Fake News CBS is ramping up the Anti Russian propaganda

If the PEOPLE of Russia didn't like Putin they didn't have to elect him over and over and over therefore ANTI Putin folks will have a lot of enemies...they are like libtards in the US.

The above morons doubles down in claiming that the Russian elections are the paragon of fairness and are above baord......Wans't Hitler also "elected"???? and wasn't Venezuela's Sanchez also elected???...LOL
Its not Sanchez you dolt! christ almighty and NO Hitler wasn't elected shit head...he was ASKED to be Chancellor by Hindenburg dumb ass. So EVERY country and leader YOU don't like is a corrupt leader and every leader and country you DO like is an angel and can do no wrong....gotcha!
McCain made it quite clear: have the evidence produced or get prepared to be reduced.

Can't hide this time, Trump.
Did your ilk turn over the hacked servers? Nope! They ran and hid after the dem party hijacked their own primary.
Does not matter.

The President must turn over his evidence or be mocked in front of the world as a tweeting liar.
You and your band of clowns made asinine assertions. Prove the Russian connection. Post the evidence. Not stories posted by pussy hats, but real evidence.
Trump said it, he is wed to it. Either he shows the evidence, or he is a liar.
Still waiting on my $2500 reduction and the ability to keep my doctor. Hypocritical ass hole.
I kept my doctor. Why couldn't you keep yours?
Did your ilk turn over the hacked servers? Nope! They ran and hid after the dem party hijacked their own primary.
Does not matter.

The President must turn over his evidence or be mocked in front of the world as a tweeting liar.
You and your band of clowns made asinine assertions. Prove the Russian connection. Post the evidence. Not stories posted by pussy hats, but real evidence.
Trump said it, he is wed to it. Either he shows the evidence, or he is a liar.
Still waiting on my $2500 reduction and the ability to keep my doctor. Hypocritical ass hole.
I kept my doctor. Why couldn't you keep yours?

Because of Obamacare!

Silly far left drones!
If the PEOPLE of Russia didn't like Putin they didn't have to elect him over and over and over therefore ANTI Putin folks will have a lot of enemies...they are like libtards in the US.

The above morons doubles down in claiming that the Russian elections are the paragon of fairness and are above baord......Wans't Hitler also "elected"???? and wasn't Venezuela's Sanchez also elected???...LOL
Its not Sanchez you dolt! christ almighty and NO Hitler wasn't elected shit head...he was ASKED to be Chancellor by Hindenburg dumb ass. So EVERY country and leader YOU don't like is a corrupt leader and every leader and country you DO like is an angel and can do no wrong....gotcha!
You mean Hitler's party didn't end up the LARGEST party in the Reichstag by ELECTION?
Does not matter.

The President must turn over his evidence or be mocked in front of the world as a tweeting liar.
You and your band of clowns made asinine assertions. Prove the Russian connection. Post the evidence. Not stories posted by pussy hats, but real evidence.
Trump said it, he is wed to it. Either he shows the evidence, or he is a liar.
Still waiting on my $2500 reduction and the ability to keep my doctor. Hypocritical ass hole.
I kept my doctor. Why couldn't you keep yours?

Because of Obamacare!

Silly far left drones!
You're gonna LOVE Trumpcare!
You and your band of clowns made asinine assertions. Prove the Russian connection. Post the evidence. Not stories posted by pussy hats, but real evidence.
Trump said it, he is wed to it. Either he shows the evidence, or he is a liar.
Still waiting on my $2500 reduction and the ability to keep my doctor. Hypocritical ass hole.
I kept my doctor. Why couldn't you keep yours?

Because of Obamacare!

Silly far left drones!
You're gonna LOVE Trumpcare!

Sure, point to the bill that proves all the far left drone religious talking points!

I bet you can not!
You're gonna LOVE Trumpcare!

Always remember that Trump stated that HIS HC bill would cover:
...and be BETTER.....

