Falmouth Mass may dismantle wind turbines due to illnesses

Flac, I'm sorry, I meant to grab BTR RGR's post not yours. My comment was for him. Your views are more level headed and you seem better schooled on the subject and less bias than what RGR is putting out there.
If he was as important and schooled as he pretends to be on the frack thread, he'd be working, not posting at all hours. Being raised in Appalachia, you'd think he could find something productive to do besides confer with the lying idiots who site turbines and gas wells.

RG, buddy, while you were busy trying to impress the internet with your knowledge of everything, this little girl was striking gold in Colorado, and gas and oil in Ohio. My college education serves me well, and so does my real estate acumen. And I did invest. So, do you think I should ask for 7,000 an acre and 20% royalties, and then settle for 6 grand an acre and 17%?

(Oh and we ran off of wind at our home in Cripple Creek, so, if you need any help with "self containment", I'd looove to help you out, lol. )

Flac, sry about the quote mix up, I corrected it, and I am really sorry about your dog. It's so hard to let go. My sympathies.
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RGR thinks all those people should just have to live with it to atone for their sin of using electricity.

using electricity isn't a sin. Not understanding how one's lifestyle (a benefit) is dependent on a cost, to someone, somewhere, is.

Personal responsibility.

This is really no different than the lawyers for Greenpeace showing up in Washington for a meeting in a fleet of SUVs. There is only a want or desire (no windmills near me! but dammit I want my lighting and internet and TV!) and complete ignorance of what their lifestyle costs.

We all need to understand where our power comes from, and take responsibility for it. I would recommend education, but in America that means you get stuck with the public school system and they are busy dealing with teachers unions and keeping the kids from getting pregnant, no time to teach them to think much.
Good Gaea, are you still whining that people who don't worship wind turbines are lying?

Give it up, kid. You lost. You don't get to decide for other people what they should put up with.
Hey !!! I applaud your sudden interest in the scientific method.. I'd rep ya if I could !

15 years as a publishing scientist, I know a thing or two about testing a hypothesis!

flacaltenn said:
Just keep thinking about the fact that professional audio analysts have problems with these measurements..

And don't forget that if the communities claiming to be sickened by these things can be sickened, there must be a correct distance and orientation you can guide me to, that I may be sickened in as lab ratty a way as possible!!

flacaltenn said:
So --- SOME of that stuff you conjured up WILL matter.. (rainy versus sunny? actually probably yes because of acoustic wave guiding)

The rest not so much..
If you want to do the job right --- just prepare for a long camping trip..

Why? These people are claiming they step out on their back porch and POW!!!!! Something sounding like wind noise over a camera mic! Surely I should be able to do the same, walking a search pattern within 1/2 mile of a megawatt turbine? How localized can this sound be, is it possible that the video provided was of the one spot within 1/2 mile where it could be heard? Sound localized only on the porch? You know what a doctor would say then, right? Well then, DON'T STAND ON THE PORCH!! Silly answer for a silly sickening, I realize, but this would imply that a bedroom would have to sit right in the place where the sound arrives in such a form as to sicken folks? Anyone calculated the probabilities of that one?
I am a technical editor in europa´s leading company for wind turbines. We do not sell our products to the USA. But we also have cases like this - bored people who tries to fight this clean energy for no reason.

Oh, there are reasons. But you just won't get the truth from a NIMBY to save your life.

Mr Sauerkraut said:
Meanwhile, you poison your contry with this gas fracking bullshit. We will see, which strategy will be more successful.

Never poisoned a thing in any of the frack jobs I've ever done. Are you claiming you have? You should stop immediately.

As far as success...well....those in glass houses are hardly in a position to throw stones.

Flac, I'm sorry, I meant to grab BTR RGR's post not yours. My comment was for him.

Yes, WE knew that. You, being a victim of your genetics and environment, did not.

The Irish Ram said:
If he was as important and schooled as he pretends to be on the frack thread, he'd be working, not posting at all hours.

Oh, you really don't want to know the working conditions of those of us who can dictate the terms of our employment.

The Irish Ram said:
So, do you think I should ask for 7,000 an acre and 20% royalties, and then settle for 6 grand an acre and 17%?

