A Sheriff's Deputy Denied Burial At Louisiana Cemetary?? WTF?

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit
You got it all wrong there. Abraham Lincoln was a staunch Republican. It was Southern white liberal Democrat slave-owners who rose up in rebellion against the United States in a vain effort to preserve their outmoded institutions of forcible slavery and involuntary servitude.
True about DemoKKKrats but it was also about $$$$$$$$.


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
I'm a conservative Constitutional Monarchist; you are a DemoKKKrat just as were your black hating slave owning ideological forebears..................Oz never had any legalised slavery, idiot!!


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
I'm a conservative Constitutional Monarchist; you are a DemoKKKrat just as were your black hating slave owning ideological forebears..................Oz never had any legalised slavery, idiot!!

Still waiting for you to name a Civil Rights, Woman's Rights, Voting Rights policy written by a Conservative.....

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??

Laws of the Northwest Ordinance. (Predated the Formal party but the anti-slavers went on to form the Republican Party......read the Article. End of the Slave Trade 1808....ditto

Dems, however.....The 1820 Missouri Compromise promoted slavery........
The 1850 Fugitive Slave Law
The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act
Jim Crow Laws...................LEGION

Having taught US History at the college level, I would like to add the many efforts of Democrats even after the Civil War despite and defying the new amendments to the Constitution to disenfranchise former slaves by court decisions by the courts to establish and maintain segregation as an example Plessy v. Ferguson.

Deidre Shelden (author) from Texas, USA on October 19, 2012:"

Also.....you forgot about Eisenhower

t started with the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Eisenhower endorsed civil rights legislation in his 1956 State of the Union Address. Running on a civil rights platform, the GOP incumbent then easily defeated Democrat candidate Adlai Stevenson and increased his vote totals in the South in 1956 over the 1952 election.

In 1957, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent Congress a proposal for civil rights legislation, which he proposed in his 1957 State of the Union address, designed the bill, engineered it through Congress, and signed the first civil rights bill into law since Reconstruction.

Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) introduced the civil rights bill on behalf of the Eisenhower Administration and assumed leadership to move the bill through the Senate. Republican Dirksen declared that “Since 1945 I have been introducing bills for civil rights.”

Back when Republicans actually had backbones, the Republican National Committee issued a press release on August 6, 1957, attacking then U.S. Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX) for opposing the Republican civil rights legislation. The RNC exposed how Democrats including LBJ as late as 1957 were fighting against the rights of African-Americans.

By this legislation, Eisenhower created the Civil Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, empowered federal prosecutors to get court orders enjoining interference with the right of blacks to vote, and established the Civil Rights Commission. The final act was weakened by Congress from Eisenhower’s draft due to lack of support from the Democrats.

However, as the Western Illinois Historical Reviewexplains, prior to 1957, “Southern congressmen and senators prevented any legislation from passing for decades due to their domination of powerful committees and their use of the filibuster. The 1957 act showed cracks in the system.” Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Act of 1957 was a game-changer because the Republicans opened the door to getting legislation passed, not because it was the one and only civil rights bill needed.

Later that year, Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10730 on September 23, 1957, “Desegregation of Central High School,” calling out the National Guard to desegregate the South. The President nationalized the Arkansas National Guard and sent in National Guardsmen from the 101st Airborne Division, starting in Little Rock, Arkansas, to escort African-American students into previously whites-only segregated public schools.

Next Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1960. Republican Eisenhower proposed measures to strengthen enforcement and the teeth of his Civil Rights Act of 1957, including providing for federal prosecution for interfering with court orders regarding school desegregation. In keeping with the consistent pattern on civil rights, 81.5% of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted for Ike’s 1960 Civil Rights Act while only 59% of Democrats did.

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But…. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and of 1960. And a greater percentage Republicans voted for all those civil rights bills than Democrats. So both Republican and Democrat Presidents signed civil rights legislation. "

BTW: JFK pushed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill up until his death BEFORE it was passed because not only was he a good man but he was a N E Catholic Dem; they were hated by the rest of the DemoKKKrats as much as Blacks.

So, stupid, maybe you should just accept that you're an ignorant twit!!!

