do.

Sorry if Christianity is the main religion in my country. If you want to defend any other religion, bring it on. I'd be glad to make fun of you if you are a jew, muslim or mormon or any other cult.

You must not know me, because I make fun of them all. Are you one of the fools who thinks I am pro Russia, Mao, Hitler, Muslim just because I pick on Jesus the most? Poor little Jesus.

PS. If you look at this site, you'll see it has all the arguments against Jesus and generic god(s) too. Jesus may be mentioned more than Mohammad but this site shoots down every religion.

Why there is no god

There is also an atheist documentary that explains how there were 996 other religions before and after Jew, Christ, Muslim and Mormon. Those gods are all dead and gone. How long does your god have left before he too is put in the science fiction history section of the library?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

As you please.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

We allow Christians to tell us we're going to hell and don't forget Muslims say anyone who doesn't convert should be put to death.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

I'm not angry. Consider me passionate. I'll log off and won't give you a second thought until I come up with another thought I want to share. Or to come see what silly replies you theists send me back. I notice you/they don't answer a lot of my questions. Why is that? Because they haven't even asked themselves those questions. So don't say that it is me who hasn't thought long and hard on this and studied and thought it through for years.

When did you convert to whatever religion it is you believe in? I am 43 years old and just this year converted to not believing in god. I finally woke up. It took some doing but it is possible. Its not because I want to be bad. Its not because I don't want to believe in god. Its simply I do not believe.

Don't get your feelings hurt. Did I come across as being angry at you? Or is this the reaction one gets when they or their ideas is rejected? Remember, I don't reject god. I don't believe god(s) exists. So I can't reject your god. But you believe so strongly that he is real, you think I am rejecting your god. I am rejecting what you are telling me. Get it? If your god wants me to believe tell him to show himself because your stories are not convincing.

I don't care if you are angry with me, I was only pointing out that being as angry as you are is not healthy.

I don't think I've told you anything to reject, but what question would you like me to answer?
And I love pointing out that if you ask 100 Christians what they believe you'll get 100 different answers. To me that is proof that it's all made up. A lot of you may believe in God but god knows what that means because you all have your own different spins on it.

Reasoning skills really aren't your strong suit, are they?

A traffic accident happens and police go into the crowd of witnesses to take statements. They end up with 20 different version of events. Clearly, by your standards, no accident has happened and all statements have been made up by the "witnesses."

Solid reasoning there champ.

100 Christians give you 100 different answers. This could imply that 1 Christian is correct and 99 are incorrect. It could imply that God wants 100 Christians to follow 100 different paths to find him.

Either of those answers invalidates your conclusion of belief being fiction.

Stop already, your idiocy is giving the rest of us Atheists a bad reputation.

Only a theist would come up with that rationalization.

Anyone who lives in a city realizes that there usually exist many paths to get from Point A to Point B.

I'm so sick of you Christians or Theists. You all have your different interpretations. You're all so god damned dumb.

Is there more than one way to get from point A to B? Really? That's not what Christians tell me.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

They say Jesus said that. Isn't he your GAWD?

No. He clearly is not Rikurzhen's god since he has stated repeatedly that he is an Atheist. However, he is certainly your god since he is the only god you are willing to acknowledge. Christianity is the only religion you are willing to acknowledge.

You have stated that you were converted to Atheism. That was the word you used, "converted" - not convinced. You have stated that you were told you were an idiot for believing what you believed, repeatedly so, until you finally agreed. You didn't sit down and rationally consider what you actually believed, you simply accepted what you were told to believe. In fact, brow beaten into believing. And now you are angry because all of the Christians are idiots, but since you never truly stopped being a Christian that makes you an idiot as well.

I don't care what you believe, but you should. You seriously need to take some quiet time to understand what you believe, not just accept what you have been told to believe. Meditate on it and be open to yourself, not force yourself to conform to someone else's arbitrary standards. Because, my friend, this much anger is not healthy.

Oh yes I did sit down and rationally consider, for days, every change I got. In my car on the way to work. I'd watch religious shows and listen to religion radio. I still do.

Sorry if Christianity is the main religion in my country. If you want to defend any other religion, bring it on. I'd be glad to make fun of you if you are a jew, muslim or mormon or any other cult.

You must not know me, because I make fun of them all. Are you one of the fools who thinks I am pro Russia, Mao, Hitler, Muslim just because I pick on Jesus the most? Poor little Jesus.

PS. If you look at this site, you'll see it has all the arguments against Jesus and generic god(s) too. Jesus may be mentioned more than Mohammad but this site shoots down every religion.

Why there is no god

There is also an atheist documentary that explains how there were 996 other religions before and after Jew, Christ, Muslim and Mormon. Those gods are all dead and gone. How long does your god have left before he too is put in the science fiction history section of the library?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

As you please.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

We allow Christians to tell us we're going to hell and don't forget Muslims say anyone who doesn't convert should be put to death.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous

That last sentence before the quote is just not true. I don't care what you want to believe, it is just flat not true. It is especially not true for you.
It's not the Atheism that is the source of the hate, it's their Religious Belief in Liberalism. This is a religious battle, just like when Muslims attack Jews. Recognize it for what it is. The majority of obnoxious Atheists have replaced the Christianity they were born into with a different religion, Liberalism. If they quash Christianity then the clear the field for Liberalism to reign dominant. Look at the world they want to create - one filled with their religious values, Liberalism from top to bottom.

