Fake Republican Moscow Mitch Attacks Fellow Republican -- WTF?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his top allies are publicly distancing themselves from Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-Fla.) decision to release a memo laying out his vision for the party’s agenda. The split came after Scott’s plan dominated a closed-door GOP leadership meeting on Monday night, with top GOP senators privately warning Scott that the plan opened the party up to Democratic attacks. Scott’s decision to release an agenda raised eyebrows because McConnell has made it clear he doesn’t believe the caucus should get into what its plans would be in 2023 ahead of the November election."

What is the deal with Mitch?? Why does he continue to keep attacking true Conservatives?? All Scott proposes is that more people pay taxes instead of leeching off the government -- and yes, this means raising taxes on the middle class and seniors....why would McConnell want to keep that secret?? What does he mean "we don't release an agenda before the election" -- why not?? Do you think just campaigning on yelling CRT, Cancel Culture, Trannies in school is enough to win, um, nevermind....Mitch may have a point....but seriously, Mitch needs to remember what side his bread is buttered on...this is the same guy who just attacked a true patriot for attending an event for Christian patriots.

He actually said: "There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism"

-- Mitch you dummy!! ...You are not supposed to acknowledge that Greene was at an event for white supremacists...how can she pretend to be ignorant about it if you come out and say it??

Thankfully, Greene fired back at Mitch......his days are truly numbered now...and not because he is half-corpse.....but because the new Conservative young guns are taking over....and Nick Fuentes running for the Senate is 2028 doesn't sound too bad at all....


"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his top allies are publicly distancing themselves from Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-Fla.) decision to release a memo laying out his vision for the party’s agenda. The split came after Scott’s plan dominated a closed-door GOP leadership meeting on Monday night, with top GOP senators privately warning Scott that the plan opened the party up to Democratic attacks. Scott’s decision to release an agenda raised eyebrows because McConnell has made it clear he doesn’t believe the caucus should get into what its plans would be in 2023 ahead of the November election."

What is the deal with Mitch?? Why does he continue to keep attacking true Conservatives?? All Scott proposes is that more people pay taxes instead of leeching off the government -- and yes, this means raising taxes on the middle class and seniors....why would McConnell want to keep that secret?? What does he mean "we don't release an agenda before the election" -- why not?? Do you think just campaigning on yelling CRT, Cancel Culture, Trannies in school is enough to win, um, nevermind....Mitch may have a point....but seriously, Mitch needs to remember what side his bread is buttered on...this is the same guy who just attacked a true patriot for attending an event for Christian patriots.

He actually said: "There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism"

-- Mitch you dummy!! ...You are not supposed to acknowledge that Greene was at an event for white supremacists...how can she pretend to be ignorant about it if you come out and say it??

Thankfully, Greene fired back at Mitch......his days are truly numbered now...and not because he is half-corpse.....but because the new Conservative young guns are taking over....and Nick Fuentes running for the Senate is 2028 doesn't sound too bad at all....

If Scott is Trump's choice, he cannot be good for American under our present constitution.
Mitch and more Republicans should point fingers at MTG, censure, and kick her out of the party for the good of the Republican Party and America as a whole. To do otherwise is complicit support of the party for small but vocal white supremacy movement.
If Scott is Trump's choice, he cannot be good for American under our present constitution.
Mitch and more Republicans should point fingers at MTG, censure, and kick her out of the party for the good of the Republican Party and America as a whole. To do otherwise is complicit support of the party for small but vocal white supremacy movement.
I would like to believe the vocal part of the movement is small -- but the part of it that is willing to turn a blind eye to it for power is HUGE....
I would like to believe the vocal part of the movement is small -- but the part of it that is willing to turn a blind eye to it for power is HUGE....
I kind of agree, as too the size, but not sure. If Republican tolerate and support this cancer in their midst, it could continue to expand. It is bad for the Republican Party and America, no matter the number of voters, that would like to ride their coat tails. it is time to stand up for the country over party and get back to their conservative roots. Implicit support for racists taking up home in their midsts, will further identify the party as enemies of the country, when they never intended to be.
I kind of agree, as too the size, but not sure. If Republican tolerate and support this cancer in their midst, it could continue to expand. It is bad for the Republican Party and America, no matter the number of voters, that would like to ride their coat tails. it is time to stand up for the country over party and get back to their conservative roots. Implicit support for racists taking up home in their midsts, will further identify the party as enemies of the country, when they never intended to be.
Most of it I believe is just mostly misplaced anger.....Republican politicians and the wealth class in general are masters at redirecting anger at minority groups, liberals, anything but the true causes of their problems....

