Fake outrage over the N word, give me a break

Obozo is the first PRESIDENT to use that word in public. He's fallen so far from grace he's reverting back to his Bill Ayers/Jeremiah Wright days of being the effeminate halfrican trying to fit into the hood. What a pitiful country we've become if that scrawny queer can sit in the WH.

Let me get this straight, we had just a few years ago, a baffoon in the white house, ie George W....who got a shoe thrown at him because he's hated so much, who was at a benefit concert and waved at Stevie Wonder, who's on record for "you can fool some of the people....." and couldn't finish because the fool couldn't remember the damned words, who gave a sitting prime minister a neck rub in public, who couldn't give a speak or speak a sentence without a teleprompter present, who praised a FEMA boss, while 14 thousand people were drowning in filth in New Orleans....need I continue? If anyone is guilty of degrading the white house, you diaper wearing hater, its George W. Bush the idiot savant.

Obama spoke truths and if you and people like you can't handle it, than I suggest you get the eff over it!! He will not apologize and for the rest of us, none is needed....news flash, you do not own us nor the president...get it!!
Amazing...You actually got one of those right.

An enemy of the United States (you get those when your at war) threw a shoe at President Bush.

He was and IS hated by Islamic extremists to this day. I find that Most Americans (the left not included) find that something worthy of admiration. To be hated and feared by your enemies means you're doing it right.

LOLOLOLO, if that's the way you want to see it, than by all means sucker fall in line with that bs....we went to war with Iraq based on a Bush LIE and if fools like you want to continue the Bush lie, go for it. But I would bet my right arm, Bush will never ever ever travel to Iraq to get a street named for him...LOLOLOL
Wow, why would he? Iraq is another country (can you find it on a map? I bet you could if you try hard enough).....and they usually name streets in cities, not countries. But thats neither here nor there....

I"m simply amused that you bought into that whole "Bush Lied" meme; hook, line, and sinker! If you believe that, then I have to wonder how much of reality you actually filter.....and that means your just another waste of skin, using up good air that the rest of us could be saving for tomorrow.

But you go ahead and do that work thing, and keep pounding that laptop...or stroking whats under it you have picts of Obama on the screen....and do try not to make to big a fool of yourself.

Have a nice day.
Obozo is the first PRESIDENT to use that word in public. He's fallen so far from grace he's reverting back to his Bill Ayers/Jeremiah Wright days of being the effeminate halfrican trying to fit into the hood. What a pitiful country we've become if that scrawny queer can sit in the WH.

No he isn't.

Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!
LOLOLOLO, if that's the way you want to see it, than by all means sucker fall in line with that bs....we went to war with Iraq based on a Bush LIE and if fools like you want to continue the Bush lie, go for it. But I would bet my right arm, Bush will never ever ever travel to Iraq to get a street named for him...LOLOLOL

Bob Woodward, the guy who "got" Nixon, said he couldn't find a single Bush "lie" about Iraq. That's the thing with you darkies....you continue to chant about shit everybody knows is jive....
Obozo is the first PRESIDENT to use that word in public. He's fallen so far from grace he's reverting back to his Bill Ayers/Jeremiah Wright days of being the effeminate halfrican trying to fit into the hood. What a pitiful country we've become if that scrawny queer can sit in the WH.

Let me get this straight, we had just a few years ago, a baffoon in the white house, ie George W....who got a shoe thrown at him because he's hated so much, who was at a benefit concert and waved at Stevie Wonder, who's on record for "you can fool some of the people....." and couldn't finish because the fool couldn't remember the damned words, who gave a sitting prime minister a neck rub in public, who couldn't give a speak or speak a sentence without a teleprompter present, who praised a FEMA boss, while 14 thousand people were drowning in filth in New Orleans....need I continue? If anyone is guilty of degrading the white house, you diaper wearing hater, its George W. Bush the idiot savant.

Obama spoke truths and if you and people like you can't handle it, than I suggest you get the eff over it!! He will not apologize and for the rest of us, none is needed....news flash, you do not own us nor the president...get it!!
Amazing...You actually got one of those right.

