Fake News Libturd Style

Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
And money was also sent to groups supporting Bibb. It's not illegal.

What Russia did is. Are you saying this is a good thing?

Anything that exposes corruption is a good thing.
Do you think hillary's criminal behavior is a good thing?
You cant be against one and not the other.
If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
And money was also sent to groups supporting Bibb. It's not illegal.

What Russia did is. Are you saying this is a good thing?

Anything that exposes corruption is a good thing.
Do you think hillary's criminal behavior is a good thing?
You cant be against one and not the other.

What corruption was actually exposed. Indictments? We do have a legal process.

If you really cared, you'd be demanding a release of GOP emails.

Is a foreign power power actively and illegally attempting to influence our elections a good thing? Think about this for a minute rather than giving a knee jerk response driven by your hatred of Clinton.

If Russia had targeted Trump I'd be just as pissed.
Why weren't the GOP and Trump emails hacked?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I don't give a fuck if russian's did hack hitlary's ILLEGAL SERVER or the DNC's, and dumped incriminating evidence at the doorstep of the world concerning the corruption of these people and how they FUCKED BERNIE SANDERS.

What's really wrong about the entire thing is that the media virtually ignored it. The bed wetters still insist it didn't happen like the delusional little parrots they are.

Yup, having a thug murderer like Putin running our election is great, dupe.

I rest my case.

It's just like a bed wetter to ignore the fact his candidate is a repulsive power hungry totalitarian hag, parrot the same insipid gibberish about russia, and then be dumb enough to call someone else a dupe.

That's why I don't oppose abortion. Cocksucker libturds like these should have been flushed down Hermit Gosnell's toilet.

I'll go with our intelligence community on Russia- they said the same thing IN OCTOBER, you go with your bought off HS grad pundits and the NYC con man, dupe. Everything you know is fake news DUHHH...
Are you saying they forced Americans to vote for trump? What exactly is the news?
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.

And if the hacking exposes corruption i'm good with that.
The media has redirected their gullible naive minds away from what was found and has them believing the only reason their witch did not win it was because of putin.

Good God they are easy.

Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)
Your fake news tell you this?
You're leaking again.
What does that mean?
If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
Again isn't a government server! So still don't know what government entity they hacked?
Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

A foreign power had to expose the shitbag DNC because the media won't, of course even if they did you'd ignore them too.

No evidence the DNC actually did anything, just staffers BSing on e-mails, dupe.
So they did! That is actually interfering. Where's the MSM reporting this?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
How did they get Hitlery email then?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
She should be in jail. She used an illegal email account. Comedy said more than likely our enemies received classified information, because of her email.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
She should be in jail. She used an illegal email account. Comedy said more than likely our enemies received classified information, because of her email.
Comey also said he did not think it warranted charges and there was no evidence it was ever hacked.
We have credible proof that the DNC was hacked - but, other than Trump, who said voting machines were hacked?
It's what the Dems, and their Fake News Media were IMPLYING by mixing up many things. IF (and it's a YUGE "IF") the Russians hacked those EMAILS and exposed Hillary for the corrupt criminal she is, then claiming THAT led to her loss, then sorry, nobody has any sympathy for her/your loss. YOU earned it for running such a corrupt and CRIMINAL candidate.

NOBODY cares how the emails became public -- only the contents of those emails. WHOEVER made them public, we owe them a debt of gratitude for saving us from a Clinton presidency.
There would be no proof!
What is wrong is you should care that a foreign power interfered in our elections.

Maybe next time it will be the GOP that is hacked.

We don't even know what is true and what is false and you assholes don't care as long as your guy wins.

And if the hacking exposes corruption i'm good with that.
The media has redirected their gullible naive minds away from what was found and has them believing the only reason their witch did not win it was because of putin.

Good God they are easy.

Actually..no, that is what YOU are saying. Please don't attribute your delusional thinking to the rest of us.

Whether Hillary would have won or lost without Russia's meddling is an unknown and ultimately irrelevant. What matters is that a foreign power did this. If that is too much for your little bird brain to grasp, then this might be the time for a strategic retreat to your Safe Space and a fresh pair of Depends. :)

So you're okay with corruption?

