Family Sues PA School District After Their Daughter is Abused and Called a KKK Suppor

She ordered Pawlucy to remove the shirt, then enlisted an aide who tried to draw an X through the candidates’ name on the shirt.​

Try drawing on some random person's shirt on the street.

Get arrested for assault.
So, we can only assume that you'd have had no problem being dressed down in front of your entire squadron by the CO calling you a "rug muncher"?

Yeah, there's no WAY you'd have filed an EEO complaint, would you? :cool:

Just admit it, bode: You agree with the bullying of conservative children.

Fascinating. Look who dropped by.

Here...let me clutch my pearls and grab my smelling salts.

No, wait....I'm not a Rightie.....this isn't cry worthy.

I have a hard time believing you wouldn't have filed an EEO complaint against your CO for calling you a rug-muncher in front of the entire squadron.

So, I think you're lying.

Let's see...before I answer...are you saying the situations are comparable?

BTW...I was called a "gash" by a senior officer, a Marine major, at a squadron organized event, in front of everyone including the CO and XO and nothing was done about that. Nor did I ask that anything be done.
Good for them Teacher should pay up and then think twice about being such a fuck up.

Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Yep...go for the big pay off. If I were a parent in that district....that family would truely know what "hurt feelings" are all about.


Rather than the fucked up teacher who was OBVIOUSLY in the wrong?

This is why you liberals are fucking brain dead!!

Punish the victim, protect the perp!!

You are one sick BITCH, BITCH!!
Except they aren't suing the teacher, she doesnt have deep pockets! They're suing the school district.

Yep...go for the big pay off. If I were a parent in that district....that family would truely know what "hurt feelings" are all about.


Rather than the fucked up teacher who was OBVIOUSLY in the wrong?

This is why you liberals are fucking brain dead!!

Punish the victim, protect the perp!!

You are one sick BITCH, BITCH!!

1. The teacher apologized

2. Why are they not suing the teacher? Doesn't she have enough money?

3. Unlike some RWrs, I will not cry or run for a lawyer because of your words to me.
What culpability do her parents have?

Part of her complaint is that the school failed to protect her from the ridicule of other students. I know people who refused to put Obama or Romney bumper stickers on their car because the election was so contentious, yet these parents had no issues sending their child to school in a Romney shirt.

Did they assume everyone at the school, all the students, were Romney supporters?

You're fucking kidding, right??

GAWD, tell me you're kidding...

I actually had some respect for you prior to THAT^^^!

Did you blame the parents of the kid wearing an American Flag shirt on Cinco de Mayo, too?

Of course you did, moron!!
Once the taxpayers are finished paying out their millions maybe they'll press the schoolboard into picking classier teachers.

Ones that can conceal carry perhaps.

That might help solve the problems with increased shootings at schools. Knowing that some teachers and staff may be armed, not knowing which ones, that really is quite a deterrent to the cowards that perpetrate such atrocities.

You can bet all the unarmed ones wear Obama shirts....
What culpability do her parents have?

Part of her complaint is that the school failed to protect her from the ridicule of other students. I know people who refused to put Obama or Romney bumper stickers on their car because the election was so contentious, yet these parents had no issues sending their child to school in a Romney shirt.

Did they assume everyone at the school, all the students, were Romney supporters?

No, but I bet they expected their child would be safe, even from people with opposing views.

Your attempt to place blame on this girl's parents is as fucked up as blaming a rape victim for wearing a short skirt. Or do you find such accusations reasonable?
She was safe.

There are people on this very site, who said they didn't feel comfortable putting up a Romney yard sign, but these parents had no problem turning their daughter into a Romney billboard.

Proof only that you libtards are truly dangerous psychotics...
She had the right to wear the shirt.
She had the right to wear the shirt and not face ridicule from her teaher.
The teacher was totally in the wrong, and should lose her job because of it.

She does not have the right to except the school to protect her from mean students who dont agree with her political beliefs. Im honestly shocked that so many here, who were quick to say how they wouldnt dream of sporting a romney bumper sticker because some "damn liberal" might take offense, cant fathom having a discussion with your 16 year old about possible consequences of wearing the shirt to school. Either her parents talked to her about it, and she accepted that some people might be mean, or her parents let her walk to school ignorant of the scorn she might face.

Either way she doesnt deserve millions from the state.
Would you send your 16 year old to school in a pro-life shirt?

Even if it was the position I held, I cant see casually letting my child wear a controversial shirt without at the very least having a serious discussion about what the repercussions could be.

My GOD! You seem to expect serious repercussion for wearing a shirt with a political statement, but you don't want armed guards protecting 1st graders.

She's upset the school didn't protect her from ridicule from her peers, if you loudly support something that not everyone supports you open yourself to ridicule.

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!
My GOD! You seem to expect serious repercussion for wearing a shirt with a political statement, but you don't want armed guards protecting 1st graders.

She's upset the school didn't protect her from ridicule from her peers, if you loudly support something that not everyone supports you open yourself to ridicule.

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!

My goodness...such anger.
My GOD! You seem to expect serious repercussion for wearing a shirt with a political statement, but you don't want armed guards protecting 1st graders.

She's upset the school didn't protect her from ridicule from her peers, if you loudly support something that not everyone supports you open yourself to ridicule.

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!

Been drinking?

"...Filed in federal court in Philadelphia, the suit says the district ignored Samantha Pawlucy's right to free speech, let other students threaten and harass her and subjected her "to emotional distress".."

News -
She's upset the school didn't protect her from ridicule from her peers, if you loudly support something that not everyone supports you open yourself to ridicule.

NOT from her peers, you stupid excuse for a human, from her TEACHER!!

FUCK, you're a stupid bitch!!

Been drinking?

"...Filed in federal court in Philadelphia, the suit says the district ignored Samantha Pawlucy's right to free speech, let other students threaten and harass her and subjected her "to emotional distress".."

News -

No, I've sat here reading 18 pages of you spineless bitches making excuses for a shitheel teacher who ONLY has your 'support' because she agrees with your political persuasion.

Put the shoe on the other foot and you two-faced, hypocritical BITCHES would be organizing protest marches and White House petitions to fire the teacher who ridiculed a kid in an Obama t-shirt.

Your hypocrisy knows NO bounds, and you sit there wondering why you're getting hammered for it?

There's a fucking word for women like you, but it's the ONLY one not allowed on this board.

You fucking make me SICK!!!
Yep...go for the big pay off. If I were a parent in that district....that family would truely know what "hurt feelings" are all about.


Rather than the fucked up teacher who was OBVIOUSLY in the wrong?

This is why you liberals are fucking brain dead!!

Punish the victim, protect the perp!!

You are one sick BITCH, BITCH!!

1. The teacher apologized

2. Why are they not suing the teacher? Doesn't she have enough money?

3. Unlike some RWrs, I will not cry or run for a lawyer because of your words to me.

I'm sorry you're a sick fucking libtard who thinks attacking a child with a different point of view is OK, as long as that viewpoint is conservative. See how an apology works?
Why is that? You support fascist tactics like labeling a child an "undesirable" infront of an entire class, making her take her take off her shirt that is in support of the opposition, and then marking it with an X, and then telling that child "This is a school for the Party"?

Fascist. *spit*

You really got some mental issues going on there don't you.

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