An enemy of the United States (you get those when your at war) threw a shoe at President Bush.

He was and IS hated by Islamic extremists to this day. I find that Most Americans (the left not included) find that something worthy of admiration. To be hated and feared by your enemies means you're doing it right.

LOLOLOLO, if that's the way you want to see it, than by all means sucker fall in line with that bs....we went to war with Iraq based on a Bush LIE and if fools like you want to continue the Bush lie, go for it. But I would bet my right arm, Bush will never ever ever travel to Iraq to get a street named for him...LOLOLOL
Wow, why would he? Iraq is another country (can you find it on a map? I bet you could if you try hard enough).....and they usually name streets in cities, not countries. But thats neither here nor there....

I"m simply amused that you bought into that whole "Bush Lied" meme; hook, line, and sinker! If you believe that, then I have to wonder how much of reality you actually filter.....and that means your just another waste of skin, using up good air that the rest of us could be saving for tomorrow.

But you go ahead and do that work thing, and keep pounding that laptop...or stroking whats under it you have picts of Obama on the screen....and do try not to make to big a fool of yourself.

Have a nice day.

Bush did lie and its been proven time after time after time....listen, trying to talk to minions like you is like trying to make a hole into concrete with a plastic fork......your brain is hollow, your mind is warped and you sir, lack attachments to reality, so bye Felicia!!
Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!

Right the "AmeriKKKa" where you claim to own a home, a car, and a laptop...A country where whites have bent over backwards to keep your sorry ass form living in a dumpster....A country where we put a coon in the WH for ya and it's never enough is it?
Bush did lie and its been proven time after time after time....listen, trying to talk to minions like you is like trying to make a hole into concrete with a plastic fork......your brain is hollow, your mind is warped and you sir, lack attachments to reality, so bye Felicia!!

Nope, never "proven" because it never happened....every single democRAT big shot wanted Saddam put down.....none of them had the balls to do it....Dubya did.
LOLOLOLO, if that's the way you want to see it, than by all means sucker fall in line with that bs....we went to war with Iraq based on a Bush LIE and if fools like you want to continue the Bush lie, go for it. But I would bet my right arm, Bush will never ever ever travel to Iraq to get a street named for him...LOLOLOL

Bob Woodward, the guy who "got" Nixon, said he couldn't find a single Bush "lie" about Iraq. That's the thing with you darkies....you continue to chant about shit everybody knows is jive....

Oh, so now we're Darkies? I suspect you're pleased with the presidents use of the N word, eh? Listen, lice ball, Bush is a liar and you sir are a racist and the old saying goes this way...sticks and stones will break bone, but you are one dead meat head!!
Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!

Right the "AmeriKKKa" where you claim to own a home, a car, and a laptop...A country where whites have bent over backwards to keep your sorry ass form living in a dumpster....A country where we put a coon in the WH for ya and it's never enough is it?

Ahhhh, hillbilly Bob, your trailer wheels missin and you mad.....poor white trash.....come to coon country, we's got a trailer hitch for ya!! Listen, white boy, don't be coming at me with all this racist bs.....take that shit to somebody that gives a damn about you, your race and your damned issue, cause I don't!! And the day a white mf pays my damned bills, you just let me know!!
Oh, so now we're Darkies? I suspect you're pleased with the presidents use of the N word, eh? Listen, lice ball, Bush is a liar and you sir are a racist and the old saying goes this way...sticks and stones will break bone, but you are one dead meat head!!

You create more racists with your posts than the Klan could recruit in a month....keep it up witch! :badgrin:
Bush did lie and its been proven time after time after time....listen, trying to talk to minions like you is like trying to make a hole into concrete with a plastic fork......your brain is hollow, your mind is warped and you sir, lack attachments to reality, so bye Felicia!!

Nope, never "proven" because it never happened....every single democRAT big shot wanted Saddam put down.....none of them had the balls to do it....Dubya did.

