Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

Damn delta you actually think their would be a trust fund????

No wonder why you buy into the man made climate change cult....
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

How is it "found money?" Are you trying to justify the state stealing their money?
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

It is theirs to do with as they please. You judgement, criticism, and bigotry is nothing more than pissing in the wind and sour grapes.
It is not their money until they get it in their greasy little hands, fucko. Right now all they have is a right to receive payment.

Wrong, asshole. That's like saying the money you have in the bank isn't yours until you withdraw it.
sorry, the winnings are funded by the ticket sales...so not paying that out is actually stealing the money...it isn't tax dollars, it is money from ticket purchases....

Yeah, and? Those people chose to pay money to the state so that they could play a game of chance. Nobody forced them. Now, the state has winnings to distribute, and they most certainly should do so. But if it comes down to paying out lottery winnings or paying the police to do their jobs, I'm going to put priority on the latter.

Wrong. Failure to pay out that money is theft, pure and simple. You are endorsing theft. If the state can't pay the police, that's the state's problem, not the lottery winners'.
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

A lottery ticket is no different from a government bond. When the time comes you are entitled to the money.

Mind you, based on your post, you probably have no idea what a bond is. You probably have no idea what honesty and contractual obligations are. You are a far lower animal than the winners you debase in your hateful post.
taking from the working people giving to the government the liberal way

Nobody took anything from anybody. Those people choose to dump their money into a game of chance that never had any reasonable likelihood of amounting to anything. They happened to get lucky. Good for them, but big whoop. Sure, they deserve to be paid their winnings. But whereas the state is in a budgetary predicament, paying out frivolous lotto winnings over paying for vital governmental functions is reckless. Street scum who spent their TANF on a state sponsored game, or police keeping the public safe from criminals. You pick.

Responsible money management isn't the liberal way. But crying and whining "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie I'm entitled!" is most certainly the liberal way.

They don't just deserve it, they are legally entitled to it. Failure to pay is theft. You are endorsing theft. You're nothing more than a cheap thug.
So you think it's OK for the government to steal?

Straw man. I never made any such claim. In fact, I clearly said that the winners are owed their winnings. But paying out those winnings is a lower priority than other more important things.

Yes, actually, you did. Paying out the winnings on time is not optional. It's part of the contract the state agreed to.
...Illinois. A front runner for the "most corrupt state government" award.
So you think it's OK for the government to steal?

Straw man. I never made any such claim. In fact, I clearly said that the winners are owed their winnings. But paying out those winnings is a lower priority than other more important things.

Yes, actually, you did. Paying out the winnings on time is not optional. It's part of the contract the state agreed to.

And paying the police their paychecks is also not option, either. Look, I never said that the state doesn't need to get their shit together. Clearly they do. But the reality is that they don't have the cash on hand to do all of these things right now, until the legislature gets the budget straight. So which option do you prefer? You want to fail to pay the police, fire fighters, and other vital services?
Breaking: Illinois says it is suspending lottery sales until it has the money to pay the winners...nah just kidding no way they give up that cash cow.

I doubt they will sell many tickets until they pay the winners.

They will sell millions of them. Its quite the scam these assholes in state government have going. First drive the jobs away with insane taxes and regulations then milk the poor each week for what little money they have by selling them a billion to one shot lotto tickets. These government assholes don't have me fooled, they could give a shit about the poor.
I'm confused. Withholding the payouts is the responsible course of action to take. Whatever the reasons for the state's catastrophic budgetary woes, I think it would be soundly wreckless to prioritize paying out lottery winnings over more vital government functions.

Those who have won most certainly should be given their winnings. But at the end of the day, I'm not going to shed any tears for whiny entitled people who just happened to get lucky after a lifetime of wasting their money chasing get-rich-quick dreams.

There is supposed to be a special fund for the lottery, much like there was a special trust fund for social security. It means that the money is not supposed to be touched except for the purpose it exists.

If the lottery money isn't there, it means the fund was raided and that is wrong.
taking from the working people giving to the government the liberal way

Nobody took anything from anybody. Those people choose to dump their money into a game of chance that never had any reasonable likelihood of amounting to anything. They happened to get lucky. Good for them, but big whoop. Sure, they deserve to be paid their winnings. But whereas the state is in a budgetary predicament, paying out frivolous lotto winnings over paying for vital governmental functions is reckless. Street scum who spent their TANF on a state sponsored game, or police keeping the public safe from criminals. You pick.

Responsible money management isn't the liberal way. But crying and whining "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie I'm entitled!" is most certainly the liberal way.

The state is obligated to pay the money genius. if not it's fraud. When you buy a ticket you enter into a contract, to be paid when you hit:slap:
In all probability...

The money is there...

It's just that there is presently no authorization to pay it out of the State Treasury, due to the budget impasse...

Perhaps I'm wrong...
In all probability...

The money is there...

It's just that there is presently no authorization to pay it out of the State Treasury, due to the budget impasse...

Perhaps I'm wrong...

This is Illinois we're talking about

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