Last edited:

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
I'm a conservative Constitutional Monarchist; you are a DemoKKKrat just as were your black hating slave owning ideological forebears..................Oz never had any legalised slavery, idiot!!

Still waiting for you to name a Civil Rights, Woman's Rights, Voting Rights policy written by a Conservative.....
SOK, there are so bloody many. As a Dem I realise it would take you only three seconds. lmao You found that postage stamp you copied it onto???


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
I'm a conservative Constitutional Monarchist; you are a DemoKKKrat just as were your black hating slave owning ideological forebears..................Oz never had any legalised slavery, idiot!!

Still waiting for you to name a Civil Rights, Woman's Rights, Voting Rights policy written by a Conservative.....
Now tell me; can you name ALL the times DemoKKKrats voted AGAINST Civil Rights provisions AND FOR Jim Crow Laws....I'll give you a month.


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
So you’re mad about an old Democrat law?
You may want to start voting for the other party then.

Funny that it is Republicans fighting to maintain it.
Are you really that ignorant!!!!


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...
Hmmm...one of them DemoKKKrat rules. Damn sad story.

It must really be a sad place to have to avoid saying the word conservative huh??

And its usually the so-called conservatives that always find ways to avoid saying that word when it comes to the Civil Rights era....why??

You should be able to point to plenty of Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Women's Rights policies that were written by Conservatives...right??
I'm a conservative Constitutional Monarchist; you are a DemoKKKrat just as were your black hating slave owning ideological forebears..................Oz never had any legalised slavery, idiot!!

Still waiting for you to name a Civil Rights, Woman's Rights, Voting Rights policy written by a Conservative.....
Educate yourself you mutt!!!


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
Absolute NONSENSE!!!!!!! Lying like that only makes you look STUPID!!!!!


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
Absolute NONSENSE!!!!!!! Lying like that only makes you look STUPID!!!!!

What is nonsense about it?

Do you think all of those democrats living in the South who voted against civil rights, joined the kkk, and championed Jim Crow era...

picked up and moved to the north or to some liberal state and left their beloved Land of Dixie?

I can assure you, most didn't, including my Alabama and Georgian ancestors....They still live there, and most are now members of the GOP, they are republicans now.

That's just a fact.

(In fairness to much of my family, they have repented for their dirty deeds of the past...)

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
They know this...they are just gaslighting....

As I have said over and over again....if conservatives couldn't gaslight, they would have no light at all......

You can't both claim you are the champions of civil rights policies in this country while also whining about how you are losing the culture war and other BS when those policies go into effect....

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
Absolute NONSENSE!!!!!!! Lying like that only makes you look STUPID!!!!!

What is nonsense about it?

Do you think all of those democrats living in the South who voted against civil rights, joined the kkk, and championed Jim Crow era...

picked up and moved to the north or to some liberal state and left their beloved Land of Dixie?

I can assure you, most didn't, including my Alabama and Georgian ancestors....They still live there, and most are now members of the GOP, they are republicans now.

That's just a fact.

(In fairness to much of my family, they have repented for their dirty deeds of the past...)
No; they have stayed loyal to their DemoKKKrat Party; they are SCUM!! Of course the DemoKKKrats are still as racist as ever; just hiding behind "lowered expectations" but that is another story you disgusting racist pig!!!


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
They know this...they are just gaslighting....

As I have said over and over again....if conservatives couldn't gaslight, they would have no light at all......

You can't both claim you are the champions of civil rights policies in this country while also whining about how you are losing the culture war and other BS when those policies go into effect....
LIAR!! That issue was dealt with in the link I provided. You want to stay a dumb ignorant animal I won't stop you.


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
They know this...they are just gaslighting....

As I have said over and over again....if conservatives couldn't gaslight, they would have no light at all......

You can't both claim you are the champions of civil rights policies in this country while also whining about how you are losing the culture war and other BS when those policies go into effect....
Answer the question you stupid animal; haw many Civil Rights pieces of legislation AND Jim Crow Laws have DemoKKKrats voted against and for!!!!??


"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
Absolute NONSENSE!!!!!!! Lying like that only makes you look STUPID!!!!!

