‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds

or the Vietnam War and the drug revolution etc etc. Giving the country a safety net is hardly wrecking the family unit. RW nonsense.
They won't be happy till they are begging in the streets so they can turn them away and exemplify their righteousness to tell the beggars to get a job...
So you aren't allowed to tell them they need to get a job? You can't tell them they need to improve themselves to become employable? That somehow is others being righteous pointing out a better life comes with some effort and not relying on the government handout. Isn't the first step to not being a beggar getting a paying job to support yourself? If I was going to solve the homeless problem I'm thinking I would start there. Where would you start?
So you aren't allowed to tell them they need to get a job? You can't tell them they need to improve themselves to become employable? That somehow is others being righteous pointing out a better life comes with some effort and not relying on the government handout. Isn't the first step to not being a beggar getting a paying job to support yourself? If I was going to solve the homeless problem I'm thinking I would start there. Where would you start?

Mike, the liberals know that the right would actually help people get out of poverty. No one wants people to live in poverty. No one wants them on the streets. What we want is more happy people who share the American dream, not to mention the tax burden. It's not a matter of rejecting people, it's a matter of wanting them to come join us. The people who now live in poverty would be so much happier if they said goodbye to liberal policies and worked toward a real future.

Without angry, bitter poor people, the liberal agenda falls apart. That is why they reject solutions that would actually make a difference. They preach entitlement and want people to stay angry and miserable so they have an "enemy" to fight on their behalf. Over 6 decades of fighting poverty and the problem grows every year. That is proof that they don't want to fight it, they want it to exist so they can use it for their own purposes. So, they blame other people as if racist/wealthy/white people are forcing poor people to quit school and make bad decisions. The left could just as easily send the message that a life on the doles is the last thing anyone should want, but they prefer to constantly promise to make life on the plantation more pleasant to keep people happy. People have been waiting for years for government to lift them from poverty because they don't realize that it's impossible. We can sustain people, but only they can lift themselves. I am concerned that some don't want that.
Yeah because the right has been sooooo successful in eliminating poverty when they had their shots. :cuckoo:
Yeah because the right has been sooooo successful in eliminating poverty when they had their shots. :cuckoo:

The right has never been in power long enough to convince some people that they could change if they wanted to. We are fighting 60 years of lies from the left about what government can do. Add to that the entitlement mentality and now the blaming of others for their misery. That is why it's up to the left to start changing their language slowly until people understand the limits of what government can do and encourage people to complete school and start making better choices. Too many poor people will only listen to the left and have been promised more, more, more. It's a mindset that has been passed from generation to generation and unless the left wants to stop playing games and using people for political advantage, I don't see any changes on the horizon.
Is this a report from the Department of "No Shit Sherlock"? Kids do better in intact homes? Color me shocked. :rolleyes:

So, you do understand that there are too many dysfunctional families and that is at the root of the problem. So, what is the solution?
I want to ask liberals if they are ready to address the main issue here, which is black families being more apt to have single parents. I can only assume that the liberal politicians prefer to have minorities dependent on government since they refuse to tackle the real problem and will continue to impugn anyone who does want to deal with it. If we keep pushing the victimhood mentality and keep preaching to people that they are entitled to be subsidized, they will never improve. I believe that liberal politicians don't want to talk honestly about this because it would be a wake up call to their base and because independent people are not going to run to nanny government.

More whites are on government assistance than blacks.

Try not to blame color for EVERYTHING bad in the world.

I thought it was only niggas that didnt understand percentages?
Yeah because the right has been sooooo successful in eliminating poverty when they had their shots. :cuckoo:

So Republicans are supposed to force black families to stay together?
Let me know when you figure out how we're supposed to do that.

Responding to the historically challenged poster who said the right has never been in power long enough to eliminate poverty. :eusa_liar:
Responding to the historically challenged poster who said the right has never been in power long enough to eliminate poverty. :eusa_liar:

You don't get it. Government cannot lift people from poverty. They can only sustain them. In order for people to improve their lives, they have to want to do so and be willing to do what it takes. The left has promoted victimhood, entitlement and acted as enablers for people as they settled into a life of dependency. This has gone on for generations. One party cannot change decades of liberal brainwashing. It's really up to the left to change their rhetoric and start promoting self-reliance over dependence. It means stopping the crap about entitlement. The left has more influence over many poor people because they helped create them by promising them a better life and convincing them that there are others to blame for their predicament.