You should ask for whatever you wish. Rube.
Hey !!! I applaud your sudden interest in the scientific method.. I'd rep ya if I could !

15 years as a publishing scientist, I know a thing or two about testing a hypothesis!

flacaltenn said:
Just keep thinking about the fact that professional audio analysts have problems with these measurements..

And don't forget that if the communities claiming to be sickened by these things can be sickened, there must be a correct distance and orientation you can guide me to, that I may be sickened in as lab ratty a way as possible!!

flacaltenn said:
So --- SOME of that stuff you conjured up WILL matter.. (rainy versus sunny? actually probably yes because of acoustic wave guiding)

The rest not so much..
If you want to do the job right --- just prepare for a long camping trip..

Why? These people are claiming they step out on their back porch and POW!!!!! Something sounding like wind noise over a camera mic! Surely I should be able to do the same, walking a search pattern within 1/2 mile of a megawatt turbine? How localized can this sound be, is it possible that the video provided was of the one spot within 1/2 mile where it could be heard? Sound localized only on the porch? You know what a doctor would say then, right? Well then, DON'T STAND ON THE PORCH!! Silly answer for a silly sickening, I realize, but this would imply that a bedroom would have to sit right in the place where the sound arrives in such a form as to sicken folks? Anyone calculated the probabilities of that one?

You have experimental bias.. And you're not taking the experimental preparation seriously.. which jeopardizes your claim of being a publishing scientist. A lot of cutesy stuff like "well dont stand on the porch".. pretty much cheapens your opinion.

AND to boot === you are rejecting all the science I presented to you about the high variability of outdoor acoustic patterns which STATES EXACTLY that the noise WILL change intensity and location with enviro conditions.. Not to mention the fact that the turbines won't be working 2 or 2.5 days a week and 6 hours out of 24...

Not embarrassed enough yet?

If you plopped these noise-makers down in a black community, Jesse Jackson would be there within a week screaming "ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM" into a megaphone on the network evening news.

Got an idea.. How many cigarettes does it take to get diagnosed with a disease? Why don't you just go buy a carton and report back to us in a week? You're just pulling my leg now. And I tend to doubt that you'd ever be an objective science advocate on this issue.
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At all hours of the day, the freeway a mile from my house is making low-frequency noise that I can hear when I go outside. Where is my fainting couch? I feel a spell coming on. That pain in my knee, now I know the cause. I'm gonna sue someone.
At all hours of the day, the freeway a mile from my house is making low-frequency noise that I can hear when I go outside. Where is my fainting couch? I feel a spell coming on. That pain in my knee, now I know the cause. I'm gonna sue someone.

You willingly chose to live under those conditions. Most of the folks HERE want their old conditions back.. Yet MORRE denial and hypocrisy from the left.
Odd. The story doesn't present the actual noise.

I found this video of what appears as the same type of turbine

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At all hours of the day, the freeway a mile from my house is making low-frequency noise that I can hear when I go outside. Where is my fainting couch? I feel a spell coming on. That pain in my knee, now I know the cause. I'm gonna sue someone.
According to RGR, you need to STFU and take it, because you insist on living in a nation with roads.
This will be a major source of income for many ranchers in the southern part of Eastern Oregon. And there are the basalt ridges in Southeastern Oregon that have huge potential for wind and solar energy. There rent the utilities pay could go to the support of our National Parks and Monuments. And in the broad basins, there is huge geo-thermal potential. Be nice to see that area experiance some economic good times.

Feds Give OK to Central Oregon Wind Farm | News - Home

BEND, Ore. -
The federal government on Thursday formally approved road and power line rights-of-way through about four miles of government land for a wind farm east of Bend that could add up to 52 turbines to the state's wind-energy boom.

The West Butte Wind Project would be on private land about 32 miles east of Bend, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management said.

The developer will pay for about 9,000 acres of sage grouse habitat elsewhere on bureau holdings, and it has worked on protection plans for golden eagles and bats, the bureau said.