Still on your BS "Religion of Liberalism" Crusade?

Takes a true BELIEVER like YOU to wage a crusade like this one.

A genuine atheist wouldn't bother because a genuine atheist knows that there is no such thing as your BS "Religion of Liberalism"in the first place.

For years I noticed the Democrats sat quiet while the GOP SCREAMED and then I saw Gore get beat by this tactic. I said no more am I too going to sit by and let Republicans spew their nonsense without speaking up. It got me fired. My boss was a Republican. Can't say for sure, but I'm sure that didn't help. He even INSISTED FOX news stay on in the break room. That kind of guy. Making $700K a month, greedy fuck. Wants us to remain ignorant.

Anyways, don't put "true atheists" in a box. I may just be more vocal than the typical atheist. Perhaps because it is new to me. They probably think I'm wasting my time, but it's fun to me and I hope I can help other people wake up. A lie is a lie no matter what.

Want to see almost every argument against god? Why there is no god

Not trying to put "true atheists" in a box at all.

Just exposing that Rikhurzen is lying when he alleges that he is an atheist. His posts are those of an extreme rightwing theist. He is denying what he is by trying to pretend to be something else but he isn't smart enough to pull it off.

Having read some of his posts in other threads he comes off as a flake. He accused Pogo of "plagiarism" when it was nothing of the sort. Pogo had provided links to everything that he sourced.

So when it comes to Rikhurzen and his feeble attempt to conflate atheists with his farcical "Religion of Liberalism" it is becoming a joke. You nailed it when you pointed out under his "definition" conservatism is also a "religion".
They don't. The jeebus is a mere pedestrian "prophet" per the Moslem version of co-opted Judaism.

It's a pretty basic tenet held by Islamism. Try doing some research on those things you rattle on about.


Even Wiki calls you stupid for that claim.

Isa Ibn Maryam ( Arabic: عيسى, translit.: ʿĪsā ), known as Jesus in the New Testament, is considered to be a Messenger of God and al-Masih (the Messiah) in Islam[1][2]:30

Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for the Mormons, lest see what they say about him.

Like the New Testament, the Book of Mormon clearly identifies Jesus as the Messiah (1 Ne. 10:4-17; 2 Ne. 25:16-20; Hel. 8:13-17). It also declares that a knowledge of the Messiah existed "from the beginning of the world" (1 Ne. 12:18; Mosiah 13:33-35) and prophesies details of his life and mission.

Messiah - The Encyclopedia of Mormonism

If you feel like an idiot right now, may I point out that is the natural consequence of talking about hings you are completely ignorant about?
Ad hom attacks are tools uneducated, embittered individuals use to debate with, and it is similar to monkeys throwing their poop in frustrated protest. By all means, continue to insult people instead of debating. It shows your defeat like a white flag.. I accept your surrender.

Does your ad hom attack indicate that you are talking about yourself in this paragraph?

I use personal attacks to make points, not because I am stupid. Unfortunately, you don't get that because you use them because you are stupid.

Yes, you did. I even quoted it. You may have mis-typed.. but you did write exactly that.

Then feel free to post it and prove that is what I said.

Alternatively, you can simply take Holly's debate methods to heart and declare I said something I didn't, and use that claim to declare yourself the victor.

^ I can keep providing sources, and you will continue to ignore them and stomp your feet in angry protest.

That would be a real point if it wasn't an ad hom attack used by an
uneducated, embittered individual.

Your words, not mine.

That said, no one has yet provided a single source that is in any way relevant to the challenge I issued. All you have done is talk about side issues that are, at best, diversions. The fact that you think I am stupid enough to be convinced of something totally irrelevant because you know about neurotransmitters shows that you really are a uneducated, embittered individual.

People's sad attempt at glorifying humanity- making it isolated from the rest of nature- is why the world is in its current pathetic state. People are so desperate to feel special and unique that they find comfort in exclusivity. Ironically, this mentality is what makes us most like the primates we evolved from. Go figure.

Huh? Arguing with the voices in your head again? Where did I glorify anything? What I did was challenge the claim that all animals are afraid of the unknown. So far, all you have managed to do is prove that you don't know what you are talking about.

I have thus far provided three sources addressing this issue- sources I know full well you have no intention of considering or even examining. So how about this..? YOU provide a source proving that humans are unique from the rest of the animal kingdom. Show that we have neurotransmitters other animals do not. Prove that humans are so unique that we are disconnected from nature. You can’t. And you won’t.

You provided a source that shows that all animals have neurotransmitters. In case you don't know what that means, that means all animals have chemicals in their brains. Believe it or not, I already know that. That does not prove those chemicals equate to a fear of the unknown.

Want me to explain why your other sources are equally irrelvant to the challenge?

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