FALLUJAH murder pictures...GRAPHIC(democrats and whiney-assed liberals beware)

Originally posted by OCA
Its right their in your own words moron, your pathetic attempt at trying to make a simple murder lynching into some sort of vindicated expression of outrage against American forces, INNOCENT MY ASS! [/B]

I can help you with your confusion, as far as your anger issues go, there you are on your own.

If you scroll up a bit you will see that I was responding to a posting that advocated nuking Iraq. It had nothing to do with excusing lynching.

If you feel that incinerating the innocent along with the perpetrators of a crime is just, then your concept of justice is as twisted and perverse as your morality.
Whiney assed liberals I think is part of the title of this thread.

People I introduce to you ST8, the quintessential specimen.

Yeah I do advocate eye for an eye and fortunately we have a president with balls who is going to do just that. There is no justice in war, war is about killing and destroying ONLY, and until you and your dubious ilk understand that you will always be on the outside looking in.
Originally posted by spillmind
and what percentage of them STILL think that iraq was directly linked or even responsible for 9/11? that's some esteemed company there! :laugh: i've noticed all these people these boards who touted the iraqi liberation and talking about how many more rights they now have- ready to kill one if they ever actually SAW one! this 180° shift is indictive of FLIP FLOPPING on the TRUE INTENT of being there. way to show your true colors, guys! :clap:

Who said anything about 9/11? And the talk about killing people is about those responsible for dragging our people through the streets like dogs. If you ever learn to respond without making your entire post look like a comic strip you just may actually understand what people are saying, and vice versa.
What we should do in this town is exactly what we're doing throughout the War on Terror. We need to pinpoint these guys and strike them with covert operations during the middle of the night.

When Fallujah wakes up, many suspects are in custody, and a huge, overwhelming American police force is in the town.

We must get a handle on Fallujah. According to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, once Iraq's a free country, there is no need to fight here anymore.

We have a few rough months ahead. Let's endure it!

We're the world's SUPERPOWER. We can't let mobs of bullies and thugs change the will and resolve of our core mission.
Iraq probably had nothing to do with 9/11, but Saddam still supported terrorists, he still violated war treatries (over a dozen times) and he still slaughtered his own people by means you can't even imagine.

These mobs in Fallujah are following the same ideology of the ideology of terrorism. Radicalism will be conquered by tolerance and democracy.
Originally posted by OCA
Whiney assed liberals I think is part of the title of this thread.

People I introduce to you ST8, the quintessential specimen.

Yeah I do advocate eye for an eye and fortunately we have a president with balls who is going to do just that. There is no justice in war, war is about killing and destroying ONLY, and until you and your dubious ilk understand that you will always be on the outside looking in.

Somewhere between your eyes and your brain there must be a circuit that is not functioning. For the third time, I was responding to a post (not yours) that advocated nuking Fallujah. Dropping a nuclear bomb on a city has absolutely nothing to do with justice, or an “eye for an eye” as you put it. It is quite possible to support the idea of an eye for an eye without believing that incinerating thousands of children is moral or just.

Your little speech about the meaning of war was pretty entertaining. Did you get that from an old John Wayne movie or something? Small wonder you support Bush. His monumentally stupid comment to “bring ‘em on,” challenging the Iraqi’s to attack Americans fighting in Iraq was also spoken with the bravado of someone who, like you, has no first hand knowledge of war. Thanks for the lecture, but unlike you, I’ve been to Iraq on a government paid trip. I don’t need an amateur like you to tell me about war.

By the way, your point was also factually wrong. There are rules to war. Both international law including the Geneva Convention as well as US law embodied in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Currently, US soldiers are facing court martial for abusing prisoners in Afghanistan. The military does not tolerate torture, much less illegal killing. To advocate killing civilians on a mass scale, such as nuking a city has nothing to do with the reality of war. Nor does objecting to mass murder make me a liberal. Most conservatives are against mass murder as well.

It is supremely ironic that you defend the use of weapons of mass destruction on a city of thousands of people including women, children and senior citizens when the reason Americans are there in the first place is to prevent WMD from being used. Some on these pages even point out that Saddam’s use of WMD against the Kurds is proof that he is a barbaric bastard that had to be removed. And here you are advocating do the same thing. It is just amazing. If conservatives don’t like what Saddam represents, they should reject your philosophy. I can’t find any difference between your so-called morality and Saddams.

Real American soldiers who really know about war are fighting far from home. They are our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. You don’t represent them. They, for the most part, are decent, honorable people. You, Osama and Saddam represent a small group of extremists who defend using weapons of mass destruction to achieve their ends. There is nothing liberal about opposing your ilk. It is called patriotism.
:clap: :clap1: :clap:

Congratulations sweet cheeks, you are talking to somebody who has done time in a military unit(albeit in the Greek army) but still more than your taxpayer junket ass. You have no idea what you are talking about even in the remotest of terms. Yeah the military "officially" deplores these things but in practice its a much different story which you would know if you had any practical knowledge whatsoever.

I guess, well I don't guess because its painfully obvious, that you wish us to come out on the losing side in the WOT. Hey what can I say? You were brought up wrong i'm guessing but its not your fault as the liberals say.

The desperation and lack of intelligence and intestinal fortitude is painfully obvious in your writings as you've taken to equating me with Sadaam and Osama. I take that has a compliment though because it means that I have much more of an understanding of what it takes to win this thing than your spineless liberal farce of a being. In my eyes wouldn't be easier for me to equate a socialist such as yourself with Marx, Lenin and Trotsky? Maybe even Castro?
Originally posted by OCA

Congratulations sweet cheeks, you are talking to somebody who has done time in a military unit(albeit in the Greek army)

Sweet cheecks.....Greek army? :rotflmao:

Well the liberals have nothing to fear from your wit. The sheep on the other hand are terrified!