Liz Nysson of the Oregon Natural Desert Association said the developer started early to reduce the potential harm to wildlife, a challenge for the wind business as projects move out of farmland along the Columbia River into sagebrush country.
This will be a major source of income for many ranchers in the southern part of Eastern Oregon. And there are the basalt ridges in Southeastern Oregon that have huge potential for wind and solar energy. There rent the utilities pay could go to the support of our National Parks and Monuments. And in the broad basins, there is huge geo-thermal potential. Be nice to see that area experiance some economic good times.

Feds Give OK to Central Oregon Wind Farm | News - Home

BEND, Ore. -
The federal government on Thursday formally approved road and power line rights-of-way through about four miles of government land for a wind farm east of Bend that could add up to 52 turbines to the state's wind-energy boom.

The West Butte Wind Project would be on private land about 32 miles east of Bend, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management said.

The developer will pay for about 9,000 acres of sage grouse habitat elsewhere on bureau holdings, and it has worked on protection plans for golden eagles and bats, the bureau said.

Liz Nysson of the Oregon Natural Desert Association said the developer started early to reduce the potential harm to wildlife, a challenge for the wind business as projects move out of farmland along the Columbia River into sagebrush country.

Congrats.. Hope you're there to see the sad looks on the little critters faces when they get the eviction notice.. More useless wind toys.. Yippeee...

At least --- they are not decieving the public into putting them into their backyards.. That's a positive step..
This will be a major source of income for many ranchers in the southern part of Eastern Oregon. And there are the basalt ridges in Southeastern Oregon that have huge potential for wind and solar energy. There rent the utilities pay could go to the support of our National Parks and Monuments. And in the broad basins, there is huge geo-thermal potential. Be nice to see that area experiance some economic good times.

Feds Give OK to Central Oregon Wind Farm | News - Home

BEND, Ore. -
The federal government on Thursday formally approved road and power line rights-of-way through about four miles of government land for a wind farm east of Bend that could add up to 52 turbines to the state's wind-energy boom.

The West Butte Wind Project would be on private land about 32 miles east of Bend, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management said.

The developer will pay for about 9,000 acres of sage grouse habitat elsewhere on bureau holdings, and it has worked on protection plans for golden eagles and bats, the bureau said.

Liz Nysson of the Oregon Natural Desert Association said the developer started early to reduce the potential harm to wildlife, a challenge for the wind business as projects move out of farmland along the Columbia River into sagebrush country.

Congrats.. Hope you're there to see the sad looks on the little critters faces when they get the eviction notice.. More useless wind toys.. Yippeee...

At least --- they are not decieving the public into putting them into their backyards.. That's a positive step..

How silly you are. The little critters will do just fine. The footprint of the mills are very small, and they don't spew poison that kills the soil and animals.
This will be a major source of income for many ranchers in the southern part of Eastern Oregon. And there are the basalt ridges in Southeastern Oregon that have huge potential for wind and solar energy. There rent the utilities pay could go to the support of our National Parks and Monuments. And in the broad basins, there is huge geo-thermal potential. Be nice to see that area experiance some economic good times.

Feds Give OK to Central Oregon Wind Farm | News - Home

BEND, Ore. -
The federal government on Thursday formally approved road and power line rights-of-way through about four miles of government land for a wind farm east of Bend that could add up to 52 turbines to the state's wind-energy boom.

The West Butte Wind Project would be on private land about 32 miles east of Bend, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management said.

The developer will pay for about 9,000 acres of sage grouse habitat elsewhere on bureau holdings, and it has worked on protection plans for golden eagles and bats, the bureau said.

Liz Nysson of the Oregon Natural Desert Association said the developer started early to reduce the potential harm to wildlife, a challenge for the wind business as projects move out of farmland along the Columbia River into sagebrush country.

Congrats.. Hope you're there to see the sad looks on the little critters faces when they get the eviction notice.. More useless wind toys.. Yippeee...

At least --- they are not decieving the public into putting them into their backyards.. That's a positive step..

How silly you are. The little critters will do just fine. The footprint of the mills are very small, and they don't spew poison that kills the soil and animals.

Yeah.. It'll be humane. With all that wind and turbine noise, the little rodents and ground birds won't HEAR the hawks coming ---- or their severed heads landing right next to them.

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