‘Family Intactness’ a Greater Determinant of Well-Being Than Race, Study Finds

Parents need to change if they want their children to succeed.

I think that's putting the cart before the horse. Instead of parents changing so their children succeed, I think people need to start focusing more on changing so that they don't have children who fail. I.E. most of these people should have never been parents in the first place. They were never equipped to take on the burden in the first place, and likely never will be.

I think that is an exaggeration.

It is not that the single parents (mostly mothers) could NOT provide good homes, but that they have been taught lies about what a good home is.

They have been taught that marriage is not needed.

They have been taught that a father is not needed.

If we stop pretending that single mothers are the equal of a two parent nuclear family, then young women can change their actions, ie plan to have a family with a married father.

For starters.
Individuals making good decisions will eliminate poverty.

So if all individuals currently in poverty make good decisions, they will all magically stop being poor?

How? By getting jobs that don't exist?

You have a family with two parents, even if they have two low paying jobs, that's better than none or one.

Two parents can provide better parenting coverage than one.

That will make the difference for a lot of the current poor.

For a start.
I never posted "Individuals making good decisions will eliminate poverty. "

How did that turn up attributed to me?
Individuals making good decisions will eliminate poverty.

So if all individuals currently in poverty make good decisions, they will all magically stop being poor?

How? By getting jobs that don't exist?

True they won't stop being poor for a while. It takes a lot of time, especially when people have children. However, their children will likely have a better future if they are taught well while they are young.
I think that is an exaggeration.

It is not that the single parents (mostly mothers) could NOT provide good homes, but that they have been taught lies about what a good home is.

They have been taught that marriage is not needed.

They have been taught that a father is not needed.

If we stop pretending that single mothers are the equal of a two parent nuclear family, then young women can change their actions, ie plan to have a family with a married father.

For starters.

Between what they've been taught, their lack of resources, and their personal inability to provide good parenting whether as as single parent or not, they don't have what it takes.
As long as we don't get stuck with a dipshit like Cruz, Rubio, or Paul, we'll do ok. one of those idiots will make W look like a genius.
all of those men are head and shoulders above Hillary or Bush.

Only to other dipshits.
no doubt those men have very high I.Q. unlike your moron level

Ah, everyone is trying to read their own ideology into a pretty bland, DUH survey. How cute.

On one hand, you're right that it's a "duh" survey. On the other hand, it still hits at a truth that most people continue to overlook (or insist on dismissing, like you're doing). Making these issues out to be race problems is entirely superficial. These are much deeper social problems and race is largely an incidental correlation.

Please show me where I mentioned race.


Show me where I said that you did.
In your post quoted above: "... making these issues about race problems..."

Did you read your own post?
In your post quoted above: "... making these issues about race problems..."

Did you read your own post?

Let me break this down to Barney and Baby Bop level to appease your natural reading level.....

The point highlighted in the survey is that there is too much focus on race and not enough focus on the deeper issues. You dismiss this as a "duh" survey. By doing so, you are dismissing what's actually important. On it's surface this is a "duh" survey. But what this really tells us is that the popular attribution to race, of these problems, is folly.

I'll say it again: The popular attribution to race, of these problems, is folly.

That is the message. You have failed to comprehend that, and are dismissing that message. Which doesn't mean that you are making it out to be about race. It means that you fail to appreciate how important it is to confront the racial attributions in other people.

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