What is nonsense about it?

Do you think all of those democrats living in the South who voted against civil rights, joined the kkk, and championed Jim Crow era...

picked up and moved to the north or to some liberal state and left their beloved Land of Dixie?

I can assure you, most didn't, including my Alabama and Georgian ancestors....They still live there, and most are now members of the GOP, they are republicans now.

That's just a fact.

(In fairness to much of my family, they have repented for their dirty deeds of the past...)
No; they have stayed loyal to their DemoKKKrat Party; they are SCUM!! Of course the DemoKKKrats are still as racist as ever; just hiding behind "lowered expectations" but that is another story you disgusting racist pig!!!

Keep believing in that fairy tale, if it makes you feel better...
(Or serves your political purpose)

You have the right to do such....doesn't mean the rest of us have to go along with this "make believe"....

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
They know this...they are just gaslighting....

As I have said over and over again....if conservatives couldn't gaslight, they would have no light at all......

You can't both claim you are the champions of civil rights policies in this country while also whining about how you are losing the culture war and other BS when those policies go into effect....
Answer the question you stupid animal; haw many Civil Rights pieces of legislation AND Jim Crow Laws have DemoKKKrats voted against and for!!!!??

No one is denying most Democrats in the South during that era, fought against civil rights.

I'm just saying those once democrats of yesteryear, are now mostly republicans... and those black Americans of yesteryear, who were Republicans durng that era, are now mostly Democrats.

"The board of a small Louisiana cemetery that denied burial to a Black sheriff’s deputy held an emergency meeting Thursday and removed a whites-only provision from its sales contracts. The family of Allen Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Darrell Semien, who died Sunday, had been told that he could not be buried at the cemetery near Oberlin because he was African American.

Karla Semien of Oberlin wrote Tuesday on Facebook that a woman at the cemetery had told her that her husband could not be buried there because it was for whites only. I just can’t believe in 2021 in oberlin Louisiana this is happening,” Semien wrote. “To be told this is like we were nothing. He was nothing? He put his life on the line for them,” Semien told KPLC-TV on Wednesday."

Yea, it's hard to believe that this shit is still happening in 2021 -- but fortunately, the president of the funeral home made it right and even offered a free plot to the family to try to make amends....As was said in the article, the "whites only" provision was one of those hold overs from the Jim Crow era...I guess it takes awhile to totally dismantle a system like that; this was just one more brick removed....while some may have wanted to "conserve" that kind of privilege, progressing forward is good...

That's the legacy of the Robert Byrd/Joe Biden wing of the DemoKKKrat party.
The legacy of conservatism you mean.......

Since the main opposition to Civil Rights came from conservatives...

Which is why this story triggered you to blurt out dumb shit

Why do you lie so causally?

The 1964 Civil Rights acts got a much higher voting support by percentage from the Republicans than from the Democrats. Not only that it was Democrats such as Robert Byrd who tried to stop it through Filibustering.
The conservative democrats that lived in the South, the sometimes called Dixiecrats, who fought against civil rights, their descendants still live there in the South, and are now proud Confederate flag bearing conservative Republicans, for the most part.
Absolute NONSENSE!!!!!!! Lying like that only makes you look STUPID!!!!!

What is nonsense about it?

Do you think all of those democrats living in the South who voted against civil rights, joined the kkk, and championed Jim Crow era...

picked up and moved to the north or to some liberal state and left their beloved Land of Dixie?

I can assure you, most didn't, including my Alabama and Georgian ancestors....They still live there, and most are now members of the GOP, they are republicans now.

That's just a fact.

(In fairness to much of my family, they have repented for their dirty deeds of the past...)
No; they have stayed loyal to their DemoKKKrat Party; they are SCUM!! Of course the DemoKKKrats are still as racist as ever; just hiding behind "lowered expectations" but that is another story you disgusting racist pig!!!

Keep believing in that fairy tale, if it makes you feel better...
(Or serves your political purpose)

You have the right to do such....doesn't mean the rest of us have to go along with this "make believe"....
Quit lying you fool!!! Racists are SHIT and stagnate in the DemoKKKrat party cesspit!!!


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