Family slugged with 'carbon tax fee' for funeral


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It is not like you can take it with you, now even in death the tax man cometh.

Family slugged with 'carbon tax fee' for funeral

Family slugged with 'carbon tax fee' for funeral

A Melbourne family who claim they were slugged an extra $55 "carbon tax charge" when burying a relative were told "even the dead don't escape the carbon tax".

Erica Maliki and her family were burying her father-in-law at Springvale Cemetery when she was told the price per burial plot had increased because of the carbon tax.
The prices had increased, but they increase every year on the 1st of July. A staff member said it was because of the tax. Obviously that staff member needs some more training.
Obama causes the price of burial polots to rise in Australia?
Wow now that is some awesome power!
Thank goodness they didn't cremate the guy. After all, we're 18% carbon by mass.
Ugly bags of mostly water.

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I never noticed before, but Picard has a protrusive adams apple.
Why do they call it an adams apple when it was eve that plucked it from the tree?

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