Fake News CBS is ramping up the Anti Russian propaganda

McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
Gipper, you are posting a Russian propaganda meme, a map. It was originated by Russia and is a favorite Russian propaganda piece that you are now helping them distribute and promote. Smart if you are a Russian dupe, dumb if you are an American patriot.
What part of the American system of electing Senators is it that you dislike and want to do away with?
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
Gipper, you are posting a Russian propaganda meme, a map. It was originated by Russia and is a favorite Russian propaganda piece that you are now helping them distribute and promote. Smart if you are a Russian dupe, dumb if you are an American patriot.
What part of the American system of electing Senators is it that you dislike and want to do away with?
Yeah...the US military doesn't have military bases and personnel surrounding Russia. Sorry.

Well I haven't seen Putin in the WH and I haven't seen Russians taking over Congress.

Loads of stories out there about Putin and his lacky Trump. LOL

I need a good laugh now and then.
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

So you are standing up for Putin?

Please point out what you think are lies?

60 Minutes had NO EVIDENCE that Vladimir Putin committed any crime.

But they wanted us to believe that Vladimir Kara-Murza - who is an an associate of the mother of all neocrazies John "The Canary" McCain - was poisoned by Vladimir.Putin


In my case case 60 minutes you failed . Instead of conducting investigatory reporting you allowed the program to be used for propaganda purposes.


You are the propagandist here. Putin is a murderous thug. I suppose being a Trump supporter means that you like thugs. Putin is a murderer many times over.

Yo dingle berry

I am not defending Vladimir Putin.

If someone has a complaint against Putin it should be adjudicated by the proper authorities.

My position is that he is not guilty because the demo_rats' butts are hurting and they are looking for a scapegoat to blame.

You mean the state duma. The purpose of this kind of stories, one of them, is that one day the state duma would consider such a thing as to accuse Putin or any president of anything or the entire system would be torn apart. You see Putin can be fired by the state duma alone and he sort of owns the state duma.:dev3: so your proposal is a bit tricky.
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
Indeed, you are dumb, and as you show in your arguments, pro-Russian fascist and anti-American democracy.
Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies. As Robert Hunter, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO, recently observed: “Allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election campaign become a tool to limit, if not cripple, President Trump’s attempts to change the downward course of U.S. and Western relations with Russia.”

In the targeting of Trump, too many liberals have joined in fanning a neo-McCarthyite furor, working to discredit those who seek to deescalate U.S.-Russian tensions, and dismissing anyone expressing doubts about the charges of hacking or collusion as a Putin apologist.

Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive

There is no exaggerated Russian threat. The fact is that we should be looking to Ronald Reagan. He successfully confronted the Soviet Union. The reason that US-Russia relations are on a downward spiral is because of Putin's desire to recreate the old Soviet Union. Obama came into office wanting better relations with Russia. Putin took advantage of Obama to further their territorial ambitions. Around the world, Russia is aggressively seeking to expand their influence.

In eastern Europe, Russia has been linked to violent coup attempts in a number of countries. They invaded the Ukraine and took the Crimea. They are the Ukrainian separatists. In western Europe, they are backing alt-right groups that are favorable to Putin. In France, they have provided money to Marine LaPenn's party and her opposition has suffered numerous hacking attacks. Sound familiar?

In the Mideast, they have allied themselves with Iran who has made no secret of their desire to attack the US. Iran is seeking to establish a empire that would threaten Israel and the US.

Here's the thing skippy,barry is a pussy so of course he did nothing.
And of course you were just fine with barry's hot mike moment when he said he'd have more flexibility once the election was over.
Add the hildabeasts reset button debacle and ya gotta wonder why the Russians are all of a sudden the boogy man.....just sayin.
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
Gipper, you are posting a Russian propaganda meme, a map. It was originated by Russia and is a favorite Russian propaganda piece that you are now helping them distribute and promote. Smart if you are a Russian dupe, dumb if you are an American patriot.
What part of the American system of electing Senators is it that you dislike and want to do away with?
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.

McCain is a from the old guard and extinct. He has exceeded his usefulness

McCain was re-elected recently by the people of Arizona to serve and speak for them in the US Senate for another six years. The people in this thread who are standing up for Russia and defending Putin are pissed off at the American system that allows the people of Arizona to elect who they want. They cheer for and the authoritarian Putin and Russia and disparage America for it's founding and constitutional form of electing its leaders.
Dumb as usual.
Gipper, you are posting a Russian propaganda meme, a map. It was originated by Russia and is a favorite Russian propaganda piece that you are now helping them distribute and promote. Smart if you are a Russian dupe, dumb if you are an American patriot.
What part of the American system of electing Senators is it that you dislike and want to do away with?
Yeah...the US military doesn't have military bases and personnel surrounding Russia. Sorry.