Any of those 3 factors above that will not prove true, spells out failure for the orange clown.
Washington Post:

The exaggerated Russian threat helps justify bloated military budgets and unify increasingly fractious allies. As Robert Hunter, the former U.S. ambassador to NATO, recently observed: “Allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. election campaign become a tool to limit, if not cripple, President Trump’s attempts to change the downward course of U.S. and Western relations with Russia.”

In the targeting of Trump, too many liberals have joined in fanning a neo-McCarthyite furor, working to discredit those who seek to deescalate U.S.-Russian tensions, and dismissing anyone expressing doubts about the charges of hacking or collusion as a Putin apologist.

Opinion | Neo-McCarthyite furor around Russia is counterproductive
Of course, you like this RT-type opinion that helps your Putin boss-thug influence the naive Americans.
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

When they start covering the fact that Hillary Clinton met with numerous Russian Ambassadors during her campaign, including the ambassador that talked to Flynn during the illegal wire tap, then I'll start paying attention to them.
Whatever happened to this? Is the honeymoon over now that she sold the Russians uranium?

So you are standing up for Putin?
Please point out what you think are lies?
60 Minutes had NO EVIDENCE that Vladimir Putin committed any crime.
But they wanted us to believe that Vladimir Kara-Murza ... was poisoned by Vladimir.Putin.
So you deflected! You could not point out ANY lies by 60 minutes, and you don't understand investigative reporting.

Russia has a history of poisoning adversaries, and nowadays hi-profile assasinations likely don't occur without Putin's approval. He's a strongarm "thug" as McCain says.
It was Kara-Murza who believes he was poisoned by Kremlin operatives, not 60 minutes, who simply reported on the facts & allegations.
Did your ilk turn over the hacked servers? Nope! They ran and hid after the dem party hijacked their own primary.
Does not matter.

The President must turn over his evidence or be mocked in front of the world as a tweeting liar.
You and your band of clowns made asinine assertions. Prove the Russian connection. Post the evidence. Not stories posted by pussy hats, but real evidence.
Trump said it, he is wed to it. Either he shows the evidence, or he is a liar.
Still waiting on my $2500 reduction and the ability to keep my doctor. Hypocritical ass hole.
I kept my doctor. Why couldn't you keep yours?
I kept my provider. Why did not you, JBond?
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

When they start covering the fact that Hillary Clinton met with numerous Russian Ambassadors during her campaign, including the ambassador that talked to Flynn during the illegal wire tap, then I'll start paying attention to them.
Clinton does not matter. Ever.

The Russians do, and Trump's sell out to them is costing him lots of support he is going to need.
60 minutes is on right now with an hour long anti Putin propaganda piece....LOL....its amusing but the American people are stupid and will believe this garbage.

Preview: Poisoned

That's the piece its talking about....YAWN.

When they start covering the fact that Hillary Clinton met with numerous Russian Ambassadors during her campaign, including the ambassador that talked to Flynn during the illegal wire tap, then I'll start paying attention to them.
Clinton does not matter. Ever.

The Russians do, and Trump's sell out to them is costing him lots of support he is going to need.
Your lack of understanding about diplomacy during a campaign reveals you are woefully lacking in knowledge about geopolitics.

Both Clinton, Sanders and Trump have all met with various ambassadors from various nations, and all of it legal and ethical.

SO........As soon as you come up with even 1 shred of evidence to back up your allegations (The FBI Could Find None) other than your hysterical ravings, and your masturbatory mumblings about Russians hiding in the shadows, then maybe this will be worth a discussion.

Right now it just sounds like the fantasies of a 40 year old virgin dreaming about a whore house he has never been to.

Fact: Hillary Clinton had numerous meetings with Russian Ambassadors during her campaign.

Notice that I did not make any qualifiers there, or state that it was immoral or unethical or illegal.
It is not.

Obama's campaign team and Obama himself met with Russian Ambassadors while he was still on The Campaign Trail. Again, nothing unethical or immoral about it.
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TOT is babbling.

What the Clintonians did or did not do means nothing now.

All eyes are focused on Trump, the Russians, the POTUS lies about wire tapping, Sessions' lies about meetings, and Flynn's lies about meetings.

No where to hide.

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