Typical liberal response, attack the messenger and not the message because you have no message. None of that stuff bothers me, but what does bother me is that you are anti American all the while reaping the benefits of what this country provides. Must be the perspective of living in a shell all your life, huh?

Thanks for proving once again that libs are the problem in America.
Originally posted by OCA
what does bother me is that you are anti American all the while reaping the benefits of what this country provides.

There is little, with the possible execption of of Jazz, that is more american than the belief in decency, human rights, and the dignity of individuals. Advocating mass murder to retaliate for the crimes in Fulluja is none of those.

On a personal note, you're not from Cypris or Limnos are you? It would put my mind at ease to know you are not related to my partner. Her parents hail from those islands.
Is being a complete pacifist pussy part of being an American too? I'm 100% Cretan, look up our history and find out what actual warriors are like. Cyprus and Limnos huh? Well Cyprus is under U.N. rule and thet are always whining to Greece so maybe that is rubbing off on ya.

Also dignity, human rights and dignity of individuals have little meaning when every citizen has the possibility of being strapped with explosives. But hey lets understand them, its our fault that they are forced to do these things, right? You almost make me ashamed to be an American citizen.
American government, sheild its citizens because they don't want us to know the truth about Iraq! Americans would find out that our government motives were not honest going into Iraq.

O'Neill and Clarke have given us an inside picture of the Bush aministration for three years. The Bush administration has been so secretive and have not shared any information with its citizens. Bush has gone as far as sealing all his administration documents for 25 years before they would become declassified. Twenty-five years before we would know what went on inside of the Oval Office under the Bush administration.

It is evident that Bush and his administration were focus on Iraq coming into office. The citizens need to asked themselves did Bush undermind war on terrorism by invading Iraq?

This is what we know. Iraq was never an imminent threat to the U.S.: Iraq did not attack America on 9/11. Iraq do not have WMD. Iraq had no link to Al Qaeda. So, why are we in Iraq?

Bush has not been able to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. The current violence has confirmed that more and more Iraqis are resisting the American occupation.

Iraq is so close to a civil war. There is over 25 different tribes in Iraq. The U.S. appointed Governing Council is a joke to the citizens of Iraq. The Iraqi do not acknowledge the Governing Council.

The signing of the constitution was a big deal for America. The Iraqis are refusing to be governed by the constitution. Bush and his people did not do their homework. Three major tribes that are discontended with American occupation are looking very close to see how much power will be divided among them. The vast oil wealth located in the troubled area of the Sunni Triangle is the controversy and the hotbed issue that will bring civil war to Iraq.

Bush arrogance got us into a situation that has no end to it! Democracy will not come to Iraq because its' people do not want democracy.

In the middle of all this is our young military men and they are dying daily. Bush says, "He will stay the course". The course is failing and when do you say when?
Originally posted by zarquiekia
O'Neill and Clarke have given us an inside picture of the Bush aministration for three years.

I got this far and couldn't stop laughing! One peabrain who claims to have 19,000 documents to backup his lame stories and yet he fails to release any. The other is now a proven liar.

So please don't say "us", because I'm not that naive to believe this load of garbage.
I saw on the news today that the marines were coming in and they were going to be playing a little Isreali urban renewal. Leveling blocks and making an example. Look the population of Fallujah prepatrated these crimes. It was a people so the populus is responsible. March in and make the population realize it's mistake. Level buildnings kill gunmen, aresst politicains, have a pressence from now till eternity. Marshall Law basically, any on the streets after dark will be shot no questions asked.
It is evident that Bush and his administration were focus on Iraq coming into office.

"What is your definition of 'it'?" (Does that sound familiar?!) 'Nuff said.
Originally posted by zarquiekia
It is evident that Bush and his administration were focus on Iraq coming into office. The citizens need to asked themselves did Bush undermind war on terrorism by invading Iraq?

Of course the Bush administration had some focus on Iraq. Saddam has been causing problems since the Gulf War. Its been the policy of The United States to pursue regime change since the Clinton administration. Of course any President who has been paying attention to the news at all during the last 12 years is going to know we have to have a plan to deal with Iraq. 911 just increased the urgency to topple Saddam because he supported terrorrism.
We are on the verge of losing Iraq to civil war. All these wonderful philosopies are great, not so great when someone has an AK-47 in your face. Look I am all for peace; however, we must regain control. I strongly suggest that we perform a "semi-surgical strike" on the block these murderers hide (Fallujah and other hot spots), load up some B-52's with 2,000 pound dumb bombs and obliterate the whole area. I am not for "carpet bombing" but we must instill a bit of terror in these people. Yes, innocents will die; better them than us. Collateral damage is what makes war terrible; it should be... messy, brutal, ruthless, horrific. We are making it so clean and so precision oriented that when just one of our weapons kills an innocent we are hammered for it! Follow the rules of the Geneva Convention, but it is imperative that at this critical point we press back brutally to gain serious control of this or we will be making a deadly error.
If we send in teams on the ground they will die. These killers are just waiting for us; we must rain down hell from above.
Please do not take what I'm writing as a hateful message; it is one based on passion, and what I think the best tactic is for us. If we keep giving little pin pricks more people will die on both sides.
As a Christian it pains my heart and soul to suggest such horrible ideas, but sitting on the fence will only get us shot of of it. This war will never end as it is a war not of ideas, economic, geography or politics; it is of faith, religion (on their part), an impossible "war" to win. The best we can do is hurt them so badly they do not dare attack us.
I know the WMD's will be brought up. I believe they were either destoyed prior to the war, buried or moved. Saddam had months to make this happen, this was a great move to make President Bush look bad. It worked, so far.
In summary, we did great during the war, but now politics is getting our courageous men and women murdered. Let our brave military do their job!

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