First of GOP-ig, Bush don't have balls, lets get that cleared up first, secondly, Obama was against it, now put that in your pipe and choke on it!!
Oh, so now we're Darkies? I suspect you're pleased with the presidents use of the N word, eh? Listen, lice ball, Bush is a liar and you sir are a racist and the old saying goes this way...sticks and stones will break bone, but you are one dead meat head!!

You create more racists with your posts than the Klan could recruit in a month....keep it up witch! :badgrin:

LOLOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, (I hope I can get through this without pissing on myself)....let me get this straight.....all the lunatics here, hating on blacks and Obama and me....LOLOLOLOLOL, at first was this liberal thinking minion and because Tigerred59 is here, now they suddenly racist? LOLOLOLOLOLO ha ha ha ha, I mean, you mean to tell me, that at first yaw was Mother Theresa clones and now yaw these hating white lice maggots on steroids....because of me????? LOLOLOLOL....so help me, you need to be writing comedy sketches for the GOP-igs, your a hoot!!
CNN is now reporting that the universe is upset over Obama using the N word in a 1 hour candid interview the other day. LOLOLOLOL.....its like, hey if the president can use the word N*gger, why can't we? Seriously folks? Obama, like every black person in this country and around the world, has had people of color die over this word, lynched, oppressed and burned in order to own that word and if the president or myself or any person of color wants to use that word in any form, ALL OF US HAS EARNED THAT RIGHT. The white man gave it to us, defined it for us and now must get off this politically correct special school bus they all travel and get over it.

CNN is by far the worst news outlet in the country. CNN takes small controversies and milk them to the point of outrage and bullsh*t. Outrage my a**, the only people who are outraged are people who themselves have used the word in the comfort of their homes to describe us and him behind our backs and now want to come public because the President has....like get over yourselves, white people...the world is tiring of you and your attacks on the President, I know we are!!!!
I had to laugh at your notion that you have 'earned' anything.

Dear Maggot, electricity and the internet is not free, so clearly one such as myself has a job to pay for these things, correct? Now get off your racist dixie n*ts and get a life!!
Not too good at logic either.

Lots of things that are not free are paid for by other people. Some call them entitlements, other welfare, and still others, deadbeats.

Lets examine your premise.

If one is on the Internet, does it meant they have paid for that Internet usage or connection?

How many other ways can one be on the Internet? Cafes...Libraries.....restaurant hot spots....airport squatters.....

You try it...See how many you can name...

Oh, so laptops are free too? Listen, I could give a rats ass about you and this welfare rant your own. I work for a living, own my home and two cars and could give a two shits about you and what you think!!
Yet here you are....trying to defend yourself.

You have a home, job, cars, and a laptop. Or so you say.

I find it hard that someone who hates with such rabid enthusiasm could live anywhere but in a box.

But its a strange world, and it could happen.....I suppose.

Listen from day one, when I first came here, I vowed to protect and protest anything negative said about the president I love and admire and if you read any of my postings, I have stood firm on that promise. I have also created threads against blacks, supporting the confederate flad, etc.....call me a racist all day, all I do is react to the negative responses thrown my way and I'm certain, its gonna get me banned one day, but I'm willing to take my chances. But I am no racist.
Obozo is the first PRESIDENT to use that word in public. He's fallen so far from grace he's reverting back to his Bill Ayers/Jeremiah Wright days of being the effeminate halfrican trying to fit into the hood. What a pitiful country we've become if that scrawny queer can sit in the WH.

No he isn't.

Dude, why waste your time trying to convince these fake outrage mf's that the N word taking into context by Obama was an appropriate comment. These maggots could give a crap about the sensitivity of blacks over his using that word, I mean, this is after all AmeriKKKa!!

