Fake outrage over the N word, give me a break

So where's your bucket and broom, mf....get busy!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Those days are gone.....we left the darkie neighborhoods in Detroit the way your "boyz" left them in '67....burned to the ground....Almost 50 years later they're still the same...we figured if they burn their own shit why should we replace it? Ferguson won't get rebuilt....neither will Baltimore....you burn it down, you can live in the cinders like a fuckin mau mau....get out of control and our cops waste ya....no sweat.
So where's your bucket and broom, mf....get busy!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Those days are gone.....we left the darkie neighborhoods in Detroit the way your "boyz" left them in '67....burned to the ground....Almost 50 years later they're still the same...we figured if they burn their own shit why should we replace it? Ferguson won't get rebuilt....neither will Baltimore....you burn it down, you can live in the cinders like a fuckin mau mau....get out of control and our cops waste ya....no sweat.

LOLOLOL....listen, until every drop of filth is cleaned up by your white ass, I have nothing further to say to you, now get busy!!
I would never say, "He called the man the N word." I will instead say, "He called him a ******."

If you find a word to be so offensive you will not utter it, you should also be ashamed to use a synonym . I am simply being honest, accurate and unafraid. The word is ****** is a nasty word for which no substitute is sufficient. Those who try to make it less offensive by using "the N word" unwittingly diminish the senseless cruelty and scorn normally associated with the word.

The word is ******. Don't try to make it something it is not.

NOTE: The asterisks were not in my original post. The word I used defaulted to all the asterisks. I repeat, there is no way to make the word less harmful than what it is. Don't sugar-coat the word. Use it in all its evil intent. Then, and only then, can we deal with it.
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CNN is now reporting that the universe is upset over Obama using the N word in a 1 hour candid interview the other day. LOLOLOLOL.....its like, hey if the president can use the word N*gger, why can't we? Seriously folks? Obama, like every black person in this country and around the world, has had people of color die over this word, lynched, oppressed and burned in order to own that word and if the president or myself or any person of color wants to use that word in any form, ALL OF US HAS EARNED THAT RIGHT. The white man gave it to us, defined it for us and now must get off this politically correct special school bus they all travel and get over it.

CNN is by far the worst news outlet in the country. CNN takes small controversies and milk them to the point of outrage and bullsh*t. Outrage my a**, the only people who are outraged are people who themselves have used the word in the comfort of their homes to describe us and him behind our backs and now want to come public because the President has....like get over yourselves, white people...the world is tiring of you and your attacks on the President, I know we are!!!!
CNN is now reporting that the universe is upset over Obama using the N word in a 1 hour candid interview the other day. LOLOLOLOL.....its like, hey if the president can use the word N*gger, why can't we? Seriously folks? Obama, like every black person in this country and around the world, has had people of color die over this word, lynched, oppressed and burned in order to own that word and if the president or myself or any person of color wants to use that word in any form, ALL OF US HAS EARNED THAT RIGHT. The white man gave it to us, defined it for us and now must get off this politically correct special school bus they all travel and get over it.

CNN is by far the worst news outlet in the country. CNN takes small controversies and milk them to the point of outrage and bullsh*t. Outrage my a**, the only people who are outraged are people who themselves have used the word in the comfort of their homes to describe us and him behind our backs and now want to come public because the President has....like get over yourselves, white people...the world is tiring of you and your attacks on the President, I know we are!!!!

LOLOLOLOLOLOL.... I remember that show, it was hoot......but the really funny part is that ww are 10 times more likely to be killed by their husbands because guess what?? They're NAGGERS!!! lololololololo
Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!

Right the "AmeriKKKa" where you claim to own a home, a car, and a laptop...A country where whites have bent over backwards to keep your sorry ass form living in a dumpster....A country where we put a coon in the WH for ya and it's never enough is it?

Stop trying to associate yourself with a group, coward. The only bending you've ever done was forward with your hands on your ankles.
Stop trying to associate yourself with a group, coward. The only bending you've ever done was forward with your hands on your ankles.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!

Right the "AmeriKKKa" where you claim to own a home, a car, and a laptop...A country where whites have bent over backwards to keep your sorry ass form living in a dumpster....A country where we put a coon in the WH for ya and it's never enough is it?

Stop trying to associate yourself with a group, coward. The only bending you've ever done was forward with your hands on your ankles.

Spoken like a true pro, I would say........an*l anyone?

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