Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.
According to the contract Northstar provides management only all assets are owned by Illinois.

Page said they handle they day-to-day ops. And it seems like someone mishandled money so it's probably them. Not the state. Or at least not entirely. Probably a bit of both.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Obama has been in charge for almost 7 years and things are worse. You expect the other side to do what you aren't willing to hold your own guy to doing.
Progressives INTEND to crash the whole fucking economy down to the ground. First Lottery, then Social Security, then the military, finally EBT cards
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

It is theirs to do with as they please. You judgement, criticism, and bigotry is nothing more than pissing in the wind and sour grapes.
The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Obama has been in charge for almost 7 years and things are worse. You expect the other side to do what you aren't willing to hold your own guy to doing.

You folks have been hammering Obama over the economy for seven years and it began within the first few months of his presidency. Rauner should be held to the same candle, I have no idea why any would think differently.
they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Obama has been in charge for almost 7 years and things are worse. You expect the other side to do what you aren't willing to hold your own guy to doing.

You folks have been hammering Obama over the economy for seven years and it began within the first few months of his presidency. Rauner should be held to the same candle, I have no idea why any would think differently.

Problem is you're holding Rauner to a standard for which you don't hold Obama.
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

It is theirs to do with as they please. You judgement, criticism, and bigotry is nothing more than pissing in the wind and sour grapes.
It is not their money until they get it in their greasy little hands, fucko. Right now all they have is a right to receive payment.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Because michael madigan, the democrat in charge of the government.....the real person in charge, doesn't want to fix things.....madigan has been in power for decades......
sorry, the winnings are funded by the ticket sales...so not paying that out is actually stealing the money...it isn't tax dollars, it is money from ticket purchases....

Yeah, and? Those people chose to pay money to the state so that they could play a game of chance. Nobody forced them. Now, the state has winnings to distribute, and they most certainly should do so. But if it comes down to paying out lottery winnings or paying the police to do their jobs, I'm going to put priority on the latter.
They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.

Well there is a Republican in charge now for full 10 months, so why aren't the problems fixed? Obama was expected to fix the economy in the same amount of time and the problem was 100 times worse.

Obama has been in charge for almost 7 years and things are worse. You expect the other side to do what you aren't willing to hold your own guy to doing.

You folks have been hammering Obama over the economy for seven years and it began within the first few months of his presidency. Rauner should be held to the same candle, I have no idea why any would think differently.

Problem is you're holding Rauner to a standard for which you don't hold Obama.

That would be your standard.
taking from the working people giving to the government the liberal way

Nobody took anything from anybody. Those people choose to dump their money into a game of chance that never had any reasonable likelihood of amounting to anything. They happened to get lucky. Good for them, but big whoop. Sure, they deserve to be paid their winnings. But whereas the state is in a budgetary predicament, paying out frivolous lotto winnings over paying for vital governmental functions is reckless. Street scum who spent their TANF on a state sponsored game, or police keeping the public safe from criminals. You pick.

Responsible money management isn't the liberal way. But crying and whining "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie I'm entitled!" is most certainly the liberal way.
sorry, the winnings are funded by the ticket sales...so not paying that out is actually stealing the money...it isn't tax dollars, it is money from ticket purchases....

Yeah, and? Those people chose to pay money to the state so that they could play a game of chance. Nobody forced them. Now, the state has winnings to distribute, and they most certainly should do so. But if it comes down to paying out lottery winnings or paying the police to do their jobs, I'm going to put priority on the latter.

yeah...not your call....there was no statement to the rules that the state could steal the money to pay for things they can't pay for because they wasted all the other money they were given through taxes.
So you think it's OK for the government to steal?

Straw man. I never made any such claim. In fact, I clearly said that the winners are owed their winnings. But paying out those winnings is a lower priority than other more important things.
Breaking: Illinois says it is suspending lottery sales until it has the money to pay the winners...nah just kidding no way they give up that cash cow.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings
The entire state government of Illinois should be thrown into prison.
The sad part is, these people can sue the State and every person having anything to do with refusing to pay and it won't matter. If the State does not have the money, there is nothing that can be done.
Everyone should boycott the Illinois lottery.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings
If you are I had collected millions for a contest and refused to payout we'd be in prison.
Welcome to Leftard utopia.

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