Your map is a gross exaggeration and you posting it makes you the dupe. It includes bases in Africa, the middle east, and the Pacific ocean to make it look like all US military stations, ports and bases are set up to surround Russia.
You meet the true definition of "dupe" gipper. You unknowingly, due to foolishness or sturpidiy, give support to an opponent or enemy. Russia is attempting to convince the masses that America is involved in a massive effort to surround it with military bases in tje preparation of an attack. To do this they promote your dopey map that includes facilities that have no relationship to Russia. Facilities in the Persian Gulf are not part of an evil plan to invade Russia, nor are the many ports used by the Navy situated all over the world.
All members of the military and civilians of America since 1945 are betrayed by gipper's (and those like him) defense of Russia at the expense of America.

The pan-Russian support by the gippers offers clear evidence of the Alt Right's hatred of American democracy.
All members of the military and civilians of America since 1945 are betrayed by gipper's (and those like him) defense of Russia at the expense of America.

The pan-Russian support by the gippers offers clear evidence of the Alt Right's hatred of American democracy.
Defense of Russia? Like giving them a magic reset button, a uranium mine, and Crimea? Leftists are delusional.
All members of the military and civilians of America since 1945 are betrayed by gipper's (and those like him) defense of Russia at the expense of America.

The pan-Russian support by the gippers offers clear evidence of the Alt Right's hatred of American democracy.
Defense of Russia? Like giving them a magic reset button, a uranium mine, and Crimea? Leftists are delusional.
You gippers can't have it both ways. You did not want to go to war over Crimea. The uranium mine was legitimate business. And you support a Russian dictator who has people killed and people imprisoned for opposing him, and you wish Trump could do the same. Not going to happen.
All members of the military and civilians of America since 1945 are betrayed by gipper's (and those like him) defense of Russia at the expense of America.

The pan-Russian support by the gippers offers clear evidence of the Alt Right's hatred of American democracy.
Defense of Russia? Like giving them a magic reset button, a uranium mine, and Crimea? Leftists are delusional.
You gippers can't have it both ways. You did not want to go to war over Crimea. The uranium mine was legitimate business. And you support a Russian dictator who has people killed and people imprisoned for opposing him, and you wish Trump could do the same. Not going to happen.
How exactly am I supporting a Russian dictator? Like I said, leftists are delusional. Their entire political philosophy is rooted in Marxism, but those that oppose their world view are the problem. Insanity.
All members of the military and civilians of America since 1945 are betrayed by gipper's (and those like him) defense of Russia at the expense of America.

The pan-Russian support by the gippers offers clear evidence of the Alt Right's hatred of American democracy.
Defense of Russia? Like giving them a magic reset button, a uranium mine, and Crimea? Leftists are delusional.
You gippers can't have it both ways. You did not want to go to war over Crimea. The uranium mine was legitimate business. And you support a Russian dictator who has people killed and people imprisoned for opposing him, and you wish Trump could do the same. Not going to happen.
How exactly am I supporting a Russian dictator? Like I said, leftists are delusional. Their entire political philosophy is rooted in Marxism, but those that oppose their world view are the problem. Insanity.
You are delusional, little buddy. We are talking about Trump and his love affair with Putin and the Russians and where he broke the law.
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

The above moron will next stand up and defend Kim Jong Un......

What the 60 Minutes piece showed was the dozens of anti-Putin Russians who are either shot in the back or poisoned......and Trump lap dogs (and Trump himself) actually, DEFEND these scum buckets which, in turn, makes THEM scum buckets.
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

The above moron will next stand up and defend Kim Jong Un......

What the 60 Minutes piece showed was the dozens of anti-Putin Russians who are either shot in the back or poisoned......and Trump lap dogs (and Trump himself) actually, DEFEND these scum buckets which, in turn, makes THEM scum buckets.
If the PEOPLE of Russia didn't like Putin they didn't have to elect him over and over and over therefore ANTI Putin folks will have a lot of enemies...they are like libtards in the US. :)
Oh and I think North Korea's leader is a piece of shit but ingenious in the way he has people executed but any TRULY GREAT LEADER would care more about his people than ranting and raving and trying to provoke a damn war with a world power.
If the PEOPLE of Russia didn't like Putin they didn't have to elect him over and over and over therefore ANTI Putin folks will have a lot of enemies...they are like libtards in the US.

The above morons doubles down in claiming that the Russian elections are the paragon of fairness and are above baord......Wans't Hitler also "elected"???? and wasn't Venezuela's Sanchez also elected???...LOL

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