Are you OK with corruption?

What specific corruption was exposed?

I am not ok with foreign intervention EVER. Why are you?
Bernie Sanders
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
She should be in jail. She used an illegal email account. Comedy said more than likely our enemies received classified information, because of her email.
Comey also said he did not think it warranted charges and there was no evidence it was ever hacked.
He doesn't get to say that, congress does!

Exposing the shady fuckers in the DNC and hitlary is what the fucking media should have been doing.

It's you sniveling bed wetters who hold up no standards for the sociopaths you select to represent you.

It's you who has your own shit rubbed in your own face and you're apoplectic that you have to wash it off yourself.

Translation: supports foreign meddling in our elections as long as it benefits his candidate.
Not going to hold the bitch responsible for putting her emails on unsecured emails?

No, you are not. Makes you a fucking idiot.

I love too how you feign outrage over that and not about ALL of the other countries hacking our emails just about every day.

Very well documented too. Now, all of a sudden you just care sooooo much. Of course ignoring the bitch and the unsecured servers.

Plus how you ignore all of the disgraceful information and lies and bribes and what the Clinton Foundation was up to.

So, please. Go yell in your little echo chambers about how unjust things are for little fucking hillary.

Just don't do it with me.

Wah Wah Wah

Just admit it. You support Russia intervening in our elections as long as your candidate benefits.

There was no government hack! DNC isn't government no matter how fake you report it. Hitlery's server was personal, not government!
What was the interference?
Russian government.
Dnc hacked.
Clinton's server was never hacked.
Can't you even keep your fake news straight?
How can we, there's so much out there by the MSM. What was the influence? And the DNC isn't a government server so what is the problem?
What's disgusting is Hillary getting away with giving our enemies classified information.
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
She should be in jail. She used an illegal email account. Comedy said more than likely our enemies received classified information, because of her email.
Comey also said he did not think it warranted charges and there was no evidence it was ever hacked.
Imagine him saying that about a Clinton, and we have obama who will not prosecute one of his own.
What emails? Umm, hey cupcake, Trump was a private citizen. Why would the Cossacks be interested in his emails?
You go on believing in a conspiracy.

If they did hack Trump's emails, it might have been just boring stuff - no scandal - so no reason to share.

No question Hillary's emails were hacked but it was largely due to her making it so easy. She was so reckless. I bet Trump has better security.

Not all Dems were hacked. Obama wasn't hacked. It's called security. I think Hillary and the DNC had security similar to what the Obamacare website had, which is to say they had none that an amateur hacker couldn't easily get around. That is why they were exposed. And the libs act more outraged over the hacking than over the dirty secrets revealed. Hillary lied her ass off about the content and devices. And the left stomps their feet like children and cry about the mean old hackers exposing them. I remember when they loved whistle blowers.

Assange has taken credit so is the left now saying that he works for Russia?
The CIA and NSA say it was the Russians and they did it to help Trump. And there is no evidence Hillary's was hacked. Ay caramba. Read something, GOP chumps.
They won't. They are happy because it affected their opponent and that is more important to them than evidence that a foreign state directly attempted to influence. There is no way of knowing whether or not it a tually made a difference in the election, but tbat isnt the point. Americans should be outraged. The fact that some are going so far as to justify and applaud it is beyond disconcerting. It's disgusting.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
And money was also sent to groups supporting Bibb. It's not illegal.

What Russia did is. Are you saying this is a good thing?
What was illegal?
What classified info?
I'm Comey speech he said more than likely our enemies received classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
They also said there was no evidence it was hacked and that it was safer than the State Department's which HAS been hacked.
She should be in jail. She used an illegal email account. Comedy said more than likely our enemies received classified information, because of her email.
Comey also said he did not think it warranted charges and there was no evidence it was ever hacked.
Imagine him saying that about a Clinton, and we have obama who will not prosecute one of his own.
Factcheck.org lays it out pretty clearly. There were three questionable emails that were mismarked. There was nothing Warrenton charges according to Comey.

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