I'm conservative, don't like obama one smidgen. However, his use of the word n-i-g-g-e-r in this instance was fine, context does matter. The use of the pc "the N word" is retarded ... like many other words/phrases changed to 'soften' the meaning. Ooops, I mean it's "the R word". :rolleyes:

LOLOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, (I hope I can get through this without pissing on myself)....let me get this straight.....all the lunatics here, hating on blacks and Obama and me....LOLOLOLOLOL, at first was this liberal thinking minion and because Tigerred59 is here, now they suddenly racist? LOLOLOLOLOLO ha ha ha ha, I mean, you mean to tell me, that at first yaw was Mother Theresa clones and now yaw these hating white lice maggots on steroids....because of me????? LOLOLOLOL....so help me, you need to be writing comedy sketches for the GOP-igs, your a hoot!!

This is your neighborhood without us blue-eyed devils around to clean up your mess, fool:

Oh, so now we're Darkies? I suspect you're pleased with the presidents use of the N word, eh? Listen, lice ball, Bush is a liar and you sir are a racist and the old saying goes this way...sticks and stones will break bone, but you are one dead meat head!!

You create more racists with your posts than the Klan could recruit in a month....keep it up witch! :badgrin:

LOLOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, (I hope I can get through this without pissing on myself)....let me get this straight.....all the lunatics here, hating on blacks and Obama and me....LOLOLOLOLOL, at first was this liberal thinking minion and because Tigerred59 is here, now they suddenly racist? LOLOLOLOLOLO ha ha ha ha, I mean, you mean to tell me, that at first yaw was Mother Theresa clones and now yaw these hating white lice maggots on steroids....because of me????? LOLOLOLOL....so help me, you need to be writing comedy sketches for the GOP-igs, your a hoot!!

Yeah they were all choir boys until Obama, and you, and me came along then suddenly without control of themselves the powerful blacks enacted their powers of persuasion to control them and make them hateful shit heads who are "tired of racism" (whatever that means)
LOLOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, (I hope I can get through this without pissing on myself)....let me get this straight.....all the lunatics here, hating on blacks and Obama and me....LOLOLOLOLOL, at first was this liberal thinking minion and because Tigerred59 is here, now they suddenly racist? LOLOLOLOLOLO ha ha ha ha, I mean, you mean to tell me, that at first yaw was Mother Theresa clones and now yaw these hating white lice maggots on steroids....because of me????? LOLOLOLOL....so help me, you need to be writing comedy sketches for the GOP-igs, your a hoot!!

This is your neighborhood without us blue-eyed devils around to clean up your mess, fool:


So where's your bucket and broom, mf....get busy!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
Oh, so now we're Darkies? I suspect you're pleased with the presidents use of the N word, eh? Listen, lice ball, Bush is a liar and you sir are a racist and the old saying goes this way...sticks and stones will break bone, but you are one dead meat head!!

You create more racists with your posts than the Klan could recruit in a month....keep it up witch! :badgrin:

LOLOLOLOLOL...let me get this straight, (I hope I can get through this without pissing on myself)....let me get this straight.....all the lunatics here, hating on blacks and Obama and me....LOLOLOLOLOL, at first was this liberal thinking minion and because Tigerred59 is here, now they suddenly racist? LOLOLOLOLOLO ha ha ha ha, I mean, you mean to tell me, that at first yaw was Mother Theresa clones and now yaw these hating white lice maggots on steroids....because of me????? LOLOLOLOL....so help me, you need to be writing comedy sketches for the GOP-igs, your a hoot!!

Yeah they were all choir boys until Obama, and you, and me came along then suddenly without control of themselves the powerful blacks enacted their powers of persuasion to control them and make them hateful shit heads who are "tired of racism" (whatever that means)

LOLOLOLOL...gotta love these lunatics......Listen, I'm not a racist, but I can certainly go there is I have to. I love Obama, I absolutely adore this guy and it brings out the absolute worse in me when I see these right wing maggots go after this guy...that is the only reason I step up and go there. But in my heart, I have no ill feeling against anyone. I go after blacks whites, greens yellow, because Obama is by far for me, at least the best thing that has happened to this country in a long time....he's the first president ever to really bring the racist, the bigots all of em, into the light and thank God, we can now see these maggots for what they are. No more guessing!!

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