Individuals making good decisions will eliminate poverty. More and more people trusting the left to do it for them will create more poverty. Maybe the left could start by helping people understand that the people who stand in their way are the ones they see in the mirror. Not some wealthy person. Crony capitalism hurts us all, but is not responsible for people failing to even get a high school education, having kids too early and a lot of other choices that lead to a life on the government plantation. The left refuses to tell people they need to take responsibility and make changes. The left wants poor people to "rescue", only they never rescue them. They can't do that. They want people to believe they can so they will vote for them with the expectation that they will go after the wealthy and confiscate some money for them. They believe that is what they need. They don't see the difference between being subsidized and actually finding a better life.

Funny that when some realize that, they soon learn that they are hated by the left. Ask any Republican minority. All the left does is call them names if they don't carry the water for Democrats. The left called it racist when some mentioned that Obama was helped by affirmative action. Now they claim that about every Republican minority. They bash Republican minorities because they discourage dependency on liberal politicians.
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The right hasn't done any better than the left. That is an historical fact.

The left is in a better position to help the government dependents because that is who they trust. The left tries to scare them by making them think they can't possibly make it on their own and that the right won't continue to take care of them. Maybe the liberals could change their message. Might mean losing some votes, though, so I won't hold my breath.

We have generations of people on welfare and each generation is worse off. We have more turning to crime. How many were raised by parents who committed crimes, did drugs and couldn't read or write? Most of us see each generation doing better than the one before, but that isn't true with government dependents. That includes people of all races. The attitude of many is appalling. I wonder how people can be that stupid, but considering that they were raised by parents who were uneducated and lacked common sense, it starts to make sense. What is being passed from generation to generation is a complete lack of ambition and gross lack of intelligence. I am sorry to say that, but when someone has no clue how other people are able to live well, it's clear they have never been taught responsibility. I have heard the phrase, "Must be nice", so many times from some welfare people I've known. They have said that when they see my car or my house. I told them it is nice, but the payments are a bitch. And I didn't love going to work every day to make those payments.

I find it sad that some will only have what they are given and they have no idea that they could change that. Never too late to finish school and get your shit together.

Democrats need to start talking more about family values and personal responsibility instead of excusing all bad behavior and blaming everything on people who never had any control over them. It's not the wealthy peoples' fault that some peoples' lives are a huge mess. It's not white peoples' fault that so many black children live in run-down neighborhoods.

They are there because they don't know how to get out or they don't believe they can. This is the left's fault for convincing them of this over the years.
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Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed.

I think that's putting the cart before the horse. Instead of parents changing so their children succeed, I think people need to start focusing more on changing so that they don't have children who fail. I.E. most of these people should have never been parents in the first place. They were never equipped to take on the burden in the first place, and likely never will be.
Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed.

I think that's putting the cart before the horse. Instead of parents changing so their children succeed, I think people need to start focusing more on changing so that they don't have children who fail. I.E. most of these people should have never been parents in the first place. They were never equipped to take on the burden in the first place, and likely never will be.

You make an excellent point. Sadly, there are many that are parents and really suck at it. I fear their children don't have any positive influence in their lives and it will take a huge toll. We tend to be the same kind of parents our own parents were like. It is a vicious cycle and the problem of broken families gets worse with every new generation. Hard to know how to tackle such a huge problem, but promoting more of it sure isn't the answer. If we continue to absolve people of any responsibility for their own well being, it will get even worse. Attitudes all around need to change as we try to bring everyone together and help those who currently are incapable or unwilling to better themselves. The left has their attention, so it really it up to them to start. And it is imperative that the blaming stops and people are made to understand that they are not victims of other people nor entitled to lifelong care by tax payers. Our much needed safety net has become a permanent plan. No one should settle for that and it's tough to convince some people of that. If they really don't believe they can make a difference in their very own lives, we are all doomed.
Ah, everyone is trying to read their own ideology into a pretty bland, DUH survey. How cute.

On one hand, you're right that it's a "duh" survey. On the other hand, it still hits at a truth that most people continue to overlook (or insist on dismissing, like you're doing). Making these issues out to be race problems is entirely superficial. These are much deeper social problems and race is largely an incidental correlation.
As long as we don't get stuck with a dipshit like Cruz, Rubio, or Paul, we'll do ok. one of those idiots will make W look like a genius.
all of those men are head and shoulders above Hillary or Bush.

Only to other dipshits.
no doubt those men have very high I.Q. unlike your moron level

Ah, everyone is trying to read their own ideology into a pretty bland, DUH survey. How cute.

On one hand, you're right that it's a "duh" survey. On the other hand, it still hits at a truth that most people continue to overlook (or insist on dismissing, like you're doing). Making these issues out to be race problems is entirely superficial. These are much deeper social problems and race is largely an incidental correlation.

Please show me where I mentioned race.

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