Democrats could offer an alternative, but some of those voters they are trying to attract are turned off by Democrats desire to make sure minority groups are treated fairly...being woke, blah blah...

The key is to offer them working class solutions without being too preachy or self-righteous as far as "being woke" goes....Jim just wants to know he can retire from his job at the machine shop with a full pension -- but he has been taught that trans kids not being treated like pariahs or police being held accountable for shooting unarmed people is gonna cause him to lose his job....
Most of it I believe is just mostly misplaced anger.....Republican politicians and the wealth class in general are masters at redirecting anger at minority groups, liberals, anything but the true causes of their problems....

Democrats could offer an alternative, but some of those voters they are trying to attract are turned off by Democrats desire to make sure minority groups are treated fairly...being woke, blah blah...

The key is to offer them working class solutions without being too preachy or self-righteous as far as "being woke" goes....Jim just wants to know he can retire from his job at the machine shop with a full pension -- but he has been taught that trans kids not being treated like pariahs or police being held accountable for shooting unarmed people is gonna cause him to lose his job....
The Dems are completely off the rails in the extent of their support (implicit and explicit), of crackpot, crack pipe support of their far left. Joe was supposed to be a middle ground, but no. He has not actually take up the cause or accepted responsibility for reigning in the far left. Better for democracy, but still destructive to American life for most Americans in the long run.
When you speak of Republican politicians and wealth class redirecting anger, you have to count the Democrats in that equation also, but your basic point it correct. They finance tribalism, some by contribution, some by legislation. The legislative being more damaging to their vision of America in the long run, in my opinion.
Woke is a joke. Theory might be ok at some basic level, but that level was way passed and has become ridiculous.
I think the majority of people want common sense to prevail over the tribalism being sold by the money, politician and social movers and shakers of both sides. Right now, it is not.

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his top allies are publicly distancing themselves from Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-Fla.) decision to release a memo laying out his vision for the party’s agenda. The split came after Scott’s plan dominated a closed-door GOP leadership meeting on Monday night, with top GOP senators privately warning Scott that the plan opened the party up to Democratic attacks. Scott’s decision to release an agenda raised eyebrows because McConnell has made it clear he doesn’t believe the caucus should get into what its plans would be in 2023 ahead of the November election."

What is the deal with Mitch?? Why does he continue to keep attacking true Conservatives?? All Scott proposes is that more people pay taxes instead of leeching off the government -- and yes, this means raising taxes on the middle class and seniors....why would McConnell want to keep that secret?? What does he mean "we don't release an agenda before the election" -- why not?? Do you think just campaigning on yelling CRT, Cancel Culture, Trannies in school is enough to win, um, nevermind....Mitch may have a point....but seriously, Mitch needs to remember what side his bread is buttered on...this is the same guy who just attacked a true patriot for attending an event for Christian patriots.

He actually said: "There’s no place in the Republican Party for white supremacists or anti-Semitism"

-- Mitch you dummy!! ...You are not supposed to acknowledge that Greene was at an event for white supremacists...how can she pretend to be ignorant about it if you come out and say it??

Thankfully, Greene fired back at Mitch......his days are truly numbered now...and not because he is half-corpse.....but because the new Conservative young guns are taking over....and Nick Fuentes running for the Senate is 2028 doesn't sound too bad at all....

Looks like you were way ahead of the curve on this. Trump wining and dining Fuentes must be the high water mark in American fascism

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