Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

Illinois elected a republican governor less then a year ago and it's his fault the state is near collapse:uhoh3:
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

that whole article is a fraud...

All the links on the article refer to California Lottery...
Would think all the proceeds go into some kind of trust so payouts can happen. Where'd all that money go?

You believe that when you know how Social Security works?

SS money's still there. Wont be indefinitely, but it's there right now. :)
What? You got a link to back that up?

Far as I knew SS was in the hole and has been for quite some time, because politicians simply can't look at anything running a surplus without digging their greedy fucking fingers in it and spending the cash. SS is full of IOU's, and that's it. There is no money there. They've done the same thing with the PO and Amtrak, you name it. If the government is running it, IT'S IN THE HOLE.

Those lottery winnings should have been THERE because of the ticket purchases. If ILL can't pay, it's because they TOOK the money and used it for something else. The lottery should be SHUT DOWN in ILL. There's a reason us Wisconsinites call them 'FIBS'.
Liberals in Illinois stealing more money from poor people...

Lottery winners in Illinois may have hit the jackpot - but they have not been paid.

The state recently announced that it was not paying out any winnings worth more than $600 until its budget crisis is resolved - but it's still running TV ads promoting the lottery.

An attorney representing some of the winners, Tom Zimmerman, has said there is a staggering $288 million in winnings waiting to be paid out.

One winner, Susan Rick, told INSIDE EDITION: “We won. We finally can have a comfortable life. Suddenly you're gonna the rug out from underneath us. We had a ticket for $250,000.”

A group of Chicago city employees had joined a lotto pool and won a million dollars - but they still haven’t seen a penny of it either.

Rhonda Rasche, a 49-year-old hospital clerk, said that after winning $50,000 in a scratch-off lotto, officials told her she'd receive a check in the mail in four to six weeks. That was a few months ago.

“I've been waiting for a check for $50,000,” she said.

Families Outraged After Illinois Fails to Pay Out $288 Million in Lottery Winnings

that whole article is a fraud...

All the links on the article refer to California Lottery...
Those people are frauds?..You moron:slap:
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.
The leftist run that state you moron..That governor has only been in office 10 months:slap:
Democrats stealing money? I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. No one is more angry than I am about this. I'm getting together with my Vice President and forming an investigative committee with lots of expensive liberal lawyers and get to the bottom of this, harumph, harumph.
Would think all the proceeds go into some kind of trust so payouts can happen. Where'd all that money go?

actually...the money for the payout is there...they don't have the money to fund the office that cuts the checks..........
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.
The leftist run that state you moron..That governor has only been in office 10 months:slap:

The Comptroller is the person who controls the budget in Illinois and that person was appointed by Republican Bruce Rauner due to the death of the elected Comptroller.
I'm confused. Withholding the payouts is the responsible course of action to take. Whatever the reasons for the state's catastrophic budgetary woes, I think it would be soundly wreckless to prioritize paying out lottery winnings over more vital government functions.

Those who have won most certainly should be given their winnings. But at the end of the day, I'm not going to shed any tears for whiny entitled people who just happened to get lucky after a lifetime of wasting their money chasing get-rich-quick dreams.

sorry, the winnings are funded by the ticket sales...so not paying that out is actually stealing the money...it isn't tax dollars, it is money from ticket purchases....
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.

no...michael madigan the democrat majority leader controls the state government...you have to live here to know is.......they will not work on the budget so without a budget they can't make any payout that isn't court ordered....
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
So the Republican Governor of Illinois is fucking people out of their money. Figures.
The legislature (D) appropriates money the governor has little to do with appropriation. Another "Progressive" paradise failure,

The lottery doesn't need appropriation, it already is in receipt of the necessary funds. The Governor also is the responsible party who appoints and fires the manager of the lottery and those on the Lottery Control Board.

they don't have the money for the lottery office, until the state has a budget, so they can't pay to cut the checks and have the clerks move the money.

They have emergency funds available but have chosen to work around it so that they have access to great sums of money. It is classic rob Peter to pay Paul. Now they have an extra $288 million which will benefit the citizens of Illinois while inconveniencing a few people. Personally I think it's dishonest, but I can certainly understand the logic behind the decision.
Don't talk to me about Illinois politics when I visit in Wisconsin I detour hundreds of miles to avoid Illinois. Karma is a bitch as the people of Illinois are discovering.
Fuck 'em. Yeah, they are legally owed the money. But it is "found money"; it is not budgeted for. So these assholes being "outraged" is loathesome. They are just going to piss it away. 99% of lottery players puss away what little money they have on those fucking lottery tickets and other frivolities, like cigarettes. They are basically dumb animals who cannot take care of themselves with the fucking government.

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