False-Flag Operation In Idaho......Cops Arrest 31 Suspects....But Keep Their Masks On To Hide Their Identities......WTF?

Yeah...that's what you people always say. You never believed in it.....at least that's what you're claiming now.

But the fact still remains....you really should be more of a cynic about what the FBI is up to now that you know for sure that they perpetrated the Russian Collusion hoax. What's to stop them from doing something similar again (Jan 6th..or.....Fake plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer)

I'm more than familiar with the Whitmer case. If you have evidence that's what is going on here, then by all means, present it. Otherwise, you're just another crank with a tin foil hat because, believe it or not, there are shitty people in the world who do shitty things. It's not all orchestrated by some secret cabal in the shadow government.

Dumb ass.
Seriously though, you think while being arrested in a massive group, law enforcement should take the time to remove their masks so a good press photo could be taken of them?
Yes....that's the point of the arrest....to know who they are and what they're up to.

My God you people are so gullible.
I'm more than familiar with the Whitmer case. If you have evidence that's what is going on here, then by all means, present it. Otherwise, you're just another crank with a tin foil hat because, believe it or not, there are shitty people in the world who do shitty things. It's not all orchestrated by some secret cabal in the shadow government.

Dumb ass.
No need for the name-calling.
Yeah...that's what you people always say. You never believed in it.....at least that's what you're claiming now.

But the fact still remains....you really should be more of a cynic about what the FBI is up to now that you know for sure that they perpetrated the Russian Collusion hoax. What's to stop them from doing something similar again (Jan 6th..or.....Fake plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer)

Yes. They were fine with faking criminal evidence for Obama and Hillary, and destroying evidence that would put a lot of the DNC leadership in prison, so their credibility is pretty much zero at this point. The entire agency should be dis-banded and replaced.
As I thought.
The only thing you know about that plot is what has been reported in the press....and like you I tend to believe in the possibilities.

Since the Ojay Simpson trial I've resisted the urge to think that the FBI isn't corrupt from the top down.
Seriously though, you think while being arrested in a massive group, law enforcement should take the time to remove their masks so a good press photo could be taken of them?
I would think law enforcement would remove the mask to easier identify them, particularly since they cannot remove the masks themselves once they are zipped tied. There are a lot of issues with this thing. False flag is as likely as the 'official' version.
MY guess, "some of them are undercover and their identity is being hidden". I would hope it isn't a False Flag or you are giving Americas enemies plenty of ammo to undermine "U.S Values".

Here is what you have to be cautious of though, over reach and lies, Canadian policing methods that has allowed us to become so economically weak that we are a welfare state engages in just this.

As I warned you of how Canadian policing works, if a Conservative government is in power, there is a sudden interest in far-left movements, when Liberals are in power, police focus on the far-right. In all cases, they focus on this for funding by using provocateurs and false flag ops.

Google "Montebello Quebec" where undercover RCMP were caught, denied the guys picking up rocks and promoting violence were theirs. They got caught, and the STILL denied they were anything but peaceful.

Check out the G20 and the lonely Toronto police car burning in the middle of nowhere. Why was a cop car left dormant and burning in the middle of nowhere, for hours by the way? Why to scare Canadians into the radical threat and piss away MORE money we don't have into the Cult. The cults involved in the G20 were TPS, OPP, RCMP.

I recall reading that in the 1970s the FBI broke up their efforts against the Black Panther Party as they realized that there were actually MORE undercover FBI entrenched in the Party than actual independent citizens. They wisely broke it up as clearly it was wasting resources.

Canada is economcally finished, and thus, fear and "security threats" will become the new sales pitch. I hope to God America doesn't follow our path, or you will lose a great deal of talent as Canada is now.
I would think law enforcement would remove the mask to easier identify them, particularly since they cannot remove the masks themselves once they are zipped tied. There are a lot of issues with this thing. False flag is as likely as the 'official' version.
They stood out like sore thumbs Rogue! Who needs the face, until you are on the Paddy wagon or in the station being locked up and booked....then the booking photos are public!

Please! Ya gotta stop all this conspiracy bull shit for every single thing!!! It's like the Boy who cried wolf, when the actual wolf arrives, no one will believe you!
I would think law enforcement would remove the mask to easier identify them, particularly since they cannot remove the masks themselves once they are zipped tied. There are a lot of issues with this thing. False flag is as likely as the 'official' version.
I'm sure they did that when they booked them. It's just that you and I didn't get to see that part. A pity.
They stood out like sore thumbs Rogue! Who needs the face, until you are on the Paddy wagon or in the station being locked up and booked....then the booking photos are public!

Please! Ya gotta stop all this conspiracy bull shit for every single thing!!! It's like the Boy who cried wolf, when the actual wolf arrives, no one will believe you!
The believers of The Big Lie keep proving their gullibility.
Get out of your mother's basement more and you won't get ridiculed for contriving lame paranoid conspiracies.
My mother died in 2016....so thanks for bringing it up.
I'm living in my own bought and paid for home with no mortgage and have been living away from home since the day I turned 18.

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